《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 9


~Naruto's pov~

Me and Kurama, tied. He won two rounds, I won the other two rounds, but we tied the last round somehow. But since we tied, I have to have a fox's ears and tail. I also get the fox summoning contract tho. Kurama pulled a scroll seemingly out of nowhere. "Singh here in your blood." he told me as he pointed to a spot on the scroll. I bit into my thumb and wrote my name where he told me to. "Now my turn." he said. He did some hand signs.

I don't know what happened after that for I passed out.

~Kurama's pov~

Naruto passed out after I did some hand signs. Two fox ears sprouted from his head while a fox tail sprouted from his tail bone. I knocked him out because it will hurt a bit while they grow. I also knocked him out because, that kid needs sleep!! He refuses to get some medicine for he does not trust what they may actually give him instead. I pick him up and put him in his bed. I pulled the sheets up over him and put away the shogi board. I then proceeded to turn his light off and went back into him.

~Time Skip To Morning~

~Naruto's pov~

I woke up in my bed with an awful headache and a pain were my tail bone was.I got up and found that I had a yellow with white at the top fox tail. I went to my full length mirror and saw matching fox ears at the top of my head. "Hey, kit." 'Hey Kura. What is it?' I asked. "Try summoning a fox." was all he said.

I did as told and summoned a beautiful sky blue fox with red eyes.

He stood up to Naruto's height. "Hello, my name is Naruto, may I ask what your name is?" "Hello there Naruto. My name is Litten." All of a sudden Kurama popped out in fox form. He was about the same size as Litten. "Wow. On the first try, you actually managed to summon one of the strongest foxes." Litten bowed down. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Kurama-sama. So this is who you choose to be the fox guardian?" He said and stopped bowing.


I look at Kurama confused. He sighed and turned to me. "Look here, kit." I looked at him as he started explaining. "I have chosen you to be the protector of foxes, kit." I looked at him shocked. "Why did you choose me?" I questioned him. "*sigh* I have found you strong enough to be able to do this kit. I believe in you." He smiled at me. I blushed a little from the complements I had gotten from him. "Thank you, Kurama." "Your welcome, kit." Naruto smiled at Kurama.

"Now kit," Kurama started. "you will now have a fox with you at all times. So I suggest you summon a smaller one before you head to the academy." Kurama had said while gesturing towards Litten. "Alright. See you later, Litten." I said "Goodbye, Naruto-sama." he said "Not sama please." I replied. He chuckled then responded with 'Okay' then poofed away. "Now try again, but with a smaller fox." Kurama said. I tried again and summoned a smaller fox that had ears and tail like mine. He stood a little above my waist. "Hello my name is Kuro! You are Naruto-sama, correct?" "Please don't say sama at the end of my name..." I said "Alright Naruto." "Hey Kura?" "Hmm" "Doesn't he have to be a ninja animal for some things?" "Yes he does. You might want to hurry up and go get him registered before you have to go to the academy." "Alight. What time is it?" "4:43 a.m. kit." "Alright off we go then!"

~Time Skip to After They do The Registration~

"That took forever!" I said. Kuro stifled a chuckle. Kurama had long since went back to Naruto mind. Naruto had sent a clone home to make breakfast and binto's for everyone. I headed home to change and get ready for it was now 6:40 and the academy started at 7.


When I got home, I ran up stairs to grab my ninja tools and weapons along with changing into that hideous orange jump suit once more. Kuro was asking me all sorts of questions about why I put on a idiot's mask and wear such a jump suit. He told me that he would tell all the foxes so I did not have to repeat myself over and over again. Kuro now wore a Leaf Village head band around his neck. I also put some of the other foxes I could summon on as ninja pets. After I ate, I made everyone's binto's, then cleaned up the kitchen. Before I left, I gave Yuki a hug. I then shunshined to the academy, I made sure no one saw me tho. I went inside the academy, Kuro at my side. When I went inside the classroom, everyone stared at the yellow and white fox. "His name is Kuro. He is a ninja fox." I answered their unsaid questions. With that, I went to sit next to my two friends. "Whats with the fox all of a sudden?" Shikamaru asked "I said, his name is Kuro." Kuro then explained everything for me, not that I am complaining. I also let him tell them about my ears and tail. They were a bit shocked and then responded with 'Wow' 'How' and some other things.

After a while Choji asked "Anyway, how was are training laps thing." changing the subject while eating a bag of chips. "Well you, Choji, went two laps, twelve breaks, top speed three miles per hour, and took five hours to complete. Next, Shikamaru. Three laps, seven breaks, top speed four miles per hour, and took six hours to complete." Just then, Iruka came in. "Naruto?" he said. "Yes?" I responded. "What's with the fox?" he asked. "A ninja animal, and his name is Kuro." I replied.

Iruka started the lesson. I guess Kuro was tiered and or bored for he curled up half on my lap, half on the bench seat, asleep. I already knew the lesson he was teaching, so I then proceeded to put my head in my arms on the desk and try to sleep. Some much needed sleep. I only god around two hours thank to Kurama knocking me out. I some how manged to fall asleep until that screaming banshee started yelling about 'her' Sasuke-kun was going to ace the upcoming test. She was so loud with my boosted hearing, that I had to hold down my fox ears to try to muffle her screeching. From the looks of it, Kuro had the same problem. Choji saw this and said "Quiet down! There is a fox in here and you screaming is not helping him!" he whisper shouted. She then huffed and sat back down. "Thanks" Kuro and I said to Choji. I tried to go back to sleep. With no such luck, I just lessened to Iruka teach. I saw Kuro could not go back to sleep for awhile, but eventually fell asleep in my lap like before. I pet him carefully so I do not wake him up from him sleep. Iruka said something about a trowing test with our ninja weapons. I decided to show off a little to see their reactions to my skills.

Word Count: 1276

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