《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 8


~Naruto's pov~

I headed to the Uchiha compound after doing a good hundred laps around Konohagakure. I was positive that Kaka-nii would not pick Yuki up, and I did tell Itachi I would come over to visit sometime soon. I looked up at the sky. "About two-fifteenth in the afternoon." I muttered as I made sure that I had put my light blue face mask pulled up all the way, and continued on my way.

I knocked on the door and pulled down my mask just as Itachi's father, Fugaku, answered it. "Oh. Hello Naruto. What can I do for you?" "'Ello Fugaku-san. I was wondering if Ita-nii was home." "Why, yes ,he is. Come on in. He is the living room." "Alright. Thank you, Fugaku-san." I went inside and headed to the living room. "Hey, Ita-nii." "Naru? What are you doing here?" "I did say I would come over to visit. Did I not?"

He chuckled. "I guess you did." I sat next to him and talked to him for awhile. "Hey, Naru?" "Yeah?" "You wanna go and train?" I nodded my head as I got up and pulled my ANBU mask on as I fallowed him to their training ground behind the house. "How is your Taijutsu?" he asked. "Better then my Genjutsu." He chuckled.

We both got into a fighting stances. He charged at me but I dodged and hit him in his back. He then turned around and grabbed my arm and tossed me to the ground. I quickly got up and charged at him. He was not able to dodge me, therefore got a direct hit to his gut. He quickly recovered and tripped me. He pinned me down and hit me in the gut a few times before I threw him off of me. I charged at him once again and hit him in the head. He flew back a few feet.


We continued this while Yuki, Paku, Roa, and Sasuke came out and started watching.

~Sasuke's pov~

I watched as Fox repeatedly hit Itachi-nii in the gut and chest. I wondered who was behind that fox mask and how they were almost beating Itachi-nii. He was one of the strongest people I know, and he could not be beat easily. I must get him to train me in order to be the strongest in the village.

~Naruto's pov~

I had Itachi pinned and said "I win." I looked over to the kids that came to watch sometime ago as I got off of Itachi. "Well I think it is time for me to go. Bye Itachi. Come one Yuki. Time to go." "Bye Fox." Itachi said as he got up off the ground. Yuki came run over to me. "Who are you?" Uchiha Sasuke had asked. "Killer Fox" I responded. "No. Who are you?" he repeated "And how did you beat Itachi-nii?! Your only about my age!!" he shouted "I do not have to tell you who I am. And I beat him after years of training." I said as I grabbed Yuki and shunshined home.

Once I made sure no one would see, I went in the house and took off my mask. "Are you hungry, Yuki." "Yes, I am, Naru-nii." he replied. "Oh, yeah your birthday is next week, right?" "Yeah! On February the 13th!" "Then how about I start training you after your birthday?" I asked. His face light up. "YES PLEASE!!" he shouted. "Okay, okay. Stop shouting." I said as I made grilled cheese sandwiches. "Yuki. Go see if Kaka-nii is back here yet, and if so, asked him if he want grilled cheese." I said to Yuki. "Alright Naru-nii!" He said and ran off.


"Yeah, I will have some." Kakashi said as he walked into the kitchen reading he Icha Icha book. "How was your mission?" I asked as I set down the food for the three of us and got each of us a cup filled with orange juice. "It went well." he said as he put his book away and sat down and ate. when we were done, I sent Yuki to take a shower and got to bed. Kakashi had already went to bed and fell asleep. I went upstairs to my room.

It had a fairly big bed in the far right corner with a wooden night stand next to it, a desk with a chair in the left, a big wooden dresser with five drawers by the wall to the right of the door, a empty hamper by the bed, some pictures of me and my friends on the walls, and a few book shelf's with books and scrolls placed neatly on them to the left of the door. The walls were a light blue color, which is my favorite color, not orange. The carpet was a dark red color, like Yuki's hair, but darker.

I went to lay on my bed after turning off the lights and closing my door. I lay their for about an hour and could not fall asleep. It was nothing unusual because I have insomnia. I believe it might have something to do with when I was living on my own. Villagers and ninja alike, would break into my apartment and beat me close to death. I would have died if it was not for Kurama healing me. I wounder why I still do not hate the villagers.

'Hey, Kura?' I said "Yes kit" 'Do you have any thing else I can learn right now?' "Until you get absolute control of your chakra, no. I don't. Sorry kit." 'It is okay. Up for a game of shogi?' "Sure kit!" I then proceed to summon Kurama in his human form.

He was tall, had long blood red hair to his lower back, nine fox tails swaying behind him, and two fox ears on top of his head. (I could not find a picture, sorry.)

I went over to my bed and bent down. I then pulled out the shogi board and sat on the floor across from Kurama. I then proceeded to put the shogi board in between us. "Let's see. I do believe I won 3,678 and you had won 3,677, right, Kura." i said "I do believe so." he said. "I have a proposal." "And what might that be?" I asked. "If you win, I will let you sign the fox summon." he replied. "Sweet! But, wait. What happens if you when?" I proceeded to ask. "Then I will give you fox ears and a fox tail for life this time. Deal?" I thought about it for a moment. Ears and a tail of a fox would not be that bad. I could just put up a henge to hide them or something.

After all, I did do that last time I lost for a month for part of the deal. "Deal!" I said "Best out of five as usual." Kurama said. We play the five rounds and I.....

Hi guys! Thanks for reading this chapter and book once again, guys! I hope you enjoyed this book so far. Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1189

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