《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 7


~Naruto pov~

Soon morning came. It was about 5 or 5:30 when I got up and dressed. I ended on being the first person awake in the house, I deiced to make breakfast, which consisted of, bacon and eggs. When I was half way done, Shikamaru's mother, Yoshino came in. "Oh,no, honey. You don't have to cook for us." She said. "It is alright. I usually am the first one up, so I am used to cooking breakfast along with other meals. So please, do not worry about it. The food shall be done soon tho." I replied to her. She smiled at me and said, "Why, thank you, then. I go wake everyone up in that case." Then she waked away.

I have been over to Shikamaru's place many times. So I know where most things are at. I finished setting the table and a few minuets later, Shikaku came into the dinning room. "Ah. I see you are going to bless use with your cooking once again, Naruto." I chuckled "Why thank you, Shikaku-san." I said "What would you like to drink?" I asked "No, I can get myself a drink. I ain't that lazy to make you do every thing. This is not your house, so you shouldn't have to do anything that would trouble you." he said.

"Oh, no. It is no trouble at all." "Alright," he sighed in defeat. "I'll have some orange juice, then." he said. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a cup. I filled it with the juice and went back into the dinning room to see Choji drooling over how good the food smells and Shikamaru let out a small smile to me as he said thanks for cooking as it was his turn to do so. I got everyone else their drinks. We all sat down and said 'Thanks for the food!' and stared eating. "Wow! This is amazing Naru!" Choji exclaimed "You have to teach me how to cook like this!" Yoshino-san said. I blushed at their comments "It's not that good..." I mumbled "Yeah right 'it's not that good'! This is amazing!" Shikaku and Shikamaru exclaimed in union. I blushed once more.


Once everyone was done, I was about to do the dishes, but Yoshino-san stopped me. "Naru." she said. "Yes?" I questioned. "You already did enough. Let me take care of the rest, okay." She replied with a sweet smile. "Alright, Yoshino-san." I said and smiled back at her.

After that I went to find Shikamaru and Choji. I soon found them on the training ground in their back yard, sparring. I sat down and watched them fight using Taijutsu. After a bit of watching them, I got bored. I pulled out a book out of my back pocket. It was about advanced poisons. Jiji gave me it a few days ago. Soon enough, the two boy finally noticed I was their and stopped sparring with each other. "Hey Naru." Shikamaru said. I looked up and said 'What?' He replied with, "You said you would train us today." "Alright" I said as I got up. "First, we are going to do as many laps around the village as you can until you can't go on anymore to build up your stamina. Of course I shall be running with you as if you get lost somehow, or your legs give out and you can't get home on your own. We shall meet at The Forest of Death every Saturday at 9 in the morning, sharp. Understood?" "Hai!" The two said.

"Alright. May I suggest you two to come in and get a few water bottles and snacks before we go. Trust me, if you don't, you will regret it." We went inside the house and grabbed some water bottles. I made a bento for each of us. I sealed mine, along with my water, in a small scroll. I put the scroll in my pocket. The two boys have not learned to use scroll sealing yet, so they had to carry a backpack.


I pulled up my face mask (like Kakashi's but a light blue color) as I waited outside for the two to come out of the house. When they finally came out, i asked them "Before we start, do ether of you have any questions?" They stayed silent. "Alright then. Let's go!" I said as I made two shadow clones to stay with the other two as I did not want to have to be at their speed as I ran. I put another 20 pounds to my weight seals, which had 335 pounds already.

As we ran, I had my clones counting how many breaks they needed, how fast they ran at top speed, how many laps they did,and their start to end time.

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