《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 16


~Naruto's pov~

Today is the day of the gennin exams. I do not have to take it for my official rank in gennin. My no-official rank is ANBU. I already know that I am going to be on Kakashi's team. However, I do not know my teammates. Jiji said I'll find out when I see them. So, I do not have to go back to the academy till next Monday. I decided instead of waiting three hours, I will just arrive with Kakashi. I am going to drop my personality mask little by little. I will have it gone by the chunin exams. Honestly, I am really sick and tiered of it. During this last half year, we have arrested Danzo for we found out that he was stealing the Uchiha's eyes. We also suspect Mizuki of being a traitor of the village. I am supposed to watch Mizuki for the next day or to and see if he is doing any thing that would point to him as being a traitor. Yuki already went to the academy, he still has a year or two before he graduates. He has been doing great at training and sparring. He may not win all the time against my other three students, but he has been doing well. Sometimes we will join the Makoto clan for training. They always appreciate it when Kurama and I help with their training. Tho, we sometimes go to far and they collapse on the training ground.

~Time Skip to When Mizuki Steals The Scroll Of Sealing~

I saw Mizuki running away with the scroll of sealing. I start to chase after him with my ANBU mask on. I soon catch up to him and make some shadow clone to help apprehend the man. My clones put him in restraints as I start to question him with a slight bit of torcher included. He did not say he was working with anyone. After he would not give me some answers, I knocked him out and had some of the ANBU that finally caught up, take to the T&I department. I then proceeded to go home to help Kuro make dinner.


Speaking of him, when he had gone to the academy in his human form, let's just say, it was a good thing they are so dumb. I mean, a kid shows up introducing that he is Kuro Uzumaki, and the fox named Kuro is nowhere to be seen. Sure we had questions that include 'Are you related?' or 'Are you guys twins?' but no 'Why do have the same name as the fox that Naruto had fallowing him?' or 'Where is the fox at?' I mean come on! Did you people forget about the fox that quick or what?!

Any way it is now next Monday and we are meeting our teams. Kuro and I went to the roof top to wait for Kakashi to come with his new students. When they all got up here, my teammates were the banshee, the emo, and my friend, Kouki. Kuro and Kouki sat on ether side of me while the banshee sat by the emo with the duck butt on his head.

Kakashi then said to introduce ourselfs. The banshee then asked like the stupid pink hair banshee she is, "How do we do that, sensei?" "Tell us your likes and dislikes along with your hobby's and dreams." He then respond. "You go first, sensei." She told him. "Alright. I'm Kakashi Hatake. I have likes and dislikes. My hobby's, don't feel like telling. Dream? You guys are to young for that. You next, pinky." The banshee then glared at Kakashi for the nickname he gave her. "I am Sakura Haruno! My likes are-or who I like is *looks at the emo and blushes* my hobby's are, *looks at emo and blushes harder* my dream is *looks at emo again while blushing and squealing* my dislikes are, Ino-pig and Naruto-baka!" The banshee now now as Sakura said/squealed. "Emo your next." The emo grunted before saying, "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. My likes are, my family, tomato's, power, and training. I dislike fangirls and other things. My hobby's are training. My dream-no ambition is to be the strongest there ever was." The emo known as Sasuke said while the banshee was fangirling. "Next, the twin with green eyes." Kakashi then proceeded to say. "My name is Kuro Uzumaki. I like my family, my friends, cooking, and ramen. I dislike those who can't tell a kunai from a scroll and the three minuets it takes for the ramen to cook. My hobby's are, training, being with my family and friends, and cooking. My dream is to grow strong and protect those who I care about." Kuro finished off. "Twin with blue eyes, your next." Kakashi said. 'Time to put up the mask.' I thought to my self. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I love ramen, my family, my friends, and cooking! I hate the three minuets it takes to wait for the ramen to cook and those who are mean to other without a good reason. My hobby's are being with my friends and family along with training! My dream is to become Hokage!!" I exclaimed. Truth is,I want the village to accept me, and I sure don't want to be Hokage! Have you seen the amount of paper work he has to deal with?! "Your not going to drop it yet?!" Kakashi practically whined. Kuro and Kouki gave me pleading looks along with Kakashi. I sighed. "In due time. In due time." I replied. The three just pouted a bit while the other two gave confused looks before brushing it off. "Alight, the one with long brown hair." Kakashi said. His was the same as i wrote when he transferred here. With that, Kuro and I grabbed onto Kakashi, who shushined us home.


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update. I no good excuse, so sorry. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1008

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