《Learn》Chapter 10



Her Disappearance


There were a lot of things that shouldn't have been done. As Hyewon quickly left, she did not even let her concerned classmates check up on her before running off. For some reason, she didn't even care if class was about to start or if she was seen by any school staff.

Hyewon went straight to the back of the school, an empty area surrounded by trees and wild vines. She wept and wept her tears, feeling the shortness of breath slowly overcoming her.

She was hyperventilating and she didn't know what to do. Waves of black noise covered her eyes... before it slowly closed,

and just as she began to realise what was happening, she fainted.

The roll call attendance had already started, but Hyewon was nowhere to be found.

The teacher repeated. On the other hand, Soojin nervously bit her lips, her mind flashing back to how strange Hyewon seemed before she left just earlier.

Soojin spoke up and no one dared to tell the truth. They were all just as concerned as soojin.

Lunch break came by and still, no signs of Hyewon. Soojin was growing more and more worried for her friend.

Where are you Soojin murmured.

As soon as class was dismissed for today, Soojin rushed off to Hara's classroom. She had a really bad feeling about Hyewon's sudden disappearance, knowing that her friend wouldn't have just cried over a simple insult. What is it that Hyewon could've not been telling?

It had already been hours since Hyewon ran away, and all of her belongings were still inside the classroom. It would've been impossible for her to go home.

Soojin called. She couldn't even hide her shaky voice. Hara asked, gripping Soojin's by the sides of her shoulders as she tried to calm her down.


Soojin hurriedly asked, her body slightly shivering. Hara furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding why Soojin was in such a hurry.

Soojin was tearing up out of nervousness. Was she just overreacting? Did Hyewon really just want to skip class? Soojin was both puzzled and frustrated to even think of anything. Soojin said while Hara's eyes widened.

However, it wasn't just Hara who heard Soojin.

Jake interferes instantly after hearing what Soojin had just said. At this point, Soojin wasn't thinking straight.

Maybe Jake shouldn't have been nosy.

" Soojin glared at Jake, who was taken aback. Why does it seem like Soojin is mad at them? Those caught Jay's attention, he was standing right beside Jake.

Soojin's outburst was completely uncalled for and definitely put both Jake and Jay in pure shock and disbelief. Did... Sunghoon really do that?

Jay uttered. Jay tried to ease the situation, but it only added fuel to Soojin's rage.

Soojin scoffs. Soojin's eyebrows were knitted as she pushed Jay by the chest.

Soojin trailed off. She was speechless, yet her mind was just bursting with so many things she wanted to express. Soojin's eyes met Jay's before she let out a sarcastic laugh.

Soojin sarcastically chuckled.

Soojin shouted.

With crossed arms, Soojin pokes the insides of her cheek using her tongue. Hara pulled Soojin away and sat her on one of the seats, calming her down, to which she succeeded.

Hara, compared to Soojin, was completely grounded about the situation. Although she was just as nervous, Hara knew that they would not find Hyewon by arguing.

After a little more convincing, Soojin finally cooled down. Yet... On the other hand, another raged one went out of the classroom in search of Sunghoon,

It was Jake.


By the distance, Sunghoon and the others saw Jake running and jay stopping him. It was an uncommon sight, so they all tensed up. What are they doing? And why does Jake seem very mad? The closer Jake and Jay got, the more transparent Jake's expression was.

Jay would grab Jake's arm in an attempt to slow and calm him down, but Jake would only shove him away harshly. Things were too late. Jake charged at Sunghoon and landed a punch before anyone could even comprehend the situation.

Heeseung tried to intervene but he was stopped by Jay. Jay gulped nervously and slowly shook his head as to imply to everyone else that this fight is between the two and that interfering would not do any good. They have never seen Jake angry. Sure, there were times where he was upset, but they thought that's his limitation, for Jake is someone who thinks before he acts.

Jake exclaimed, veins popped out of his neck as he tried to control himself from landing another punch on his best friend's cheek.

Now, no one dared to intervene. They were just as shocked as Sunghoon. Jake never dared to hurt them. But today just showed how furious he was. He did not even hold back by punishing his very own friend.

Tch Sunghoon smirked sarcastically as he wiped off the blood from his lips. It was evident that there's a lingering pain around the area that Jake punched Sunghoon from. However, Sunghoon cared less about that.

Sunghoon ridiculed.

Jake was being held back by Jay. Only God knows what might've happened if Jay didn't do that.

Jake told before turning back and walking back in hopes to find Hyewon.

Jay shook his head before running after Jake, deciding to help on finding hyewon.

They searched every building and every area the school has, and still, Hyewon was yet to be found. Hara had been carrying Hyewon's bag, which she found that contained Hyewon's wallet, transportation card holder, and phone. It would be more impossible for Hyewon to run away from school.

Soojin pants but forces herself to speak as soon as both Hara and her are reunited with Jake and Jay..

Jake uttered.

Eight and a half hours have already passed since Hyewon ran away, and still, she was nowhere to be found. They were feeling hopeless. And the more that they're feeling hopeless, the more that they're getting scared of Hyewon's state.

Just where could she possibly be?

Jay gave an idea and they all agreed. Punishments are not as light when it comes to situations like these. Telling this incident can only be the last resort.

They were walking out of the room when Hara noticed something.

Hara pointed behind the metal door from a distance which had access to the back of the building, and they immediately went out.

They walked through the narrow space that engulfed the back of building two... And just as if God answered their very prayer:

They found Hyewon, lying unconsciously against the wall.


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