《Baby boy》48




"Nice to see you again officer..." the barista with silver hair, eyed Trevor up and down, ignoring me completely.

"I'll have a black coffee, 20 ounce." Trevor said with a straight face and ignoring their comment.

"Anything else I can get you?" They bit their lip trying to flirt, it didn't seem to faze Trevor.

"Peppermint Hot chocolate, 20 ounce. With whip." I smiled slightly, but was still confused and a little angry. But I had no right to be angry. So I just sat still and pushed through.

"Alright handsome, I'll bring that out for you." They closed the stand window and Trevor sighed.

"What was that all about?" I asked with my brows furrowed with worry. Trying not to sound too jealous.

"When we broke up I came here a lot. They happened to see me almost every time I went here.... they keep pressing me to call them, but I'm not interested." Trevor took his free hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's honestly annoying, but I love the drinks they make, so it's worth it to put up with it." He sighed, clearly annoyed at the whole situation.

"So you uh... never..."

"No we never did anything or went out." Trevor smiled slightly at me. "Are you jealous?" He snickered and smirked at me.

"No...." I said with my brows furrowed. "Maybe...." Trevor laughed at me.

"Why are you laughing at me!" I took my free hand and smacked his wrist lightly.

"Because you're adorable when you're jealous...." he leaned over the center console and grabbed my jaw lightly. Pulling me forward to land a small make-out section across my lips.

Barely letting our lips part, "maybe I should be jealous more often..." I said almost out of breath for no reason.

"Maybe you should." Trevor ran his thumb over my lips.

"That will be 12.50." The baristas cleared their throat. Trevor didn't let his eyes leave mine as he pulled slightly away from me. Handing them his card.

They didn't say a word.

Trevor grabbed his card back as he broke eye contact and grabbed everything else.

"Have a good day." The barista said with a straight face and closed the window. Trevor snickered as he handed me my drink.

"Why are you laughing?" I said with a smile.

"Did you see how pissed they were that I kissed you?" He chuckled before tilting his head back slightly to drink his coffee. "I find it hilarious." He smiled.

We stayed silent for a moment. A comfortable silence.

I slowly sipped on my drink. Tasting the heavy cream used. Making it run thick down my throat. It was comforting in a way. Tasting like a childhood Christmas.

"Where to next?"

"Can we just watch a movie at your place?" I suggested. I wanted to be out, but I also just wanted to be alone with him. Be with him. That's what I wanted. Maybe what I needed.

"Anything for you gorgeous."

I smiled as I gripped his hand tighter. This felt right.


Making it back to his apartment, we laid in his bed, cuddled together and watching a movie.


I wasn't too interested in it. But I was more interested in just laying here with him. Feeling his skin under his shirt.

We were still wearing our "outing" clothes, but I have been sitting here for a few minutes thinking about changing into something for staying inside.

I slipped out from under his arm and headed towards the closet.

"Whatcha doin short stuff?" Trevor raised an eyebrow at me.

"Changing buster." I snickered.

"You're gonna pay for calling me that." He yelled at me from his bedroom.

"I better!" I laughed. I heard a loud sigh from him.

I took off everything in front of the mirror accept his shirt I was wearing.

It still needed something.

I dug through my bag on the floor and searched for my grey shorts that really brought out my ass. Definitely not for any devilish purposes.

I slipped them on and turned my ass towards the mirror. Pulling on the front of the shirt till the bottom half of it sat over my ass, showing off my back arch.


I let the shirt fall again and walked back to my place next to him.

Trevor's eyes followed me as I walked towards him.

I wiggled under his arm and laid back in place. Lifting one leg till it was wrapped around one of his legs. Letting my hand lay across his chest as I dug my head into his shoulder.

I stared at my hand with my fresh set of acrylics. Coffin shaped, with a matte nude color.

I dragged them across part of his chest, drawing small designs into his skin without leaving any harsh lines.

Circling my nails across the same places.

"What are you doing...?" Trevor said in a deep, soft tone. "Watching my hand." It wasn't a complete lie. I did get distracted from my main objective.

"Mmm." He hummed in a deep voice, making me internally shiver.

I felt Trevor's arm that was already around me, snake further down. Groping my ass in his hand.

"HEY! Hands off mister." I smacked his chest lightly, leaving a mischievous smile on my face.

"What are you doing to me..." he ignored my comment and just let his grip loosen. His voice was calm, almost seductive. But his voice never left a whisper.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I said laying back down into his shoulder.

"Mmm." He said quietly while kissing my forehead.

I yawned. Slowly breathing in his cologne. It smelled so nice.

"Go to sleep gorgeous. I'm right here." His voice stayed at a whisper as his lips barely left my forehead.

He used his hand that was still on my ass to pull me closer to him. I felt at ease.



His small breaths were even and spread apart. Telling me he was asleep.

He slept a lot, but I guess that was a good thing. At least I knew he was getting enough rest.

The movie ended, and it was just the credits playing.

I watched him as he breathed. In. Out.

My shirt he was wearing fell above his hip, showing off his shorts that were slowly riding up his ass.

He looked at peace. Something I didn't get to see often, but when I did, it was calming for me. Knowing he was okay.


I felt a little bit like a creep just watching him like this, but it was hard to take my eyes off of him. And if that made me a creep, then so be it.

I ran my hand across his back, slowly lifting his shirt without fully meaning to.

His skin was soft like silk. I couldn't stop my hands from wandering, almost like he left me in a trance.

I know I said I'd take things slow. But it's almost been a year since... I'm slowly loosing control of myself.

Jaylynn shifted himself in his sleep, now laying on top of me.


His hips kept moving around, trying to find a comfortable spot. It was nearly impossible to keep myself quiet. But somehow I did.

I didn't want to move because I didn't want to take any chances at waking him.

His face grew closer to my ear, I could hear all the small sounds he was making. Small moans and groans. Snoring.

I closed my eyes trying to hold myself together. It wasn't working all to well.

I tried taking deep breaths. Holding myself back as much as I could.

It was almost painful for him to be on top of me. An aching pain that needed to be released.

My thoughts were running so fast, it was hard to concentrate.

"Trevor...." I heard whisper into my ear. I couldn't tell if he was still sleep or if he was awake.

I sat as still as possible, but I knew my body was reacting heavily. I still didn't want to break any boundaries that still might be in place. I didn't want to break any trust just because I had the opportunity.

I felt Jay shift his hips slowly. Back and forth. Rubbing against me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to focus on anything but what was happening. I couldn't break that boundary.

I held his waist without thinking. Almost trying to stop him. Whether he was awake or not.

He didn't stop.

It seemed he was having some sort of dream, and wound up placing the dream on me.

I was in pain. It was at a point of hurting. And I was about to start making mistakes that I knew I'd regret.


It needed to stop.

I slipped out from under Jay, careful not to wake him.

I gulped as I finally got out from under him.

I took a deep breath before I walked into the bathroom. Hoping to calm down somehow.


I felt movement under me, but tried to ignore it.

I could no longer ignore it once the bed felt cold. It felt empty.

We'd he leave?

I opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the light. I had only slept for an hour.

I sat up with my arms and skimmed the room to see if Trevor was still in the room.

My eyes landed on the light coming from the bathroom. Just a small crack under the door and on the side of the door where it opened.

I sighed and let my head fall slightly. My arms still holding me up.

I looked down and saw I was...


I thought about it for a second. Realizing that I could have made Trevor uncomfortable some how. I felt like shit.

I sighed pushing myself out of bed. Sitting on the edge till I calmed down enough.

I looked toward the bathroom door and slowly got up, heading straight to my possible doom.


I cracked the door open slightly, "Trevor?" I said in a whisper. Almost hoping he didn't hear me.

I looked through the crack to see Trevor holding himself up on the counter. I bit my lip while my brows furrowed. I felt bad. He's clearly uncomfortable. I sighed trying to pull myself together.

I heard him exhale a shaky breath. Whispering under his breath. Jay... My eyes widened.

I felt like I was invading... Seeing something I shouldn't. But I couldn't help it.

I looked down further through the mirror. I finally noticed the small arm strokes he was making.

I turned away. Definitely something I shouldn't be watching. Not something I should have seen.

I leaned my back onto the doorframe, taking a deep breath, trying to process the situation. I looked down, taking a deep breath. Sighing slightly at my current excitement.

I heard a few more grunts and moans come from the bathroom before silence. I licked my lips, slowly biting my bottom lip. I knew what has happening, and I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing that he was doing that.

I felt shitty for listening in... but it was too late now. What's done is done.

"Jay, you can stop hiding." My breath hitched in the back of my throat. Hoping if I could stay silent, he will forget I'm here. "Jay."

I tried swallowing the lump in my throat before I forced myself to move towards the door.

I opened the the door, standing in the doorway. My hands folded in front of me, my head downcast.

I couldn't look at Trevor, but I heard his movements. Walking towards me. Setting his hands on my hips. Feeling his lips on my ear, "What did you see. Hmm?" I shivered lightly "Enough..." I attempted to answer.

"I-I'm sorry...." I choked out, trying to apologize. I couldn't decide if It was for making him uncomfortable earlier, or for peeping. But either way, I felt like a perv. I felt disgusted with myself.

"What are you apologizing for? Peeping, or something else..." His breath tickled my neck. My natural instinct kicked in, exposing's my neck to him, setting my hands across the small of his back, trying to hold myself up. "I asked you a question little one." His voice was stern and soft.

"Both...." I said in a whisper. He just hummed in response.

He laid light kisses along my neck, leaving an electricity to run up my neck and spine. Leaving me weak in the knees.

"Y-You're still hard..." I tried to choke out. He pressed his hips further into me. "I could say the same to you..." I swallowed a lump in my throat, trying to hold myself together.

"How can I help..." I pushed my luck. Testing the waters. testing what might have been too far...

"I think you know what to do..."


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