《Baby boy》49


It felt so new to me to finally be together with him. Pushing my luck for more. Finally feeling his body under my hands.

"Why you so shy huh?" Trevor teased me, pulling me closer to him. His hands roaming my back, under my baggy shirt. Feeling my skin. My back stiffen at his gentle touch.

"W-we haven't done this in so long... I-" I stopped when he grazed over the sweet spot on my back. I choked out a breath. "What's wrong gorgeous?"

"You're a... butthead." He laughed at me.

"Interesting vocabulary mister."

"I haven't cursed since we parted... so yeah. Butthead." He smiled gently. I looked up at him and kissed him lightly. Feeling his touch. Feeling his soft lips.

"Well... this 'butthead' is gonna make you mine~"

"Mmm, please do~" I smirked, chuckling as I kissed him deeper.


He pulled me closer to his body, trapping me against him and the wall. Rubbing his knee against me.

I whimpered, wanting nothing more than for him to touch me again. Claim me.

I moved my hips back and forth on his knee, creating any sort of friction.

He moved his kissing along my jaw, down my neck, sucking on the sweet spot between my collar bone and my neck. It felt so good.

I felt him marking everywhere along my neck and chest, claiming me as his.

He reached both hands along my side pulling my shirt off before reaching to my chest, playing with my nipples.

I bit my lip, throwing my head into the wall. The feeling of euphoria washing over me.

"I- I want you... Please...." I whinnied and he just chuckled.

He quickly reached his hands to cup my ass in his hands, picking me up and swiftly moving me to the edge of the bed, hovering over me and kissing me deeply. Pulling my bottoms off, leaving us both bare.

Reaching his hand under my shorts and rubbing his finger up and down my hole.

I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around his back. Pulling his head into my neck.

He chuckled, sucking and leaving kisses along my neck. Inserting his fingers inside me.

It stung. But it felt so good...

"More...." I whined into his shoulder.

"You're wish is my command..." He said in a deep whisper, biting my ear.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as his fingers hit that spot I so desperately needed to be touched.

I bit my lip as I smiled. Reaching one of my hands down to the front of him. Feeling his bare skin against my hand.

"Impatient aren't you?" He chuckled a hitched breath into my ear.

"You seem to be just as eager mister...." I teased him as I smiled.

"touché..." He kissed my ear and along my jaw.

He spread his fingers apart, stretching me. The pain of not having this in months hurt like hell, but it was so good. Masked by the fact that it was him. The person that I've been wanting since we met.


"S-stop teasing me... Please... give it to me." I said almost out of breath.

"You're not ready yet baby-"

"Pleaseeee... I just need you..." I said begging. I don't care if I was ready or not. I was ready for him to be mine again.

He smiled lightly. Kissing my lips softly.

He stood up fully, grabbing my legs and setting them on his shoulders. Half my body was off the bed, and I felt my heart pounding.

"Damn... you look sexy..." He smiled at me. I was out of breath and my face was hot. I smiled back at him. "And you're all mine..." He said before pushing himself inside me. Slowly.

My head flew back, my eyes went to the back of my head as my breath hitched.

He hissed as he stared at the ceiling, "Fuck~."

"God-damn... You're... Tight..."

Inch by inch, my body filled up more and more. It felt like my intestines' were going to burst. My legs felt weak. I was melting under him and I never felt more euphoric.

It felt like forever before he sat still, not moving. Both of us out of breath and panting.

"Fuck me..." I said with a sweet but sour tone. A mischievous smile creeping to my face.

"Such a nasty tongue." He smiled before pulling back and slamming into me. I cried out, pretty sure the neighbors hearing me, but I didn't care. Let them hear.

Every movement he made, made my body melt.

He pulled me further up off the bed, leaving my body at a higher angle. Hitting that bundle of nerves directly, making my head go fuzzy.

I was on cloud-9. The pain was no longer there. I was in heaven, and the only think I was concerned about was him.

He was fogging my mind, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

He leaned over me. Kissing me gently as he held my legs on his shoulders.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him closer. Deeping his kiss.

Words couldn't express the way I was feeling. My surroundings were white, only focusing on him. The way he moved, the way he held me so gently and rough at the same time. Being the only person on my mind. My mind was foggy, and he was the only thing that was clear.

He started kissing down my jaw, down my neck, biting in the crevasse of my neck. Leaving deep red marks. He kissed the mark gently, running his tongue along the marks. "Mine~" He said with a low growl.

"T-Trevor~~" I whined throwing my head back into the bed. Feeling myself get closer and closer.

"F-Fuck... You're... clenching..."

I pulled him in closer by his face, leaving my mouth centimeters away from his. My breath hitching, "Make me yours..."

He smiled before kissing me gently, biting my lip as I felt my body shake.

My body couldn't take holding back much longer. "D-Daddyyyy~~" I whined in his ear.

"Me too baby... Fuck.... Jay~" He hissed into my shoulder.


I felt his whole body tense as mine shook. Feeling his filling me up as I cried for him. Tears streaming from my face in pleasure.

I'm his.

He rode out both our orgasms roughly, holding me close as my body shook.

After roughly a half a minute, he slowed down, holding himself above me as he caught his breath. "Fuck Jay..." He said breathless.

He looked at me slightly, reaching one hand to my face, kissing me gently, wiping my tears from my face.

"Mine~" He whispered above my lips, leaving me with a breathless smile.


The baby was doing better but I felt like I wasn't.

My mind was constantly fogged with thoughts of him. The way he looked at me. The way he held my hand. How he always made sure I ate properly.

I smiled as I reminisced on the thought of Daniel.

I held Cameron in my arms, rubbing my hand along his soft blue blanket. Adjusting his blanket as he was swaddled in the soft fabric.

Feeling a tear slip down my face as I looked at his pale skin. His light brown eye lashes that graced his face. His light brown hair in tuffs across his forehead.

He slept peacefully in my arms. Snoring ever so slightly with his lips slightly parted.

I wiped my face of my tears with my sweatshirt as I tried to pull myself together.

"What's wrong gorgeous?" I looked over at Abby as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen next to the living room.

She leaned against the door frame with a cropped wife beater shirt and baggy black military style jeans.

Her tattoos lined her arms perfectly with the kitchen light shining behind her.

She looked like art.

I wiped the rest of my tears and looked away, looking back at Cameron.

"Nothin... just thinking."

Abby walked over to me, sitting next to me on the couch.

She looked at Cameron then back at me.

Grabbing my chin gently, she looked into my eyes, still watering.

She pulled me closer and kissed me slowly... gently.

Feeling her soft lips against mine, I felt my eyes let the tears fall down my face. I missed this.

She pulled away, still close to me, looking into my eyes.

"Dry those tear baby girl." She said softly, running her thumb over my tears. "I hate seeing you so upset..."

I held her hand to my face and stared down at Cameron.

I sat closer to her and leaned my head on her shoulder. I closed my eyes and heard a soft melody come from her lips.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

She continued to hum, singing me and Cameron a lullaby.

I recognized the melody from one of her favorite bands. It reminded me of all the times she would dance and sing in the kitchen while she did the dishes after dinner.

She would head bang, and sing to her hearts content with her headphones on. She never knew I was always listening.

"I'll follow you down through the eye of the storm...." I quietly sang along with her, grabbing her hand and holding it tightly.

She leaned her head against mine and smiled, continuing to sing.

Her hand laced into mine as she ran circles with her thumb along my hand. Soothing me.

I smiled, feeling her warmth against me.

We laid on the bed as I pulled myself closer to Trevor. Holding him close in my arms. This feeling of having him again.

Breaking my ass is worth it for this feeling.

I chuckled at the thought.

"What's so funny?" Trevor laughed at me.

"Just thinking that breaking my back was worth it." I chuckled, drawing circles on his chest with my nail.

He laughed at me with a deep chuckle.

"I missed being yours..." I looked up at him smiling. I felt the warmth in his smile. In his touch when he ran his hands through my hair.

"I missed YOU." Trevor said with a loving smile.

I chewed on my lip as I smiled.

"I especially missed this..." I cupped my hand around his dick and jiggled it slightly.

"AYE! I'm not a sex toy!" We both laughed.

I smiled happily as I dug my head further into his chest.

We sat in silence, reminiscing in each others arms.

My thoughts pulled me to the future and where we might go. Thinking where we would be. Who'd we be with. What we'd have....

Maybe a kid running around the house. Maybe we're married. Maybe I'm a nurse getting to come home to a sexy cop. Maybe...

"Whatcha thinking about gorgeous?"

"Nothing... Just stuff..." I said trying to hide my smile and blushing face.

"Come on... tell me! You got me all curious..." He whispers in a seductive voice, making me shiver internally.

"I don't think you want to know..." I chuckled nervously.

"I'm pretty sure I do." He pulled my hair out of my face. Cupping my face in his hand.

"I.... I want a family... With you..." I said biting my lips nervously, not looking at him.

Trevor sat up fast, his chest pushing me forward without warning. My eyes widened when I looked up at him. His face filled with shock.

"Trevor I-" I started to panic before he pulled me into a deep kiss. Holding my face between his hands.

I melted in his arms as I snaked my hands around his neck, holding him closer to me.

I felt his smile through the kiss as happy tears fell down my face.

His tongue swiped my lips and I felt myself crumble.

I'm his.

He pulled away with one last soft kiss.

I tried to catch my breath as I leaned my forehead against his.

"Jaylynn Serrano Baker....." He looked deep in my eyes with a smile on his face. "Marry me."

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