《Baby boy》26



It's been a few weeks since we went to Trevor's home town.

Things have been quiet, but we've both been busy.

I miss him.

Sadly we both had to go back to work, and we both went to our separate lives. I went back home, Trevor stayed in his apartment. We hadn't seen each other much since we got back. Maybe once or twice.

It's almost coming to Halloween, and I'm excited to celebrate with him. My first holiday with him.

We are planning on seeing each other tonight, but I'm worried since he said he'd pick me up from my house since I'm not working today.

My Father has been on edge ever since I got back. Tension has never been higher, and I feel like one slip up will make him explode.

I sat on my bed, overthinking everything that might happen. I'm not prepared for what the future might hold.

*knock knock* my head turned towards my door, still on my pillow. "Yeah?" My voice was hoarse.

Freddy opened the door quietly.

"What's up squirt?" Freddy smiled.

"Nothing I guess. Trevor is picking me up later..." Freddy nodded.

"Well... mom's finished with dinner, go wash up kiddo." Freddy had a tired smile on, looking worried. "Oh and uh... dad's home early."

I felt my body tense. I wasn't ready if he confronted me about Trevor. "Thanks." He closed the door.

I got up and packed up my things real quick, putting necessities in my bag. I kept my bag on the floor, walking towards the bathroom. I quickly washed up before running downstairs.

"Hi baby." My mom perked up with her same tired smile.

"Hi mom." I kissed her on the cheek before sitting down at the table. Father was quiet. Holding his beer can in one hand and the news paper on the table.

My mom plated our food, quickly setting out my fathers first, then us, then herself. Her portions remaining very small. He didn't say anything. Not a word, not a glance. Silent.

I'd honesty rather hear my father scream, or at least say something. Because that's normal for me. This, this isn't normal. It's scarier to hear nothing from him than to hear him yell. And I'm absolutely terrified.

"So dear, how was work?" My mom quietly spoke up.

"Shut the hell up. I have a headache." He rubbed his temples, scowling. My mom didn't say another word.

I can tell she looked sad by his response. I hate how she loves him after the way he's treated her. But you can't help who you love or who you've grown attached to... right?

I finished my meal quickly, wanting to leave this damn table.

I quickly shot a text to Trevor, letting him know I was ready.

I was happy, because if it was any longer I'd probably go insane.

I put my phone back in my pocket, quietly standing up, taking my plate to the sink, rinsing it off, and quietly walking towards the stairs.

No one said a word.

I walked to my room, quickly gathering my stuff. Throwing last minute items in my bag. Including some of my stuffies. Knowing if I did slip back in my little space, I'd have something there to help.


I quickly walked to my closet, changing into my black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, and a baggy beige sweater. It was getting colder, so father didn't question my choice of sweaters that much. He hated them, just didn't make a huge fuss about it. My excuse was always that Nana gave it to me and I was trying to be nice, when really I loved the fact that she gave it to me. But he didn't need to know that.

I heard Trevors truck rumble from down the street, and I quickly grabbed everything I packed and ran downstairs.

Right as I was almost out the door, I barely heard my dad scream "hey! Where the hell are you-" I cut him off with the slam of the front door.

Trevor pulled up just in time, hoping out of the truck. "Get back in please..." I said quickly, looking at the ground, reaching for the handle of the truck.

"Get the hell back over here!" I heard the front door swing open, my father yelling out to me.

I had my hand on the truck door. So close...

I casted my head downward as Trevor shot me some confused glances. He was still in his uniform...

I walked over to my father with my head towards the ground. Now standing in front of him as his dark aura clouded over me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?!" He angry whispered.

"He's dropping me off at work. They asked me to help out with closing. He was just on his way when I asked." I twirled the tip of my foot into the ground, not making eye contact.

He let out an angry hum. "Get the hell out of here then, fuck if I care!" He rolled his eyes, slamming the door behind him. Making me flinch.

"Babe..." I didn't realize Trevor ran up to make sure I was okay. He gently touched my shoulder, I flinched. He slowly withdrew his hand. Looking sad as he did from what I could see through my hair.

"Please... lets just... lets go." I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying not to cry.

"Alright..." I walked in front of Trevor. He instinctively walked behind me, close enough to protect me with no reaction time.

Without one more word, we silently rode the rest of the way to his apartment.

I hated the silence. It ate away at me.

But soon enough we were back at his apartment. Still silent except for the rattling of his keys and his jacket being hung up. His tool belt on his uniform clanking against itself.

I sat down on the couch, pulling my knees to my chest. Digging my face in between my knees.

Trevor slowly sat beside me, afraid to touch me. I assured that it was okay by staying in my ball but laying down on his lap. He carefully ran his fingers through my hair, automatically calming me down.

"Are you okay?" He said quietly.

"Not really... but I... I can't talk about it." I heard him sigh. I couldn't tell if he was frustrated or disappointed, but I didn't like the sound of it either way.


"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He sounded a little hurt.

"Of course I know that... it's just... I can't tell you..." I emphasized the you. Letting him know that I just couldn't tell him.

"Can I know why?" He still sounded hurt. I hated that. But I knew he at least deserved to know why.

"Because I can't tell a cop. My mom told me to promise her not to..." it sounded horrible saying it out loud, and I'm pretty sure he picked up on that.

"I understand... just know that once I'm out of uniform, I'm just an everyday citizen... please don't hide anything because of what I chose to be... but I'll let you tell me on your own time." He sounded slightly hurt, but it was better. Like he was trying to understand what I wasn't saying.

"Thank you..." I unraveled from my ball, turned around on his lap, and hugged his waist.

I felt bad that I couldn't tell him, but I felt better that he slightly understood, even if he didn't.

We stayed silent. God I hate silence. But this one was just unspoken words trying to worm their way into the air. Neither of us wanting them there, we held them back.

I hated that I was holding back... I felt like I needed everything off my chest, but wasn't ready for the snap of releasing the tension. This was like snapping a rubber band to your wrist. The smaller the tension, the smaller the snap. The larger the tension, the bigger the snap. Right now, I had that rubber band pulled back as far as it could go, and I was scared of the snap.

I downcast my eyes to the side of Trevor's hip. I hated being silent, but I had nothing to say to fill the void. Nothing will break this god awful silence peacefully.

I closed my eyes, letting the darkness invade my vision. I hated that he had a pretty good idea of what my home life was like. I hated the pity. I didn't need that. I needed my family to be safe, but at what cost?

Trevor ran his hand through my hair, humming a small tune. I immediately recognized it. The song we, well I, danced to when we went to the club. Our song I guess.

I smiled. "That's the weirdest song to be humming." I commented, trying to hide my smile.

"It made you smile, didn't it?" He pulled back hair from my eyes, letting my vision be engulfed by his honey brown eyes.

"I guess It did." I smiled, kissing his abdomen once, going back to my sorta huddled position.

"So what do you wanna do?" He said quietly.

"I don't know... got anything in mind?" He hummed with a smile on his face. Oh no... he has an idea....

"Sex?" Geez, and I thought I was the horny one.

I side eyed him. "Seriously though." I actually wanted to do something, I just didn't know what.

"Well... you said you've been wanting to hang with Carly for a while, maybe we could swing by their place?" Not a bad Idea.

"Sure, why not. But next time, only me and you!"

"As you wish princess." He smiled grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

He dialed Daniels number and put the phone to his ear. I heard 3 faint rings before a voice.

"Hey Daniel! Mind if me and Jay swing by for a while?" I heard a muffled response come from Daniel, but I couldn't make out what he said.

"Alright, we will be there soon." I guessing he said yes. Trevor hung up and smiled at me.

"You ready to leave now, or do you want to change?" He tilted his head, running his fingers through my hair till I gave a short response.

"I'll go change." He nodded his head and let me get up.

I quickly walked to get my bag by the front door, and went to his bedroom with my bag.

I don't know why, but outside of sex, I still wasn't all that confident on striping in front of him. It felt weird to feel that way, but I at least knew it made me uncomfortable.

I locked the door and opened my bag on the bed. I pulled out my favorite blue lacy skirt, tore off my jeans, and slipped on the skirt. I felt like myself again. I hated pants anyway.

I slipped on my light blue converse and unlocked the door. I was presentable enough. But I didn't feel all that cute at the moment. I don't know why, but I didn't feel as confident as I usually do.

"Ready?" Trevor looked up from his phone, his eyes beaming, and a bright smile plastered on his face.

He slowly stood up, walking over to me, grabbing my hips and placing small kisses along my neck. "You look absolutely gorgeous." I tried to hold back a moan as he kissed along my neck. I grabbed his hips to stable myself.

"You need more of my marks on you." Trevor cooed in my ear, sucking on my earlobe.

He ran his lips down to the soft spot on my neck, quickly sucking on the skin, making me whine. Well that got me hard... he chuckled, pushing his leg up against me.

"Good boy." He cooed, pulling up my sweater, running his hands along my stomach.

"We, n-need to l-leave..." he sighed, still holding a slight smile.

"As you wish princess." He stepped away, walking towards the door. That asshole left me high and dry! I grunted with discomfort, walking towards the door with him.

He smiled, grabbing my hand before walking out the door with him.


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