《Baby boy》27


It was a quiet drive. A good kind of quiet.

Every once in a while, Trevor would put his hand on my knee and squeeze. It was calming.

The drive was kinda long. Daniel lived on the outskirts of town, so it was about a 20 minute drive or so.

I had control of the music, happily, so I plugged in my aux cord at the start of the drive, and happily played my car jams.

I didn't get to use it often since most drive I did have were short. But I was happy to use it this time.

I hummed along the whole way, I still didn't like singing knowing others were listening, but I still loved it. So I kept humming anyway.

"We're here." Trevor smiled, putting the truck in park.

Their house was a decent size. A large 1 story house on a large plot of land. I'm guessing about 4 or 5 acres. The nearest neighbors were down the road a bit. It was nice getting out of the city for once.

"Hey! I'm glad you made it alright!" I heard Daniel call from the front of the house. "Come in, make yourselves at home." Trevor grabbed my hand and we walked to the front where Daniel stood.

As we got closer, Daniel put his hand on Trevor's back, leading him through the door.

We both walked in, and I immediately felt a homey feel. Everything was slightly decorated, not much, but when there was it was rustic. It felt extremely homey, and I expected family to come running out constantly feeding me. I liked it.

"Sorry for the mess..." Daniel rubbed the back of his neck. This is messy?!?! It was spotless.

"Don't worry about it man. We did call on short notice." Trevor smiled a bit.

"Carly is getting ready to leave. She said she 'had a plan' and would fill me in later. She's weird, but I'll let it slide." He chuckled. Why is she leaving?

"If you want to say hi, you can. Just go to the right, farthest door on your left." I nodded, letting go of Trevor's hand to go find Carly.

I followed his directions with ease, and easily found her room. When I turned to look in her room, the walls where white with a light pink accent wall. Everything was pretty girly, which brought me some comfort.

I found Carly in front of her closet, pulling some clothes into a bag. "Whatcha doin'" I smiled.

She looked up from her bag and smiled. She was glowing. She looked happy, and mischievous.

"Oh good! You're here! Now I can execute my plan!" I walked toward her with a raised eyebrow. This was the 3rd time I've seen her out of her little space, and frankly it was odd. But I decided to leave it be.

"What plan?" She giggled. No words. Frankly she was scaring me, but I didn't say anything.

She finished packing and stood up. She was just a few inches shorter than me, but she stood taller than me. Head held high, looking more confident than I did at the moment.


"I have an idea, and you're not allowed to know till I talk with Danny." She smiled. She's scaring me.

"O-okay?" I questioned. She just smiled, giggling slightly.

She quickly grabbed my hand, pulling me out of her room.

We walked towards Trevor and Daniel who were already talking.

"Danny!" She said happily. "Come here, I wanna talk to you." Daniel looked just as confused as me. I wonder what she's up to.

Trevor looked at me confused, I gave him a shrug, knowing I had no clue either.

We just watched them as they walked away into another room.

"What's up baby girl?" I smiled. I grabbed my hat down from the shelf and put it on. I was working outside before they came, so I left my favorite hat inside.

"I have a confession to make..." I looked down at Carly, she was smiling as she bit her lip. She was nervous, but excited. I could tell.

I nodded my head for her to continue.

"Well... I know you're not one to experiment with some of my kinks because you don't want to hurt me... but I want to try something with you. All it requires is an open mind and some trust."

My brows furrowed slightly. She's being vague. Meaning she really wants me to understand what she wants. Normally she'd just blurt it out as if she's thinking out load, but she's slowing down her thought process so I can understand what she wants, and how badly she might want it. This was just her way of getting information to me, and it's quite adorable.

"Well, you know that night we first met everyone?"

"Yeah..." I said slowly.

"Well, while you talked with Trevor, I met Abby and Lily. We hit it off quite well, and they were both interested in me, but I turned them both down because of you."

"I appreciate you telling me, but what does that have to do with what you want?" I put my hands on her hips, calmly speaking to her. She was avoiding saying the exact words to me, probably in fear of me saying no, considering how bad she apparently wants it. Whatever it is.

"Well, after you kissed Trevor, I got to thinking about that night. And I realized that I want to have fun with the girls... but in return, you could do the same with them..." she was avoiding saying it altogether, which was starting to frustrate me since I had an idea of what she was talking about, just not specifics.

"Baby girl. Please be specific. What do you want...?" I asked calmly. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"Geez, how do I put this... screw it. I want us to have threesomes with different people." My eyes widened. A part of me was expecting this, but I didn't want to admit it.

"You know how I've always been bicurious, I've just never had the opportunity. Now that I found that opportunity, I'm with you. And I want to be with you. I just... I-" she was struggling to get the right words out, but somehow I knew what she meant and what she couldn't say.


I pulled her into a hug, holding her close as she tried to catch her breath. I sighed deeply, tucking my head in further towards my chest, just right on the top of her head.

She hugged me back tightly. "I'm sorry... I didn't... I didn't want to say anything, because I didn't want you to think I didn't love you..." it broke my heart hearing her say that. Of course I love her. No matter what.

"I know baby girl. But there's a difference. You're telling me what you want. Now if you didn't ask and did it, or asked and I said no, but did it anyway, they'd be completely different things." I tried to stay calm for her at the moment. "I love that you're trying to get me out of my shell when it comes to trying new things." She giggled through shallow breaths.

"To be honest, I have thought a lot about that night. I think as long as everyone's okay with it, we can try it out." She looked up at me.

"Really?!" She smiled.

"Of course. I know Abby and Lily are fine with it, but you can still have fun even if Jay and T don't want to. I think it will be good for you to try out some of your kinks that I'm not comfortable doing." She smiled brightly, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you..." she whispered into my chest.

"Of course baby girl."

We sat there, hugging, and smiling.

Truth be told, I wasn't anywhere close to gay, but she's gotten me to try quite a few things I have ended up liking, so I'm just going to put faith in her. She always happens to know what I'll like, without me even knowing.

"Is this why you wanted to go to their apartment?" She shook her head in my chest.

"It was part of the reason, but I'd also like to tell the girls that were pregnant. They mean a lot to me, and I feel like they deserve to know." I nodded my head.

"Of course. Just be careful baby girl. Nothing too extreme alright?" She nodded her head.

"Thank you..." she said again looking up at me. "I love you." She gently kissed me.

"I love you too baby." We pulled apart, and immediately the thoughts ran through my head. We're are we really going to do this? What happens if they say no? Oh god what if something goes up my butt!!! What if I don't like it?!?! I sighed in frustration.

"Hey, everything will be alright..." she tugged at my hand

"You can always say no. And you don't have to. I just wanted us to be even..." I smiled. She's thoughtful...

I sighed, taking in a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

She slowly dragged me out of my room, heading back towards Jay and T.

They stood talking by the door. Jay looked like his usual self, all perky and happy. It brought a smile to my face. Trevor looked happy as well. Both of them smiling from ear to ear.

"Nice hat dude." Trevor laughed a bit. I mocked him silently.

"I think it looks nice." Jay smacked Trevor's arm. Such a spit fire. I laughed a bit.

"Thanks Jay." Jay smiled, nodding his head once.

I heard Carly's phone go off, letting her know she had a text. I didn't bother looking at her phone.

"Abby and Lily are here. I'm off." She stood on her tip toes and kissed my cheek.

"Have fun baby girl. Don't hurt yourself!" She laughed as she ran out the door.

"I love you!" She screamed as she closed the door. I just chuckled a bit.

Both of them looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Why would she hurt herself?" Trevor asked.

I rubbed the side of my arm, not knowing what to say. Jay and Trevor looked at each other, seeming to telepathically communicate what they were thinking.

"Is she... and them..?" Trevor asked. I nodded my head.

"I think it's a good idea since I won't willing do a lot of things. I don't like causing pain." I chuckled slightly.

Jay looked at Trevor, looking back at me. "She mentioned some sort of plan to me, what did she mean? Was that it?" Jay looked at me confused.

I nodded my head. "Sorta..."

"Sorta..." Daniel rubbed the back of his neck.

I looked back at Jay who looked just as confused. "That was only half of it. She wants to do that with them. But she also wants me to do the same with both of you." My eyes widened as I looked at Daniel who bowed his head in embarrassment, covering his face.

I looked back at Jay who looked just as surprised, but a little intrigued.

I shrugged my shoulders, giving the non-verbal communication, letting him know I was fine with it. He pointed his head towards Daniel, insinuating me to make a move.

I raised my eyebrow, looking at him. Making sure this was absolutely okay with him. He nodded his head, pushing me towards Daniel a bit. Geez, here goes nothing...

I walked to Daniel, tipping his hat up a bit. He was only a few inches shorter than me, which made it easier to look into his green eyes.

He looked a little scared, which was hard for a first timer. It was always scary to break out of your shell like that. And I don't blame him.

I put one hand on his waist, pulling myself closer to him.

I stared deep into his eyes, closing my eyes only to lean in, and kiss his soft full lips.


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