《Baby boy》25


The whole crew was walking around the farmers market. We, well... I, planned on making dinner for everyone since it was our last full day here. I even invited Trevor's mom to join us! She gladly accepted. But we just wandered the market, looking for simple things to make for dinner.

Carly and Daniel were acting weird all day. But I chose not to think too much about it. But Carly was out of her little space and I thought that was a little odd... but I'm choosing to mind my own business.

"Trevor, lets go over there, I need that... freak! What is it called! Ughggghhhh..." I groaned. Trevor just laughed.

"Interesting choice of vocabulary princess, but alright. We'll catch up with you guys later." We waves at the group as we wandered off to the other side of the market.

"So what are you planning on making?" Trevor held my available hand while I carried a basket with the other.

"Well... Abby taught me this recipe a while back, and it's become my favorite thing to make. Spicy rice." (Y'all I brought this shit back from the dead 😫) Trevor hummed in approval at my choice of food.

"So what do we need exactly?" (Here comes a recipe y'all decided you wanted it SO BADLY) Trevor turned to me, confused as to what the dish even was.

"Well... to be exact..." I showed him the paper I had in my hand, showing the full recipe.

(You're welcome.)

(If you didn't want this, then ignore it.)

"Wow... That's a lot..." Trevor rubbed the back of his neck."

"Hush! It's worth it!" I started walking backwards towards the onions, nagging at Trevor.

I kept backing up, slowly turning around, but bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" I helped pick up the boys food that I knocked out of his hand.

"It's all good!" The boy finished picking up the food, facing towards me. He was tall, about 5'9, blond hair, dark blue almost purple eyes, and a damn nice smile. Definitely gay.

"Still, I am so sorry about that. I need to look where I'm going." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I promise, you're all good. It was nice bumping into you." The boy chuckled.

"Well, It was nice chatting?" I laughed questioningly.

"It was. I'll see you around I guess..." Luke waved his awkward goodbye. Trevor looked at me with a raised eyebrow, I just shrugged my shoulder.

Hmm... what a weird guy...

We went on with the rest of our shopping, and got everything fresh that we needed.

"Alright... now we just need to get the bottled stuff somewhere else...." I held the paper, reading over it.

"Nope. Look over there." Trevor pointed to the far end of the market, and pointed out the Asian section, and exotic foods.

"PERFECT! Let's go!!" I pulled Trevor along, racing toward that section. Dodging through people on our way.

I scanned the section on foods, seeing all sorts of meats. Including oysters, octopus, fish, everything. I turned my head to the other side, finding the seasonings you don't typically cook with.

We found everything we needed. And some. Trevor found snacks and started munching on them. I don't even know what it's called. I just know it was an Australian candy. It was really good, but didn't know what it was.


"Why'd you by that! You'll spoil your dinner." I nagged.

"Sorry babe. But I saw. And I grabbed. And I ate. Tim tams are the love of my life and you can't take them from me!" (Try it. It's bomb.) he kept munching through the package of chocolates.

I shook my head laughing.

"Hey! There you are- what the hell is he eating?" Abby raised her eyebrow pointing at Trevor's food.

"TIM TAMS! STOP JUDGING!" Trevor pouted into his food.

I shrugged my shoulders as we all continued through the market. Making last minute buys before heading back to the hotel.


"BOOOOOOOO!!!!" Abby threw popcorn at the tv. We happened to be watching anime after lily talked us all into it. It wasn't that bad. But I kept shipping all the straight characters with a gay counterpart. Damn you totodeku.

"Oh come on. Let the characters be straight!" Daniel piped up.

"NO! I won't allow it!" Abby piped up. Damn we're too gay for this....

"Oh my god! Just watch the show!" Trevor piped up from the couch.

I cooked dinner while I listened to them bicker. It was funny. Trevor's mom helped me cook, but she mostly watched since I didn't let her cook anything.

"Is my child always like this?" She whispered to me.

"No, not really. He's normally really reserved, but he's been really out of his shell today.

She smiled. Shaking her head lightly. "What?" I chuckled.

"Nothing darlin'. It's just.... I haven't seen him like this in a long time. Happy I mean." I nodded. "It's nice to see him back to his old self." I smiled at the thought.

The thought of a constant dorky Trevor brought a smile to my face. Wondering what he was like as a child.

"Alright child. I'll finish dinner. Go sit with my boy." She smiled.

"No, ma'am, please let me finish." She glared. "Okay, okay..." she smiled.

"Good boy. Now, sit."

"Yes ma'am." I quietly walked over to everyone, walking towards Trevor. He patted his lap, I quickly sat on his lap, curling into his arms.

"It's yours! Your quirk, not his!" The TV shouted. Geez this shows emotional.

"HIT IT TODOROKI!!! HIT IT!!!" Abby chanted.

"They're weird..." I whispered into Trevor's ear.

"Indeed." He chuckled. But he seemed just as interested in this show as everyone else. I've already seen it like 30 times, so the emotions didn't hit as hard. Okay. That was an exaggeration, this show still hits my heart. I turn into a little bitch every time I watch it. So I tried not to pay attention as the show continued.

"Come get dinner kids!" I swear I saw all the girls jump out of their seats in the blink of an eye.

"Well they're hungry..." I chuckled getting off of Trevor's lap.

He pulled me back to his lap, kissing along my neck and ear. "Maybe you could be my dinner..." he sucked and bit along my neck. I had to hold back a moan.

"'EY! Dinner! NOT EACH OTHER!" Trevor's mom called from the kitchen, making my face go a deep red.

"MA!!!!!!" Trevor whined.

"Dinner. Before I come and beat your ass with my spoon!" Trevor sighed, finally letting me get up.

We all finally stood in line, occasionally Trevor grabbing my ass and his mom giving him glares.


We all got severed and sat down on the couches again. Back to our show.

"What is this again?" Trevor's mom leaned over to me, confused at the show.

"It's anime... my hero academia." His mom nodded and still looked confused.


But we were all here. We never said a word. Aside from the occasional booing at the straight characters, we generally stayed silent.

I wasn't paying attention. My mind was elsewhere. Everything felt surreal. I had friends... a boyfriend. His mom loved me, I think, and my life was great.

It felt amazing to finally relax for more than five minutes without life smacking me in the face.

But knowing life, it was just waiting an extra minute before it threw a bigger punch.

Once I snapped out of it, it was 7 episodes later. They were all 23ish minutes, so it wasn't long.

"Daddy... I's go nigh nighs..." Carly mumbled into Daniels chest. Trevor's mom looked over at them, slightly shocked, but didn't say anything.

"Alright... lets go princess." Daniel kissed her forehead, smiling bigger than I've seen.

"Alright. We're clocking out. Night guys. Say goodnight princess." Daniel cooed in her ear.

"Nigh nighs..." Carly's eyes slowly closed. She was tired. It was only 9, but it felt like 10 to us still since Illinois was an hour behind Georgia.

"We should go to." Abby stood up, some bones cracking as she stretched.

"It was lovely meeting you miss Bryant." Lily waved to Trevor's mom. She smiled to her.

"It was lovely meeting you both as well. Sleep well!" She said cheerfully.

Everyone was gone besides Trevor, his mom, and I.

"Alright. I'm going to get ready for bed." Trevor kissed my cheek, setting me to the side of him before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

I looked over at Trevor's mom and she had her eyes downcast. Looking at her hands.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing baby... nothing... just, something's been eating at my brain, and I think ya should know." She started to pick at her finger nails.

"What is it?" I crossed my legs, sitting towards her.

"Well... I was homophobic once... and... geez... well, my heart was filled with hate for a long time. And every time I see these new things, it brings me back to that time. I always judge them, but straight after I try to change my thinking, knowing they aren't affecting my life with theirs. Its just... it's hard to wrap my head around sometimes. Yaknow?" I felt bad. I didn't know she felt this way, but I understood where she was coming from.

"Your first thought is what you were taught to think, your second thought is who you are. I learned that a long time ago. I judge people all the time, but realize that they should be who they are, just like me." She looked over at me with sad eyes.

She smiled, slightly. "Thank you." She closed her eyes for longer than needed to to blink.

Instead of responding, I hugged her. Both of us still sitting, I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. "You don't know how much it means to me that your trying to understand. It doesn't matter that you do or not, just that your trying and accept that this is who I am." She hugged me back, sniffling slightly.

"You're a good kid Jay. You're a good kid." She mumbled into my shoulder." She kissed my neck really quick, showing a mother's love. I smiled, digging my face deeper into her shoulder.

She slowly pulled apart, smiling. "I should get going. Tell my baby I love him." She kissed my cheek before getting up and leaving.

I sat on the couch quietly. Soaking in every word she told me. I realized something. She changed, but for what reason? What happened that made her change her mind about people like me, people like Trevor, all of us. She could have been uncomfortable that whole time, but never said a word. Why?

"What's got you stuck in your thoughts princess?" I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want to ask him just in case his mom never told him. He sighed, knowing I was hiding something, but chose not to say anything.

"If you don't want to say anything that's fine, just please don't lie about it. Alright princess?" He walked over, holding out his hand to grab mine. I got off the couch, holding his hand.

"I know, I just need to gather my thoughts. I'm sorry." I hugged him, pulling him close. It was times like this that I appreciated that he was so understanding. It was something I truly admired.

"It's alright, just please be honest with me." He ran his hand through my hair, pulling me to his chest.

He pulled back enough to to grab me by the ass and picked me up, letting me cling to his chest.

He slowly walked us to the bedroom, gently setting me down on the bed before falling to the side of me. Grabbing my waist, he pulls me to the side of his chest and I gladly cling to his side.

I love this feeling. He makes me feel safe. Protected. Loved.

"What's running through that pretty little head of yours?" He pushed back the hairs from my face, looking into my eyes.

"Just that... I don't want to let you go... ever." I ran my nails over his abs, tracing each indent.

"I feel the same..." I looked up, staring into his beautiful honey colored eyes.

I felt like I was giving a pitiful expression, but that didn't stop him from pulling me closer and planting the softest kisses on my lips.

It didn't feel needy, not anything other than filled with warmth. Like he wanted me here, in the moment. Only filling the minutes with happiness in fear that I might disappear if he didn't.

His soft lips were all I need in the moment. I needed him. I needed him to stay. Stay in my arms. Stay.

It has only been around two months, but in these two months it's been a bumpy ride. I felt like we started off on a weird patch, but after he saw through our age difference, he saw me. Not a kid, not someone lesser than himself. He saw me.

I felt like I didn't deserve him, but I knew I would do anything to deserve him. To become someone he deserves.

And I couldn't wait for the future. I couldn't wait to see what the world had in store for us.


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