《Baby boy》24



The sun was shinning brightly in my eyes as I slowly woke up. What a beautiful morning...

I think what I'm most thankful for today is how lucky I am to have a wonderful girlfriend, great friends, and most of all, a great life.

I smiled as I looked down at Carly who gladly slept against my chest.

I slowly ran my fingers through her long blond, almost white hair. Her pale skin and silky hair shone in the sunlight, making her glow.

She was radiating. So gorgeous...

How I landed a girl like her? I have no clue. But I'm thankful she chose me everyday. I became a better man for her. For myself. She brought light back in my life, and I... I love her for that. I love her.

"Mmm... you awake?" Carly mumbled under her breath. It was unusual to see her out of her little space. I was so used to her little side, it's almost odd to see her like herself.

"I am princess. How'd you sleep?" She turned her head to face me. Her long hair falling across my chest.

"Great." She smiled. I smiled back. "Come on, we have more adventures for today!" She pushed against my chest, pushing herself off me.

My large white T-shirt hung on her, making it into a dress, accentuating her every curve. I smiled as she got to the edge of the bed, setting herself there. Staying. Not moving for a second.

"You alright princess?" I reached over to touch her hand, she didn't move.

"Yeah... just moved too fast." She tended to get really dizzy when she stood up too fast. But that was normal for her. She had just learned to live with it.

As soon as she stood up, slowly, I expected her to walk like she normally did, but this time she ran straight to the bathroom.

I quickly got out of bed, tearing through the room to rush to her aid.

She kneeled against the toilet, dry heaving. I quickly rushed beside her, rubbing her back, and holding her hair back.

She gripped the seat as she sat there. Holding her ground. She hated getting sick.

"Geez... of all the times to get bad food poisoning." She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Thank you Danny..." she turned and smiled at me.

"I'll always be here for you princess." She smiled. "Are you alright to move?" She nodded her head.

I stood up, grabbing her hand gently, helping her up slowly.

"Hey, can you get my phone?" I nodded.

"Of course princess." I quickly walked to get her phone off the nightstand as she leaned against the bathroom counter.

I handed her her phone, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Maybe take a shower to help relax a bit. Or maybe I can draw you a bath?" She smiled.

"A bath sounds nice." She reached up and kissed me on the cheek.

I picked her up, setting her on the counter, hearing her chuckle a bit.

I turned to turn on the bath, waiting for it to get hot like she likes it.


It slowly heated up and I put the plug in the bath, letting it fill.

I watched as Carly quickly got off the counter, running to her suitcase.

She sifted through it quickly, grabbing a small green bottle. "Can't have a bath without bubbles." She twirled the bottle in her hand.

She walked over, dumping a good amount of the green apple scented bubbles. My favorite.

She always smelled like green apple, knowing it was my favorite smell. She's had multiple favorite scents, including vanilla and flowers, but I always enjoyed green apple the most.

Without paying attention, the bath slowly filled to the top, Carly stripped herself of my shirt she was wearing. Completely naked. No matter how many times I see her, she never fails to amaze me.

"Alright buddy, get out." She shooed me out of the room, a giant smile plastered on her face.

I blew her a kiss and quietly left the bathroom, closing the door.

I sat myself in the bath, still feeling nauseous.

I was extremely dizzy this morning, and it was difficult to stand.

But I put on a brave face for Danny. There was no need for him to worry. It was normal for me after all. These dizzy spells were quite common for me. But the doctors had no idea what was wrong with me. They just told me to eat more, hoping that would help. It did, but it never completely went away.

But this one was worse, and it felt different from the rest.

I sat up and grabbed my phone from the counter, scrolling through to find one of my apps.

I clicked on what I needed, looking through it.

Last one... oh shit...

I looked at the calendar set for my period. I was late... 2 weeks late...

Oh god no... no no no... uh uh, can't be possible. We are always protected... right? Oh god... I'm too young... what will Danny think? I CANT DO THIS!

My head started spinning and I set my phone down. I felt like puking again.

I rubbed my temples, trying to cool down... I needed to think rationally...

I need Danny. Fuck...

"Danny?" I called out quietly.

A small knock on the door, then Daniel poked his head through. "Yes princess? You alright?"

I shook my head no. He quickly rushed to my side, holding my hand, looking through my eyes, searching for answers.

"Okay... no need to panic yet but... I... I need you to go get something for me..." I hated being cryptic, but this was harder than expected.

"What do you need princess? Pain killers, food, Oreos?" He knew Oreos were my favorite... but that's not what I needed. I shook my head.

"Look Danny, don't freak out... but I need you to get a pregnancy test..." Daniel kept a straight face, thinking.

He didn't move a muscle. Just looking at me with the same expression. But he broke that quickly, putting his forehead to my hand, holding my hand there. "Of course princess." He looked up at me smiling, then kissing my hand.

I smiled. Feeling relieved he looked happy. "I'll be back then... please call me if you feel any worse. I'll get some medicine for you as well. I love you princess." He leaned down, kissing my forehead.


"I love you too..." I smiled.

He walked out of the bathroom, closing the door. I heard some shuffling, motions of getting dressed, the rattle of his keys, a door opening and closing. Gone.

I sighed, leaning further into the bath. I held my stomach, sitting in the bubbles. I felt sick to my stomach, but I didn't want to move, in fear of actually puking this time. I hate puking.

I sat in the bath for quite a while until the water got cold.

But I still stayed. Sitting in the cold water. The bubbles dying down. I hated being out of my little space, I didn't feel like myself. But this situation required me to think rationally and clearly. I couldn't act like a kid when I might have one. I needed to think for my possible child.

I didn't feel ready... it felt too early. But I knew Danny wanted kids. He always had. I was willing to give that to him, knowing he'd be overflowing with happiness.

This was my decision in the end. Whether or not I was ready, it was my decision to keep them or not. Mine. Not anyone else's. And I wouldn't let anyone take that away from me.

But by the look of happiness on Danny's face, he made my decision so much easier.

I think I'm ready.

I drained the bath, slowly getting up so I didn't puke. Dried off, looking at myself in the mirror. I touched ever single one of my freckles on my chest, only a few of them gracing my skin. But I loved the small detail to my light skin.

I wrapped the towel around myself, covering up, when I heard the door open and close. "I'm back!" Danny called from the small kitchen.

I smiled, waiting for him to enter the bathroom.

"Feeling better?" I nodded my head. I felt better, but I still felt like shit. "Ready?"

His question lingered. Was I? No. But for him? I was ready to have an adventure.

I nodded my head, grabbing the box in his hand.

"Here goes nothing...." he quietly walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Waiting... I finished the test 2 minutes ago, and this last minute is taking forever. I feel like my mind is clouding. I can't take the anticipation.

I paced the bathroom floor as I bit my nails. A bad habit of mine when I get nervous.

One step back and forth, turning on my heel, pacing. I couldn't take it.

3 minutes. The long agonizing minute was up. But when the minute finally was up, I didn't realize how much I didn't want to know. This would change my life. Good or bad. Whether I was pregnant, or not. This would change me in some way. And I don't think I was ready to handle that change. Not yet.

I took a deep breath, picking up the stick. Closing my eyes so I didn't see the results.

This was agonizing.

I slowly opened my eyes, looking down at the stick slowly, finally letting myself look at the results.

I waited outside the bathroom for her. Sitting on the bed, not knowing what to do.

My leg bounced up and down in anticipation. I could feel myself getting excited. Excited for our future.

I always wanted kids, but if they were with Carly, I would be the happiest man alive.

I was so excited to know the results, happy to think that our life might be changing for the good or bad. I just wanted to know where this event would take us. Whether it be down the path of parenthood, or the path of mourning. If she decided she wasn't ready, Id still be there to hold her hand, and give her my unconditional love. Because that's what she deserves.

I laid down, waiting for the minutes to tick by. Everything was going by so slow. I was so excited that time seemed to stand still.

I know Carly is still young, and she deserves to have her life. I realize she should live her life, know what it's like before kids. I already got that opportunity, while she hasn't yet. And that's okay. I'm willing to wait for this moment for the rest of my days as long as I still have her by my side. I was willing to wait an eternity for her, knowing I could make her smile even during her times of sorrow.

I was ready.

I heard the door to the bathroom creak open. I shot up from my laying down position, straight to sitting.

Carly looked down cast at the floor, moving slowly. She wasn't holding the test like I predicted. She trudged to me with long wet hair, and my shirt still on her.

I reached my arms out to her, she obliged and sat in my lap, holding me close to her.

She never said a word.

She took deep breaths, focusing on breathing rather than telling me what was going on. But I didn't push her, knowing she'd tell me on her own.

I love her. No matter what. I know she's mine, nothing and no one will change that.

I'm ready to make any step to our future together.

"Danny?" She whispered into my chest.

"Yes princess?" She stayed silent. She just wanted to get my attention.

I ran my fingers through her wet hair, holding her to my chest. I just need to be there for her, like I always am. I need to support her decision, no matter if it's not what I want or not. This is her decision. Not mine.

"You love me right?" She sounded hurt.

"Of course I love you Carly. With all my heart." I never really used her real name. Always nicknames. This was good in a way. It's how she knew I was serious. No jokes.

"I'm glad..." I heard her small smile. Not even having to see it to know she was.

I just held her close. Content with not knowing for just a little bit longer.

"We're going to be parents..."


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