《Baby boy》23


We had fun at Trevor's mom's. She's such a sweet lady.

I definitely consider her a mother figure. Just like Nana.

But we ate cookies, watched TV, ate more cookies because why not, I had fun. And Trevor seemed a lot happier after seeing his mom.

But we were back at the hotel. The day had to end at some point, even though I didn't want it to.

We sat on the couch, Trevor holding me against his chest as we watched some weird Netflix original.

"Thank you..." I turned my head to look up at him.

"For what?"

"I don't know... everything. I had a great day today. And I love your mom. She made today a great day." I smiled, looking up at him. He smiled slightly.

"I'm glad you had a good day." He smiled, tilting my head. "But you do realize you still need a punishment from this morning." I groaned. It felt like I was reminded to do the dishes. The dread.

"I know princess, but since you did so well eating today, you'll just rewrite my rules. Including the new ones. Alright?" I laid my head down on his lap, taking a deep breath.


"Good boy." He leaned down, kissing me gently. "Now get to writing before I smack your ass instead." He chuckled as I got off the couch, smacking my ass a bit. I turned around to shoot him a glare. He just laughed.

I walked over to the breakfast nook attached to the kitchen and sat down with a notepad and a pen. Writing ever rule to a T.

1. Don't touch yourself without permission

2. No cussing

3. No lying or hiding things

4. Tell your dom when you are uncomfortable or have any negative emotion

5. Don't disrespect your dom

6. Addresses your dom correctly when around others

7. Use your safe word when necessary

8. Orgasms are a privilege and owned by your dom. You will ask your dom for permission to cum and thank him each time.

9. Always follow the rules to the best of your ability.

10. If you ever have questions/concerns with the rules, talk with your dom immediately.

Okay... new rules...

11. Never hide your littlespace.

12. Trust your dom to take care of you.

13. No physically harming yourself.

14. Take care of yourself, (shower, brush teeth, eat, etc.)

15. Apologize only when necessary.

16. Be yourself.

I think that's it...

I stopped. Looking and reading over the rules.

I felt a light hand on my shoulder, making me jump. I looked back to see Trevor reading the rules.

"Good boy." He kissed the top of my head. "Your punishment is done. Cuddle?" He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, kissing my neck.

"Can't do that when your entire weight is on me." I laughed.

He let go, grabbing my hand, I followed behind as he walked to the couch.

He plopped down on the couch, stretching his arms out to me. I grabbed his hand lightly with mine. He pulled me closer, eventually getting me to straddle him. Nothing sexual about it, just genuine and innocent.


I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me closer.

We just looked into each other's eyes. Filling the silent room with unspoken words. Content in the silence.

Silence. His even breathing. My pounding heart. The butterfly's trying to escape my stomach. The soft rustling of clothes as he moved his hand up and down my side. The weird Netflix original in the background. Silence.

All the unspoken words, now spoken with our eyes.

I felt something deep within me that I've never felt before... but it was intoxicating. It was a buzzing feeling from the butterfly's in my stomach. Reaching throughout my body. I didn't want this feeling to go away.

I leaned onto Trevor's shoulder and just laid there. Feeling his hand roam my back as he cooed sweet whispers in my ear.

This feeling... I couldn't pin point it. But I had a feeling I knew exactly what it was... but I didn't want to admit it.

It's too early... it'll just scare him off... and what if I was wrong...

I was perfectly content just letting this feeling consume me. But I knew that wouldn't be true later on.

"What's got you so quite princess?" Trevor leaned the side of his head against the back of mine while I was still on his shoulder.

"Nothin'... just happy." I smiled. It wasn't a lie. I am happy. He makes me happy. Just... maybe more than he can handle.

"I'm glad..." I heard his smile as he rubbed his hand up and down my back. Making slow circles with his thumb.

We basked in the silence, letting it overtake us.

The lulling sound of his heartbeat calmed me. My eyes felt heavy as I smiled.

"Can you tell me a story?" He didn't say a word for a while. Just letting his breathing become deeper, more controlled.

"What kind of story?"

"Any... as long as it's yours to tell." I felt him smile as he kissed the back of my head.

I slowly ran my hand up and down his back, soothing him as I started my story.

"There was this prince, that somehow was able to steal this boys heart. They originally met in high school. This prince was loved by a lot of people. He was a track star. The whole track team loved him. They praised him. He was only a Sophomore. Getting ready to go through the rest of the year. While the boy was a senior. Watching how everyone loved him. Standing on the sidelines. To the prince, he only thought he was the school nerd. He was very smart, always practiced when he had extra time, and studied all through the night. But to the boy? He was perfect. Loved. But one day the boy got the courage to go talk to the prince. The prince found it odd that a senior took an interest to him, but they immediately clicked. They became inseparable. They had the best friendship ever. But one day the boy got the courage to ask the prince on a date. And to the boy's surprise, the prince said yes. Their friendship wasn't ruined like the boy had predicted it would be, but to a very pleasant surprise, it grew stronger. They never left each other's sides. They continued to be together through the rare arguments that always ended on a happy, more understood note. The prince stayed. The boy was the happiest person alive. Until the boy graduated. The prince was sad that the boy had to leave, but fully supported. The boy left for college in a different state, and they continued to be as close as they were. States apart. They FaceTimed, talked all night, and through early morning. They were in love. But every break the boy got, he jumped at the chance to be back with the person he loved the most. Visiting him at high school, at the boys house where his mom gladly sheltered the both of them. They were so happy. Until one day, closing in on the princes 19th birthday, he decided to come out to his dad. The boy wanted to be there with him, but the prince said he needed to do it alone..." I took a lengthy breath, starting to get emotional. But I swallowed my tears and prepared to continue.


"What happened to the prince?" Jay whispered in my shoulder.

"He told his dad everything. But the boy afterwords... disappeared. The boy never saw him again. Not one word. Not one goodbye. Just gone."

"Why did the prince leave? Wasn't he happy?" Jay asked shyly.

"The boy didn't know..." Jay stayed silent... listening for something.

"Maybe something happened to the prince..." I nodded my head.

"It's a possibility... but I guess the boy will never know." Jay hummed.

"What was the princes name?" I took a deep breath.

"That's for another time princess... another time. I promise." Jay stayed silent. Kind of upset, but deep in thought.

"I think the prince loved the boy. I'm sure something happened to the prince. I'm sure of it."

"If you say so princess... if you say so."

We stayed quite, basking in the silence. Just holding each other. Like nothing was wrong.

"Can you tell another story?" Jay turned his head to look at me, head still on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath, thinking.

"Once upon a time, the boy was a freshman. Still getting used to the high school scene. He worked hard to get by, he struggled and struggled. But back then, people weren't as excepting of the idea of 'gay people'. The boy was bullied, but generally steered away from because they didn't want to 'catch the gay'. But one day, someone stood up for the boy. The boy thanked this kind stranger, and soon they became close friends. The boy's only friend. The boy and his friend where so close, they were inseparable. His friend would tease him, but that was okay for the boy. He needed a friend, no matter the cost. He felt alone without his friend."

"I don't think the boy was really alone... do you?" Jay stopped me, mid-story, with worry in his voice.

"No one is truly alone princess. But this is just how the boy felt. He felt alone without his friend. But soon they grew closer, and closer. While his friend one day told the boy he was bi, but only for the boy. This made the boy swell with happiness. Knowing someone wanted him. But over the course of time, the friend introduced the boy to his lifestyle. His friend was a dom. And his friend wanted to teach the boy how to be a proper sub. So after weeks of training, the boy felt ready to be his friends sub. He wanted to be perfect for his friend. And only for him. The signed a contract to stay together for a few months. So the boy ignored tell his new dom that he didn't feel comfortable with a lot of the stuff, like sex, and some of the more violent scenes, but he stayed quite, only wanting to please his dom." I took a deep breath, stopping for only a moment.

"The boy did a no no... right?"

"He did princess, he did. But the boy ignored his feelings to please his dom. Staying silent. After a while, the dom started to get impatient with the boy, not understanding why he didn't want to have sex with him."

"Was the boy a virgin?"

"He was baby. But the dom grew impatient, pressuring the boy to go through with it. Saying that he didn't love him if he didn't give himself to him."

"Did he do it?" Jay looked up with sad eyes.

"Eventually, he did. The boy gave it. Finally giving in. The dom was extremely pleased, but didn't take to account how the boy would feel about certain things. So during the boys first time, the dom hit, smacked, and beat the sub. Calling it a 'punishment' for being such a slut. This made the boy feel horrible. But he loved his dom, so he thought this is just what love was. But... after the dom was finished, leaving scars, blood, and his juices all over the sub, he left."

"Why... why would the dom do that?"

"I don't know baby... but the dom left, and when the boy came back to find him the next day, he treated him just like everyone else. Not wanting to touch him, because he'd catch 'the gay'. After that day, the boy's bullying got worse. All through sophomore and junior year. Making the boy feel trapped. But eventually, the boy felt numb. But his mom transferred him to a new school his senior year, making to boy feel better. This school was nicer, with nicer people. At least there no one even talked to him, nor about him. Only the general 'oh look the new kid'. It was better than nothing. And that's when, the boy finally met his prince, fixing and breaking his life."

"I'm glad the boy found some happiness within the darkness." I smiled.

"I am too baby... I am too."

His breathing slowed as he lulled off to sleep. His soft snores and even breathing pulled me off to dreamland with him. Leaving me with a speck of light within the dark space of my mind.


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