《Baby boy》21





Jaylynn laid in my lap, continuing to watch the movie.

He hadn't touched his second pop tart in the package, but I didn't want to push him.

I ran my hand through his hair, it probably being more soothing for me than for him, but continued anyway.

Jay chuckled at the jokes throughout the movie, ignoring everything around him. His soul focus on the movie.

It was getting late, but he wasn't tired, due to sleeping the whole ride here. I, on the other hand, was exhausted. I yawned, trying to stay awake, but my eyes fighting back.

"You can sleep yaknow?" Jay rolled over in my lap, giving me his big brown innocent eyes.

"I know, I just want to be up with you." I stroked my thumb across his cheek, making him smile. That damn smile that makes my heart skip a beat every time.

He got up quickly, walking in front of me, only to straddle me, sitting neatly on my lap. "You're tired... please... don't worry about me, just go to sleep."

"How can I sleep when I know your ass is on me, and I could be doing something else..." I smirked. He smacked my arm playfully.

"Pervert." He smiled. "But still... go to sleep. It's my turn to take care of you." He gently pecked my lips.

I pressed back harder into his intended innocent kiss, gripping his ass. He pulled away chuckling.

"Alright horndog, down boy... it's bed time for you." He pressed his lips against my nose, smiling as he pulled away.

"Since when did we switch rolls?" I smirked, gripping his ass, making him moan slightly.

"When you started acting like a horny teenager. Now. Bedtime." I sighed. My eyes giving in slightly.

He laid his head against my shoulder, nuzzling his forehead into the nape of my neck.

I put my hand on the small of his back, slowly rubbing circles with my thumb.

To my surprise, Jay started humming a soft melody into my ear, making me smile. A soft melody echoing in my head, leaving my tired eyes heavier with each note.

With his fragile body leaning against me, holding me close, and his sweet soft melody's, every second I grew closer and closer to a peaceful sleep.



Everything was fuzzy, but something felt really good.

I still hadn't opened my eyes, so everything was black. But everything around me felt like I was in a lucid dream.

But I knew it felt too real to be a dream.

I heard quiet moans in my ear, soft, sweet, and silky sounding.

The moaning continued to play through my ear as something rubbed against my now growing erection.

I slowly opened my eyes. Everything being fuzzy, and a bright light peaking though the windows. I tilted my head, adjusting my ears to the sight in front of me.

All I saw was a small framed body straddling my lap, grinding against me. Their head tucked into my neck.

I moved my hand to rub my eyes, still not completely coherent. The small body stopped at my movement, obviously stiff.

My eyes adjusted, and immediately I knew it was Jay. That horny little minx.

"What's wrong princess?" I kissed his neck as he shivered under my lips.

"I-it hurts..." he whispered into my neck, slowly starting to grind against me again. Only making slow, long thrusts.

"What hurts baby?" He groaned in discomfort. "I can't help if you don't tell me what you want." I licked the side of his neck, making him shiver.


"D-daddyyy..." he breathed out, rubbing himself against me through the fabric of our clothes.

I gripped his ass, holding him in place. He leaned up, facing me. I gripped his neck with one hand, causing a gasp to escape his soft lips.

"Who gave you permission to please yourself slut?" I licked my lips as he gave a cheeky smile, clasping my hand tighter around his throat.

He choked out a moan as he moved his hips, unable to make load sounds with my hand gripping his throat.

"Such a slut aren't you..." I licked the side of his neck, just a bit passed my hand. "You want daddy's cock, don't you?" I kissed along his jaw line as he choked out a broken moan.

I let go of his throat and grabbed his hair. Pulling back revealing his marked up neck. He moaned with every move of my finger on his scalp. "Such a slut for daddy." He had a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Strip then Expose." He quickly got off my lap once I let go of his hair. He got on the floor in front of me, making me smirk as I leaned my head in my hand, my legs spread so I could watch him.

He slowly peeled of his sweats and my shirt that he wore. Revealing small, black, lacy panties. He smiled as I scanned his body. He peeled of the panties, leaving himself exposed to me, and only me.

He quickly got to his knees, spreading his legs apart, his dick standing at full attention. Twitching from all the excitement. He put his hands behind his head, puffing out his chest, making his back angle at a nice curve.

"Such a good slut." He smiled, leaving a trace of a blush on his freckled face.

I rested my weight on my knees, leaving my arms at a 90° angle.

Jay stayed in that position with confidence. Smirking, knowing he knew his poses well. "Stay."

He raised an eyebrow, following me with his eyes.

I walked to our bags that still sat by the front door. Opening a pouch, grabbing my riding crop. Damn I love this thing.

I walked back over to Jay, who was now filled with excitement.

I dragged the crop over his elbows and down his arms as I walked behind him. Watching him shiver with every touch of the cold leather.

I ran the cold leather down his spine, watching him squirm. Walking in front of him, I place the crop under his chin, bring his face to face me.

"Why'd you break one of my rules pet?" He bit the inside of his lip, thinking.

"I-I needed you... but I didn't want to wake you sir..." I tilted my head in empathy.

"I'll gladly wake up at 4am to take care of you. It's my job pet. To take care of you. Alright?"

"Yes sir." "Good." He let his head fall down when I removed the crop from under his chin.

I sat back down in front of him. My dick painfully hard, but that wasn't my priority. With Jays head bowed respectfully, and his whole body submitting to me, I smiled.

"Come here pet." He lifted his head as I patted my lap. "Face away from me." He nodded his head, sitting on my lap, facing towards the wall in front of us.

"Your punishment will be later, but for know, I'm going to take care of you." He nodded his head.


I leaned him back onto my chest, till his bare back was pressed against me. I spread his legs, making sure I had full access.

I ran my hand up and down his thigh, getting close to where he wanted me to touch, but not touching.

I grabbed his dick, gently. Rubbing slowly. Letting him take in my touch.

His whines and whimpers covered as he tried to bite them back. I let him this time because we were in a hotel, but later that wouldn't be an option.

I circled my finger around his tip, watching him squirm. Slowly running my finger over the slit of his throbbing cock.

He shuddered, mumbling incoherent sentences. I just smiled as I nibbled on his neck. Surely leaving some nice purple marks.

"D-daddy.... I can't hold it..." his back arched against me as he squirmed in my lap, making me harder than I already was.

"Cum for me princess." As if seconds after uttering that sentence into his ear, he came all over my hand and his abdomen.


I chuckled.

"Well good morning indeed." He didn't have any sassy remarks. Just a slight nod of his head as he was pent out on my chest. Attempting to control his breathing.

I put my hand on his stomach, slowly rubbing it, attempting at giving a comforting feeling. He hummed in approval, smiling.

"Hate to break it to you gorgeous, but we've got things to do today." He groaned, I just chuckled. "I promise, all good things." He leaned back in order to face me, smiling slightly.

"Alright..." he smiled, kissing me gently.

"But first, you need to shower." He rolled his eyes at my comment. I chuckled.

"And because you're being a butt head, you don't get to join." He side eyed me with a big smirk on his face. Swaying his ass as he walked to the bathroom attached to the master suite. Damn teaser...

I got up, quickly walking to the sink and washing my hands. Finishing up, I knew I needed to change. Sadly I couldn't where my joggers the whole weekend.

I went into the bedroom with both our bags in hand, hearing faint sounds of the shower running behind music playing in the sink, used as a speaker. I didn't know what was playing, but it definitely sounded like something Jay would like.

I set the bags down, hanging in the doorway, listening. The sounds of his soft singing, careful not to be to loud to where I could hear, but I could. And I wasn't disappointed.

I smiled, bending over to grab an outfit out of my bag.

I grabbed a simple red t-shirt with a v-line, and tight black jeans, and of course, my black converse. I set everything on the bed, slowly removing myself from my traveling clothes.

Once I was down to nothing, I slipped on every article of clothing on. And once I finished I heard the shower turn off.

A few minutes of no sound, then a slight crack of the door, Jay peaking through.

"Can you hand me my bag?" I nodded my head, handing him his bag.

He winked before closing the door, then I knew he had something planned.

I sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard. Waiting.

There was a lot of rustling around, then a hairdryer.

It felt like I was waiting forever, when it was probably 8 minutes.

After what felt like forever, Jay pokes his head out from between the doorframe and the door, but only his face.

"Come on princess, I want to see." He smiled, slightly giggling. I knew this was his little space. He liked to do it when he felt himself. Normally it didn't last longer than a half an hour, but sometimes it was different.

He opened the door slightly, slowly showing off the cutest outfit he picked for the day.

A thick pink sweater dress with white thigh high socks with little white ribbons at the top, with his pastel pink vans.

He grabbed at the ends of his sleeves, twirling back in forth, but staying in place.

"You look stunning princess."

"Thank you daddy..." he smiled. His age varied depending on the situation or the day. Today I was guessing 5 or 6. His sentences stayed clear, but the innocence was very adorable.

"Where's we goin daddy?" He grabbed at the sleeves, pulling them down over his soft hands.

"We are going to visit my mom." I stood up, grabbing Jay's hips.

"GRANDMA!" I laughed, shaking my head.

"In a way, yes, but don't call her that, she doesn't want to feel old." He pouted, sticking out his lip.

"Sees not old." I chuckled.

"No baby, she isn't." I planted a gentle kiss on the top of his head while he thought for a moment.

"What's her name daddy?" I smiled as he looked up at me with his big brown eyes.

"Regina. But for now... you can call her Ina." He smiled.

"GRANDMA INA!!!" He did a little shake of his hips, getting all excited.

"We're are going to visit Grandma Ina soon, but we have to tell the others where we are going." He nodded his head as I grabbed my phone.

I pulled out our group message, which frankly I'm surprised I knew how it worked. I texted the group going to visit my mom with Jay. You guys have fun. I'd suggest the shopping district to start! I smiled as I hit send.

"Alright princess. Let's go see Grandma Ina." He had a wide smile plastered on his face, ready to go.


The drive wasn't long to the suburbs. To the place I grew up. I wonder where everyone is now... I was friends with a lot of neighbor kids when I was younger. Since I never moved, I watched kids come and go, make new friends and have our last goodbyes. I miss them.

Jay sat in the passenger seat beside me, pulling at the end of his dress. Looking nervous.

"You alright princess?" He looked over at me, wide eyes from the sudden conversation.

"I's nervous daddy..." he looked down at his lap, fiddling with his dress.

"Why's that?"

"I-I dunno..." he bit the inside of his lip, still looking down.

I hummed in response.

We drove silently for the next few minutes before we got to my moms house.

"Alright, ready princess?" He nodded his head slowly.

I got out of the car, quickly moving to his side, opening the door, and helping him out. As soon as he was out of the truck, he intertwined our fingers, and clinging to me.

I smiled, walking with him to the front door. Knocking, he immediately hid behind me, still clinging to me.

"You're alright princess, I promise." I turned behind me, looking at him.

I faced forward, hearing the footsteps towards the door, the unlatching of the locks, and a small woman opening the door.

I smiled. "Hi mom."


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