《Baby boy》18



I felt Trevor's chest beneath me as my phone vibrated on the bedside table. Letting me know we should get going soon.

I rubbed my eyes and shut off my phone alarm.

"Mmmm, Trevor..." I shook him, groaning because I was still tired.

"Mmmm, yes?" He groaned, peaking his eyes open.

"We need to leave soon." I said with a yawn. He looked over at the clock, reading 4:45pm.

"Why are you up at 4 in the morning princess?" He groaned.

"Afternoon. Wake up big guy. It's afternoon." He rubbed his eyes and looked one more time.

"Feels like morning." He groaned. "Alright..." he blinked a few times, adjusting to his surroundings.

"You ready to go?" I nodded my head. "Alright." He got out of bed with a grunt, slipping back on his boots.

I climbed out of bed and put back on my vans, and adjusting my shirt and skirt.

I quickly sifted through my bag and grabbed my hair brush. Brushing out the knots in my hair. Shaking out the hairbrush lines, and fluffing our my hair. Letting it fall into place.

"Really to go gorgeous?" Trevor grabbed my hip and kissed my temple.

"Definitely." I smiled, kissing his nose. Grabbing my bag filled with a multitude of things before walking with him to Abby's.


We made the short walk to Abby's and walked in through the back, avoiding the crowded bar that her uncle was running for two days. Her two days off.

Lily greeted us at the door, letting us in upstairs. "Hey guys! Nice to see you again!" She hugged me first before hugging Trevor. Letting us both in. Daniel and Carly sitting in the living room already.

"Hey guys!" Abby called from the kitchen. "I'VE GOT TACO BELL!!!" Abby held up giant packs of hard shell tacos.

"Now you're speaking my language!" I happily went over to grab a few tacos.

Carly walked over with Daniel, happily at his side, both of them grabbing some.

I handed two to Trevor and he smiled, kissing my forehead. "Thanks babe." I blushed at the new nickname. He just chuckled.

We all gathered in the living room, all silently eating our tacos. Carly sat on Daniels lap, I sat on Trevor's, and Lily just put her legs over Abby's.

Everyone slowly finished their tacos. No one really knew what to say, or how to strike up a conversation again.

"So how's the relationship comin' Trevor?" Daniel asked with a smile on his face.

"I think it's going pretty well." Trevor smiled, kissing my cheek as I giggled.

"That's good to hear. Figured everything out?" I got slightly confused. What are they talking about? Is this what they were talking about alone that night?

"Not yet. But we'll get there." I looked into his eyes, sending a questioning look. He mouthed "I'll tell you later." I nodded my head, letting go of the conversation.

"How long have you guys been together again?" Abby asked Daniel.

"Almost 2 years. Right princess?" He smiled, running his fingers through Carly's hair.

"It definitely has been the best almost two years of my life." She smiled. This was the first time I felt like she wasn't in her little space. It was nice to talk to adult her.

"It's been a long few years, but year two is coming up soon, right?" She nodded her head to Daniels question.

"Yep, October 15th!" She smiled.


"It is coming up soon. A month and a half I believe. We should take a trip to celebrate with you guys. But of course let you have your own fun." Trevor winked at the two of them.

"Yes! We should! We need a vacation!" Abby groaned.

"Where would we go?" Daniel asked. Trevor thought for a minute.

"You know what? Let's head to Illinois. I'd love for Jay to met my mom anyway." He kissed my cheek. I blushed, with my mouth agape.

"Y-you, want me to meet your m-mom?!" I said baffled.

"Of course I do! You're one of the greatest things to happen to me. Of course I want you to meet her. She'll love you." I smiled, blushing at the thought. He wants me to met his mom.. and I'm important to him... I smiled.

"Sounds good to me!" Daniel piped up. "Anything fun to do in your home town?"

"Not really. It's a small town. Quiet mostly. But there are a lot of thing to do within a short distance of my town. I can at least get us places to stay there. We don't have to stay in town though." Daniel looked at Carly.

"What do you think about this?" She smiled.

"A quiet weekend with friends? Sounds amazing." She smiled, leaning against his chest.

"It's settled then. Illinois road trip it is!" Abby cheered, typing in the event into her calendar.

Everyone seemed to be in a good mood after planning this small trip.

"What now?" Daniel smiled.

"What about a game?" Lily asked. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Like what?" Trevor asked.

"Hmm... I don't know, truth or dare?" Lily suggested. Everyone thought for a moment. Eventually just agreeing.

"It's been a while since I've place this." Daniel confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't think I've played this since high school either." Trevor shrugged.

"OOOOORRRR you don't know how to have fun." I teased Trevor. He mumbled into my ear, "you'll pay for that later." He smiled as I shivered with anticipation.

"Alright, who's first?" Abby piped up. I raised my hand eagerly.

"Daniel! Truth or dare?" I smirked.

"Truth." I rolled my eyes. Borinnnnnggg.

"Hmm... What's the kinkiest thing you've done during sex?" His eyes widened as he coughed. Carly giggled.

"Oh Jesus you're honest." I shrugged, giggling. "Oh geez... um... probably public torment." He looked at Carly, who agreed, thinking about it.

"Alright umm... lily. Truth or dare." Daniel asked.

"Truth?" Lily shrugged.

"Mmm... What was your most memorable night with Abby?" He asked.

"Oh that's easy. One night we tested out knife play.... MMMMMMMM left a scar on my lower back. Hottest thing ever." Lily kissed Abby, smiling.

"Alright! Hmm, Jay! Truth or dare?" FINALLY!

"DARE!" I said excitedly.

"I dare you too.... hmm... send a dirty photo to Trevor." I smiled.

"I'll be back then." I smiled mischievously.

I walked over to the guest bedroom, closing the door. I sat on the bed, setting up my phone against the pillows.

I sat on my knees, facing towards the camera. Spreading my legs open. I hiked up my skirt, showing my surprise for him. Letting my lacy blue panties be the focal point of the photo. I set the timer for the camera and winked for the photo.


I grabbed my phone, quickly sending the photo to Trevor. Double check it was him. Making sure it didn't send to anyone else.


I walked out of the room, sitting back down on Trevor's lap. His phone dinged and he picked it up, looking at the message.

His eyes widened as I looked at the photo with him. I giggled, feeling him get frustrated under me.

He quickly put his phone away, clearing his throat. Everyone giggled.

"Alright..." he cleared his throat. "Abby! Truth or dare?" I smiled.

"Hmm... truth."

"If you had to date anyone in the room, besides Lily, who would it be." Lily giggled at my truth.

"Definitely Carly." Daniel nodded his head back and forth, agreeing. Carly blushed.

"Alright.... Carly, truth or dare?" Abby tilted her head, smiling.


"Would you ever use restraints during sex. Handcuffs, ropes, etc." Carly nodded.

"I would. It's just not Daniels style. So we don't do much to experiment in that category." Carly said honestly. Daniel nodded.

"I'm not huge on hurting anyone physically. It's not for me." He smiled.

"Okay! Ummm... Trevor! Truth or dare." Carly said excitedly


"Oh come on people! We need some more dares!!!" Trevor shook his head at me, laughing.

"Alright, have you had any previous subs? If so, who?" Trevor thought for a moment. He was stiff. Obviously uncomfortable.

"Me." My eyes widened.

"REALLY?!?!" He nodded his head.

"I'm a switch. So technically, I was my own first sub." He chuckled. Still slightly uncomfortable. "But my first sub is technically you Jay. My previous relationship didn't involve sub and dom things."

Everyone in the room was obviously shocked. Including me. But I didn't press on the matter. He was obviously uncomfortable talking about it. So I left it alone.

"Alright, Lily, truth or dare?"

"Dare." She smiled mischievously.

"Whisper something in Abby's ear you've always wanted to try with her." She smiled.

Immediately she whispered something in Abby's ear. At first Abby just listened contently. Next thing we know her eyes widen. She pressed her lips together as she blushed.

Lily faced forward, smirking with delight.

"Alright. Hmm... Carly! Truth or dare?" Lily asked.


"Alright... umm... what body part turns you on the most, that isn't a sexual body part?" She thought this over for a moment. Thinking over Lily's question.

"My hips probably." Lily nodded.

"DADDY truth or dare?" Carly looked over at Daniel.

"Hmm... dare Princess."

"Ummm... Be blindfolded. Then, everyone in the group kisses you on the cheek, and you have to either say which one is me, and then kiss me on the lips, OR, you have to choose one person that you want to kiss on the lips, for 10 seconds." Carly giggled mischievously. Daniels eyes widened, thinking about backing out.


Lily handed him a blindfold and tied it around his eyes, making sure he couldn't see. He sat in the chair, and all of us lined up in order, kissing him on the cheek.

Lily, me, Carly, Trevor, Abby.

Everyone stood around waiting for his answer. "Uh... the fourth one?" Trevor looked at me like this was a bad idea. I encouraged him, smiling towards Carly who had the same look on her face.

We both pushed Trevor towards Daniel. Me and Carly cheering him on silently.

Trevor let out a small sigh before reaching down to the chair and smashing his lips against Daniels.

They kissed for about 10ish seconds. Me and Carly fan girling slightly.

Trevor pulled back and Daniel pulled off the blindfold.

"HOLY SHIT TREVOR?!?!" Trevor rubbed the back of his neck.

"They encouraged me to." He pulled me and Carly forward. Both of us giggling.

"Alright... I'm not gay, but, you're a pretty good kisser man." Trevor laughed.

"Thanks. No hard feelings." We all sat back down in our places.

I whispered in Trevor's ear, "that was hot." And he smiled.

"Hmmm... maybe something we can try one day." He kissed me gently.

"Alright, Trevor, truth or dare." Daniel looks at Trevor.


"Keep your hand on the inner part of Jays thigh till you go again." My eyes widened as he snaked his hand on the inner most part in my thigh. Making me squirm.

He kept gripping the inside of my thigh, making me have to contain my noises. He just giggled.

"Alright. Jay. Truth or dare." Trevor whispered in my ear, his breath tickling me as I squirmed under him.

"D-dare..." I squeaked out.

"I dare you... to let me take a body shot off of you." He bit my ear lobe.

"What did he say?" Abby said with her eyebrows raised. He whispered his dare so only I could hear him.

"Go get the stuff baby."

"You can't take your hand off my thigh..." I smirked. Got him.

"Daniel?" He raised his eyebrow mischievously at Daniel.

"Sure. But right after." "As you wish." Trevor looked up at me. I bit my lip and went to the kitchen.

I grabbed the bottle of tequila from the counter and poured a shot. Grabbing lime and salt.

I walked back to the living room, handing the stuff to Trevor. "Body part?" "Abdomen." The exchange was quick.

"BODY SHOTS?! HELL YEAH IM IN!" Abby cheered. I gave her a glare. She threw up her hands in defense, gladly sitting back.

I laid down on the floor, lifting my tucked in shirt, exposing my abdomen.

"And an added bonus. No noises baby. You know the drill." I nodded my head, letting him lick my abdomen, slowly. I bit my lip to suppress any noise. He poured the salt over the wet spot on my abdomen, then placing the rind in my mouth, holding it in between my teeth.

He held the shot in his fingers, looking up at me from in between my legs. He slowly licked up every last bit of salt, quickly taking the shot and grabbing the lime with his teeth. Kissing me in the process. I groaned as he smashed his lips on mine, the sour juice seeping into my mouth. Tasting the bitter alcohol with it.

"You'll pay for that later princess." He purred in my ear. FUCK I MOANED!!!!

I tilted my head back in defeat, fixing my shirt into place.

He helped me off the floor, and back into his lap on the couch. His hand placed back where it was.

"Your turn princess." He cooed in my ear, squeezing my thigh. Making me squirm.

"I don't know, I'm out of truths and dares." I leaned my head on Trevor's shoulder and yawned.

"Tired?" I nodded my head.

Carly yawned, and Daniel swiped her up, carrying her as she laid limp on his hip. "Looks like it's bedtime for the littles." Trevor kissed my cheek, making me smile.

Lily got up off the couch with a smile. "Let me go change first, I'll help set up the couch bed." She quickly walked to her bedroom, closing the door.

"We'll take the couch." Daniel smiled, holding Carly.

"Are you sure?" Trevor looked wearily at Daniel.

"I'm sure. She's already passed out anyway." Trevor nodded, picking me up and setting me on his hip.

"Well, good night everyone. Remember the trip!" Trevor said happily as he walked me to the guest room.

I walked into mine and Abby's bedroom, quickly grabbing a set of pjs.

I grabbed my silk set of red pjs. The lacy tank top flowing over my boobs, cascading over my stomach. The matching pair of shorts, hugging my body nicely. It was more for me than anything, but if It caught their eye, I wouldn't be disappointed.

I walked out of the room in my silky set, feeling confident as my curly hair cascaded down my back.

I walked towards the couch and Abby's eyes fell on me, smiling. She grabbed my hips, pulling me towards her. "Sexy little minx..." I giggled.

"Alright, you guys staying out here?" I asked towards Daniel and the now sleeping Carly.

"Yeah, she's already passed out anyway, and I don't mind." I smiled, pulling Abby off the couch.

"Alright, I'll set it up." Abby kissed the top of my head.

"I'm heading to bed gorgeous." She leaned down to my ear, "Don't do anything too naughty..." she kissed my ear, sending shivers down my spine. She swiftly walked to the other room, closing the door.

I folded out the couch, setting up the bed. "Thank you." I looked over at Daniel, who was smiling.

"No problem." I winked, seeing him turn away in embarrassment. "So how was your first taste at being bi?" I smiled and he choked on his own spit.

"I-Im not... Ugh... it was nice, but not for me." He pinched the bridge of his nose. I finished setting up his bed, standing there, looking at him.

"Understandable, but don't think too much about it, you'll hurt yourself." I giggled. He just gave a gentle smile.

I walked towards him, putting one hand on his chest. "I'm going to bed. If you ever need something, and I mean ANYTHING. Feel free to ask." I winked, watching him blush slightly.

"A-aren't you married...?" I giggled.

"I am. But this is what me and her do. It's part of the contract. We like to have fun. So if you ever need anything, feel free... to ask." I kissed his cheek, watching him blush as I walked away, and towards the love of my life.


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