《Baby boy》17
I woke up to Jaylynn laying in my chest. The memories of last night flooding through my head. I smiled as I looked at his decorative marks gracing his skin. Most of them a dark purple now. The marks from my thumbs on his throat left a nice purple mark.
I felt proud of my work. And I'm glad he enjoyed himself.
But it seems the last two times he's been out of it. I've seen it a few times before, but I don't want to assume. But I believe he went into subspace. Whether or not he knows it, I'll have to find out later.
I'm kinda curious to see if he goes into subdrop at some point today.
(A/N subdrop is when the sub comes off their high. Typically it leaves them in a depressive mood. This is a great time to support your sub, and be gentle. They are at a low point. It's a bad time to be using things like dirty talk.)
I ran my hand through his hair, pulling him close to me. "Mmmm daddy?" He whispered rubbing his eyes.
"I'm right here princess." He had a tired smile. I kissed his forehead, watching him smile like a goofball.
"You doing alright princess?" He didn't look like himself.
"I's sad daddy..." he rubbed his eyes, making a slight frown.
"Why's that princess?" I hugged him, gently rubbing his arm.
"I dunno..." I kissed the top of his head, holding him close.
"How about, you help daddy make breakfast, and we can do some shopping before we got to aunty Abby's house?" His face lit up.
"Otay!" He pressed his lips together as he tried to crawl out of bed.
He tried to stand up, but fell face first. I heard tiny cries from the other side of the bed where he laid. I quickly got up to comfort him.
"Shhhh, you're alright baby..." I held him as I sat on my knees. He crawled in my lap, sniffling.
"Daddy, I's got booboo..." he pouted.
"Where does it hurt baby?" He pointed to his forehead, and I kissed it gently. Letting my lips linger on his skin.
"Better?" He nodded his head. "You want daddy to help you walk?" He nodded his head again.
I slowly stood up, picking up Jay with me. I held him close, making sure he didn't fall again.
"Tummy hurt daddy..." he held his hand on his lower abdomen.
"I can help, but it requires a bath or shower. Would you like that before or after breakfast?"
"Now?" I smiled and walked him to the bathroom.
I set him down on the counter while I got the bath running. I waited for it to get hot before pouring bubbles in for Jay. I knew he'd like them. It had a nice green apple scent, one that I liked.
"Ready princess?" He nodded his head, getting down from the counter with a little help.
I stood him by the tub and helped him take of my sweats. He quickly moved his hands to cover himself. I had to hold back a chuckle. I still thought it was adorable.
"Do you want daddy with you, or do want to be by yourself?" He thought for a moment.
"Daddy first!" I smiled, taking off my joggers before stepping in. I waved Jay to me and helped him in.
He sat down in between my legs, leaning against my chest. "Bubbles daddy!" He played with the bubbles in front of him.
"Yes they are princess." I kissed the top of his head, running my hands on his thighs. "Alright princess, daddy's gotta help you with your belly ache. Do you trust me?"
He nodded his head smiling. I smiled slightly before reaching down to the glass plug that sat inside him. Jay quickly grabbed my free hand, holding it tightly. I pulled out the plug, hearing my baby moan. That was adorable.
Now comes the hard part. Since he's in his little space, it's going to be hard to clean him up without him trying to fight me.
"Alright baby, if you need me to stop, just say so, alright? Daddy wants you to trust me to help you though."
He interlaced his fingers with mine, squeezing my hand. He gently nodded his head, letting his head fall back on my shoulder.
I inserted my fingers inside him, hearing his light moans.
I tried to clean him out, making sure nothing was left inside of him. Sadly I had to clean around his prostate. This is where he either fight with me, or moan louder.
I rubbed up against his prostate, trying to clean him out. "D-d-dadddyyyyy..." he moaned leaning his head further into my shoulder. Moaning it is.
His moans sounded less child like, and I felt like I was starting to get my baby back.
"Does my baby feel good?" I cooed in his ear, watching him nod his head frantically. "Do you want daddy to make you feel better?" He nodded his head again.
I unlocked my hand from his, stroking his hard on. Simultaneously stroking him and fingering him. Hearing his precious little moans.
"D-dadddyyyyyy...!" He moaned as his back arched. "D-daddy I- nghh...." he spread his legs as a natural instinct, giving me further access to pleasure him.
"Do you want to cum baby?" I kissed the marks on his neck "y-yes... Please..." I felt his whole body shake as he came.
He made small whimpers as I pulled out my fingers, knowing he was definitely clean now.
"You feel better baby?" I kissed his cheek as he nodded his head gently.
"Let's dry you off." I said. He let me out of the tub and I dried myself off, wrapping the towel around my waist.
I quickly stood him up in the tub, drying him off.
I wrapped the towel over his shoulders and got him out of the tub. "Daddy up?" He reaches his arms up. And he's back to his space... I picked him up, placing him on my hip. Giving him a small Eskimo kiss. He giggled as I walked towards my closet.
"Did you bring clothes baby?" He nodded his head biting his thumb.
I set him down before grabbing clothes to change into. I grabbed my black skinny jeans, my light grey long sleeve, and my black boots.
I got ready and turned to Jay. He sat patiently with the towel still over his shoulders.
"Thank you for waiting princess." I kissed his head and walked with him to the living room where his bag still sat.
"Do you want me to help you? Our do you want to pick?" He thought over this for a moment.
"I's do it!" He quickly grabbed the bag from me, running to my room.
I ran to daddy's room, putting the bag on his bed.
I pulled out a few things I felt like wearing. I pulled off the towel, and grabbed my pink lacy panties, putting them on. I grabbed my white t-shirt and slipped it on before grabbing my pink lacy skirt, with attached overall straps, and putting it on over. I slipped on my white thigh high socks with pink little bows at the top, and my pastel pink vans.
I thought I look great.
I smiled before walking back out to the living room with a skip in my step.
I sat on my phone waiting for Jay to come out of my room. It took a while so I was starting to get worried.
Just before I called out to him, Jay emerged from my room in the most adorable, sexy outfit.
"Daddy like?" He put his hands in front of him, making the skirt twirl as he swung back and forth in place.
"Daddy loves." I smiled, kissing his cheek.
"Big boy kisses?" He peruses his lips, making a scrunchy face.
I chuckled a bit. "Of course baby." His face relaxed as I kissed him gently, letting his lips linger on mine.
"So how about breakfast?" I smiled, leaning my face against his. He smiled with me. "What would you like for breakfast.
He broke away his face from mine to think. "ICE CREAM!" He jumped up and down.
"No baby. It's.... 9am, no sweets until after lunch, okay?" He pouted nodding his head.
"What would you like?" I tilted my head, smiling. Letting him figure it out himself.
"Pancakes!" I smiled.
"Good choice baby." I kissed his forehead before starting the pancakes.
Time quickly passed and he sat on the floor in front of the coffee table with his pancakes in front of him. I put on cartoons for him and let him have his time to enjoy himself.
Tom and Jerry played in the background while he stabbed at his food.
"No playing with your food. Eat please." He turned around and looked at me. Looking back with a sad expression.
"You're not in trouble baby, I just want you to eat so we can go shopping."
"Otay..." he slowly ate his food, eventually stopped pouting.
He finished his breakfast. It was about 10:30, and I wanted to head to a few stores before lunch.
"You finished princess?" He nodded, watching the tv.
I grabbed his plate and mine, washing them in the sink before setting them out to dry.
I got back to the living room and jay sat on the couch with his knees to his chest, watching the tv.
"Hi..." I smiled. He sounded like he was out of his little space.
"Hi princess." I kissed the top of his head as he smiled. "Ready to go?" He nodded his head.
I walked to the coat rack, grabbing my black hoodie, and grabbing Jay my leather jacket. He smiled, putting it on. Letting the jacket hang loose over him.
I grabbed my keys and we were out the door.
We walked around the mall, getting quite a few glances, stares, and whispers. It didn't bother me, but I was afraid it was bothering Jay.
"Finding anything you want?" Jay pulled out a soft colorful unicorn stuffie. Kinda shaped like a Marshmallow. He smiled looking at it.
"That what you want?" He nodded his head. I walked with him, hand in hand, to the register.
"Will this be it?" The woman asked.
"Yes, that'll be it." I pulled out my wallet, grabbing my debit card.
"Your total is $5.15." I handed her my card, and she did her thing.
She put the stuffie in a bag along with the receipt, and handed me the bag.
"Have a good day." She smiled, I could tell it was fake.
As I walked away I heard her mumble fuckin fags. My face fell, not knowing if Jay heard that. Hoping he didn't.
"Where to next?" He perked up.
"Leave that to me." I smiled mischievously.
After a short walk to the next store along the strip, we entered a sex store, mostly used for doms and their subs.
"Hi welcome to chilies."
(A/N this DID NOT happen, I just couldn't realist 😂 )
"Hey there, welcome in!" The clerk greeted. "Anything specific you're looking for?"
"No, just browsing." I smiled. The small framed boy blushed before going back to the computer.
I scanned along the walls before looking at Jay. He looked like he was in heaven.
"Pick something, anything you want to try." He browsed over the items.
He stopped looking and his vision fell upon one section in particular. Definitely the more torturous section.
I looked over with him and saw what he was looking at. Cock cages, cock rings, chastity belts, oh boy...
(A/N lions and tigers and bears oh my!)
"Anything you're intrigued with?" I raised my eyebrow looking at the restrictive items.
"Yeah actually...." he pressed his lips together picking out a pink, silicone, vibrating cock ring. I raised my eyebrows, intrigued with his choice.
"Maybe we can test this out at one point..." he looked at me biting his lip nervously.
"We could." I kissed his forehead. "Anything else you wanna look at?" He did a quick scan of the store. His vision stopping at one section.
He walked over to the section, I followed behind.
I placed my hands on his hips, holding him close to me as he looked at the collars. He stared at them, smiling.
"You know what these symbolize?" He nodded his head gently.
"I just miss the feeling of having one..." he smiled, touching his neck slightly, before facing me.
"I know how serious a collar should be taken, but it's the feelings attached to them that I miss. So many good feelings came with it.... I miss it. I miss being valued like that." He hugged me, pressing his face against my chest.
"It's a very big commitment."
(A/N being collared is almost like getting married. It symbolizes one's commitment to the relationship. It shows ownership, sort of like a ring.)
"I know... it'll always be in the back of my mind. I don't want to rush things, because I'm perfectly happy. But this will always be something I'll look forward to." He turned back around holding one collar in particular. It was on the fancier side, fitting his personality perfectly.
This was a black, thick lacey strap, held together by two metal half circles. All held by a heart locket.
He held it while it hung on display. Gently touching the material. He smiled, slightly. The smile filled with painful but happy memories. I won't push him to talk about it, just like he doesn't push me to talk about my past.
We all have our demons. Whether we choose to share them or not is on us.
I kissed the top of his head, hearing him take a deep breath.
"You want to get anything?" He said kindly.
"Unless you got other ideas, I don't think so." He nodded his head.
"Then let's get this and go eat, I'm starving." He turned around smiling.
I smiled with him, walking to the counter.
"Did you find everything alright?" The small boy choked out.
"We did. Thank you."
He rung up the one thing we got, and made the transaction.
"Have a good day you two." He smiled gently.
"You too." I grabbed Jays hand and walked to my truck.
After some time in the food court, we drove back to my apartment.
Jay sat in the front, holding his unicorn.
"You going to name your stuffy princess?" He nodded his head smiling.
"Marshmallow!" He said with excitement.
(A/N Marshmallow 🤪)
He held the stuffy in his lap, smiling. Even when he wasn't in his little space, he was still a child at heart. It was pure.
We made it back to my apartment, people in the lobby staring. It bothered me. Not so much that the were staring, but why they were.
Their intense judging stares, and whispers. Not because of me so much, but Jay. And that pissed me off.
Just because I thought he was perfect, doesn't mean others shared the same opinion. And that bothered me.
"Are you okay?" Jay looked up at me as we walked into my apartment.
"Not really." I said honestly.
"Whys that?" He put his hand on my chest, pushing me against the front door.
"I don't like how people are looking at you." I placed my hands on his hips as he laughed.
"Does it look like I care about their opinions? This is my life, not theirs. I'll do what I want with my life, I'll let them do the same. They can judge all they want, but it's not going to let it effect my happiness." I thought over his words, and they felt genuine. Sometimes I wish I had that confidence.
"Well said baby, well said." I kissed him gently as he reached up on his tippy toes.
"You want to take a nap before we head out?" I smiled.
"Now you're speaking my language." He smiled before running to my room. I chuckled before following him.
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