《Baby boy》16-XXX


We finished cooking and ended up back on the couch. He was still in his little space, but he was less pouty.

I put on a family friendly movie, but didn't pay attention to it.

Jay laid in my lap. Head on my legs as he curled in a ball.

I found it adorable how he was wearing my sweatshirt. It engulfed him. And those skinny jeans make his ass look nice.

This would be the downside to him being a little right now. HIS ASS IS MAKING ME HORNY!!!

"Daddy?" Jay turned his head in my lap, looking up at me.

"Yes princess?"

"Are you okay?" He gave a concerned expression, hinted with curiosity.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He chuckled.

He sat up climbing over me, straddling my lap. I raised an eyebrow, curious to see where he was going with this.

"I'm asking cuz, one, you were staring at me. Two, you're hard, three, it was poking my back." He chuckled.

I looked down, and sure enough, I was fuckin hard. Love how my dick has a mind of its own. DOWN BOY DOWN!

He ran his nails down my torso, leading further south. "What are you doing princess?" I raised my eyebrow, giving a stern tone.

He palmed me through my work pants, making me harder than I already was.

"Your princess wants to play with daddy..." he bit his lip. I looked in his eyes, and I swear I saw a flicker. Almost like he was in control, no longer in his little side. He wants to test age play? I tried to figure out where he wanted to go with this, and I was failing miserably.

"Daddy, I've been a bad boy..." he gave me pleading eyes.

"Whys that princess?" He continued to palm me through my pants.

"I hid somethin' from you..." he purses his lips. "I didn't tell you how bad I want to do a proper scene with you..." he looked straight into my eyes, nothing but lust peeking through.

"Mhm... you have been a bad boy. I might forgive this incident if you tell me what you want." I gripped his hips, hearing him squeak.

"I've been a bad boy officer..." he grabbed the handcuffs on my belt and held them in front of my face.

"You have, I guess that means..." I gripped his ass in my hands, watching him squirm. "You have to be punished."

He moaned as soon as I said punished. Watching him squirm, and seeing a tent forming in his skinny jeans.

I gripped him closer to me, swiftly lifting him up,

And walking to my playroom.

I set him down on the bench and kissed him vigorously. He squirmed beneath me, making the cutest sounds through the kiss.

I broke the kiss only to attach my lips to his neck. Hitting his sweet spot and feeling his back arch beneath me, as he let out a good, needy moan.

I left new marks over the old ones, and adding to the collection growing on his collarbone and neck.

I stopped and he whined. I sat him up and pulled the sweatshirt off of him, and threw it somewhere in the room. "Hands together." He put his hands together in front of him.

I swiftly grabbed my cuffs and attached them to his wrists. He bit his lip, letting out a small whimper as I tightened them.

"You broke a rule baby..." I kissed his neck. "You ready for your punishment?"


"Yes officer." He pressed his lips together.

"Good boy. Stand." He quickly got to his feet, the hand cuffs dangling in front of him. A visible tent in his pant made him shift in place. "No moving." He stopped in his tracks, not making any sudden movements.

"Pants off." To the best off his ability with his hands cuffed, he pulled down his skinny jeans, revealing his surprise. I grabbed my riding crop that was where I left it last time. Right next to the bench. I took another good look at his surprise and smiled.

Baby blue lacy panties, that barely covered anything. His dick poking though the hem of the panties.

"Such a naughty boy, wearing lacy panties." I pressed the riding crop against his hard on, making him whine. But he didn't dare look up. I smiled. He's a good listener.

"Inspection." He pressed his lips together before stepping out a few steps. Spreading his legs apart, putting his cuffed hands behind his head.

"Good boy for remembering you stances." He smiled at the ground.

I walked around him. Inspecting every inch of his body. Getting a good look at everything he had to offer physically.

Freckles danced across his dark skin, adding graceful details to every inch of him. His back arched naturally, seeing his back dimples peak through. His smooth skin not showing any sign of hair. He was bare.

I drug the crop across his back, making him shiver.

"What rule did you break pet." I said firmly.

"I withheld my desires from you officer."

"For how long did you withhold this from me pet?"

"About a week officer." I thought it over. Circulating the proper punishment, but also wanting it to be pleasurable for him.

"Do you like the riding crop pet?"

"Very much so officer." He bit his lip, visibly shaking with pleasure. Just the thought of the crop running across his skin turned him on.

"Since this is your second punishment, you'll be getting 15 from the crop. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir." I smiled.

"During this session, you'll address me as master. Fail to say so, you'll get an extra 5 added to your punishment. Am I clear?"

"Yes master." I could see the excitement grow on his face. This kinky fuck is really enjoying this. I smiled as I ran the crop across his bare back.

"Strip." Without a word, he stripped off his panties, leaving him exposed.

"Bend over the bench, hands across the table, legs spread." He processed my command for a second before walking to the bench, and following my directions perfectly.

"I will be counting your punishment today, but, you aren't allowed to make a sound. Make any noise, there will be consequences."

I shuddered at the thought of having to suppress any sound I could possibly make. It was going to be difficult, but I knew I could do it.

"Yes master."

"Good. Let's begin."

He ran the crop over my ass, making me shiver under the cold fabric.

"One." I bit the inside of my lip hard, making it bleed slightly. He added more force than last time, making it difficult not to scream in pure pleasure.

"Two.... three... four... five." Four smacks laid with force, no stopping till he hit five.

I felt the fire run through my skin, making me want to scream, moan, something.

"Six, seven, eight, nine..." I shook trying to hold everything back. My dick was painfully hard, twitching against the bench.


"Ten, eleven, twelve." He flicked the riding crop, making it give more force. The elasticity in the crop made it easy to whip.

"Thirteen, fourteen." He laid them evenly on both sides of my ass. My lips was bleeding from biting it too hard. Just one more, just one more...

"Fifteen." He laid the last one down hard. I almost let out a moan, but thankfully I didn't.

Trevor rubbed his hand over my ass, cooling the fire spreading through my skin. "Such a good boy..." he cooed in my ear, making me shiver.

"Now, what would my pet like for his reward for doing so well?" He ran his fingers over my hole, making me twitch as he licked the side of my neck.

"D-do wh-whatever you w-want with me m-master...." I shuddered.

"Good answer baby boy."

He flipped me over on my back, feeling the stinging from my ass, making me let out a breathless moan.

He kissed me hard and rough, gripping my ass, making me shiver.

He sat me up, not breaking the kiss. But I broke it. "I'm going to get your uniform dirty..." I pouted.

"It's a good thing I have a washing machine." He smiled, putting his lips back on mine.

Kissing me roughly, smacking my ass every so often, leaving me breathless.

He broke the kiss, peeling off his uniform, leaving his member at full attention.

He started to kiss me again, groaning into the kiss as I grinded on him.

He broke the kiss, flipping me to my stomach, leaving my legs open for him.

"Stay. And don't move." He walked out of the room quickly, leaving me on the cold bench.

He came back seconds later with a condom on and a bottle of lube in his hand.

He poured the cold liquid over my hole, making me shudder. He rubbed more on his member, placing himself at my entrance.

"What do you say pet?"

"Please fuck me master, please..." I begged.

"Good boy." He smirked, sticking himself inside me.

I groaned as he stretched me. He did too.

Slowly inserting himself inside me. I wiggled around, adjusting myself to his length. I gave him a gentle nod, letting him know to move.

He slowly pulled in and out, every small thrust grazing my prostate.

My handcuffed hands gripped the bench as he started to move harder and faster. I let out my moans, not having a care in the world. Let the neighbors hear me, so they know he's mine. And I'm his.

He grabbed my hands, unlocking the cuffs, letting them fall on the bench. He grabbed both of my hands, pinning them on my back, making me moan from the pain.

He pulled my hands back as he pounded into me, making my chest lift off of then bench. "Who do you belong to?" He bit my ear, snaking his hand across my throat.

"I belong to you master, only you!" I moaned out as he repeatedly hit my prostate.

He squeezed my throat, making breathing or making any sound difficult.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head, making me feel like I was on cloud nine.

Everything became fuzzy, but in a good way. I felt like I was floating on the clouds. Letting him takeover me.

He was completely in control.

He pounded into me, continuing to grip my throat. He bit and sucked along my neck, around his hand, making me lose it.

"M-master..." I managed to choke out.

"Does my pet want to cum?" He cooed in my ear, loosening his grip so I could speak.

"Yes master please! Can I cum?!" He gripped my throat tighter than before, leaving me breathless.

"You may." Without another breath, my whole body trembled as I released on the bench, Trevor soon following me, filling the condom.

He loosened his grip, making it easier to catch my breath.

I started to relax, feeling the full effect of my high.

He pulled me towards him, not letting me relax.

"I'm not done with you yet." He whispered in my ear, making me shudder.

I pressed my lips together as I moaned. He pulled out, pulling off the condom.

"I'm out pet, will you be okay with nothing?" He smirked as he uttered that sentence.

"Yes Master, please, just make me feel good!"

"As you wish my pet." He smirked, holding my throat again and pounding into me.

One, two, four, six, I lost count.

Every orgasm left me up in the clouds. Every one of his orgasms filled me to the brim.

"One more round baby boy?"

"No master, I'm okay..." I teased, hoping he'd get the message.

"Ah ah, no lying baby. Looks like we are going till you safe word." I shuddered at the thought. I was already drained as it is.

He continued his abuse to my asshole.

Orgasm after orgasm. I think we hit 10. I felt like I was dying on that cloud.

"You ready to safe word yet?" He cooed in my ear. I shook my head no.

"No? Tsk tsk. More lying..." he chuckled against my neck, gripping it tighter.

More orgasms, hitting 14 I think. I felt like I was floating in space, without the helmet. I felt like I was dying while I was floating.

"Safe word for me baby, or I'm going to keep going." He cooed in my ear, I didn't want to. I never wanted this to end. But I knew if I kept going, I would have much worse consequences.

I felt myself at the peak of my orgasm. Ready to release.

"Cum for me baby." I released as soon as he uttered those words. He filled me once more, leaving me breathless.

"Red..." I gave out as I flopped on the bench.

"Good boy... stay here." He pulled out, letting his seed drip down my weak legs.

He walked out of the room, swiftly coming back with a grey towel.

"Stand up if you can please." I weakly pushed myself off the bench, my legs wobbling.

He wrapped the towel around my waist, picking me up bridal style. "Let's clean you up aright?"


"Yes baby?"

"C-can we try something...?" I bit my lip, still on my high.

"Like what?"

I got down out of his arms, almost falling face first to the floor. He steadied me, letting me lead to where I wanted to go.

I walked to the other side of the room, looking through the organized boxes on a desk.

I looked through one, finding the butt plugs, handing him a decent sized glass plug.

He smirked as I handed it to him. "Don't wanna let it go to waist, now do we?" I smirked, still having trouble standing.

"Wall." I turned around, putting my arms at a 90° angle, letting my ass stick out.

Trevor peeled off the towel, cleaning up his cum that dripped down my legs.

He inserted the plug, leaving everything inside of me.

He smacked my ass, making me moan. "Such a slut for his master." He pulled me off the wall, and kissed me.

"Only for you master..." I bit my lip as he held me up by my hips.

He picked me back up bridal style, walking towards his bedroom.

He set me down gently on the bed before walking to the closet. I didn't dare move, so I stayed in place.

He came walking back out with a pair of grey joggers on, and a pair of light grey baggy sweats in his hand. The joggers perfectly accentuated his bulge, leaving me hornier than I already was.

He grabbed my feet, slipping on the grey sweatpants.

He tucked me into the covers, climbing in with me, holding me to his chest.

"Thank you master." I smiled into his chest.

"We are done with the scene love, you don't have to continue calling me that unless you want to.

"Alright then. Thank you daddy."

"You're very welcome princess." He smiled as he kissed my forehead. "My good boy... I'm so proud of you baby." I smiled at the praise. I wasn't used to this much loving aftercare.

(A/N aftercare is how the dom takes care of their sub after a scene, punishment, reward, sex, etc. such as cleaning them up, praising them for trying something new, etc. This can happen both ways. Just a way of making sur your partner is okay mentally and physically.)

I smiled like a goofball as he kept praising me. "I'm so proud of you baby, you did so well following all my instructions."

"Thank you daddy..." I rubbed my head against his chest, feeling him hold me close.

He kissed my forehead and I smiled. "Goodnight Princess."

"Good night daddy..." inhaling his scent, letting it slowly lull me to sleep.




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