《Baby boy》15


It's been about a week. One more day till my day off.

I've been working for a week straight, filling in on call-ins. I'm exhausted, but my pay cheek will look great.

Just one more day till Friday... just one more day then you have 4 days off...

Chief made me take a few days off. I didn't necessarily want to, but he insisted since I've been working my ass off.

Me and Jay have been texting a lot back and forth since I haven't seen him at all this week. We have both been working our asses off, but I promised I was going to see him tomorrow.

"Dude, heelllooooooo?!" Cole waved his hand in front of my face. "Dude. You good?"

"Yeah, Im fine. Just tired." I rubbed my hand over my face.

"Yeah, no shit. You've taken at least three peoples shifts this week." I nodded my head in affirmation.

"Eh, our shifts almost over. Chin up man." Cole looked proud, giving a slight smirk.

"OOOOOOO TAIL LIGHT!!! I GOT EM!!!" Cole pulled out the squad car and followed the car with the tail light out.

I sat in my room, staring at the ceiling.

I had Trevor's sweatshirt on, nothing else. It brought me comfort.

I cuddled between my sheet and laid there. Basking in the silence. I ended my shift a few hours ago, and I was waiting to text Trevor. I love his little messages in the mornings and evenings. They were always so thoughtful.

I flipped over, looking at my side table. Consisting of a tissue box, my phone charger, and the contact. Neatly folded, and placed slightly under the box.

I pulled out the contract and flipped to the rules page. Trevor filled out what rules he wanted me to follow while we are together. But I liked to read over them and make sure I didn't break anything while he was at work or somewhere else.

1. Don't touch yourself without permission

2. No cussing

3. No lying, or hiding things

4. Tell your dom when you are uncomfortable, or have any negative emotion

5. No disrespecting your dom

6. Address your dom correctly when around others

7. Use your safe word when necessary

8. Orgasms are a privilege and are owned by Your dom. You will ask Your dom for permission to cum.

9. Always follow the rules to the best of your ability.

10. If you ever have questions/concerns about the rules, talk with your dom immediately.

I read through the rules more than once, just to make sure I didn't break any for the day. Thankfully I didn't.

The cursing one has been hard, but I've been trying my best.

But those were the everyday rules. I was looking foreword to finally using the scene play rules for real this time.

I wanted to do a full scene with T, but didn't know how to ask. But I knew I had to. No hiding things.

I looked through the scene play rules, making sure Id be prepared for when we do.

1. Enforced eyeline: Your sub must look down, and only down, at all times, unless told otherwise.

2. Speech restriction: Your sub is not allowed to speak unless spoken to.


3. Procedure: Your sub must remember, and obey, a set of commands.

4. Vocal Queues: Your sub must respond, vocally, to specific actions.

5. Safe word: Your sub must use their safe word if something is too much for them. Your dom must obey to the safe word, and proceed/stop what they are doing according to which word is used.

Everything was simple. I'm glad I was trained, so I knew all the hand signals and positions.

I felt confident in myself. Knowing that I could and will do something right in this relationship.

I couldn't mess this up. There was no way I could this time.

My phone vibrated. I looked at it to see a text from Trevor.





I set down my phone, content that he forgave me for forgetting. I panicked when I immediately knew I forgot. I didn't want to screw this up... not so early into the relationship.

But hearing that he forgave me, made me relax. Just slightly.

My phone rang.

"Hi baby boy, you want to come over here and give me some well needed cuddles?" I smiled holding the phone to my ear.

"I would love to." I smiled like a goofball. "Anything you want me to wear in particular?" I bit my lip.

"Surprise me. I'll pick you up in 20 minutes."

"I'll see you in a bit." I smiled as we both hung up.

I quickly gathered some things in a bag, knowing I would stay at Trevors then Abby's. I was packing for a few days.

I threw off Trevors sweatshirt, and slipped on Trevors surprise. Knowing how much he'd like it later.

I threw back on his sweatshirt, some black skinny jeans, and my black converse.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of my room.

"Where are you goin' squirt?" Freddy ruffled my hair as we both stood at the top of the stairs.

I bit my lip, unsure of how I'd answer. "My b-boyfriends house, we are both going to Abby's in the morning."

Freddy thought for a moment, giving no expression.

"Alright. Just let me know if you're in trouble, alright? I wanna met this dude before anything else goes on. Alright?" He put his hand on my shoulder, giving a stern look.

"I will. I promise." I pulled Freddy into a tight hug.

"Now hurry up before dad gets home." Freddy smiled as we both walked down the stairs.

"Where are you goin' sweetie?" My mom looked at me, slightly worried expression clowning her face as she cooked dinner.

"I'm going to a friends for a few days. I promise I'll be back soon." I kissed her on the cheek before walking towards the door.

"Be safe sweetie!" She called out to me.

"I will, I promise." I smiled before walking out the door.

I stood outside, and waited for Trevor.

I still had 5 minutes before he said he would get here, but lucky it wasn't cold outside yet.

I saw a car, hoping it was Trevor. But I was wrong. It was my father.

I immediately got nervous. Hoping he wouldn't ask any questions.

"Where the hell are you going?!" His voice was stern, showing slight anger.


"T-to a friends. We are going out for a few days." I didn't look directly into his eyes.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you." I looked up. Hesitating to look at him. His eyes showed nothing but anger.

"Who is this friend." He spat out, getting closer.

"He-hes... uh..." I tried to figure out a believable lie. It sucked that I was a bad Liar.

Luckily Trevor pulled up in his truck, just in time.

He got out of his truck, wearing his uniform. Oh god... I visibly shook.

"This is Trevor... my friend." Trevor gave me a questioning look, my father eyeing him up and down. I shook my head no at Trevor, hoping he'd understand.

"Hello sir." Trevor stuck out his hand for my father to shake. He didn't take it. Trevor cleared his throat, dropping his hand.

"Who the hell are you?" My dad spat. I shook at the tone in his voice, hoping this would end.

"My names Trevor sir. Me and Jay are going out with a few friends. I'm just giving him a ride." I relaxed a bit, thankful he picked the same lie as me.

"Mhm." My dad glared. He turned away from Trevor, walking towards me, leaning towards my ear.

"There better not be any funny business going on. You know what will happen when I find out." I shook as he left into the house.

I quickly walked towards Trevor's truck, opening the passenger door, and buckled myself in.

Trevor got into the other side and didn't say a word as I visibly shook in my seat.

The drive felt like forever. No sound but the engine and passing cars. Everything was silent. The air was tense. It was uncomfortable just to sit here and play that whole scene though my head.

We pulled into his apartment complex, and he parked. "Stay." I sat still in my seat as he walked around to my side.

He opened my door and unbuckled me, before helping me out of the truck. Even though we were in this uncomfortable situation, he was still a gentleman.

We walked to his floor and went into his apartment. He set down his stuff and walked to the couch. Sitting in the middle.

"Come." He gestured to me. I closed the door and locked it, walking over to him.

He patted his lap, and I sat on his legs. He pulled me close. Hugging me tightly. I wasn't expecting him to do this. It ended up catching me off guard.

"I'm sorry..." I returned the hug as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

I silently cried into his shoulder as years of emotional trauma hit me in waves.

He ran his hand through my hair, rubbing my back occasionally. My tears soaked into his uniform as I cried.

I couldn't talk, just cry. My chest hurt, and my head hurt from crying too much. I was just exhausted at this point.

"I-I-Im s-s-soorry d-d-daddy..." I managed to choke out. I felt myself slipping into my little space. Not really an appropriate time to be doing so. But I couldn't stop it this time.

"It's okay princess, it's okay..." he whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

I held him close as he cried. He was shaking. But this time, I couldn't pinpoint exactly why.

"A-are y-you m-mad a-at m-m-me...?" He chokes out.

"No no no princess, I'm not mad at you, why would you think that?" I ran my hand through his hair.

"I-I- y-you," He was just crying at this point.

"Just breathe baby, breathe..." I hushed him, quietly until he could get his word out.

"Y-you didn't t-talk to m-me in the c-car... and- and, you only s-said a few w-words..." he sniffled.

"I'm so sorry baby boy, I didn't mean to come off that way. Daddy was upset, but not at you. Okay?" He nodded as a few tears slipped down his face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head no. By his behavior, I'm guessing he was in his little space at the moment. I took Daniels advice and adjusted myself to who he was at the moment.

"I's sowwy daddy..."

"What for princess?" I put my hand on his face as he leaned into my hand.

"I... I can't, hide things fwom daddy... That's big no no..." he whimpered. "D-daddy's gonna spank me... I's a bad boy..." his lip trembled as he almost started to cry again.

"Oh no princess, no..." I pulled him closer to me, he eventually adjusted his legs so he was straddling me. He dug his head into my shoulder and cried silently, sniffling ever few seconds.

"I'm sorry I acted that way princess..."

"D-daddy not mad?" He sniffled in my shoulder.

"Of course not princess. And you are not a bad boy. You're daddy's good boy." He laid his head on my shoulder, sniffing occasionally.

We sat like this for a few moments, letting him soak in the silence.

"Tank you..." he dug his face into my neck, making me smile.

"Of course baby." I kissed his head, making him giggle. "My good baby."

He lifted his head, looking at me with glossy eyes. He smiled. "I has kisses daddy?!" He smiled innocently.

I kissed his cheek, and he pouted. "What?" I laughed.

"Daaaadddyyyyy!" He whined as he pointed to his lips.

I kissed his lips, sweet and simple. He pouted again. "What's wrong.?" I tried to hold back a laugh. He looked too adorable pissed off.

"Daddy, I wants big boy kisses." He pouted, pursing his lips.

I raised an eyebrow. "Pweaseeeee???" He gave his big puppy dog eyes.

"Okay princess." I kissed him, pressing my lips against his, slowly, and sweetly.

He pressed back harder, pulling me closer.

He slowly started to grind against me, and that's where I stopped.

"Daaaaddyyyyyy....!" He whined as I held his hips in place, keeping him from going further.

"Daddy needs a big boy to do that." I kissed his cheek as he whined.

"I's sowwy daddy." He pouted.

"It's okay princess." I kissed his forehead making him smile.

"You want to help daddy make dinner?" He nodded his head really fast before bolting to the kitchen. I chuckled before getting up and helping him.




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