《Baby boy》14


I woke up the morning light shining in my face, birds chirping. Trevor's arm was wrapped tightly around me, holding me close.

I smiled as I dug myself deeper into his chest.

I can't believe I went into subspace.... it was the most intoxicating feeling, and I want it to happen again.

(A/N Just like an orgasm, a subspace is difficult to explain as it differs person by person, particularly because of the varying emotions, responses, and reactions involved. A common misconception of BDSM scenes is that they only involve physical pain — such as floggers, whips, ropes, and other tangible objects. For those within a BDSM scene, subspace is an attainable goal that includes a trance-like euphoria of overtly intense emotions. For many, a subspace creates a drunk or high feeling — pain is gone, problems disappear, and your current state of mind is a dizzy of joyful feelings.-HelloFlo)

I ran my hands up and down Trevor's chest and glanced at the clock, 6:57. I sighed, knowing that we both probably needed to get up.

I pulled the sleeves to the sweatshirt down over my hands, and curled into my own little space. Feeling warm and safe.

Trevor grunted a little, making me smile.

"Mmm, morning princess." He smiled, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning daddy..."

"Do you have work princess?" I nodded my head. "Alright then. Let's get you home, I need to head out to work too. Do you have a ride to work?"

"Yeah, my brother takes me usually." Trevor nodded.

He smiled, sitting up slightly. He kissed my neck as I giggled.

"You look gorgeous princess." He kissed ever one of his marks on my neck.

"Thanks, but how am I going to hide this?!" Trevor just laughed.

"Sorry not sorry baby boy." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on... let's get ready." I crawled out of bed, pulling Trevor with me. He laughed as he got out of bed.

He kissed my forehead before walking to his closet.

I stood quietly, waiting for him to emerge.

About 5 minutes of waiting, he came out of the closet with his uniform on.

"Mmm, we need to roll play with this at some point." I placed my hand on his chest and we both chuckled.

"I like your thinking princess." He kissed the top of my head before handing me a pair of shorts.

"Here, you can keep them for the time being, but I gotta head to work." I nodded my head, slipping on the large basketball shorts.

I smiled up at him. He looked like he remembered something, then swiftly pulled out his phone. "I completely forgot. I don't have your number gorgeous." He chuckled.

He handed me his phone, opening a new message. I quickly texted myself, knowing my phone was out in the living room. I smiled as he put my name in his phone.

"Alright, ready to go?" I nodded.

"Just let me collect my things." He nodded his head before walking me out to the living room.


I sat in his truck, smiling like a goofball. Trevor smiled the whole way to my house.

We were both in pretty good moods.


He pulled up to my house, putting the truck in park.

He swiftly got out of the drivers side, and walked over to my side of the truck. He opened the door and held out his hand to help me out. I smiled as I gripped my clothes in my hand, and held his with the other.

"Thank you Trevor." He smiled at me, looking down to meet my eyes.

"Of course princess." He kissed me gently.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!" I look over at Nana who got out of her chair on the porch, and started walking towards us.

"Hi nana." I smiled, hugging her tightly.

"Hi baby, and you didn't tell me he was a cop! Oooolala! I love a man in uniform." She laughed as Trevor laughed nervously.

"Hi Ms. Sherman." Trevor smiled.

"Shush child! Call me Nana like everyone else." Trevor smiled lightly.

"Thank you Mrs-Nana, but I have to head out to work." She nodded, he turned his attention over to me. "Please call if you need anything princess." He kissed my cheek before walking back to the truck.

I gave a little wave before he smiled and went on his way to work.

"He's handsome. And a gentleman." Nana smiled at me.

"He has his demons like the rest of us, but yeah... he's probably the best thing to happen to me." I watched as she smiled. Her smile lines folding with her cheerful smile. It reminds me of when I first got to know her.

"Hey Nana, do you still have that picture with you?" She nodded her head smiling.

"It never leaves my wallet child." She swiftly pulled out her wallet, pulling out a small picture. She handed it to me, and looking over it made me smile.

"I remember this day... it was probably one of the best days of my life." I smiled, grazing my fingers over the small photo.

"You were such a cute kid." She giggled.

"What do you mean were?!?! I'm still cute." I pouted. She just laughed

"You'll always be my baby boy. Always." She smiled at me.

I felt tears sting at my eyes as I smiled. I pulled nana close, holding her tight. "I love you Nana." I whispered, holding my hand in her hair.

"I love you too pequeño(small)" I snuggled in her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" She pulled away, holding my shoulders.

I wiped my eyes, laughing slightly. "Nothing Nana... I'm just happy..."

"Weird child." She laughed. I giggled using the long sleeve to wipe my eyes.

She walked away smiling. "I love you and all, but I love nap time more!" I laughed.

"What about the picture?" "Keep it, I have one sittin' on my desk!" She opened her door, and went inside.

I stood on the side walk and held the picture. I'll always treasure that day.

I put the picture in my pocket and walked inside. No one was home.

I looked on the kitchen counter and saw a note that Freddie left.

If you are reading this, then welcome home Jay! Anyway, moms shopping, I picked up my buddies shift. I wont be back till dinner. XOXO Freds


I smiled, picking up the note and throwing it away.

I jogged up the stairs and flopped to my bed. Feeling at home in my bed. But it didn't feel the same as Trevor's. It felt empty, but it was still my bed, and still as comfortable as ever.

I set the picture on my side table, and grabbed Peaches, my stuffed bunny, and held her close. My hands covered by the large sweatshirt.

I smiled, slowly drifting to sleep.


I jumped awake to the sound of my work alarm. 11:00, and hour before my shift.

I shut it off and got ready for work. Taking off Trevor's things, and putting on my work uniform.

I grabbed my bag, house key, and jacket, running downstairs, and out the door.

I walked the way to work, making it 10 minutes before my shift.

"Hey gorgeous- woah.... well don't you look fantastic." Abby laughed at me when she saw the hickeys lining my neck.

"Yeah yeah, I know." I rolled my eyes.

"Looks like you had a good time after the club." She giggled taking a drink of her water.

"Yeah... we did. Anyway, how did the rest of the talk with... ugh... what are their names again?"

"Daniel and Carly?"

"Yes! Them! Geez I'm bad with names."

"I can tell, but the talk went great! They are actually coming to hang out next weekend at my place, you and Trevor should come. You both need more friends." I rolled my eyes.

"I have friends..." I pouted.

"Me and lily don't count." I rolled my eyes. "Still, I think this will be good for you. You need someone like you that you can bond with. And she's around your age as well!"

"I'll think about it." Abby smiled.

"Good. Now get your ass to work and open those doors!"


We slowly closed down the bar, I worked double shifts today because SOMEONE called in late.

But I didn't mind the extra cash, I needed it anyway.

"You ready for next Friday?" Abby looked at me as she wipped down the tables.

"Yeah, it sounds like fun. And you're right, I need friends." I laughed and she chuckled with me.

"Alright, is that everything?" I looked around the room, seeing that everything was in place.

"Yeah, that's it!" I smiled, setting down my rag.

"Alright, you're free to go. I'm going to bed." She said yawning.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Tell Lily I said hi!" I waved her goodbye as I walked out the door.

I unlock my apparent door and see my sleeping sub on the couch.

All bundled in a pair of big, baggy, grey sweatpants, and a white, lacey bralette. I smiled as I set my stuff down on the kitchen counter.

I looked to the stove with a small note sitting next to a filled pan.

Heat up if you're hungry 😉

I smiled as I looked in the pan. Spicy rice. One of my favorites.

(A/N this is one of my favorite dishes to make honestly. I may or may not leave the recipe in the comments 🙊 but it's a spicy chicken and rice dish, to sum it up.)

I put a good chunk of the pan, in a bowl, and straight(hehe) to the microwave.

I wait for the timer to go off, grabbed my heated meal, and sat next to my sleeping sub on the couch.

I dig into my meal, appreciating the woman who cooked it.

"Mmm, you're home?" Lily rubbed her eyes, sitting up slightly.

"I am. And thank you for dinner." I kissed her forehead and she smiled.

"You're welcome." She shifted herself so her head was in my lap. "Mmm, you're comfy." I just chuckled.

"Glad I'm a good pillow for you." She she chuckled tiredly.

"You're the best pillow I could ever ask for." She smiled.

"Well now I just feel used." I pretended to be hurt.

"You'll live." I set my finished bowl down and ran my fingers through her fiery-red curls. Well... I attempted to. I just ended up petting her. I didn't want my fingers trapped within her hair.

"I'm excited for next week..." Lily smiled.

"Why's that?"

"I really like those two. Carly and Daniel. They both seem so... kind." I smiled at her comment.

"I agree." I continued to pet her head.

"Okay, and you have to agree that Carly is so cute. If she didn't have Daniel, I would love if she could be our little." We've always been open to each other about our feelings. No jealousy attached. Because we knew, that at the end of everyday, we would be there for each other. Call it an open relationship if you will. We are there for each other, but we always tell one another about our partners beforehand. And we've never had any problems. We may be married, happily, but we will always be adventurous together.

"I agree. I may not like children that much... but a little will have the same effect, but we could have fun." Lily nodded her head agreeing.

"I agree, but I think Daniel is good for her. She's such a sweet girl." I smiled.

"She is...." I rubbed my thumb across her forehead. "Let's go to bed gorgeous."

I swiftly picked her up, bridal style. She giggled as I walked to our bedroom.

"So romantic." I smiled.

I walked to our room and laid her down under the covers.

I slowly peeled off my work clothes until I was in my black lacy bra and black boy shorts.

"Damn you're hot." Lily chuckled licking her lips.

"I sure fuckin' hope so! You married me!" Lily chuckled.

"You'll always be hot to me." She opened her arms, and I crawled under the covers, holding her close to me.

I kissed her forehead. Planting slow and loving kisses.

"I love you baby girl." Lily smiled as I continued to kiss her cheeks and forehead.

"I love you too." She swiftly kissed my lips, leaving me breathless. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight baby girl." I left one last kiss on her lips, holding her close to me.

I drifted off to sleep, with her comfortably in my arms.



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