《Baby boy》13- XXX



I climbed on top of him, straddling his legs. He stiffened slightly, letting out a shakey laugh.

"Mmm, you're testing me princess..." his shirt I was still wearing slid up a bit, stopping right at the top of my thighs. Letting my pink lacey panties peak through.

"That's the point." I smirked. "And you said, and I quote, no sex until after we sign the contract. We signed it." He shook his head and smiled.

"I would have never guessed you'd be this forward about sex." I giggled.

"I like to keep people on their toes." I reached down and palmed him through his sweats, earning a low growl to escape from deep within his chest. "More or less, on edge maybe." I giggled at his reactions.

He leaned up to reach my face, I met him halfway, and we pressed our lips together. I continued to palm him while he gripped my ass, lifting the shirt slightly.

He squeezed my ass, making me wimpier under his touch.

"You wanna play kitten?" I smiled into the kiss, letting him know my answer.

"Kitten will happily play with daddy." He chuckled, kissing me with full force.

I continued to palm him, feeling his bulge grow with each passing second. He kissed me up and down my neck, making me moan with pleasure.

He sucked and bit my collar bone, leaving a trail of his marks, turning me on more.

I started to grind against his thigh, feeling the pressure start to build up within me.

He grabbed my hips, stopping me from moving.

"Oh princess... you just broke a rule. No touching or pleasing yourself without my permission." I let out a breathless moan at his dominating tone. "Does my princess already need a punishment?"

"Yes daddy, I've been a very bad boy..." I leaned into his ear, hearing him let out a low, dominating growl. He smacked my ass, leaving a stinging sensation to linger through my ass. Making me a moaning mess.

Trevor swiftly lifted me up, carrying me to a room I was never in before.

He opened the door, and I looked around, seeing my wildest dream right in front of me.

"Welcome to my playroom kitten." He kissed my ear as I looked around slightly. He set me down and I stood in front of him. Not moving. Not making eye contact.

"Now pet..." he walked around me in circles, slowly. Inspecting every inch of me. "Take off the shirt."

I let out a shakey breath and slowly peeled off the shirt, leaving me in his lacey surprise.

"Love the surprise kitten." He softly ran his finger tips over my skin, leaving a sensual touch all over my body. Making me shudder.

"Now, you'll get to choose your punishment tool. Since this is you first punishment, I'll go easy on you, but in the future, I might not be so nice. Understand pet?"

"Yes daddy." I shuddered with pure delight.

"Good. Now. Here's your choice." He stopped in front of me, looking down at my head, not letting me look up to meet his eyes. He set his hand on my hips, and whispered softly to me.

"You can get 10 spanks with my hand, or 5 with the riding crop, your choice pet." FUCK THIS IS HARD!!! It's a hard choice, because I love the feeling of being spanked, but I love the pain a riding crop gave as well.



"Yes pet?"

"C-can I have 5 of each?" I could tell he thought about it for a second before knowing his answer.

"If that's what you wish pet." I smiled, still bowing my head. "Go stand by the chair pet." I scurried to the chair close to the middle of the room, and stood next to it with my head down.

He walked across the room, letting the anticipation build. He grabbed the crop, and set it near to the chair. He sat down, looking towards me. "Come here."

I walked to him, setting myself over his knee. I situated myself, getting in a semi-comfortable position.

"You are going to count each one out loud, and if you fail to count one, we will start over, understand pet?"

"Yes daddy..." I waited in anticipation. Waiting for the stinging feeling it left that I was so found of.

He pulled down my panties just over my ass, rubbing his hand in circles across my bare skin.

Without much warning, his hand came down to my ass, not as hard as I was expecting it to be, but hard enough to leaving a stinging sensation. Making me moan out the word, "o-one."

He rubbed the stinging with his hand, gently massaging my ass.

The second smack, laid down a lot harder, making my eyes roll to the back of my head. "T-two."

Each smack getting increasingly harder.



"F-five." I moaned at the last smack. My ass has to be a nice shade of pink by this point. My dick pressed against his thigh where I laid. It was hard not to do anything about it, but I knew he'd make me feel better than I ever could for myself.

He massaged my ass, letting it cool down. "Good. lay down across the bench pet. Legs apart, and hands across the table."

"Yes daddy." He helped me stand up. "Take off your panties too kitten." I peeled them off, walking across the room to a wooded bench.

I leaned over, reaching my hands to the other side, making sure they were out of the way. Spreading my legs, letting every inch off me show on display for him.

The crop made a small noise as he grabbed it off the floor.

"You remember your safe words princess?"

"Yes daddy." He hummed in approval.

"No moving from this position, or we will start over. Count each one, and if you fail to count, we will start over. Okay princess?"

"Yes daddy." He dragged the crop over my ass, letting the cool leather fabric grace my reddened skin.

(A/N the riding crop)

He carefully ran the leather end over my spin, dragging it slowly. I let out a shakey breath, shivering at the anticipation.

He took the crop off my skin, and landed it right on my ass, making me moan loudly. The neighbors definitely heard that one... "o-one..."

The flexibility in the crop made it better. Little force was applied, but the pain was just as great.

He gently rubbed his hand over my ass, cooling it down slightly.

Taking his hand away, he landed another one, just above the last hit. "T-t-two..." I was in complete ecstasy.



"F-five!" I felt like I was on cloud nine.

He set the crop down, and rubbed my ass, letting the cooling feeling rush through my burning skin.


"You did so good princess. I'm so proud of you." I let out a goofy smile, biting my lip.

"Mmmm, daddy..." he picked me up off of the table, walking out of the play room. "Do you want to continue princess?"

"Please daddy?!" He chuckled, walking into his room.

He laid me down on his bed, stripping himself of his sweats, leaving his member at full attention, just like mine.

He rummaged through the nightstand drawer, grabbing a condom, and lube.

I waited in anticipation. "Knees to your chest baby. Let me see that beautiful hole of yours."

I gladly put my knees to my chest, and held on. I kept my eyes towards the ceiling, waiting.

Cold liquid was poured over my hole, making me shudder. He gently put one finger inside me, feeling slightly uncomfortable, but pleasurable.

I moaned loudly as he inserted a second finger. Scissoring his fingers inside me. Stretching me slightly.

He purposefully missed my prostate, making me squirm. "P-pleaaaseee." I attempted to moan out.

"Please what?" He chuckled.

"Please fuck me daddy!" I moaned out as he hit my prostate.

"Mmm, good boy. Tell daddy how you want it."

"Hard." I pressed my lips together, closing my eyes. My back arched slightly as I gripped the sheets under me.

"Good boy." He took out his fingers, leaving an empty feeling.

He slipped on the condom, quickly placing himself at my entrance. He smirked at me, making me melt under him. That smirk was going to be the death of me.

He gently slipped inside of me, being slightly uncomfortable. I pressed my lips together as he bottomed out, hitting my prostate.

I adjusted myself, looking into his eyes. His golden eyes dilated, giving me his signature smirk.

I bit my lip and nodded, signaling him to move.

He started slowly, rubbing right against my prostate every thrust.

He pulled back, letting only his tip sit inside me, before slamming into me, thrusting faster and faster.

My moans echoed through the room, pretty sure the neighbors got a good peak at the show.

He slammed his lips on mine as he thrusted inside me, making me moan against the kiss.

He pulled away only to attach his lips on my neck.

All the sensations put together made me feel like I was floating. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, leaving me on cloud nine.

He pulled away, standing straight, still fucking me. He put one hand on my neck, pressing slightly. I shuddered as his grip got tighter, all I could do was moan silent breaths.

He leaned down to my ear, keeping his hand on my throat. "Cum for me princess."

My back arched as I came seconds after he uttered those words into my ear. Leaving me breathless.

Not long after, he followed, riding out his orgasm.

He slowly let go of my neck, placing that hand on my chest. "Mmm, good boy." I shuddered at the praise, letting a goofy smile creep across my face.

"Mmm" was all I could let out. I felt like I was floating amongst the clouds. He smiled, pulling my face towards his. Gently kissing me.

He pulled out, making me groan, still kissing me.

He pulled off the condom, and threw it away in the trash next to his bed.

"Let's get you clean princess." I nodded as my eyes were close to shutting.

I picked him up, carrying him bridal style.

Walking him into the bathroom attached to my room, turning on the bath.

Once it got hot enough, I stepped in, setting Jay on my lap.

He laid back against me, either half asleep, or... something else I can't pin point. I had a feeling I knew... but wasn't sure.

I ran my hand up and down his torso, getting him semi-clean.

I grabbed the rag I left on the end of the tub and lathered it in soap.

I scrubbed Jay down, gently. Not rushing anything.

"Thank you daddy..." he sounded somewhat little. He ran his nails up and down my thigh, and I smiled.

"Of course baby, you did so good." I kissed his neck and he giggled.

"No kisses daddy!" He giggled trying to push me away.

"Alright princess, but you have to get clean." He just hummed in response. I washed him down, getting him nice and clean.

"Do you wanna wash your hair baby?" He nodded his head slightly.

I got out of the tub, slightly drying myself off, wrapping the towel around my waist

I sat by the edge of the tub, sitting on my knees. "Alright, lay down for me."

He scooted down the tub, lifting his knees to his chest, before slowly laying down in the water, only to soak his hair.

I ran my hands through his hair, carefully washing.

He followed directions without fuss, and let me wash him.

"All done princess!" I smiled. He stood in the tub, covering himself. I just smiled. He looked too innocent.

I dried him off before wrapping the towel around him.

I held his hand as he walked out of the tub.

I kissed his wet hair and he giggled.

We walked into my room and he sat on the end he on my bed. "Stay here princess, I'll get you clothes to wear." He nodded his head and rubbed his eyes.

I quickly walked to my closet, pulling off the towel, and slipping on a pair of basketball shorts. Quickly grabbing my police academy sweatshirt.

Walking back to the room, Jay sat right where I left him.

"I's tired daddy..." he said rubbing his eyes.

"I know baby. Wait a little longer for me, alright?" He nodded his head, yawning.

(A/N I FUCKIN YAWNED WRITING, "yawning" fml)

I stood him up, peeling the towel off him. He covered himself with his hands, keeping his head down. I smiled.

"Arms up." He put his arms up, and I slipped the big sweatshirt over his head. The sweatshirt engulfed him. The sleeves went well passed his hands as he gripped the excess fabric. The bottom of the sweatshirt hung just above his knees. The sweatshirt was big on me, but looked perfect on Jay.

He rubbed the sleeve over his eyes and yawned slightly.

(A/N NOT AGAIN!!! Fuck I'm tired)

"Alright baby, lets go to bed." He smiled.

I got under the covers and got myself situated. I patted the side of the bed next to me, and he crawled over to me. He laid down slightly on top of me, snuggling his wet hair into my chest.

I pulled the covers over us and ran my hand through his hair.

"Nigh nigh's daddy..." he purred into my chest, leaving a smile on my face.

"Goodnight Princess."




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