《Baby boy》12


I woke up laying on Trevor's chest. His even breathing and steady heartbeat was calming.

I leaned my head into his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

I felt his hand snake around my waist, pulling me closer. He kissed the top of my head and I giggled.

"Morning Princess." His husky morning voice was raspy, and a definite turn on.

"Morning." I kissed his nose, then laid my head back on his chest, running my nails lightly over his chest.

"You want breakfast gorgeous?" He yawned.

"Sure." I kissed his chest before getting up out of bed. I was wide awake now, and ready to start my day.

I looked at the clock, reading 6:43am.

Ew, who wake up at this ungodly hour. I rolled my eyes and watched Trevor look at the clock.

"Shit, I forgot I have work today. I can make breakfast real quick, then I have to head out." He ran his hand down his face.

"That's fine." I smiled.

"You can stay till I get back, it's not that long of a shift." I smiled and nodded my head.

"Alright gorgeous." He got out of bed and walked towards me. "What would you like for breakfast?"

He wrapped his hand around my shoulder as we walked to the kitchen.

"Anything is fine." I smiled, leaning into him.

"Mmm. Eggs and bacon?" He stopped by the fridge.

"Sounds great. Need any help?" He smiled, pulling out everything.

"I'm alright. You can watch something in the living room until it's done." I nodded my head and walked across to the living room.

I sat in the middle of the couch and sat with my legs crossed. The shirt sliding up to my waist a bit.

I turned on the tv and immediately found Netflix. This bitch has Netflix but doesn't know what Instagram is?! Uncultured swine.

I pull on Netflix and found a comedy to watch.

After about 10 minutes into the comedy special, I smelled bacon and eggs. The smell filling my nose.

Trevor walked out with a plate and a mug. I raised my eyebrow slightly.

"Your favorite, I think. Just taste it." He handed me the mug and set the plate on the coffee table. Holy shit he got it right?!?!

"You remembered..." I smiled into the cup of peppermint hot cocoa.

"Of course I did. I pay attention!" He sassed back walked to the kitchen and grabbing his mug and plate.

"Let me guess. You like your coffee like you like your men. Black." He chocked on his coffee and laughed.

"That's the best thing I've heard in a while. But no, I don't like it, it just wakes me up." I nodded my head giggling.

"Thank you for breakfast." I smiled.

"Of course. I don't get to do it often, so it's nice to cook for once." I dig into the food, and it was perfect. Simple, but perfect. Wait. It's missing something.

"You have cheese?" Trevor raised his eyebrow.

"Uh yeah. Block or shredded?"


"Second shelf in the fridge." I grabbed my plate and sped walked to the kitchen.

I grabbed the cheese out of the fridge and dumped a good amount on my eggs.

(A/N this is literally the best way to eat scrambled eggs. Don't @ me.)

I hurried back to the living room and plopped on the couch.

"Cheese on your eggs?" Trevor looked at me weird.

"There is literally no other way to eat scrambled eggs. Don't fight me on that. I'll win." I stuck my tongue out and he laughed, shaking his head.


"Sure..." he laughed.

I shook my head and continued to eat. The cheese melting perfectly on the eggs, making it string when I pulled it off the plate. Damn, I'm a whore for cheese.

(A/N and so is your author. Cheese is literally my bitch. Even though I'm lactose intolerant. I just hate myself, so I eat it anyway. Hehe)

The comedy played as a background noise for me. I wasn't focused on it.

I picked through my food, thinking about that damn contract. Hoping that it won't be for such a short period of time. But this 10 page packet was giving me anxiety. Not even knowing specificities why it was. I just didn't want to disappoint Trevor with my wants or needs. But I need to say something, otherwise this won't work. I have to be honest.

"Alright gorgeous. I need to get ready for work." He kissed my cheek getting up. He set his plate in the sink, and went to the bathroom to shower.

I slowly ate my food. It was getting cold, but I ate everything anyway.

Trevor emerged in his uniform, adjusting the pins and his belt. And damn he looked good in uniform.

"Alright princess. I'll be back around 5. Be good." He kissed my forehead before heading out the door.

This is going to be a long day...

I grabbed the contract off the counter and crossed my legs together, holding the contract in my lap.

The first page was basics. Names, my role in the relationship, my veto (having the power to end the contract under certain circumstances). Basically all for me.

I flipped to the next page, being for Trevor. His role, punishments, and the rules for punishments.

I looked through the roles and I felt my stomach tighten.

Punishment must not incur permanent bodily harm, or the following forms of abuse:

1. Blood may not be drawn at any time.

2. Burning the body

3. Drastic loss of circulation

4. Causing internal bleeding

5. Loss of consciousness

6. Withholding of any necessary materials, such as food or water

I felt horrible for the subs that ever had to endure this type of relationship.

(A/N the things above are NOT PUNISHMENTS!!! It's classic abuse. Don't confuse punishments and abuse. If you have any questions leave them here.)

Following the punishment roles, came the talk about permanent bodily harm.

Basically saying that Trevor owned my body, and I can't cause any permanent or short term harm to myself. Just like he can't cause permanent harm to me, such as mental, or physical.

I turned the page, finding the public part of it.

Others. Meaning neither of us can play, or do scenes with others unless talked and agreed upon first. Basically no cheating.

Public. Meaning the nature of our relationship will stay secret unless agreed upon by both parties.

And last page, the contract. It can be terminated under any circumstance. But the contract must be destroyed upon doing so. And the contract can not be changed once signed. If you do, you have to create a whole new contract and destroy the old one.

The whole contract I've been over before, but it brought back memories that weren't welcome. But I pushed them aside, letting them stay in the past where they belong.

I flipped the page, finding the hard and soft limits page.

(A/N hard limits- you will never try or go through with anyone. Soft limits- willing to try if under the right circumstances)

I immediately got excited. I looked around and saw highlighters on the kitchen counter, next to a stack of pens and pencils.


I grabbed the pink, green, and yellow one.

I sat at the counter, going through every one.

Immediately I ran the pink highlighter over the definite no's.

Feet. Ew.

G-golden showers. BARF!!! Ew eweweweeeeeeweeee no.

(A/N I ain't explaining that one.)

I got the others out of the way, grabbing my yellow highlighter.

I ran it over some of the extreme ones, knowing that if Trevor was careful, and knew what he was doing, I know I'd be okay to try it.

Flogging, wax-play, etc.

(Flogging- a punishment in which the victim is hit repeatedly with a whip or stick. Wax-play- the use of hot candle wax on the skin.)

I filled the rest of the soft limits, and grabbed the green highlighter. My favorite.

Knowing exactly what I was into really helped filling this out. Previous experiences really helped at this point.

I looked over the rest, seeing some of my favorites, making me all giddy.

Knife play... FUCK YEAH! My whole body shivered at the thought of Trevor running a knife on my body.

(Knife play: Knife play is a form of consensual BDSM edgeplay involving knives, daggers, and swords as a source of physical and mental stimulation. Knives are typically used to cut away clothing, scratch the skin, remove wax after wax play, or simply provide sensual stimulation.)

Also meaning blood was a yes. Don't judge me, I'm weird.

I checked off most of the simple stuff, involving some of the more vanilla of my kinks, like role play, age play, bondage, public play, humiliation, etc.

(A/N sorry not sorry, I ruined your innocent image of Jay. Oops?)

I looked at the final form, filled with different colors. Feeling satisfied.

I flipped the page, looking through the daily roles for both of us. Which need to be filled out with both of us here.

I flipped through some more basic rules, and guidelines insuring my safety.

Finally reaching the last page. Signing.

I got excited, but closed the packet.

I needed to leave the rest for when Trevor got back.

I sighed, and walked to Trevor's room. Might as well nap.

I flopped on his bed, sinking into the bed. The sheets, along with his shirt, engulfed me.

I smiled, rolling myself in the covers. I is, human burrito. I giggled, crawling into the fetal position, wrapped within the comforter.

His scent slowly lulling me to sleep.


I felt bad for coming back later than expected. It was almost 6, but chief kept me longer than necessary.

I set down my things on the kitchen counter and immediately noticed the contact. I swear I left it on the coffee table...

I picked up the packet and quickly flipped through.

Seeing the highlighted page made be realize that Jay already went through it, and filled out his part.

I sifted over some of the green highlights, seeing some... eye opening ones.

HOLY SHIT!!! HE'S INTO THAT?!?! I looked directly at the knife play. Damn.

I sifted through some of the red, seeing feet darker than the others. THANK GOD WE AGREE! Yadda yadda yadda, I'll read the rest with Jay.

I set down the packet and went to my room. Maybe Jay's in there...

I open my door and find Jay bundled up like a burrito. Awww small burrito child. I smiled, walking to the closet to change.

I took off my uniform and just threw sweats on.

I walked to my bed, and sat on the edge, softly sifting though Jay's hair.

"Princess..." I moved his shoulder slightly.

"Mmmm." He groaned slightly, still not awake.

"Princeeeeessss..." I cooed in his ear. I head a louder mhm.

"Baby boy." I shock his shoulder a bit harder.

"Mhmmmm whhhhaaaattttt?????!!!???" He groaned.

"Come on princess, get up." He groaned and rolled over, facing me. He opened his big brown eyes slowly.

"Mmmm, why are you home so early...?" He rubbed his eyes.

"It's almost 6 princess."

"Fuuuuuuccckkkk. I slept since noon." I laughed.

"Looks like someone's not going to sleep tonight." He just rolled his eyes.

"Mmm worth it. I'm a whore for naps. Ooo and cheese. Mmmm cheese." He rolled over, I just laughed.

"Ah ah, come on, get up." I tried to roll him back over.

"Mmmm no." I curled up more into the covers.

"What did you say?" I raised my eyebrow. I felt him stiffen.

"What are we doing now?!" He hopped out of bed.

"That's what I thought." I wrapped my arm around him as he ran closer to me.

"Alright, you awake enough to fill out the contract?" He nodded his head, rubbing his eyes.

We walked to the living room, and he sat on the couch. I grabbed the contract and sat next to him. I pulled him to my lap, laying the contract on his knees.

"Alright, first and foremost. How long do you want this to last?" Jay bit his lip, thinking for a moment.

"Let's give it a few months, and see where things go. We can always renew the contract, or terminate it if needed. So.... 5 months to start?" I nodded my head and filled out the date length.

I wrote down our names, ages, etc. the basics.

"You need to read through this again?" He shook his head no. I already read through it many times before. I've practically memorized it.

I flipped to the duties page, the one for him.

"Do you want any responsibilities?" He thought about it.

"Do you want me to?" "Only if you want." He bit his lip thinking for a moment.

"I can do some cooking and dishes when I'm here? Yaknow, something simple to start." I nodded and filled it in.

I filled in mine, which have always stayed the same. Take care of them basically.

I flipped to the kinks page, and Jaylynn looked away from me, not making any sort of eye contact.

"What's wrong?" He hesitated, slowly looking over at me.

"I don't want you to think I'm weird...." he fiddled with his thumbs.

"Jay. You haven't even made it to my top 20 list of weirdest things I've come across. I've seen, sadly, a lot worse. None of this bothers me. It surprised me, but doesn't bother me in the slightest." He smiled slightly. If anything it fucking turns me on...

"Thanks..." I smiled at him.

"No problem. But, there is one thing I'm not quite sure we can agree on."


"God no, hate it, no questions." He sighed with relief.

"Then what?" He looked at the page. I pointed to knife play.

"Ahhhh, what's wrong?"

"I don't want to hurt you...." he chuckled.

"Trevor. I trust you. You won't hurt me." I smiled.

"Okay, just for you, it'll be a soft limit for me." "Deal."

We went through the rest, and generally had the same taste, so we didn't change much.

We went through everything else, making sure we didn't miss anything.

The signing page.

I handed him the pen. "You ready?" He nodded his head and took the pen.

He wrote out his signature neatly, making it look perfect.

He handed me the pen, and I did the same.

"Soooooo.... sex?" He perked up.

I laughed. "Geez you're persistent."

"Only with things I want." He smirked getting up from his possession to straddle me.

"Mmm, you're testing me princess..." my shirt he was still wearing slid up a bit, stopping right at the top of his legs.

"That's the point." He smirked. "And you said, and I quote, no sex until after we sign the contract. We signed it." I shook my head and smiled.

"I would have never guessed you'd be this forward about sex." He giggled.

"I like to keep people on their toes." He reached down and palmed me, earning a low growl. "More or less, on edge maybe." He giggled.

I leaned up to reach his face, he met me halfway, and we pressed our lips together. He continued to palm me, while I grabbed his ass, lifting the shirt slightly.

I squeezed his ass, hearing him wimpier under my touch.

"You wanna play kitten?" He smiled into the kiss, letting me know my answer.

"Kitten will happily play with daddy." I chuckled, kissing him with full force.


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