《Baby boy》11


I waited for him outside my truck. I just sat on my phone watching insta-face blow up.

Who the fuck is Jean?! And why is she getting pictures of me and Jay?! This bitch creepy.

A few more minutes roll by before I see Jay walk out of the door.

"You ready to-" I looked him up and down. Wearing small black shorts and a black crop top, fishnets, mmmm fishnets, and black vans.

He looked absolutely stunning.

"Anyone home?!" Jay waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, sorry." I kissed his forehead. "You look stunning princess."

He smiled. "I know." Laughing before hoping into the truck. This bitch knows what he's doing to me. That ain't fair.

"Alright, we will swing by my place until later, then we'll head out." Jay smiled, nodding his head.


We got over to my apartment, and he stayed silent the whole way. He trailed behind me as I unlocked my door and headed inside.

"Make yourself at home. I'm going to take a quick shower and change." He nodded his head, and I went to go shower.

I nodded my head as he walked away. I felt nervous for some reason. This was my first "date" that I've had in a while.

But it was nice to be able to go out. I didn't get to do it often, but when I did? I was in my element.

I loved dancing. It made me feel free. Clubs are my thing, I guess you could say. But it felt too much for the moment. So I texted Abby.

I felt desperate. I needed someone there for me just in case I panicked or something.

I sat down on the couch and sighed. Awaiting a text back.

I sighed and put down my phone.

Let's hope everything goes alright.


I sat on my phone for a while, reading Wattpad stories, cuz why not.

"Damn, what a bitch..." I mumbled.

"Who's a bitch?" I looked over at Trevor standing in the doorway. Wearing a slick black button up, tight black skinny jeans, and slick black shoes. His hair neatly trimmed, and beard faded nicely.

"Eh, a character on Wattpad. I ever so slightly want to murder them. You know? The usual." I laughed.

"What's wattpad?" I'm hurt.

"I'm rethinking this whole thing now. I'm hurt." He put his hands up in defense. "I'm kidding!" We both laughed.

"You look good T. You clean up nicely." I bit my lip and winked at him.

"Thank you Princess. Any idea where we are going?"

"Euphoria. Abby and lily are meeting us there at 7. They need to get out anyway." I laughed.

"Isn't euphoria a-"

"Yes. Yes it is." He rolled his eyes.

"I keep forgetting you're not innocent." I laughed.

"Well, we have a few hours to kill.... anything in mind?" Oh I have a few.

"Maybe we could fuck?" Trevor coughed. I laughed.

"Geez you're honest." I rolled my eyes at his comment and smiled.

"No point in lying. It's a waist of time. It's best to just get straight to the point." He nodded his head in agreement.


"You were serious?!"


He shook his head giggling. I got off the couch and walked closer to him.

"You know those fishnets of yours are killing me, right?" I smiled.

"That's the point." I stuck my tongue out.


"Mmm... don't test me Princess." He warned.

"Maybe that's what I want." I ran my hands up and down his abs. Letting my nails graze over every curve.

"You sure Princess?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Yes... what do you want me to call you..." I looked up at him hesitantly.

"Anything you want princess."

"Yes daddy."

"Good. Now. Kneel."


I quickly got on my knees, and waited for his next orders. He dominating voice was thick and rough. It sent chills down my spin every time.

I didn't dare look into his eyes, so I just kept my eyes on the floor, and sat in the kneeling position.

My knees together, my head down, and my arms behind my back.

"You know your positions... I'm impressed baby boy." He praised.

"Thank you daddy." He ran his hand through my hair, giving light pulls.

I love to have my hair played with, but being pulled? Was a whole other world of pleasure.

He quickly grabbed my hair, pulling my head back to look at him, I moaned as he brought my head to face him.

He hummed in approval. "Suck." He said quickly.

He let go of my hair, and my hands quickly found their way to his pants.

"Ah ah. No hands." I bit my lip and put my hands behind my back. It's been a while since I've done this. I was just hoping that my tricks were still up my sleeve.

I put my mouth to the button of his jeans, and slowly unbuttoned them with my teeth. It took a few seconds before I got it loose.

I grabbed the zipper, tugging at it. Trying not to get anything caught in the zipper.

"Good boy. You may use your hands." I smiled at the praise.

I slowly pulled down his jeans, my face meeting his bulge.

I gulped slightly before I pulled down his boxers.

His dick sprang to full attention, and so did mine.

My hard on pressed against my shorts, making it uncomfortable to sit in this position. But I knew better than to move from my position.

I grabbed his dick with my hand, slowly putting my mouth over his tip.

I watched as he looked nervous. It was cute how nervous he looked.

But as soon as he put his mouth on me, it put my dream to shame.

His mouth was warm and slick.

He slowly licked around me before deep throating me. Making me groan. Damn he's good. My dick hit the back of his throat, making him gag slightly, I just smiled.

He kept going. Not caring how much he gagged. "Relax your throat baby." I felt him relax, and he almost stopped gagging.

I grabbed his hair and lead him.

His moan vibrated around me, making me groan in pleasure. "Do that again baby."

He continued to hum. Making my whole body tense.

Without warning, I shot every ounce I had in me down his throat.

I let go of his hair, and he continued to suck, milking me for everything I had.

He let my dick out with a pop, and licked me clean. Swallowing everything.

Fuck that was hot.

He wiped the side of his mouth slightly, smiling at me.


"How was that daddy?" He smiled up at me. Pulling up my pants and fix everything so it was in its place.

"Fantastic Princess. Stand please." He slowly got off his knees, and put his hands on my chest.


"It's my turn to please you princess." He shook his head.

"No. This was my turn to please you. Don't worry about me. Plus I don't want to ruin my outfit."

I smiled. A lightbulb going off in my head. "I have a better idea princess."

I watched as he walked towards his bedroom. I stayed put. Not knowing what he was talking about.

He quickly came out of his room, holding something in his hand.

"I want to try something with you. Are you okay with that?" I bit my lip, unsure with the vagueness.

"I trust you." I nodded my head. He smiled down at me.

"Good. Turn around." I turned around hesitantly.

He pulled down my shorts, fishnets, and panties slightly, quickly putting something in my ass. I suppressed a moan as it grazed my prostate.

He pulled up everything, turning me around.

"Can you guess what that is princess?" I nodded my head.

"It's a vibrator..." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"That's right. Now. If you can hold back your moans, and not cum the whole night, you'll be rewarded."

"If I don't?" I bit my lip. "You'll be punished." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Okay." I nodded my head.

"And if you want this to continue, I'd suggest we get a contract. I don't want to push any boundaries without knowing." I smiled.

"I'd like that..." he smiled back.

"Good. Now, let's watch some tv." He lead me over to the couch, setting me on his lap.

I laid in the crook of his neck, smelling his aftershave.

He put on a comedy movie, but I didn't pay attention.

I basked in his scent, letting it lull me to sleep.


I felt something deep inside me vibrate.

It felt so good.

I didn't open my eyes, but let the feeling envelop me. My breathing labored as I heard a husky voice in my ear. "Wake up princess."

I opened my eyes moaning. Trevor held a small remote as he laughed.

He quickly turned it off.

"Oh god you're an asshole..." I tried to catch my breath.

"You haven't seen nothin yet princess. Come on. It's time to go." I nodded my head.

He swiftly picked me up, setting me on his hip.

He carried me out the door, and straight to the parking lot. My eyes still felt heavy as he carried me to the car.

He swiftly set me down in the front seat, and buckled me in. I rubbed my eyes, still tired.

"You can sleep some more if you'd like princess, it's a 30 minute drive." I nodded my head as he started the car.

I leaned my head against the window, and drifted back to sleep.


I woke up to Trevor shaking me slightly.

"We're here princess." I rubbed my eyes, and smiled.

"You okay?" I nodded my head. I yawned, letting myself wake up.

"Let's go!" I quickly hoped out of the truck. Trevor quickly followed and grabbed my hand.

I smiled as we walked to the door.

"Name?" The bounce asked.

"Brandon's friend. Trevor." The bouncer nodded and let us through.

The lights flashed everywhere as I saw subs on the floor next to their dom's and people on the dance floor.

Moaning could be heard from the scene rooms closer to the back, and everything made me feel excited.

The lady near the front smiled at us. "Two red wrist bands please." Trevor said quickly. The lady quickly grabbed the wrist bands and put them around our wrists.

"Why red?" I asked quietly.

"Unless you're looking to play with anyone here, I'd suggest you'd wear the red one." I nodded my head.

(A/N there are three wrist bands. Red- not looking for a partner. Yellow- not actively looking for a partner, but can be approached. Green- actively looking for a partner.)

"What would you like to do princess?" Trevor looked down at me, smiling slightly.

A song blared through the speakers and the excitement ran through my body.

"Can we go dance?!" I bit my lip, looking at Trevor excitedly.

"Can we go dance?!" He pulled on my hands, biting his lip.

I'm not much of a dancer, but I can't say no to that face. "Sure princess."

His eyes lit up as he pulled me to the dance floor.

Porn star dancing by my darkest days blared through the speakers. Quickly Jaylynn found the best to the song, shaking his hips along to the beat.

(A/N highly recommend listening to it)

The stage lights reflected off his smooth skin, making it glisten under the colorful lights.

Jaylynn bit his lip as he swung his hips back and forth to the beat.

She wraps those hands around that pole: slowly dropping lower to the floor.

She licks those lips and off we go: he bit his lip turning around.

She takes it off nice and slow: he Messed with the waistband of his shorts.

Because that's pornstar dancin': he pushed his ass out, grinding against me.

She don't play nice, she makes me beg: he turned around and ran his nails over my abs.

She drops that dress around her legs: he grabbed the hem of my jeans, pulling me closer.

And I'm sittin' right by the stage for this Pornstar dancin': he licked his lips, leaning in closer to me.

He shook his hips, getting closer to me. His breath tickling my neck.

I leaned down and put my hands on his waist, holding him close.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and stood on his toes.

The song faded as he whispered in my ear. "I love this song." He smiled pulling away from me. That sneaky little-


"CARLY NO RUNNING!!!" I turned my head to see a small girl run towards Jaylynn. Before I had time to get him out of the way, the small girl crashed into Jay. Knocking him to the floor.

"Ouch..." Jaylynn rubbed his head.

"O... M.... G!!!! I am... SO SORRY! Are you okay?!" The small girl got off of Jay, sticking out her hand to help.

"Yeah, just hit my head a little..." Jay got up and rubbed his head.

I pulled jay towards me and pulled his head down, checking for blood.

"You sure you're okay Jay?"

"Yeah! I'm fine, I promise." The small girl looked down at the floor, looking sad. I looked up to see a fawn haired man swiftly come over and get to his knees, right in front of the girl.

"What did I just say?" He places his hands on her shoulders, speaking softly.

"Not to run..."

"And what did you just do?"


"You're going to be punished when we get home princess." He put his hand on her cheek. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine daddy..." he nodded his head and swiftly stood up.

"I am so sorry sir. She'll be punished later for that. I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?" He leaned down looking at Jay.

"I'm fine, thank you though." Jay smiled.

The fawn haired man smiled slightly. He looked up at me. "Can I get you guys anything? As an apology?" He looked slightly desperate.

"Sure. Let's go find a table." I nodded. He smiled slightly, grabbing the girls hand and walking to a table towards the back. Less noise, and it was a private room for exchanges and contracts.

They both sat down at one end of the booth, and Jay and I sat on the other.

"Sorry about that... she just got excited. I'm Daniel by the way." He stuck out his hand.

I quickly shook his hand, "Trevor."

He smiled. "And this is my little, Carly."

Her face lit up as she smiled. She waved her hand back and forth, getting excited.

"This is Jay, my..." I raised my eyebrow and looked over at Jay. "Date?"

Me and Jay both laughed. "Still haven't gotten everything settled huh?" He asked calmly.

"Not really, no. I was going to grab a contract on the way out. See how everything goes." He nodded his head, giving a knowing smile.

I looked over at Jay who looked like he wanted to say something. "You okay Jay?"

"I was wondering... you said she's your little?" He looked over at Daniel as he gave a slight nod.

"Yes she is. She has been for about 2 years now." He smiled.

"You have questions I'm guessing...?" Daniel tilted his head slightly, looking over at Jay. Jay nodded his head as he sat uncomfortably In his seat.

"Well, I've know Carly since she was 16. I was 21. But we finally got together when she turned 18. She's very persistent." He laughed.

"Anyway, what do you want to know?"

"Is it weird? Being in this kind of relationship? Knowing she's a little and your girlfriend? Like... playing the role of parent and boyfriend..."

He thought for a second. "At first I guess. But after learning with her, knowing her needs and mine, it worked out like any other relationship. You just have to find the neutral balance between the two." Jay nodded his head.

"If you don't mind me asking... are you u a little?" He gave a neutral expression, but it was calming. I hated lying, but this was a topic I wasn't fully comfortable explaining.

I just nodded. "How did you get comfortable with your little side?" I turned to ask Carly.

Carly looked over at Daniel, and he gave a slight nod. She turned back to me.

"Well, at first I wasn't. But, with time I accepted it. It's part of while I am. Might as well embrace it." She smiled.

"Hey Jay? If you don't mind, can you and Carly go hang somewhere while I talk with Daniel?" Trevor looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Sure. Don't take too long." I kissed his cheek and got out of the booth. Carly swiftly followed.

"What's up?"

"I want to be Jay's daddy, but I don't know the first thing about it. What do I do?!" I banged my head against the table.

"Woah... okay. Uh... well. You have to talk to him about it. You have to have communication. Have you been in a bdsm relationship?" I nodded my head.

"It's the same thing, just different rules. Maybe going through a contract with Jay will help you both." I sighed.

"I just... he doesn't like his little side. I want him to be comfortable with me." I looked in my eyes, trying to read me.

"There's something else isn't there?" He raised his eyebrow. Damn he's good.

"I... okay this is going to sound horrible, but I can't stop thinking about my ex. I don't have feelings for him, but I never got closure." I sighed. He shook his head.

"Well you can't go through any relationship like that. But be honest with Jay. If he truly cares, then this won't effect his decision." He leaned back on the booth seat, folding his arms.

"Yeah... thank you." He smiled.

"No problem. Maybe once Jay's more comfortable with his little side, they can have a play date. Here's my number. Use it if you have any questions." He handed me a small card with a number across it.

I smiled and nodded.

We both got out of the booth, and went out the the main dance floor.

I scanned the room, looking for Jay.

I found him laughing with Carly, Abby, and lily at a small table on the side of the wall.

I walked over smiling.

"You ready to go?" I looked at Jay as he nodded.

"Oh yeah. I need a nap." I laughed.

"Thank you both. We'll be in touch." I smiled as Carly and Daniel waved. Abby and lily both said bye simultaneously.

I walked up the the ground desk, looking down at the lady now sitting in her chair. "Can I have a contract please?" She smiled and nodded.

She rummaged through her drawer and pulled out a large packet.

"Thank you." She smiled before going back to her computer.

Me and Jay walked out the door, walking towards my truck. Jay got in the passenger side, and I sat in the drivers seat.

"Hey Trevor..?" I looked over at him.

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