《Baby boy》10


I sat up on my phone, Jaylynn still sleeping on my lap.

It's been a few hours since breakfast, and I've just been sitting on my phone.

Insta-gram? The fuck is this? Eh. Might as well download it. Insta-gram wanted me to 'follow' people I heard about on the news, and some of them I'd rather not. Orange dude in charge? No thank you.

(A/N Trevor's Instagram handle is trevor_.bb and Jay's is jaylynn.bb)

I scrolled throughout insta-I-gave-up, and didn't really find anything I liked.

But some people started 'following' me, and messaged me. A couple reading,

"Oh My God I LOVE YOUR STORY!!! When are more chapters going to be out?!" What? Story? I'm confused.

I ignored the weird messages and looked down at Jaylynn.

His even breathing... the steady rise and fall of his chest. Those fucking pajamas, I giggled.

I slowly ran my hand through his hair. He gently stirred in his sleep, groaning slightly.

He rolled over on his back, his head still in my lap. He furrowed his eyebrows, and looked uncomfortable. I studied his face, unsure of what was happening.

Slowly I saw sweat glistening off his forehead, and his breathing increased. I saw tears peak out of his eyes, finally realizing he was having a nightmare.

"Jaylynn..." I gently shook him.

His eyes darted open, quickly sitting up and looking around the room.

I didn't say anything. "Jesus..." Jay mumbled before laying back down on my lap.

"JESUS!!!" Jay jumped when he saw me.

"Woah there princess!" He tried to calm down. He just gave me a glare.

"You scared me!" I giggled.

"That wasn't my intention." I just smiled. He rolled his eyes.

"Have a nice nap?" I ran my hand through his hair as he laid back down on my lap.

"Yeah, I guess." He rubbed his eyes clean, adjusting his eyes to the light in the room. He looked up and the ceiling, thinking. Clearly deep in his thoughts. I let him think for a minute, staying silent.

His eyes widened. "What's wrong gorgeous?" I ran my hand through his hair.

"Did I-? Uh... did you-? You said nap right?"

"Yes I did." I had a feeling I know what he was questioning, but I didn't want to interrupt the process.

"That means... oh my god... I am, so sorry..." he sat up quickly looking at his hands. I got confused for a second before remembering Abby's words. 'He doesn't like to show his little side'.

"Uh uh, none of that." I pulled him to my chest, holding him close. He was stiff, probably confused.

"So... you're... okay with it?" I tried to hold back a chuckle. This wasn't the time to be laughing.


"I'm more than okay with it Jay. It actually answered a lot of questions. But I don't care. It just surprised me." I felt him relax in my arms. But I could tell he was still mulling over some things in his head.

"What's going on in the pretty little head of yours?" I chuckled.

"Nothin'" he smiled, hugging me back.

"Do you want to talk about 'IT'" I pointed out. He stayed silent for a few.

"Maybe later..." I nodded my head, holding him.

"Thanks... for putting up with me."

"I didn't put up with you, I took care of you. Big difference sweetheart." He shook his head.

"That's not what I meant." I shrugged.

"Still. I like making sure you're safe. I will officially be protecting you from this day forward. Think of me as your personal bodyguard. A very sexy personal bodyguard." He laughed into my arm.

"Let me guess. This bodyguard and the kid he's protecting are having a love affair!!! So cliché! Sounds like a Wattpad fantasy." He groaned, rolling over dramatically, putting his hand on his forehead.

"Very cliché. But I don't mind as long as you got a good laugh out of it." I smiled.

He smiled, laying in my lap. Both of us just sitting in the quite room.

"So? Bodyguard...? What are we going to do today?"

"I don't know. I don't have work today. You got anything in mind princess?" He thought for a moment, before I saw the idea pop into his head.

"How about a club? Kinda like a date but better. Yaknow, just get to know each other since I don't even know what your last name is." He chuckled.

"Maybe start with basics right now, we can go to any club later." He chuckled nodding his head.

He sat up, crossing his legs. He stuck out his hand to me. "Hey, I'm Jaylynn Serrano Baker!" He smiled.

"Trevor Allen Bryant." I shook his hand as he chuckled.

"Alright then. Basics. Tell me a bit about yourself." Jaylynn swung his legs under him, sitting on his knees, with his feet out from under him.

"Alright then." I sat up. "Well, me and my mom are basically best friends, her names Regina. And my Dad is Clark. He died when I was younger. He died in battle." I smiled at the few memories I had left of him.

"I'm sorry...." I gave a small smile.

"It's alright. I've got my mom." I looked down. "Well, I'm an only child, I'm 26, 27 in April. OH! I'm a mixed child. Mom's black, and dad's white as hell." I chuckled, he laughed a bit too.


"Umm.... well, my favorite color is red or black.... uh... I got nothin'" I gestured you Jaylynn for him to go next.

"Alrighty then. Well, I have a brother named Freddy. He's my best friend. My mom's name is Rosalind, she's very shy... and my fathers is Raymond." He lost his smile as soon as he talked about his dad. Somethings wrong there, but I'm not going to push it.

"ANYWAY! My next door neighbor is Mrs. Sherman, she's my Nana. Well... she's everyone's Nana." His face brightened as soon as he spoke about her. She must be really important to him...

"Hmm... I love all pastel colors, I despise coffee, LOVE hot chocolate. Hmm... I've been out of the closet as gay for about.... 11 years? Yeah. But the only people that don't know are my parents. Hmm... I've got nothing."

"Well. It's nice to formally meet you Jay." I smiled.

"You too." He smiled back. "So how long have you been gay?" He questioned.

"I'm Pansexual actually, but I've been out of the closet since before you were even thought about. I think I was 4 or 5 when I told my mom I liked a boy in my class." I chuckled.

"She sounds like a great lady." He gently smiled.

"She really is."

"Hmm... Ooo!!! Any previous relationships?" I stiffened at the thought.

"Yeah.... 2 actually. The only serious ones I've got." I chuckled half-heartedly. "You?"

"1, he was a dickbag." He chuckled.

"I can toast to that." I laughed.

"Here's to shitty Ex's" Jaylynn cheered. I laughed.

"HARDER!!!" Me and Jay looked at each other, confused. We didn't say anything, but listened. "Shhh baby girl, or do you want them to hear you?"

Me and Jay looked at each other before rolling over and laughing.

"Sounds liked they're having fun." Jay laughed. "Let's get out of here before I hear more than I want to." Jay got out of bed and grabbed his clothes from the floor.

"Turn around!" Jay looked at me, making a shewing motion at me.

"Not like I haven't seen it before." I teased.

"TREVOR!!!" He whined.

"Alright alright." I turned around chuckling.

Even though we had sex, I still felt awkward around him. Technically we haven't know each other for long, but I'm still self conscious about my body. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely comfortable with myself, it's just weird to have someone finally appreciate my body.

So I grabbed my clothes from last night and quickly put them on.

"Hey, do you think we can stop by my house so I can change?" I said as I collected some of my things.

"Of course. We can head over to mine afterwards then head out if you'd like?" I smiled.

"Sounds good. Let's go!"


We walked across the street to the parking lot in front of a large apartment complex.

"You live here?"

"Yeah. 5th floor. But I just need my truck." We walked to a nice, sleek, black truck, that looked very well kept.

We quickly got in, and I lead him to my house.

After a silent 12 minute drive, he parked on the side of the street. I looked over and saw Nana sitting on her lawn chair, basking in the fall breeze.

I got out of the truck and ran slightly to hug her. "Hi Nana!"

She opened her eyes and smiled. "Ohhhh, come here baby boy." I towered over her even though I was pretty short. But her small thin frame fit perfectly in my arms.

"Aw, you look gorgeous child- who's that?" Nana looked over my shoulder to look at Trevor. "He sure is handsome." Nana giggled.

"Nana!" She just laughed. "Nana, this is Trevor." I gestured to Trevor. "The guy I told you about..." I said in a whisper.

She lost her smiled and walked towards Trevor. He looked nervous. He towered over her. "Lean down." She said gesturing him to bend down.

He did so.

She quickly grabbed her shoe and smacked his arm, hard. "Ouch!!!" Trevor rubbed his arm. "What did I do?!?!" He pouted.

"That. Was for hurting my baby." She slipped back on her shoe. She pulled him into a hug. "This is for making him happy." He looked shocked, but hugged her back.

She let go, turning around towards me. "Now. If I hear ANYTHING about you hurting my baby, then we are going to have some problems mister."

"Of course Ma'am. I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled at her.

"If you weren't interested in him, I would have snatched him." She chuckled walking back towards the house.

"NANA!!!" She just laughed at me.

"It's true dear!!!! Now go eat! You look like a twig." She went into her house.

"Sorry about that... She's intense sometimes." I rubbed my arm.

"She seems like a really nice lady." He smiled at me.

"Well, good news is, she likes you." I laughed.

"She hit me with her shoe..."

"That's how she shows love." I laughed. "Wait out here, I'll be back in a minute." He nodded, and I ran into the house.

Hoping that everything tonight will go alright.


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