《Baby boy》9


Warmth eveloped me as I slept comfortably.

I opened my eyes slightly, to see that I was on top of Trevor.

Memories of last night rushing though my head. Okay... that wasn't a dream. I giggled to myself, laying my head further against Trevor's chest. Feeling the steady rise and fall from his slow breathing.

He was peaceful.

I smiled as I grazed my hand lightly over his chest.

I felt like a little kid, happily waking up in their parents arms. Feeling safe. That's what I wanted. That protector, the safe feeling. I never wanted that to leave.

I wanted to wake him up so badly so we could go and play, but I didn't know how he felt about it. I didn't want to push things too far, too fast. I trusted him more than I probably should, but I did. But I didn't know how he would feel about me being a little. It made me sad, but there was nothing I could do.

I groaned as I rolled off of him, rolling off the bed.

I tried to stand up, but failed miserably. My legs collapsed under me, making me fall straight to the ground. Ouch.

I groaned at the slight pain in my arms from catching myself.

"What the hell... JAY! Are you okay?" Trevor peaked over the bed, looking at me, making sure nothing was broken or bleeding. That made me feel safer than I already was. He was making sure I was okay.

"Yep. Just peachy. Thanks to you." I groaned, attempting to stand up.

"Geez, what time is it... 8:36.... nice." Trevor groaned. I just giggled.

"Well good morning to you too." He giggled looking over at me.

"Ha ha." I mocked rolling my eyes.

He just giggled as I walked to the closet, going to grab some comfy clothes for the day. I'm glad I took today off, because I don't think I'd last through my shift.

I remember Jay last night... not necessarily the mind blowing sex, but afterwards.

It felt so... child-like.

Not in a bad way, it was actually kinda cute, but it was odd to say the least.

I liked taking care of him, that's what I wanted in the first place. To be able to protect him. But his words, and his actions made me question some things. But I didn't say anything, fearing he would get uncomfortable. But the whole situation was adorable. But I also didn't know how to react to that kind of... talk, after sex. It was odd... but a nice odd.

The way he told me good night, was the sweetest, most pure thing I've heard in a very long time. And I got to say, he looked fucking adorable in those pajamas. I wanted to laugh, but it was just too adorable.

"Hey, get up lazy bones." Jay walked across the room, pulling me out of bed.

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up." He smiled, his eyes sparkling with delight.

He looked down at me, before his eyes widened. He swiftly turned around, covering his eyes. "NOPE NOPE NOPE!!! NOT TODAY SATAN!!! I CAN'T SEE YOUUUUUU!!!!"


I chuckled. "Nothing you haven't seen before princess." I kissed the top of his head.

"Nooooooo daddy!! That's naughty!!!!" He giggled, trying to wiggle away from me. Definitely... out of the ordinary.

I decided not to say anything about it. "Alright alright. I'll put on pants." I chuckled.

He giggled as I slipped on my boxers and pants from last night.

"Alright princess, I got pants on." He giggled. "What...?"

"Get dressed daddy!!!!" I shook my head and smiled.

I put on my shirt. "Alright! I'm decent."

He swiftly turned around and jumped on me, clinging to me like a koala. "Woah there!" I chuckled.

He just laughed into my shoulder. This is so pure...

"Alright mister giggles, let's eat breakfast." He looked at me with an awe-struck face. Filled with delight.

"FRENCH TOAST!?!?!!" I chuckled.

"If Abby has any, yes." He jumped off of me, doing a small happy dance. I chuckled.

"Alright mister, come on." I grabbed his hand and lead him out the door.

We walked into the living room with Jay giggling at my side. Abby sat on the couch with her sub curled up next to her.

"So how was the sex?" I chocked a bit.

"Uh... what?" She finally looked up from her sub.

"You guys aren't that discreet. 1, he has hickeys all over his neck, 2, we heard you, 3, he's clinging to you like his life depends on it. And you both are like... glowing. Like, after-sex glowing."

"OKAY! I get it!"

"DADDY!!! No yelling!!!" Jay pulled on my arm. I looked over at Abby, her eyebrows raised at me.

Abby slowly moved Lily off of her, standing up. She walked over to Jay, smiling brightly.

"Hi mama!" Jay giggled.

"Hi baby, can you go sit with auntie Lily for a minute while I talk to daddy?" Abby looked up at me, I averted my gaze.

"O'tay!" He let go and flopped on Lily. I chuckled.

Abby quickly grabbed my arm, pulling me to her room. Closing the door.

"Dude. The hell."

"I don't know!! I'm honestly confused myself! I just went along with it!" I raised my hands in defense.

"You are not to say ANYTHING to Jay. Got it?!" I nodded my head. "He's a little. But he doesn't like letting it show. But he seems to trust you a hell of a lot to start calling you daddy, and showing his little side around you. It took him months to warm up to me." She sighed. "I don't think he's aware that he's in his little space. I think he's 3 right now, maybe 4. So please. Act accordingly. And just play the roll of 'daddy' in the meantime."

It was a lot to take in. But it explained a lot. But I didn't care that he was a little. I found it adorable anyway. My only issue was, was that I had no experience with children, rather than a little. I didn't know how to parent, so this would definitely be a whole other process for me to learn.


"Alright... I will. But I will talk to him about it at one point. He can't hide it forever. Especially since I'm sticking around a lot longer than expected." Abby gave me a soft smile.

"Welcome to being a daddy Trevor."

"Shut up." She chuckled as I walked out the door.

"Daddy!!!!!!" Jay ran up to me, hugging my waist. "Missed you daddy..." he dug his head into my chest.

"I missed you too baby." I ran my hand through his hair as he smiled. "Hey Abby? You got anything to make French toast?"

"Yep. Want me to cook? Or lily? Or do you want to?"

"Whichever is fine."

"I can! I'll be happy to." Lily popped up from the couch in her sweats and a tight black t-shirt.

"Thanks Lil." I smiled at her. She smiled back, strutting towards the kitchen.

"Come on little one, let's go sit." He looked up at me.

"HOLD ON!" He ran towards the guest bedroom we were in last night.

A few minutes went by before he popped out in his frog pajamas from last night, and a small stuffed rabbit.

"O'tay." He grabbed my hand, leading me to the couch.

I sat down, and he straddled me. I rubbed my hand along his back as he hugged my neck.

"S'tired daddy..." Jaylynn said quietly in my ear.

"We can take nap after breakfast. Okay baby?" He slowly nodded his head in the crook of my neck.

We sat there for a few minutes. Soaking in the moment. It wasn't sexual in anyway. Just pure. And it was nice.

"First batch is done." Lily called from the kitchen.

"Hey baby, how many pieces of French toast do you want?"

"Uhhh..... 2!" He thought for a moment before asking excitedly.

"Two it is." I carried him to the kitchen, grabbing two for him.

"Hey T? Don't you have work?" Abby raised her eyebrow at me.

"No, I have today off. Tomorrow I work though." She nodded her head in response.

I walked Jaylynn and the plate of French toast to the small coffee table in front of the couch.

I set the plate down, and sat with Jay on the floor.

"Daddy help?" Jay looked up at me.

"You need help cutting it?" He nodded his head.

I smiled before gentle cutting it into bite sizes pieces. Jay wiggles at my side, he looked exhausted. But he needed to eat.

"Open up gorgeous." I held the fork in front of his mouth, but he just bowed his head, not wanting the food.

"Come on Jay.... you need to eat." He shook his head.

"We can take a nap after you eat, okay?" He shook his head. I felt bad, but he needed to eat, and I was sticking my ground.

"Jaylynn. I will bend you over my knee. Or are you going to eat?"

"NO SPANKIES!!!" Jay spat out quickly.

"Then eat please." He hesitated. Bouncing around the idea in his head. He complied and started to eat. I didn't want to go through with the 'spankies' but I knew would have had to. I've talked with a lot of daddy doms, but that was one of the things that they always went through with.

He slowly ate almost the whole plate. Only about a quarter of it left. He started to rub his eyes. "You did good baby. Nap time?" He nodded his head and raised his arms.

I stood up, picking him off the floor. He wrapped himself around me, digging his head in the crook of my neck.

I opened the guest bedroom. I pulled back the covers, and set him down. "Daddy stay...?" He looked up at me, pleading.

I smiled, hopping in with him. "Of course princess." He crawled on top of me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Nigh nigh daddy...." I smiled, running my hands through his hair. He quickly was back to sleep, letting out soft, quiet snores.

"You know, that's the longest he's ever stayed in his little space." I looked over at Abby standing in the doorway. "Normally it lasts a few hours at most.... he must be really comfortable with you if he's not registering that he's in his little space."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... sometimes littles don't know when they slip into their little space. Sometimes they only know they are when someone tells them, or they feel an internal change. It's kinda like a gut feeling, but in your chest. But mostly for him, he can register when it's happening, and keep it from changing. But.... this time seems to be different." I nodded my head, looking over at Jay. He looked so peaceful.

"I take back what I said. You need to talk to him. If he's this comfortable with you, that means he trusts you. Maybe you can be the one to take care of him..."

"But I've never done this before. I didn't even have little cousins I ever took care of!" I sighed.

"So? Look at today. You handled everything perfectly. Spoken like a true daddy." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious though. Talk to him about this. Maybe you can work something out? Even if it's a small contract for now. I think it'll be good for him. Because I can't keep taking care of him, but YOU can."

She smiled lightly before leaving the room.

I didn't imagine having sex with him would lead to me possibly becoming a daddy dom. That was a whole other section to BDSM that I never tried. I wasn't experienced at all.

If anything I'd have to do some research on this and think about it before I talk to Jay.

I don't want to get his hopes up, then back out because I can't handle that type of responsibility. That would be unfair to him.

I'll do research first before doing anything irrational.

If anything I can always talk to him about it. We are both adults. Well... kinda. But still, we can both have a civilized conversation about this.

Maybe I... can be good for Jay...


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