《Baby boy》3


I woke up with Lily still laying beside me. I smiled and kissed her cheek, staying like this for a minute before I had to get up.

I got up, not willingly, and put on whatever I grabbed. A white button up, and black high-waisted jeans. And topping it of with black converse.

Yep. Typical lesbian. Sometimes I humor myself. The white button up was slightly see through, so it made my tattoos stand out.

I walked out of my room and went to check on Jay. Opening the door quietly and slowly, peaking in to see no one. The bed made, and no one in the room. I walked around the apartment to find no trace of Jay. I started to panic a bit.

Walking downstairs, I walk to the unopened bar, finding Jay cleaning.

"Geez, there you are. I thought I might have to order a search party." I grabbed a rag and started to clean off the bar. Still smells like alcohol and old garlic. Definitely sweat.

"Yeah, sorry about that. And thank you... for last night." I watched him sweep the floor.

"It's no problem." I smiled before getting back to cleaning.

It was silent for a good few minutes. But I swear I could hear the gears in his head grinding.

"Out wit' it. What's on your mind Jay. Talk to me." I gave him a stern look. The look of 'there-is-no-room-for-discussion'. He sighed. He stopped sweeping.

"Do you think I'll ever find someone... to take care of me..." he gave me a sad look.

"Of course you'll find someone Jay. It just takes time. Look, I'm 28, and happily married to a gorgeous woman. And you know how long that took? 24 years to find her. And another 2 to win her over. She's stubborn I tell ya. It takes time Jay." He sighed. I could tell he was thinking about what I said.

"Maybe you're just looking in the wrong places. Or maybe, wait for them to find you. Maybe they're right in front of you and you don't even know it." I smiled before cleaning off some of the glasses at the bar.

"Maybe..." he went back to sweeping.


I shut off my alarm. Slowly getting up for work.

The apartment was quiet as usual, and I basked in the sounds of the wood floors creaking beneath my feet, and the sound of birds outside my window.


I smiled as I grabbed my uniform. Putting it together perfectly. Making sure nothing was out of place.


Walking out of my room, I headed to the kitchen to make my normal coffee. Black. It may taste bitter, but at least I'll be awake enough for work.

I look down at my watch. 8:23am. I have to be at work by 9. I set down my mug, grabbed my jacket, and was out the door.


"Are you even listening to me, Bryant?" I looked up at my partner and shook myself out of it mentally.

"Sorry man. Just lost in thought. What were you saying?"

"Anyway... I wanted to see if you wanted to come out to the bar with us. Kathy, Jack, and I." I looked at him and thought about it.

"Sure. Why not."

"Great! We leave after shift." Cole swiftly turned around.

"Whatever you say weirdo." I followed him out to the cruiser.

Immediately he ran straight to the cruiser. "I'll DRIVE TODAY!" I laughed shaking my head. Happily getting in the passenger side.

We quickly got in and did our normal route. Nothing was too busy, it was all kinds of boring.

"Car 10, 10-20 (What's your location)?" The intercom came in. I picked it up.

"Walnut and 33rd"

"We have a 10-101 (mutual aid request- civil disturbance) down at 16789 S 46th."

"10-4 (copy/okay)"

"WOOHOO! Something exciting, finally!" We quickly set on the lights and headed to the bar. Our location. What the hell is going on there?!

It was already noon and I'm guessing someone in there started a fight like normal.

We pulled up and quickly ran into the bar.

"The hell is going on here?!" I said loudly. I looked around as it got silent. Seeing someone on the floor and 3 men surrounding them. Abby close by, clearly pissed at the guys.

"Nothing's wrong officer. You can leave." One of the men blurted out, quickly facing me. Giving a smug look.

"Not going to happen." I walked closer to them. 2 stepped back slightly. The one in the middle standing his ground.

"Now I'm going to ask again, what the hell is going on here." I looked down at him, giving a blank expression.

I looked down over his shoulder to see a small figure laying on he ground. I walked around him as he stood still, going to help the person on the floor.


"On it." Cole quickly escorted the men out of the bar.

"You alright?" I reached out for their hand, as they slowly grabbed mine. They looked up at me, and smiled. I immediately saw the small black eye and a few bruises on their arm.


"I told you it happens all the time. I'm used to it."

"Glad I could help... Jaylynn" I helped them up, and they brushed off their apron.

"Hasn't even been an hour yet and people want to pick fights." They chuckled. "Thank you. Again."

I looked down at their content smile. "No problem. Just be more careful next time, alright?" They slowly nodded.

I looked over at Abby, 'thank you' I mouthed to her. She just nodded. Immediately I knew she was the one that called. Purely by her position in the situation.

I walked out of the bar and whispers filled the air.

Back to the cruiser.


We put the three men in custody. Slowly questioning all three of them.

We didn't get much out of the man in the middle. He mostly was an asshole and didn't answer questions directly. The other two men were quite honest. The story being that Dan, the middle man, tripped Jaylynn, and when Jay fought back, or tied to at least, Dan gave them a black eye.

Definitely the most interesting day at work in a long time.

We ended up letting the two men go with a warning, but kept Dan in custody. Mostly until we knew what the hell to do with him.

But I ended up having to do all the paperwork. And by the time I was done, it was already 6:30.

"Hey, we are all getting ready to leave, you comin'?"

"Yeah, give me a minute, I'm almost done." Cole left.

I put the last of my thoughts down so I could finish off the papers tomorrow, and called it a night. I shut off my computer, and got up from my desk. Turning off the light I headed to the locker room. I quickly put on a grey t-shirt, and black jeans. Keeping my work shoes on. Still looked like a douche bag, but oh well.

I headed out to the main room where everyone was.

"You ready?" Cole gestured to our cars. I just nodded in response and headed with them to the bar, everyone following behind one another in our cars.


Pulling up to the bar, everyone gathered towards the door.

"Alright. Who wants to get trashed with me?!" Cole raised his hand excitedly, looking at all of us. No one raised their hands.

"Dude. Me and Bryant have work in the morning." Kathy raised her eyebrow at him, gesturing to me.

"Sorry man, I don't like heavy hangovers." Jack shrugged.

"Damn. You guys are party poopers. Bryant! Come on! Party with me!" Cole pleaded.

"Sorry man. I am not dealing with a hangover at work." I gave him a stern look.

"You guys are no fun. Maybe I'll find a lady to party with instead." Cole skipped to the bar.

Kathy, Jack, and I just casually walked into the bar and went our separate directions. I just sat in my normal spot at the bar, Jack order a beer and some nachos at the end of the bar, Kathy ordered a few shots before she stopped herself, and Cole was flirting with more of the wait staff.

"Oh you're back!" Abby looked at me happily, handing me my whisky.

"Yep." I downed the whole drink.

"And why are you back again?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Because my co-workers dragged me here." She refilled my drink.

"Bummer. And uh- tell your buddy to stop flirting with my staff." She gestured to Cole, now flirting with what looked like Jaylynn.

I got up from the bar and walked towards Cole.

"You know, you have gorgeous eyes." Cole slurred his words together. He was already trashed. Damn lightweight.

"Cole. If you're going to flirt with everything the breaths, at least go for anyone else that's not the staff." I walked up behind Jay.

"He bothering you?" I lightly put my hand on Jay's shoulder.

"No not really. But I don't think I'm his type." Jay smiled gesturing to the very drunk Cole.

"Why wouldn't you be? I think you're cute." I shrugged, giving a blank expression. I looked down at Jay, who looked slightly embarrassed.

"I-it's not that... I just don't think he's into guys." Jay snickered. Good to know, he's a guy. Hmm. Cute.

I smiled at Jay. "No, I don't think he's into guys." I laughed, putting my hands into my pockets. I looked over at Cole, who already passed out on the table.

"Oh and uh- Thanks again, for helping me. Seems like you're my knight in a blue uniform lately." Jay looked up at me, smiling. I lightly smiled back.

"No problem. If you ever need me, you know where to find me." I smiled. Walking passed him, I grabbed Cole out of the booth and carried him.

"Well, I'm going to take care of him. Tell Abby I said bye." Jay gave a little wave before I carried the drunk mess out of the bar, and to my apartment.

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