《Baby boy》2


"I'm telling you Freddy. He. Was. Hot!!!! And DAMN! That badge show off was HOT! he could tie me up and I'd say thank you." I started day dreaming, I swear I was drooling.

"Yeah Jay. I got it. But remember what happened last time..." I sat in the passenger seat and twirled my thumbs.

"Yeah... I know. But maybe he's different? Besides, maybe just a fuck and dump wouldn't be too bad." I looked hopefully out the window.

Freddy always picked me up after my shift. He was a good brother.

"I would hope that he's different... but please Jay... be careful. AND NO FUCK AND DUMPS! You get attached too quickly. You're just gonna hurt yourself. I know you're optimistic, but... this isn't something you should take lightly." His hands gripped the steering wheel.

"I know Fred... I know. But I can't help but be hopeful. It makes the world much brighter, yaknow? Helps me not want to throw myself out the window, yeah?" I smiled gazing out the window.

Freddy pulled up to our duplex and parked in the street in front of it.

"Alright Jay.... I have your jeans in the back. Please change before dad finds out..." I sighed before crawling in the backseat.

I slowly pealed off my skirt before putting on my black work pants that I never wore. I was happy Abby let me wear the girls uniform... it made me happy that she accepted me. But the only one that didn't accept it... was my dad.

I know. Daddy issues. What a fucking cliché.

But hey, the daddy issues comes with a pretty neat package of kinks. Keeps it interesting.

I put on my work pants and adjusted my apron.

"Alright. Ready Jay?" Freddy peered in the backseat before I climbed out of his truck.

I walk outside and was greeted by our neighbor Mrs. Sherman.

"Hello boys! How was work child?" She set the hose down by her garden patch, and walked over to us with her cane.

"Hi Mrs. Sherman. Work was alright. Just between you and me, I met a really nice man today." I smiled at her. Her eyes lit up like Christmas lights in November. Almost a little too cheery.

"OH MY BABY BOY!!! Is he handsome? TELL ME THE BOYS HANDSOME!" She cheerfully pinched my cheek.

"He is. I don't know if I'll see him again. But he sure made my day Nana."

We always called her Nana. She was that grandma that adopted all the children, and suddenly was their grandma. She was the sweetest old lady.

"Oh you better keep me updated young man! Or I'll give you a whoppin'" She raised her Cain at me.

"I will, I will nana!" I kissed her cheek before waving goodbye and heading inside.

"Mom! Me and Freddy are back!" Dad wouldn't be home for another hour. It was 7 now, and he normally gets home around 8. But my mom didn't know about my... special interest either, so I hid a bit from her as well.

"Hey sweetheart." She walked out from the kitchen.

"Mom... did dad hit you again..." I walked up to her grazing the newly formed bruise on her arm.

"No honey, I fell down the stairs. Don't worry about me. You know me. I'm clumsy." She laughed it off.

"Alright... what's for dinner?" I tried to change the subject, I knew she wouldn't tell me.

"Oh your father's favorite. Steak and baked potatoes." She smiled heading back into the kitchen.


"Alright, thanks mom. I'm going up to shower real quick." I ran up stairs and went straight into the bathroom. It was the door straight across from the tp of the stairs.

Locking the door as quick as I could, I quickly pealed off my work clothes and turned on the shower.

I got in once it was at the perfect temperature. Satan's water.

I scolding water dripped down my skin, relaxing my muscles. But it slowly sunk me further into my thoughts.

Right now, it was hard for me. I felt my mind wanting to slip into little space. But I knew I couldn't. Not when he was almost home.

Tears peaked in my eyes as I thought about it further. I hated how he hurt my mom, and she defended him. Like she was the one at fault.

I set myself against the shower wall as the hot water dropped down my body. I wiped the tears from my eyes, and fighting my own battle, trying not to slip away from reality and back to my comfort zone.

I sniffled once and finished washing up as quickly as I could.

Turning off the shower and drying myself off before stepping out. I picked up my work stuff and put them in the washer, turning it on.

Opening the dryer, I grabbed my sweats and t-shirt out and threw them on. Still warm.

I dried off my hair slightly with the towel before blow drying it. Nice and fluffy.

In the middle of drying my hair, I was almost done when the door downstairs opened and closed. I turned off the hairdryer and listened.

The house was silent. It was my dad. 8 o'clock, right on time... Sadly. I quickly put everything away before heading downstairs.

"Dinners ready dear." My mom said flatly before platting everyone's dishes.

"Good." He said before grabbing a can of beer and sat at the table. Great... he's gonna start drinking.

My mom set the food in front of all of us, before making up her plate and sitting down.

"You're really going to eat all that?" My dad said flatly looking at my mom's plate.

"I was planning to. Is there something wrong dear?" My mom seemed to choke a bit on her own voice, clearly hurt.

"Yeah. You're already fat enough. Go put some of it back." He looked at her sternly. His voice flat.

I felt sick to my stomach. She was so thin already... "yes dear..." she said getting up and putting half of her plate back. Just a half a potato, nothing on it, and half of a steak. none of it being big at all. Her plate almost looked empty.

I wanted to cry for her. She looked sad as she put the food back in the pan, but slowly walked back over to the table.

We sat in silence. Only the occasional sound of the fork or knife scraping our plates. Dad just drank his beer and ate with a stern look. He looked like he was going to explode. If he had anymore alcohol, it wouldn't take long for it to happen.

My mom stood up, and grabbed her plate, putting it in the sink. Slowly washing it. It almost looked like she was trying to scrub away her sorrows.

I got up and grabbed mine and Freddy's plates, scraping it off before handing it to my mom.

"Both of you go upstairs. I'm done with you both." He glared at me and Freddy. We glanced at each other, giving each other a knowing, but sad, look.


Without a word, we both went upstairs and into our rooms.

I closed the door behind me and felt myself crumble. I wanted to cry so bad, but with the thin walls, I knew he'd hear me.

I silently cried as I walked to my bed. I curled in a ball, covering myself in my comforter. I silently cried into one of my stuffies as I heard glass break downstairs. Crying. Breaking. Screams... it went on for what seemed like hours...

But I couldn't do anything. I wanted to call the cops so badly, but no matter how much he hurt her. She still loved him. And no matter how much I hated him, I couldn't do that to my mom. I love her too much.

It was a war down stairs. Him screaming. Her crying. Him throwing and hitting. Her not defending herself.

I had enough.

I cried as I got out from my cocoon and grabbed my jacket off the floor. I grabbed my keys, emergency bag, wallet. Done.

I need to leave.

I slowly opened the window in my room, carful not to make any noise. Slipping out the window, and dropping myself to the ground from the second floor, and running. No turning back.

I ran for a solid 30 minutes before realizing where I was.

The bar. I looked both ways and crossed the street, still running. I went around back, knowing I'd find Abby somewhere.

The cold night air hurt my face slightly.

I knocked on the door a few times. I only heard footsteps. Then the door unlocking.

"A-Abby..." I broke. I felt myself fall fast into my comfort zone, knowing I was finally safe to be myself. I heard tiny footsteps after the door opened.

I dropped to the floor crying, hoping I could feel some sort of comfort.

"Jay!" She screamed before dropping to her knees, holding me in an embrace.

"A-Abby... he... he... bad man!!!" I cried. I felt myself slip deeper into little space, I felt out of control. The age regressed state I was in made me slowly lose myself. I was no longer myself.

"Oh baby, come here... Mama's got you... mama's got you." She slowly rubbed my back, continuing to hold me.

"Hey Lil'? Can you go get the extra sippy cup I have and fill it with juice? Anything please."

"Of course." Her sub slowly walked up the stairs.

"Hey Princess... you're alright. He can't get you here..." I cried in her arms. I felt safe, but not enough.

"D-Daddy bad man... he- he huwt mama...." I heard her sub calmly come downstairs.

"Here you go little one." Her sub handed me my pink sippy that Abby always kept around. "Remember me? Lily? It's nice to see you again little one." She smiled at me. I felt safer now that I had someone closer to my age... well... physical age.

"Tank yow..." I babbled out before slowly sucking on the apple juice. I felt safe.

I cradled Jay in my arms, hoping to bring some sort of comfort. But I knew I couldn't do much. As much as we both hated to admit it, he needed someone. More specificity. He needed a daddy. A caregiver. Someone to look after him and take care of him when he slips into his space. It was almost like a separate personality. Some days he could remember what happened, other not so much. I had a feeling it was going to be one of those nights lost.

I knew I couldn't do much, and neither could my sub. We were both gay as hell, and definitely couldn't fulfill his needs fully. We'd be like babysitters instead of having parents. He needs that bond. And we both knew that none of use could give or receive that special bond.

I sighed as I held him closer.

"Hey Lil, can you go upstairs and get the guest room ready?"

"Of course." She smiled at Jay before walking upstairs. She was a great sub. So kind, caring, compassionate... perfect.

I smiled as I ran my hand through Jay's hair.

"Hey princess, we're going to your room alright?" He slowly nodded his head into my chest. I sighed before hauling him upstairs.

His petite body curled up against me. It sucked. Knowing I couldn't take care of him like he needed.

"Alright princess, it's bedtime." I sent Jay in the guest bed

"Abby stay?"

"I can until you fall asleep princess, but I have a sub to take care of, alright?" Jay slowly nodded his head.

I sat down next to him, letting him curl up against me. "Nigh' nigh'" Jay whispered.

"Goodnight Princess..." I ran my fingers through his black silky hair, kissed his forehead, and watched silently as he fell into a deep sleep.

I sighed as I slowly got up, carful not to wake him.

Once I got up I covered him under the covers and let him cuddle with a few stuffies I have on hand.

I walked into the living room to find Lily waiting patiently on the couch.

"How is he?" She said with a sorrowful look.

"Shaken up. But he'll be okay..." I sat down next to her, letting her lay up against me.

"What should we do?" She looked up at me from my lap.

"I don't know baby girl... I don't know. Maybe I can talk with someone about this. Maybe they can figure something out..." I sighed.

"He'll be alright. If anything, I'd love to adopt him." She smiled up at me. We both slightly chuckled.

"You have a big heart baby girl." I smiled down at her. She smiled back.

"This world needs more kindness, don't ya think?" She reaches her head up, kissing me lightly before pulling away.

"I agree." I smiled. "Alright baby girl, let's go to bed. We'll figure this out in the morning." I kissed her lightly before picking her up. Carrying her to our room.

I sat her on the bed. "What do you want to wear to bed love?" I walked over to the dresser.

"A t-shirts Fine. But pick what you want." She laid across the bed onto her stomach.

I grabbed a white oversized t-shirt and walked to the bed.

Smacking her ass lightly she sits up and glares at me. "Really?" She whined.

"Sorry baby girl, but your ass looks fantastic in those shorts." I snickered. She smiled as she grabbed the shirt from me.

Slowly undressing. Peeling off her tank top. Shorts. Revealing her little surprise for me. "Sorry Abby, not tonight. I would, but Jay's here." She smiled before putting on the t-shirt.

"You really make it hard not to rip every piece of clothing off your beautiful body, baby girl." I kissed her lightly.

"Now, let's sleep. I love you" I kissed her again.

"I love you too." She smiled at me.

She turned over onto her side. I rapped her in my arms, snuggling against her. I slightly kissed her neck, seeing her smile.

"Goodnight baby girl." And I was out.

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