《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》PAST


My hero.

The one that i used to envy the most.

She almost die because of me.

I must protect her with my life.

Stand beside her in every situations.


I walked back to the waiting place, meeting with Jungkook nervous eyes.


"We're done right?"

"No, please i can-"

"Jungkook. I don't know why i was involved with you in the first place. I think i was in the wrong mind when i confessed to you. I'm getting between you and Baram. She's like that because of me. I'm the source of her suffering Jungkook. Because of-"

He suddenly pull me in a hug.

"Shhh. It's not because of you. She's gonna be alright. You're not the one at fault. She's gonna be alright."

"You don't understand Jungkook."

I suddenly snapped at him sharply.


"I'm a bad person. I should be the one that suffered, not her. She took my place."

"What do you mean?"

"She like to help kids from getting bullied. She's very skilled in martial arts. In my case, i'm very introvert so i was a soft target for Minah. She then started to-"

"Minah? You mean, the same Minah in our school? The same Minah that i used to date?"


He just stare at my eyes blankly so i just continue talking.

"She then started to bully me from verbally to physically. But she suddenly stopped. Totally stopped. So i thought she's conscious of what she's doing and felt guilty, but i was totally wrong."

I took a deep breath and continued.

"Everyday, she bullied Baram, with no one knowing. Everyday her condition's keep getting worse and worse. Sometimes she like to faint while walking in the corridors."

"One day, i got a detention because i didn't bring my homework so i went home late in the evening. When i was walking down the hall, suddenly there are your group members, exiting from the emergency exit door and running down the halls to the main lobby. I looked and there she was, lifeless body was on Namjoon's hold."


"How do you know that the one bully her was Minah?"

"Eumm, before all of that happened, Minah and her gang walked out from the emergency exit and laughed while talking about how they bullied Baram, didn't noticed my presence there."

"I don't and will never believe it."

I rolled my eyes and stand up.

"Well, i can't do anything about that. You're the only one that can your own mind. Choose what you want to believe but just hear this out.. You'll regret it."


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