《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》HOSPITAL ( AGAIN?!)


"H-hye-sung. M-med-medicine. B-bag." i tried to say.

She keep screaming to jungkook so she doesn't hear my sentences.

Then i suddenly feel myself light-headed, my body shutting down.

Hyesung's POV

"Jungkook please stop! Please! She's dying! Please!"

He pushes me back, making me stumble and fall.

He sees me and his eyes filled with guilt.

"Baby i'm sorr-"

He crouched down and hold my hand but i quickly let it go.

"Stop Jungkook. You've hurt her. A female. I'm a female too. Our relationship is sick. If you hurt her, that means you could hurt me like you did to her." i sobbed.

"B-but, you know i'd never do that to-"

His words become inaudible as i saw her body lying lifelessly on the floor. Tears stained on her pink cheeks.

Baram is dying.

My hero is dying. The one who make me become like this now, is dying.

Then i saw a red liquid coming out from her nose.

"Hyesung? Hyesung?!"

Jungkook wake me up from my daze.

I ignore his words and ran to her lifeless body.

"Baram! Baram! Please wake up!"

I shook her body but she isn't moving.

"Jungkook please take her to the hospital!" i sobbed.

"Why do you care about this bitch so much? I can't marry you because of her!"

"We are teenagers Jungkook! She still have a future! Please stop. This is not the time for arguing!"

"Okay fine!"

He lifted Baram and put her in the backseat with me. On the road, her nosebleed wouldn't stop.

When we arrived at the hospital the nurses and the doctors rushed her to the operation room.

A doctor came out.

"Who is her guardian here?"

"Me." i didn't hesitate even a bit.

"And he?"


He points to Jungkook.

"He's my friend."

"Can i talk to her guardian in private?" he asked Jungkook.

"Of course."

"Okay then excuse us."

The doctor lead me to the upper floor and a special room to look the operation from above.

"Actually we can't bring anyone here but because her case is fatal, we don't have any option but bring you here."


"She have a depression, some panic disorder, a damage on her head from a long time ago scar and some phobia. It's a miracle actually that she still have the ability to live."

"Many cases like her ended up doing suicide because of the harsh reality that keep punching their mind."

"What should i do doctor?"

"Hospitals in this country can't treat her. Maybe in the States? She can find the best medical treatment there."

"When is the right time doctor?"

"Maybe this month? I'll contact my friend there to give your friend a full treatment. This is his hospital at the States."

He handed me a name card that shows written boldly on it and some specifications of the location.

"Thank you so much doctor."

"No problem. Now, shall we go down? She almost finish her operation and you can meet her."

"May i know where the restroom is doc?"

"Ooh, you can just walk down the hall and turn left."

"Thank you doctor."

He just nodded and i rushed to the restroom.

I choose the farthest cubicle.

I sat and let out my tears fall slowly.

My hero.

The one that i used to envy the most.

She almost die because of me.

I must protect her with my life.


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