《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》PROTECT


There's clear fear in his eyes. I smirked and changed my face into a worried one.

'She wouldn't leave me, us, right?'

Aihhhh, what am i thinking! Of course not!

I just sit on the chair and wait for the doctor.

I wish she's alright.

Jihye's POV

The doctor then came out, revealing his bloody doctor gloves.

The doctor looked rushed.

"She need blood type O. Who can give her?" he said.

"Me! Where can i get the checkup first?" i raised my hand.

"She needs 2 packs of blood. Yours isn't enough if you passed the test. May i know who is this young man?"

He pointed at Jungkook who is daydreaming maybe. His minds seems to roam around the world now. I almost forgot about his existence.

"He is her fiancé-to-be."

"What's his blood type?"

I nudged him and he flinched.


"What's your blood type?"

"O. Why?"

"Sounds okay. Now you two can get some checkups first. We need to rush." the doctor said.


"Just let's go!"

"No need to rush, sheesh."

"We need to! She could die!"

"Okay, okay!"

We can give our blood to her after the checkups were done.

After all the bloody blah blah blah thing happens, Baram has been transferred to a VIP room.

The doctor came into the room. He just sighs.

"Now there's good and bad news. What do you chose first?"

"Bad things ended with good things. So bad things first." i said.

"She was depressed. Now she barely can trust anyone anymore after she wakes up. There's some problem with her head parts which was a scar that was from a long time ago. Two things could occurred. She was bullied or abused. There's no way her own self can hurt herself like that. The body will naturally resist. But it already healed. Her closest friend is only the one whom she could trusted."


"Okay... The good thing?"

"She was not in a critical condition anymore. She has a strong will to live."

"Yes! Thanks doctor!"

"Yeah. She could be discharged when we said so. No rushing like yesterday."

"Okay. I'll mark that."

"Oh right. She maybe wake up in 2-3 days from now. So, have a good day!"

"You too doctor!"

2-3 days...

Then i heard light snores. Jungkook?! Seesh. I forgot about him again.

I just hit his arm until he wakes up.

"Ahhh! It hurts! Stop!"

"Look here. You stay here, take care of her! Okay?! Lay a finger on her, you'll dead." i give a death glare on him.

"Okay! Just let me sleep."

I looked again on Baram.

Wake up faster, Baram.

I need you.


*A/N : Sorry for not updating for a lifetime, AGAIN. I got author's block recently but i'll somehow manage my time for you luvelies reader.

Thanks for reading and kindly vote. By the way i entered the #wattys2018 !! No chance. There are many skilled authors that have millions of readers, votings. Just wish me luck!!! Please support too my other stories. They need some readers! Thanks 💕💕💕

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