《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》TREATMENT


I looked again on Baram.

Wake up faster, Baram.

I need you.

I woke up with a slight pain of headache.

"You woke up?"

Jungkook's hoarse voice startled me. He looked very... messy.

"No different from you."

Then he stay silent.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You looked like you just woke up too."

"Whatever. I'll call the doctor then i have to go meet my girlfriend."

"No need to tell me sheesh."


Then he tidied up himself and prepared to go.


I stopped him.


"Can you call Jihye?"

"I don't have her number besides, you can use your phone."


Then he walked out but stopped again by my voice.


"What now?!"

"Does my parents know anything about this?"

"As i know, No."

"Okay. Thanks."

Then he just leave.

Not long after that, the doctor came in.

"Good morning, Ms. Lee or Mrs. Jeon, i suppose?"

"Morning doc. I prefer Ms. Lee cause i didn't have any relationship with someone who's a jerk. So, what now?"

"Good and bad. What do you choose first?"


"I'm sorry. But you're depressed and you have to go through some treatments."

"Yeah, i know. I've been depressed for a long time. But treatments?! I'm not that sick! Come onn!"

"The treatment just need some months. Not until a year. And the good one is that you're not in a critical situation anymore. You're healthy."

"Okay. So, when can i leave?"

"We have to do some check ups on you so it's definitely not this week."

"What?! So it's literally more than a week?!"


"Screw my life! Okay thanks doc."


"Your welcome."

I just sigh.

This can't just get any better.

Does it?

I reach for my phone on the desk beside my bed and turn it on.

Low Battery



What do you expect from a jerk anyway?

This really can't get any better.

I walked to the counter when it's my turn to pay the hospital bills.



"Are you Ms. Lee Baram?"

"Yes. It's me."

"So this is your hospital and treatment bills."

I gawked at the number.

The zero is too many.

"C-can i pay with credit card?"

"Yes you can. Just scan it here and type the password."

"Okay thanks."

I scan my card and type the password and voila! Done!

I still can't believe that my parents can make that much money.

But there must be something that i doesn't know.

"So your treatments will start today at 14.00 p.m. and it will take place at Pluto Psychology Centre."

"Where is that?"

"At least 2 blocks down this road."

"Okay thanks."

"So this is your schedule for the treatments in case you forget."

She handed me a paper.

Time : 14.00 p.m.

Place : Pluto Psychology Centre

Day : Monday and Friday every 2 week.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome! Have a nice day!"

"You too."

Then i walked out, regretting that decision.

The cold wind piercing into my honey-colored skin, making my body shivered.

I forgot that this week was the last week of Autumn.

The temperature dropped heaps.

I accidentally looked at my reflection at one of the parked car there.


I looked so homeless.


*A/N: HELLO! I'M BACK! I was back after a 7-day trip to Korea! I was on a tour so i don't have the time to write because it's so packed! I barely can have a free time! Thanks for waiting btw. I luv u guys!

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