《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》HOSPITAL (Again?)



I ended up getting mad at him.


I was quickly rushed to the emergency room by the doctor there.

"B-baram, why are you really risked your life?! And why are your clothes wet?! Please answer me!"

Jihye asked me while crying mad.

I can't move my body anymore.

I just smiled to her and mouthed 'I'm fine.'.

She just hold my hand tightly and i blacked out.

Baram nodded weakly to me and mouthed 'I'm fine' to me.

I held her hand tight before noticing that she fainted.

I cried out more loudly and running to the emergency room with her but these nurses and Jungkook holding me tightly to prevent me from getting in.

"Let me go you bastard!"

I tried to kick them but failed because they hold my hands and my legs.

I gave up and collapse to the floor.

"It's because of me. It's all because of me."

I hit my chest over and over.

"Hey! Stop it! It's not your fault so stop hitting yourself!" Jungkook shouted to me.

"Right, it's not my fault. It's yours! You know what?! You ex- i mean whatever she is to you now, do this to her! And she's dying! You never know this, but she was hurted deeply when she was young. Her only bestfriend forgets her and the person she likes hates her!"

I broke down once again.

"W-wait. What?"

"I'm not done yet!"


"You! You trusted Minah? You really trusted her?"

"Euhh, well-"

"Just answer yes or no! I don't have time all day for your blabbering!"

"Okay, okay! Yeah?"

"Ughhh. Fine! Just trust what you want to trust. I'm enough of this sh*tty drama."


"Wait. Is she lying?"

"Who? There's billions of girls in this world!"


"Isn't it obvious?! First, when you first met her, does she looks like a slut?"


"Second, does she looks like someone who like to bully people?"

"From when i first saw her, n-no..."

"Third, does she follows everywhere you go, flirting with you all the time?"

"Ehh, nope."

"Isn't that clear?!"


"Ughh! Forget about your rock-bottom-brain! No help."

"Do you just mocked me?!"

"Okay. Here's the simple one. Does Minah do all of that? The three things that i just listed."


"So? Do you get it now?"

"So Minah has been lying to me all this time!"


"But, i still don't believe you!"

"Aishhhh! Just look, if you lay a finger on her body that harm her, prepare your death bed. Cause i'm not gonna going easy on you anymore. Mark my words."


There's clear fear in his eyes. I smirked and changed my face into a worried one.

'She wouldn't leave me, us, right?'

Aihhhh, what am i thinking! Of course not!

I just sit on the chair and wait for the doctor.

I wish she's alright.


*PS:HIIII. Sorry for uploading in a messy schedule. I'll try to upload everyday cuz' this is holiday mannn. But i still got a few additional lessons. F*** life. Anyway tks for reading. ILY💕💕💕

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