《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 5


"Wait here. I'll call you when it's okay, kay?"

AS Jessica went to the floor of my 'future boss', I took my time on taking in my surroundings, assessing the place. The lobby is elegant and quite large for my taste. I mean, what else are people supposed to do in the lobby? The only personnel present are the security and the two receptionists.

Why is the lobby so spacious? People are supposed to just make an appointment and wait in the lobby. And what's with the two counters for the two receptionists? Isn't one enough?

And don't get me started on the freakishly huge chandelier at the middle.

When Jessica suddenly went out from the elevator twenty minutes later, she was fuming. I can practically fry an egg on top of her head.

Jessica stomped towards me puling me with her out of the building.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I asked. "You're supposed to take me to my boss-to-be! Where are you taking me?"

She whirled her head, and spat, "that asshole who will be your future boss can wait until tomorrow, or even next week. Just shut up, and let's go!"

I let her pull me as we walk until we were at a fine-looking restaurant that was just a few blocks away from building we came from. She loosened her grip on my wrist and asked for a table. When we are finally seated, we gave our orders to the waiter. She lets out a frustrating grunt and tried to control her breathing. Something she developed whenever she's in rage.

"Care to explain?" I asked.

"You already know that Aaron–"

"Mr. Stevens." I said pointing out that he is still her boss.

"Yea–shut up! I don't care about proprieties anymore because they don't deserve it" she said, looking really pissed. "Anyway, you already know that Aaron just told me that his rival/co-owner will need his own secretary–"

"Because he said that you are his so he better back off." I finished her sentence for her. "That is why you have me for Nathaniel Westwood's secretary."

"Yes!" she exclaimed.

"So, why am I not having my interview with Mr. Westwood?" I asked.

"Ugh! Isn't it obvious?" she said, looking at me, and expecting me to answer.

I gave her a puzzled look.


She sighed before explaining, "finding a secretary for one of the arrogant twats of that company is not actually a piece of cake, especially since they both have a reputation of terrorizing and instantly firing an employee. Not everyone is excited to work that close for the two horribly handsome stupid business tycoons."

"So...?" I asked, prompting my best friend to make sense of her answer to the question.

"So... they have to understand that looking for someone to work for them is hard to find. Nathaniel Westwood should understand that his secretary will not arrive in just a blink of an eye."

"I still don't understand," she rolled her eyes. "That is why I am here, right? To fill that gap and accept the position."

"Seriously?" she looked at me, incredulous. "First of all, for someone who graduated in Cambridge University, you seemed really, and I mean, really slow. Secondly, I don't know why your last statement made me cringe at the possible innuendo you innocently put there."

"I did not!"


I just rolled my eyes and get her back on track. "Is there any other reason why you're making me delay my appearance as a secretary?"

"That's the main reason. The other reason is that looking for a secretary should undergo a lot of process. The company should first inform the public that they are in need of an employee. It should be written on newspapers and posted on some ads on the internet. Choosing an employee from the many applicants is also a long process. Their resume should be reviewed so that the employer can filter the people who will get to be interviewed, and each applicant should be interviewed. After that, the remaining applicants will wait for the approval because the employer will weigh them through their resume, and how they responded to the interview."

"Wow! That is a lot of job." I said after her long explanation.

"And guess who will be doing all those works?" she asked in an exasperated tone.

"Mr. Nathaniel Westwood?" I inquired. Who else?

"NO!" she yelled, gaining the attention of some of the customers. "Me!" she yelled/whispered.

"What?! Why?" I asked, clearly confused. Why in hell would he rely that job to someone else?


"Because the asshole already appointed me to look for Nathaniel Westwood's secretary." She said.

"Then you are lucky that you don't have to trouble yourself by going through all of those processes because I am already here." I pointed out.

"I know which is why Mr. Westwood has to wait until next week before he gets his secretary." She said as if that is natural.

"Why are we doing that?" I asked, still confused with my best friend's antics.

"Because of the process! They have to understand that finding an employee is not easy as picking a rose in their garden!" she said.

I get it now. She wants to piss off both men by making Mr. Westwood wait for his secretary. "Fine. You know what? I'll just enjoy your company."

"Good! Thank you! Now, let us go back in the past." She said, finally giving me her smile.

Even though, we already know so much about each other, we still managed to be excited as we tell each other the stories we heard from each other countless of times.

We talked about our lives together in the past, as well as our lives when her family moved to California. She is still as feisty as I remember. Even though we were apart, we still enjoyed our college days. We both finished a degree in Business Management. She earned a scholarship to Harvard University which she declined to spite her parents, and instead chose NYU, while my parents agreed that it would be best to let me to study at the University of Cambridge, since that's where my parents finished their studies.

She told me that even though she is a straight A student, she still enjoyed life to its fullest by joining some parties thrown by her college friends. She showed me her left ring finger where her purity ring is. That ring wasn't actually there when I arrived. I showed her mine by pulling out the silver chains around my neck, and we squealed in delight.

When we were young, her mother gave us the purity rings; she said that we should always wear those rings until we decided to give up our virginity to the man worthy of our hearts. That we should always think twice before we do something that we will regret for the rest of our lives. That once we remove those rings, it means that we finally found our true love, and willing to surrender our body, and soul to that man.

"It's just a bummer that you won't be able to visit our house in California," Jessica said as she took the last bite of her lasagna.

I agreed. It has been a while since I saw Uncle Vince and Aunt Stef. When was the last time they had seen each other? A year ago?

If memory serves right, they were at the dinner last year when they celebrated her graduation as well as her return to the palace.

I was probably too busy planning my great escape to remember their attendance after the announcement.

Jessica went to talk about how beautiful the view is in her room in California, and how she wished she could somehow visit without blowing out their cover.

"You will love it. When I was a kid, it was the few things that comforted me when we settled in our new home."

"So, there are other reasons that comforted you when you left your best friend?" I asked with good humor.

I have no idea why Jessica turned pink after I said that.

"It's stupid," she stated, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Tell me and I'll be the judge of that," I challenged.

I know exactly how to make my best friend spill secrets. Provoke her is one of them.

"You remembered when I told you about this cute kid with blue eyes, and black hair?"

I paused, trying to rack my brain. I'm fairly sure Jess and I talked about that once upon a time.

"I'm guessing we were too young to remember?" came her response which sounded more of a statement than a question.

"I did remember you mentioning something like that, but I think that was years ago," I said, having remembered glimpses of that conversation over the phone.

Before she could continue, our waiter came back bearing our dessert and took the empty dishes on our table. The waiter was in the process of placing our desserts in our table when I suddenly felt eyes on me. When I looked up, I locked eyes with a man who easily reflects the greenness of my eyes.

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