《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 6


I still have my eyes locked on the man who just came when Jessica snapped her fingers to get my attention.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked, blinking.

I briefly looked at my best friend who leaned back on her seat. And then, my eyes went in search for the man I just locked eyes with.

He headed to the VIP section of the restaurant, his back turned. When he glanced at his side, I did a double take on his appearance. He has an amazing jaw. Perfectly defined and prominent. The corner of his lips that was visible quirked up, and suddenly, I'm looking directly in his eyes.

He's handsome...

That is the biggest understatement of the year

"So, the building is on fire..."

I suddenly snapped my head at her direction.

"Do I have your attention now?" I nodded, feeling embarrassed. "What are you looking at anyway?"

When my friend's blue eyes tried to follow where I was staring at, the man was gone.

"You seemed to be drooling at someone," she said.

"What are we talking about?"

"Do you want me to continue what I was saying before our dessert came or do you want me to explain how the waiter was actually trying to gain your attention while I was trying so hard to suppress a laugh that would embarrass the poor boy?"

I rolled my eyes. "That statement is long enough to know what happened while I was... distracted."

"You're welcome," came her sarcastic reply as she tried to bow.

I stared at the dessert in front of me until I felt Jessica staring at me intently.

"What?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to tell me who caught your eye?"

"How do you even know it's a who?"

"Well, maybe because there isn't much of a furniture around here that could really gain your interest," she said and used her spoon to point at me. "Unless, you're looking at the chairs and tables around which are, of course, similar to what we have right now."

I closed my eyes and conceded. I forgot that she actually received a scholarship from Harvard because of her brilliance in academics.

When I opened my eyes, I saw her left eyebrow slightly raised and a smirk plastered on her face. Of course, she knows the moment I surrendered.


"Well, there's a guy who just caught my attention, that's all."

Jessica's eyes twinkle before looking around. She must have spotted something because she turned to me and looked at me suspiciously.

"Where is he? Is he hot?"

I am pretty sure that the only reason she was asking the last question is to judge the guy if he's an arrogant bastard or not.

"You know most hot guys are..." Here we go

She was in the middle of her rants about how an ass is Aaron Stevens when she abruptly stopped and glared at something behind me.

When my head turned, I stared at a man in a suit as he started to approach our table. His eyes made a brief glanced at mine, then returned to the person I'm dining with.

"Fancy meeting you here, Ms. Johnson." Said the man behind me.

Ms. Johnson?

The man's eyes never left Jessica's as if she's the only girl in the world.

Ms. Johnson? Who is he referring to? Wait, is he referring to who I think he is?

"I was just having a lunch with my friend, Mr. Stevens." She said, gritting her teeth.

Oh, so that's the Aaron Stevens.

"Is that right?" Mr. Stevens asked as he looked at me.

I guess, that's my cue to stand. Jessica followed my lead and stood as well, reluctantly introducing me to her boss. I was quite nervous at thought of Jessica saying my real name, but she managed.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Carter." He said while placing a soft kiss on my knuckles. He has a pair of familiar piercing blue eyes, which I think was weird, and his jawline is well-defined with a little stubble. His face may be rugged, but all in all, he is definitely handsome in a rugged kind of way.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Stevens. I heard so much about you from my friend." I said while giving a smile. I saw Jessica clenched her jaw after hearing the last statement.

"All bad, I suppose?" he asked giving me a mischievous grin and turning to Jessica. He definitely has his eyes on her.

"Unfortunately, you are correct" I answered back.

"Yeah! And all true. Goodbye Mr. Stevens. I think I just saw Mr. Westwood entered the VIP section already." She said while giving him her famous sarcastic smiles.


Aaron Stevens cursed under his breath and excused himself. We took went back to our seats with our eyes remained fixed on the retreating figure of Aaron Stevens. And before he entered, he took one last look in our table, and gave a flashing smile.

"Asshole" Jessica muttered.

"So, Ms. Johnson?"

"I had a boyfriend."

Her confession left me completely speechless, but it's not enough to make me forget my first query, so I asked, "What does your confession had to do with Mr. Stevens calling you Ms. Johnson?"

She was about to explain, until she looked incredulously at the glass in front of me.

"Butterbeer? So, you're a potterhead now?"

Classic Jessica. Trying to dodge the question by diverting my attention. Fine. I will play along. You'll tell me once we're done with this stupid diversion.

"Hey! Do not under any circumstances insult Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, or even butterbeer in front of me!" I said.

"I am not insulting! I just asked." She raised her hands in defense. "And anyway, why did you choose butterbeer for dessert?"

"Because I want to. And I like it."

She made a tsk sound before we went back to our previous chat. She told me that when they decided to live in California, her dad started a company while her mom pursued her dreams as a lawyer. While they were doing that, she studied and busied herself during high school. And for only two years, her dad's business became famous. The biggest investor of their company is still my father because according to her dad, my father insisted on investing to his business. At least they could still communicate and even help each other if there will be any problem. (as if I haven't heard and known that)

My dad got involved so of course, their family lost their personal space again. Her mother started accepting international cases just to get away from the reporters while her dad usually stayed in the office.

When it seemed like our reminiscing is over, I raised an eyebrow and looked at her expectantly.

She heaved a sigh before saying, "I had a boyfriend, once" she started. I nodded but looked at her slyly. "No! We didn't do anything! Stop looking at me like that! I said I had a boyfriend. I didn't say I had sex with my boyfriend."

Relief washed through my veins after that clarification. Although that doesn't still answer how she became a Ms. Johnson, I inquired, "How long have you been together?"

"Not long at all!" she answered.

I narrowed my eyes at her. I hope my expression is clear enough that she should just get to the point instead of dancing around the subject.

"Hear me out first, okay?" I nodded. "I had a boyfriend. A week after we started dating, I heard him talking to his teammates about me. He said, and I quote 'The girl is all over me, man. I am this close to getting involved with their company. My dad is pleased that I caught a girl like that. Reporters are all over the house asking for our relationship, but I have to play it cool before I reveal everything.'"

"That was low." The guy is a jerk for using Jessica to gain fame. Did you love him?"

"No! I don't even know why I went out with that jerk," she said. "Anyway, when that happened, it was already almost graduation. So, after I finished high school, I became Jessica Johnson. I don't want to attract anymore jerks so I faked my name. You can ask those brothers of yours because I asked them to help me."

"My brothers knew that you changed your name, and I don't?" I asked. "That hurts, Jessica! I am your best friend!" I said, placing my hand on my chest.

"I asked them not to because I don't think that is really necessary. I still have my Jessica on my name. The surname is the only thing that changed because it attracts jerks, assholes, and fake friends, and boyfriend."

We finished our dessert, paid our bill, and then went back to the apartment. Jessica flopped herself on one of the living chairs. "Aren't you supposed to be at the office?"

"Asshole Stevens thinks that I am working to find another secretary. You're here. So, I can take the week off," she grinned at me and I just rolled my eyes.

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