《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 4


I have been in the business world for only six years, yet I learned to play mind games with the rest of them. True, I haven't finished my degree when I started but that didn't stop me from building my own company and proving myself worthy.

I understand that most of them fears me, even those who have been longer in this world.

Hell, why wouldn't they?

I'm a threat because in the small amount of time, I was able to raise a company from nothing to something that can take on the world.

I remembered getting a large amount of cash from dad after his death. I remembered my mom helping me place that cash on a bank for future use. I remembered dad working on a company with Uncle David. And I also remembered what the lawyer explained to my mom, "He will have his share of the company his father helped build after he finished a degree in college."

I wasn't sure if I should be glad or not.

We weren't exactly poor. In fact, we are wealthy. But I grew up understanding the value of money. I learned that even though we have a lot of cash in our disposal, I have to be responsible in using them. And so, I did.

When I finished high school, I started outlining the company that I would want to build.

I became a university student at the age of sixteen.

I am extremely intelligent.

And yes, it's something I love bragging about. Well, other than my looks, of course.

Building the structural form of the company took almost two years. By then, I already acquired business partners from across states. I used my father's name to gain the trust of my clients and partners. I was able to hire a lot of people to complete the staff and administrators of the office. By the time the building was done, I was 18, and the company became successful within a month.

I dealt with my difficult schedule for two more years before finally acquiring a degree with the highest honors.

It's as if I would even need that, considering where I am now.

I'm proud.

And my father should too.

I made a name for myself apart from being the son of Adam Westwood. I followed his footsteps in the business world.


The only difference is that how people describe us as father and son.

He had a reputation for being kind and good to all his associates. He was considered to be the most "honorable" man in the business world (every time I hear the word honorable as a description to my father, I feel like they're describing a character from Game of Thrones).

He was said to never play tricks or mind games with his business partners or competitors. It was a good reputation. They respected him because of that.

On the other hand, was the complete opposite.

People describes me as rude and arrogant. But I prefer when they say I'm cunning and powerful. Unlike my father, I like playing tricks. I've mastered the mind games in a world full of lies and fake people.

I became one of them. Twisting and using their own words against them.

And they respected me because of that. I gained their respect from fear.

I poured myself a glass of bourbon as I sat on my desk chair, waiting

I can feel my head throbbing as my irritation is starting to consume my very being.


I hate waiting.

I took a sip and thought to myself, does finding a secretary really that hard?

Aaron fucking Stevens informed me that I will have a different secretary in our "joint company".

Staring out my window usually helps steel my nerves and calm myself. But the sky was dark and seemed to plan on pouring all day once it began.

I closed my eyes before looking at my watch.

Thirty minutes? That Aaron Stevens sure is incompetent. It is still surprising that his company is still as successful as my own. Why the hell his secretary running late?

It's been a month since I was, I mean, we, were appointed as owners of the Westwood-Stevens Industries. Ever since I was a kid, I never liked that Aaron Stevens. He thinks that he could handle things smoothly in the company. When my father died, Mr. Stevens promised that his son and I will someday own the company that he and my dad had worked for. It was also written in my father's will that I will own 50 percent of the company while Aaron can have the other 50.


I only agreed because even after 15 years, I still respect my father's decision. Half of that company still came from my dad's hard work. I will do anything in my power to keep it running. Even though I am already the CEO of my own company, I can still give the other company my attention.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my trance. I glanced at my watch before letting the person in. When the door opened, a blonde woman came to view, and immediately recognized her as Aaron's secretary.

"Mr. Westwood, I am so sorry for being so late–"

"Good." I interrupted "At least you have the decency to apologize for your incompetence"

"I don't think you can blame me Mr. Westwood. Mr. Stevens informed about your need of secretary this morning only. I shall not answer anymore of your questions, and ignore your incessant whining seeing as I do not work for you. These are your scheduled meetings with Mr. Aaron Stevens, and your clients for your new company. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Mr. Aaron himself." She let out a heavy breath and handed the files on my table before reaching for the door.

I don't really have time to even comprehend what she just told me because she said that all in one breath.

"Where's my new secretary?" I asked.

"Unfortunately sir, since Mr. Stevens only informed me about that this morning, the company can't provide you a new employee just yet."

"What?! How am I supposed to start if I don't have those files?" I said as anger started churning my stomach.

"Mr. Westwood, if you have been using your ears to listen to my earlier statement, you should also use your eyes so you can see that the files you needed are already at your table." She gritted her teeth as if controlling her temper.

"You should know well not to answer me in that manner because I could fire you right now." I said sternly. I usually just fire my employees without warning but seeing as she really is stunning, I decided to be more patient.

"F***! Then fire me! I already filed a resignation last week but the asshole that is unfortunately my boss dragged me back to my position!" She exclaimed. "You could both go to hell and replace Satan!" With that, she fled while slamming the door shut.

What the?!

Beautiful, and dangerous. Yes definitely dangerous. No one treated him like that. I have to admit, that is really shocking; even the part where he called Aaron Stevens asshole. He is fully aware that when it comes to women, both he and Aaron are equal. The world also knows that they enjoy their bachelor life to the fullest. If a woman like that treated him the way she did, she must have also done the same to Aaron.

It's been a month since I met the girl. Jessica Border is the secretary of Aaron's dad. One look at her, and I knew I wanted her on my bed. I even made a bet to myself that I could take her to heaven right after the meeting.

Her sparkling blue eyes are captivating. Her long locks of blonde hair look so soft that I had to keep myself in check. The smooth creamy skin must taste like heavenly on my lips. I dismissed those thoughts as I felt myself grew hard. I tried to focus on Mr. Stevens' announcement until I noticed that his son's eyes are set on someone. I followed his gaze towards Jessica.

After the meeting, I immediately went to Jessica but Aaron beat me.


She was talking to Mr. Stevens when Aaron and I approached them. She smiled, and shook hands with Aaron, then mine. Her smile suddenly faded, replaced with hate but forced herself to smile.

After that, I was informed that Aaron took her out. I even heard that she quit her job the next morning after their dinner. But seeing that they are always together during formal meetings, and even parties, I dismissed the thought. It was probably just some false rumors.

But seeing her angry expression, and hearing her call Aaron asshole, I laughed internally. Aaron wants her because she doesn't want to have anything to do with him, which translates to: he can't have her. His ego must be bruised right now.

The famous Aaron Stevens got rejected.

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