《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 3


Over some pizza, we talked about my *ahem* potential job.

"Let me get this straight. You finished a degree but now you're just a secretary to some hot and rich boss who happens to be the competition of my would-be boss?"

Jessica nodded, although shivered at the word "hot".

"And I'm guessing I will be working as a secretary to my would-be boss."

She nodded again, her eyes glinting in mischief.

"Why aren't you working with your dad again?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes before replying, "same as you."

"You want a taste of freedom?"

"That. And I want to prove that one of his business partner is a complete idiot."

She waited until I finished taking another slice of pizza before she continued.

"But hey, we're not going to talk about me. We're going to talk about you and where you'll be working and who will you be working for."

I gulped a mouthful pizza before giving narrowing my eyes at her.

"Let's start with your boss," she said as she slid of the couch we were sitting on to get the tablet in her room.

When she returned, I sat up straight as if I were to receive a long lecture.

"His name is Nathaniel Westwood," she started. "He is 24 years old, and he is already one of the most respected man in the business world. He started his company at 18, and it has been successful ever since. Of course, he named his company after his surname, Westwood Land Development Corporation. Ever since the compa―"

"Wait, back up!" Jessica frowned at my sudden interruption. "Land Development Corporation? You want me to work for someone in a land development corporation? Jess are you out of your mind?"

"I don't see any problem in it."

"Well, I do. You know that I am an activist who opposes the destruction of nature, and that includes―"

"Forests, wildlife, and any other natural places, I know." She finishes for me, but she made a face that told me she wasn't done talking. "But think about it. This is the perfect cover up for new self as Vanessa Carter. If you all else fails, and the people of Switzerland starts looking for their princess, the last place they're going to look for her is at a company like Nathaniel Westwood's."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I usually do this to calm my nerves, and to get my bearings right. Now, I'm doing this to take in my best friend's words of wisdom which, as always, unfortunately appealing, convincing, and just downright brilliant now that I gave my thoughts into it.


"You have to admit that it's brilliant."

I sighed, defeated.

After her telling me all the information I needed to know, we decided cleanup the living room, and retire to the bedroom we'll be sharing from now on.

Morning came. After doing my usual morning routine, which is composed of showering and just dressing for the day, I break my fast with Jessica.

Now, I'm seated on the passenger seat beside my best friend who has this evil grin on her face as she drives through the highway.

Remember when I said, something tells me you're going to make my life miserable?

I take that back.

One look at the building where Jessica works, I already know that my life will be hell.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I thought I would be working for Nathaniel Westwood?"

"You are," she said plainly as if that should be enough clarity for me.

"Explain to me why you just said that we will still see each other, considering that you work as a secretary to Nathaniel Westwood's competition."

She rolled her eyes, and said, "Since you were obviously not listening to me last night, I'll start again.

"The former owner of the company was a sweet old man, and everyone, myself included loved working here."

"Former owner? And what company are you talking about?" I asked.

"Yes, former owner. And I am talking about the company that we're going to work in, so don't interrupt me. You see, Aaron Stevens wasn't exactly my boss until only recently. I know he will be inheriting part of the company, but I never thought it to happen so early.

"Anyway, he called a meeting last month, my former boss and bid us farewell. He said that he will be handing the company to his son, and his late friend's son."

"Why would he divide his company to his son, and his 'late friend's son'?" I asked, confusion probably visible in my face because I still don't know why it has anything to do with me working for Nathaniel Westwood.

"The company has a long history. There are two men who created the corporation; the former owner and his friend. Unfortunately, the friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer, so they decided that the man will continue the legacy as long as he can, before handing the company to their sons, whom are now the owners of this corporation." Jessica explained, smiling as if remembering the friendship between her father and mine.

I looked at her again, confused.

"Seven hells! I can't believe you're that slow," she exclaimed.


"Well, give me a minute to process all that because I still don't see why this has anything to do with me because..." I trailed as I figured it out.


"Are you saying that the fathers in your little story happened to be the father of Nathaniel Westwood, and your Aaron Stevens?"

She was already about to say and then she shuddered.

"First of all, that was a big gross. He is not my Aaron Stevens, and he never will be. But to answer the very point of your question, yes."

I leaned back, not sure about waiting for her to elaborate or wanting to just get this over with.

"You will only be working as his secretary in this joint company just like me. Well, that is unless, he decides for you to be his Personal Assistant."

"Is that a terrible thing?" I asked, cautiously.

"It's tiring and a little bit on the bad side because you will be dealing with, like, one and a half company," she said. "Anyway, according to the veterans in this company, the former owners have kind hearts. They never raise their voice or even humiliate their workers," letting out a deep breath, she continued. "Unfortunately, me being the secretary of the boss, I had the 'displeasure' of meeting the new owners." She said, giving emphasis on the word 'displeasure'.

"Why? What are they like?" I asked, smirking because I could see her face starting to become red with anger.

"You know you can wipe that smirk off your face, Laur–"

"Vanessa." I said stopping her from calling me Laura.

"Sorry. Force of habit, 'Vanessa'." She sighed "Anyway, they are both good-looking, and everything, but once we shook hands, I could already feel the arrogance seeping within those two. And of course, they proved me right!"

"What did they do?" I asked, forcing myself not to laugh at her face.

"The other one hit on me!" she shrieked, putting her hands in the air.

"No way!" I was now laughing at her face while she continued on her story.

"I knew it even before I met him. He's an idiot. I thought I was wrong because his father is nothing like him. Aaron asked me out if I could accompany them in their dinner because he will be my new boss." By now, I could see smoke on top of her head. "Of course, I had no choice but to agree. I thought that his father will join us, but he didn't. I acted as professional as I can, informing him of how everything works and whatnot, but he kept on dodging the subject. He said, and I quote 'I could handle the company without any help from that Westwood bastard, or from you, but I am interested in you though'" she said mimicking and failing to sound like an arrogant asshole.

"So, he insulted you, and told you that he's interested in you?" I asked still catching my breath from my outburst. I haven't laughed like that for a long time.

"Look, there is nothing funny about that story. When he said that, I immediately sprinted to the door and left. I filed my resignation the next morning, so I could immediately work as a cashier in a café I used to go during college, and you know what happened next?" she asked, still fuming over the little incident.

"What?" I asked while wiping the remnants of tears of laughter off my face.

"He came to the café that afternoon and informed me that he does not, and will not, accept my resignation letter, and even went too far as to threaten to buy the lot where the café stood."

After that, we sat in silence in her car at the parking lot. Neither of us wants to get out yet.

A threat like that demands power. And I am now starting to realize the possible impact of the situation in our lives. Wrong move or word, our lives will come spiraling down..

My name is Mikaela Wilson. My family and I moved to Colorado almost twelve years ago. If you're going to calculate, we have already settled our home in a town called Arcanus for 11 years, 11 months, and 12 days. I have no idea how I managed to calculate the exact time of our stay in this place. Living here for almost twelve years was the best. We were happy and living peacefully.

My life is perfect.

Or so I thought.

Never have I imagined that my perfect life will change drastically. I was nothing but an invisible teenager who in some miracle befriended the hottest and most popular students in my high school. There are so many things that happened during and after my senior year.

Especially after my senior year.

Something that no human could ever believe. Something that would terrify even the bravest human on earth.

This story is about me.

This is about sacrifice.

About choices.

About Fate.

About me.

I know I'm a human. Or at least, I once was...

It all started in a dream.

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