《Consequences Of Actions》Chapter 17: To the park!
Finally, It was Saturday and finally, I was home after my shift and I could spend some time for myself. It was really refreshing. Even if it was only for that weekend and I would find another part-time job from next week.
Daisy was overjoyed when she saw me home and I told her that I won't go to work until tomorrow morning. She practically screamed when I told her that I will take her to the park that afternoon and ran all over the house before Liam finally grabbed her and brought her to the kitchen on his shoulder.
Liam was happy too. Shyly he had asked if he could go to a game club his friends were going to, with the money he had saved from his work.
Of course, I was fast to erase any hesitance from his mind. He was feeling guilty to spend money on something like a game club when we were saving any penny for mother's surgery. But he was only 13 and that was the most normal thing to go out with his friends to a game club and have fun.
He had only gone out with his friends a few times in the last four months because he didn't have the money to spend or should have taken care of Daisy while I was gone. The excitement was dripping down from his eyes when I ordered him that he should go.
Ethan also came to my house to help me with the chemistry exam we had on Monday. His undeniable charms and his warm smile caused Daisy to accept him almost instantly. Liam too shook a brotherly hand with Ethan when I told him about how much Ethan had helped me.
It was half past four in the afternoon. Liam was in his room getting ready to go out to the game club. Ethan, Daisy, and I were in the kitchen sitting at the table. Ethan and I were studying while Daisy was drawing and humming to herself.
I was trying to concentrate on what Ethan was telling me and on the problem I was solving. But half of my mind was always occupied by a certain boy with jade green eyes.
I sighed while I put my hand under my chin and finally let my mind excitedly daydreaming. I had not seen him so much yesterday and had not seen him today at all. Yesterday I had only seen him on the field, accompanying his teammates, although he couldn't fully practice himself.
I must admit, he looked so handsome in his football gear. His face was stern with a deep frown plastered on his face. His jaw was clenched and his hair was tousled, making him drool-worthy really while he had stood on the side of the field, shouting at his team as their captain.
It was evident from his actions how much he loved football. His passion for the sport was evident in his determined eyes and his hard work. And I couldn't stop myself from admiring him for everything at that moment.
He was admired by his teammates too and was someone they would look upon to. There was no doubt that our team was one of the strongest not only in the city but also in the state and without a doubt Chris was the key asset and our star.
Yesterday, our school had a match with another school for the state tournament. It was so important competition, especially for those in their last year who were seeking scholarships for good colleges. So that was why our team was practicing so hard.
But not having their captain had a certain effect on them. We lost the game. Everyone was so sad. I wasn't able to go and watch the game and support the team like most of our students. I never had gone in fact. But I had texted Mia to ask about the result and she made sure to send enough crying and angry emojis for me so I know that we have lost.
Chris was so deep in thought and so tense last night when he came to pick me up. I was so happy that he relaxed a bit and kept me in his arms for a few more seconds when I greeted him in the lobby or when I kissed his cheek goodbye. I was so happy and proud of the effect I had on him.
He was also a bit angry. It was so hard for me to convince him to rest the next day and not come to pick me up from home to the hotel or vice versa. Although I had to say he was a lot more handsome and attractive when he was angry. He would also become more protective of me.
Ethan's loud voice snapped me out of my daydream. I looked up and blinked several times before gazing at Ethan who was looking at me confused.
"What were you thinking about?" he questioned. "You were smiling and biting your lip while looking at the problem you have solved. I had to call you several times. What were you thinking about?"
"I'm sorry," I said and tried hard to not blush as I gathered myself, cleared my throat, and busied myself with my worksheets. "I was thinking about ways to solve this problem." I lied trying to sound convincing.
"Ah, really?" said Ethan teasingly. "I didn't know the question can be this sexy to drool on."
I gasped and my hand unconsciously went to my mouth, trying to wipe the supposed drool. Ethan threw his head back and laughed hard at my probably stupid-looking face.
I narrowed my eyes at him, now understanding his prank, and smacked his arm. "Daisy is here." I snapped and looked at my little sister who was looking at Ethan and I was confused. "Mind your language please."
"Sorry, sorry." laughed Ethan and kissed Daisy's head before looking back at me. "But seriously, who were you thinking about?" he leaned toward me and wiggled his eyebrows playfully, and whispered. "Harrington?"
"What? No!" I denied it and stood up quickly and turned to the sink fast. I grabbed a glass and filled it trying to act natural and hide my now flushed cheeks. I was never good at acting though and Ethan's loud laughter once again filled the kitchen.
"God! You are too easy to predict." he laughed harder. "Your face is priceless."
"You idiot." I hissed angrily and splashed some water on his face.
"Hey!" he protested still laughing but stood and raised his hands in defense. "Okay! Okay! I think it's enough for today. You will do good in the exam."
He then gave me a devilish smirk and walked backward. "You can easily draw his face on your exam sheet. I think Mrs. Woods will give you a straight A for that." he said and ran out of the kitchen before I can throw the water in my glass at him.
Daisy shrank happily and ran after him out of the kitchen and soon their laughter rose in the house, making me smile as well as I took a few things out of the fridge to make snacks.
Suddenly the bell rang. "We will answer." Ethan and Daisy shouted together. I just smiled wider and shook my head. I was happy Ethan was here. Daisy seemed to like him a lot.
I heard Daisy greet the person at the door cheerfully. But what I heard next or it's better to say the voice I heard next made my heart skip a beat and then began to beat ten times faster.
"What the fuck!"
I was sprawled on my bed like a starfish, looking at the ceiling. I had come home after I met up with Chase and a few of our friends from the football team. But nothing could lift my spirit. Much to my dismay, Eleanor had practically begged me to rest that day and don't bother myself to pick her up.
As much as I wanted to go and pick her up and see her, I didn't want to appear as a creep. She was shy and didn't want to bother me or be a burden to me. She didn't know that just simply seeing her can make my day ten times better.
She was constantly in my mind since two nights ago when she broke down in my arms. I had thought about a thousand ways to help her but of course, she wouldn't accept anything before running away or dying of embarrassment.
So I had decided to stay by her side no matter what and help her the best I could. She was doing things to my heart. She was so strong and so fragile at the same time and I couldn't help but want to keep her in my arms all the time and protect her with all my might, not letting any worries get her way.
What was wrong with me???
I had seen her so less since that night and today I felt that I missed her. I had admitted this to Chase and he had called me whipped under his breath while smirking. I glared at him at first, wanting to wipe that smirk off his face, but at that moment, I really felt whipped. I had missed her.
Yesterday was a tough day for me. We had lost the game that was too important for us. I was angry and frustrated as fuck, but seeing her at the end of the day was way better than consuming myself with alcohol as Chase and others did to forget about the game. The smile that she gave me when she found me in the lobby washed away most of my frustration.
I smiled to myself remembering when I had met her yesterday at the football field.
It was lunchtime and we were warming up for that afternoon's important match. Our coach had made sure to be rough enough, ensuring our strength for the match. I was not allowed to practice with the ball because of my stitches, but as the captain of the team, I wanted to be there and support my team.
"Look who is here." whistled Chase and nudged my arm.
I first turned and saw him smirking at someone in the stands. I turned and my heart skipped a beat when I saw Eleanor standing there, watching me intently. Even from there, I could have seen worry on her face.
She looked like an angel. The wind was moving her free hair that had fallen around her like a river of chocolate. Her face was free of any makeup but she looked so beautiful still, natural, comforting, and enchanting.
Parting my way from the group of running boys, I jogged to where she was and saw her walking down the stairs to the railing that was separating the field from the stands. She was standing a meter above and for the first time I had to crane my neck up to see her.
"What are you doing?" she asked hurriedly.
"Hello to you too, princess." I smirked as I wiped the sweat off my forehead.
"Hello." she responded quickly before going back to the subject. "I couldn't believe it when I heard a few students saying that you are practicing too. Are you even allowed? You are hurt. You can't play."
"Easy there, angel." I chuckled, wishing secretly to have her in my arms and pepper her face with kisses, and hear her giggle. "I'm fine. I'm not gonna play. I'm just running. I should keep this body fit."
I said and flex my muscles. She rolled her eyes, trying to look nonchalant, But I smirked and puffed my chest proudly when I saw her checking me out secretly. Her cheeks turned a bit pink and she dropped her head.
"Did you just come here because you were worried for me?" I asked softly, my heart fluttering in anticipation.
"Yes," she nodded and looked up into my eyes. "Those girls were saying you are going to play this afternoon."
"Girls, huh?" I asked teasingly. "Were you worried or jealous? Or were you simply missing me using it as an excuse to see me?"
She huffed and crossed her arms, but I smirked more when I saw her cheeks turn dark pink this time and she looked away stubbornly with a frown on her face. I wanted to laugh at how cute she looked.
"Don't flatter yourself, mister." she answered. "I was just worried."
She then turned to leave and glanced at me. "Just take care of yourself and don't put pressure on your arm." she said and then turned her back to me, ready to climb the stairs. "And I might have missed you too."
Her last words were like a whisper of the wind, but I heard them nonetheless. My jaw dropped to the floor for a few seconds as I stared at her retreating figure. A big grin slowly formed on my face.
I just stood there, watching her climbing the stairs and sitting on one of the seats. She pulled out a book and glanced at me who was grinning like a madman. She smiled sweetly that turned into a fit of giggles, filling my heart with utter joy.
"Harrington," I snapped out of my beautiful world by hearing the coach's shouting. "Get your lazy ass back into the field and run with others."
I chuckled to myself, remembering yesterday's events. I had put extra effort into my semi-practice that day during lunchtime, well aware of Eleanor's constant gaze at me. I had caught her staring at me with awe and admiration in her eyes and I was so fucking proud of myself. I wanted to be better than what I was just to have her admiration.
God! she was playing with my sanity.
I sat up quickly. That was it. I had to see her or I would have gone insane. She should have been home and I knew her address. It wouldn't hurt anyone if I would go there and said hello. With that thought in my mind, I jumped from the bed and rushed to the bathroom.
After changing into jeans, a black tee, and a red and black flannel on top, I grabbed my jacket, my car keys, and phone and rushed outside.
In no time, I was standing in front of her house. I looked at my empty hands and cursed myself under my breath. I should have at least bought a box of chocolate for her. Suddenly, I heard shrieks of laughter from a little girl inside.
A smile formed on my lips and all of my worries were washed away. It must have been her little sister. I climbed the two steps in front of her house and rang the bell. I smiled more when I heard the little girl announcing she would open the door.
I dropped my head, preparing to face Eleanor's smaller version. The door opened and I looked up and my smile instantly was wiped away, replaced with a deep frown and a hard glare as I saw who had been standing in front of me.
Right in front of me had stood Ethan fucking Miller.
I was slowly doubting whether Eleanor was telling the truth about her relationship with Miller. The fucker was so much around her to my liking.
"Hello!" a cute little girl in his arms greeted me and waved at me. She had short curly golden hair that resembled Eleanor a lot. For sure, she was Eleanor's little sister.
But I was too angry to acknowledge the little sunshine. "What the fuck!" I snapped and glared at Miller.
"Mind your language, Harrington." hissed Miller and glared at me. "There is a little kid here."
"What the ...." I bit back my curse and glanced briefly at the little girl who was looking at me with curiosity written on her face before looking back at Miller. "What are you doing here?"
He raised an eyebrow. "I think I should ask you the same." he answered as if he had every right to be there and I was a complete stranger who had nothing to do there. The thought made me more furious.
"Chris!" Eleanor's angelic voice greeted me and I saw her standing beside Miller and giving me that beautiful heart-melting smile of hers. "You surprised me. Please, come in." She said and opened the door wider for me.
"Hi, Eleanor." I greeted her back as I sidestepped Miller while glaring at him. I then glanced at Eleanor and my eyes softened. "I didn't see you properly these two days. So I thought to come and say hello and see how you are doing."
"That's very nice of you." she smiled brightly. Her eyes also shone, making me proud of myself. "Thank you."
"Yeah, That's very nice of you." scoffed Miller as he closed the door and stood behind Eleanor protectively, still glaring daggers at me. "How considerate you have become suddenly, Harrington."
The fact that he had stood too close to Eleanor and how they look like a cute little family fueled my anger. I opened my mouth to snap at him because of his remark but someone else spoke and stopped me.
"Wait a sec." I turned and saw a boy, not more than 14, standing on the second stair of a staircase.
It looked like he was about to leave. He had a bag on his shoulder and his phone in his hand. But right then, he had stood there looking at me with a deep frown on his face. He also had some resemblance with Eleanor, so I guessed he must have been her little brother.
"You call him Chris." said the boy and looked at Eleanor before looking at Miller. "And Ethan calls him Harrington. And I only know one Chris Harrington. The boy who made my sister's life hell."
His last sentence was directed at me as he stepped down the stairs and glared venomously at me. Okay, he looked so angry. Not that I was afraid of him. I could have brought him down in a second, but I didn't want to hit Eleanor's brother.
Plus, he was right. Of course, he should have known about me. He must have confronted his sister when she had come home one day, crying because of me. Even the thought was so disturbing. Even more than the venom in the boy's eyes who was advancing toward me.
"Liam," called Eleanor warningly. "Calm down, It's not what you think."
"Not what I think?" asked Liam incredulously and he threw his bag and phone on a sofa. "Why the fuck is he in our house? Oh, good for me. I can break his neck easier."
I would have laughed at his empty threat if I was not too embarrassed. He had every right to call me names or even hit me hard. Only God knew how many times his sister had come home looking like a wreck because of me. I would have done the same if I were in his place.
So I just stood there, not planning to stop his punches as he was about to pounce at me. I closed my eyes, ready for the below. But suddenly I felt two people rushing past me. I opened my eyes and saw Miller keeping a struggling Liam in his arms while Eleanor was trying desperately to calm her raging brother.
"Liam, stop this." yelled Eleanor.
"Let go of me." shouted Liam, struggling harder in Mille's arms. I should give Miller the credit for being strong. It was so hard to keep that boy in check. "Let me give this son of a bitch a taste of his own medicine."
All of us turned to Eleanor, shocked. It was the first time, I think for all of us, to hear her shouting. I think it was the first time to see that much anger in her eyes as well. Her brother stopped struggling immediately and just stared at her shocked.
"Don't call him that." she said more calmly this time. " He has changed. He is now like my guardian angel. You would be ashamed of what you have called him if you know what he has done for me in the past few days. You won't talk illy about him, Liam James, not in front of me."
I felt my heart flutter at hearing her defending me and calling me her fucking guardian angel. It was so refreshing. So good to be her hero.
"Now, apologize." she scolded and crossed her arms, looking at her brother expectedly.
"It's okay, Eleanor." I said calmly as I put a hand gently on her shoulder. I then looked at her brother. "You are right. I would have done the same if I were you. I'm so sorry for what I have done to your sister in the past. But I want you to know that I would never repeat that mistake and am ready to do anything to make amends. I'm sorry."
"Just stay away from her." spat Liam and shrugged off Miller's hands.
"That I can't do," I answered seriously. I just couldn't stay away from Eleanor. "I have promised her to stay by her side on each step she takes. So forgive me if I can't do as you want. I have no bad intentions. I swear."
I was well aware of Eleanor's admiring eyes on me. Though, I had said half the truth. My promise was half of the reason why I couldn't leave her. I needed her in my life too. Somehow, she had turned into my angel too. She had managed to fill the holes that had been created in my soul. She had made my life ten times better just with her presence.
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