《Consequences Of Actions》Chapter 18: A night to remember
I plopped myself down on a bench beside Eleanor and sighed deeply. Who would have thought playing with a 7-year-old around the park's playground can be more tiring than a football match???
Let me say, Daisy was a ball of energy, a huge ball. She ran around the playground for 45 minutes none stop, pulling me and Eleanor after herself. And now, when her sister and I had sat tired she still had so much energy left, but thanks to the heavens, she had found a few friends around her age and they were playing together right then.
I turned and looked at Eleanor when I heard her chuckle. "I'm sorry." she said with a warm smile and offered me half of an apple. "She is so energetic."
"That's how she is supposed to be." I answered with a smile and took the apple and took a large bite eagerly.
Eleanor turned and looked at her sister who was now laughing and running away from the boy who was chasing the others. "I'm happy to see her this lively." she said. "I was afraid she fell into depression after all of the things we went through. I'm happy that after too long I have time to spend with her."
She then turned to me and looked into my eyes. "All thanks to you." she said quietly.
I just stared at her face. Eleanor wasn't someone to be hard to read. Her eyes were somehow relieved, peaceful, and full of gratitude, but deep down there was a great sadness. I gently grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. Even her smile was sad.
"Hey!" I said and ran my thumb on the back of her hand. "It's going to be fine. She has a great and strong sister like you. And you have me by your side. So don't worry. You all will be fine."
She gave me a grateful smile and tightened her hold on my hand. "Thank you, Chris." she said quietly. "You don't know how much your words mean to me, how much your presence gives me courage. I feel safe when you are around."
Her words touched my heart greatly and brought a wide grin to my face. She didn't know how much her words meant to me. I leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes with a soft smile on her lips and leaned more toward me.
Fuck! I like that a lot. I didn't want the moment to end.
"You don't know how much I'm happy to hear that you trust me, angel." I mumbled when I pulled away and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You don't know how fucking proud of myself I feel."
Her smile grew. "You are a great boy, Chris." she said. "I'm so happy that I get to know this caring and kind side of you. Your parents should be so proud of you."
That hit me like a truck and my grin vanished. A bitter taste filled my mouth at hearing her last sentence. I looked away unable to look into her eyes anymore.
"Hey, are you fine?" she asked worriedly. "I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?"
"You didn't say anything wrong, beautiful." I answered and glanced at her now concerned eyes, offering her a weak smile. "But my parents are far from proud of me. At least my father is not anywhere near proud. If anything he disapproves of my existence."
"Why?" she asked softly. I could see she was curious and sad because of my sadness. There was no ounce of pity in her eyes.
"Let's just say I'm nothing like what he wants me to be." I sighed and leaned back. "He wants me to be someone like my brother, Jax. But let's face it. I don't want to be Jax. I honestly don't know what I want to be. But all my father cares about is his picture in society as a great businessman and I'm someone who he is afraid to tarnish that perfect picture."
Eleanor just stared at my defeated face silently. She then turned to the playground. "At least he is with you guys." she said trying to sound nonchalant, but I frowned when I heard the bitterness in her tone. "He is a man who values his family and had stayed with them."
Somehow I knew she was talking about her own father. Her words piqued my curiosity and I couldn't stop myself. "Where is your father, angel?" I asked and quickly cursed myself after I saw her eyes got filled with sadness.
"He left." she said and looked up at me and gave me a half smile. "As simple as it sounds. When he faced a low level in life, he just left his family behind so they deal with the problems alone. Like a coward man. One morning we woke up and saw he is not there anymore. He left without even saying a word."
"Eleanor." I whispered and wiped a tear that slipped from her eye. Fuck! I wasn't ready to see that gut-wrenching sadness in her eyes. My heart clenched as well. "I'm sorry."
She shook her head and laughed bitterly. "Don't be. It is just what it is." she forced a smile and wiped her eyes. She then grabbed both of my hands and stared into my eyes.
"Don't be angry with your father." she said seriously. "Which parents don't have expectations from their kids? They all want the best for us. That is why your father is too stern about you. And let's face it, Chris. Your actions were a bit concerning."
I looked down at my lap. She was right. I wasn't the best. I knew. But ...
My thoughts were cut off when I felt her finger under my chin and she raised my face to look into my eyes. She smiled warmly. "Don't be sad." she said softly. "None of us are perfect. We are teenagers. We are supposed to be rebellious. But what I'm trying to say is that don't hate your father. Try to understand him and show him what kind of a great son you can be, just like how you showed me."
I was speechless. Her words were rooting deeply in my mind and were so comforting. The admiration in her eyes was so heartwarming.
"You don't have to be as he wants." she said. "He is just showing you the way he thinks is best, because he doesn't know what you want. Show him you can be great in your own way. In the way you want. Show him you care about your future and want to be successful. I'm sure that is all he wants."
Once again, she was right. I too knew dad only wanted me to show more responsibility and get out of the shitty life I had created for myself. I knew all he and mom wanted was for me to have a successful future.
"What do you want to become in the future?" asked Eleanor suddenly. "What is your dream about the future?"
I ran a hand through my hair and looked away. "I'm not sure, beautiful." I sighed and looked at her again. "But I always wanted to become a professional football player."
"That's great." she answered excitedly. "I'm sure you can be so successful in that field. You seem so determined and passionate about football as much as I gathered from watching you practicing yesterday."
I smirked devilishly. "So you are admitting that you were staring at me the whole time." I teased and laughed as I saw her eyes widen and she blushed hard, looking away.
"I wasn't staring. I was observing." She mumbled and tried to pull her hands away from mine.
But I held them tighter, not wanting to lose that source of peace. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." I mocked and watched her start chuckling too.
"What's your dream for the future, angel?" I questioned, eager to know.
Her smile faltered a bit and she looked down at our hands. "Well, I wanted to become a psychologist." she answered quietly.
"Why are you talking about it in the past tense?" I frowned, not liking how her face fell suddenly. I was already feeling bad about how I was about to ruin her dream with that horrible prank of mine that caused her to quit school.
"My life is a bit out of control right now." she explained and looked up again. "I don't want to promise things to myself that I may not reach. I should go with the flow of life and see what it will bring for me."
"Angel," I said firmly and stared into her eyes intently. "You are so smart and strong-willed. I'm sure you can easily get a scholarship to a university or a college. I'm sure you can and I will help you to reach your dream. I promise."
She smiled at me softly and then leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "Thank you," she whispered. "I will do my best too."
I opened my mouth to erase any doubt that was in her mind, but my phone went off, making me groan in irritation. I fished it out of my pocket and rolled my eyes when I saw Chase's name on the screen.
"Sorry, I should answer this one." I told Eleanor. "It's chase and he won't stop until I answer."
She nodded in understanding. I stood up and walked a bit away from her.
"What?" I snapped as I answered the call.
"Wow, what a sunshine." came Chase's mocking voice. "What has bit your ass?"
"What is it, Chase? I'm busy." I answered with a bored tone as I looked behind me at Eleanor. I smiled a bit when I saw Daisy talking to her animatedly. I really wanted to be with the two of them.
"Where the fuck are you?" asked Chase suspiciously. "You left so early today. Are you out? Should I be worried?"
"No, I'm fine." I said as I smiled at the sisters and murmured the next words. "I can't be better than this."
"Are you with a new girl?" asked Chase, not giving up. "Seriously, man. I'm hurt. You should have at least told me if you had found someone to hook up with."
"Chase, shut up." I sighed. "I'm with Eleanor. We have brought her little sister to the park."
Silence fell on the other side for a minute. "Really?" questioned Chase shocked.
"Yup!" I answered. "And if you are done investigating I should go back to them."
"Are you not coming to David's party tonight?" asked Chase. "I thought we could get drunk and maybe each find a beautiful bitch for the night."
"Believe me, mate." I said and smiled as Eleanor and Daisy looked my way and waved to me happily. "I won't change this with thousands of those crazy parties. Eleanor is way better than any girl."
"Shit!" was Chase's answer. "Boy, you are really whipped. You like her don't you?"
"Yeah," I answered truthfully. "She is an angel, Chase. every day, she manages to brighten my life more."
Chase was silent this time more than necessary. "Chase?" I frowned impatiently. "Are you still there?"
"Can you take them to the carnival that has been set recently?" asked Chase suddenly.
"Why?" I asked as my frown deepened. Chase was planning something that I wasn't sure was good.
"Just do it, okay?" he said as I heard some sound in the background. "Please, help your poor mate. I have a plan. Don't worry. At least you will spend more time with your girl."
"Chase, I swear to God if you make Eleanor sad or uncomfortable I will personally smash you." I grunted firmly, the threat evident in my voice.
"Chill." he answered. "She is my best pal's girl. I won't hurt her. Just trust me. I will see you guys in half an hour in the carnival."
With that, he ended the call. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt Eleanor. Yet I was wary of his stupid plan. But he sounded so excited about his plan. And I wouldn't mind helping him. I was going to spend more time with Eleanor. My girl.
God! I liked how it sounded.
Shaking those possessive thoughts out of my mind, I walked toward the girls.
"Chris, can we go and have ice cream before going home?" asked Daisy excitedly as she jumped up and down and gave me her irresistible puppy eyes. "Please? Pretty please??"
I chuckled and caressed her hair. "Of course, flower." I answered and made her squeal. "And after that, we will go to the fair that has come to our city this week."
"Really?" asked Daisy in some sort of trance, her eyes actually showing hearts.
"Yup!" I replied and looked at Eleanor who was looking at me with confusion. "Of course if your sister agrees."
In less than a second Daisy latched herself to Eleanor. "Please, Ellie." she practically begged. "Can we go? Please, Please, Please, Please."
"I don't know, Daisy." answered Eleanor and I could feel the gears running in her mind.
"Come on, beautiful." I said and sat beside Eleanor. "I will pay for everything. I just want you to come. Daisy needs this."
"But Chris, I can't let you pay." she answered and bit her bottom lip while glancing at a very excited Daisy.
"Hey," I said and grabbed her hand. "Please, just this one night, don't argue with me. Please? for me and Diasy?"
I mimicked Daisy's puppy eyes and Eleanor began to giggle after a moment, obviously defeated. "Okay." she answered and raised her hands in surrender as Daisy and I yelled happily.
"You won't regret it, angel." I said as we stood up and I grabbed her bag. I sling it over my shoulder and grabbed their hands as we began to walk to my car. "This is going to be a night to remember."
Half an hour later we were in front of the gates of the carnival. To say I was enjoying my time, was an underestimate. It was so good to spend time with Eleanor. Whenever I was with her all my problems would vanish in thin air and nothing was more important for me than her and that moment.
Her laughter, her eyes, and her beautiful face were mesmerizing. Her words and her smooth honey-like tone were enchanting. She was so fucking perfect.
Besides, seeing Daisy ecstatic and happy was so good as well. She was truly a ball of sunshine. Eleanor and I had laughed all the time in the ice cream parlor as Daisy babbled none stop about her school.
Just then, my phone went off. I answered it when I saw it was Chase.
"Where are you?" he asked sounding a bit out of breath, making my heart beat increase from fear of what he had planned.
"Right in front of the gates." I answered.
"Wait there for a second." he answered and end the call.
"Are you expecting someone?" asked Eleanor.
"Well," I said and scratched the back of my neck. "It was Chase. Actually, it was his idea to come here tonight. I don't ..."
I was cut off by a familiar voice. Eleanor and I both turned and saw Mia running franticly toward us, followed by a grinning Chase who winked at me the moment I glared at him.
That dumb ass and his plan!
"Mia!" said Eleanor shocked as Mia reached us. "What are you doing here? What's wrong?"
Mia grabbed both of Eleanor's shoulders and her frantic eyes searched Eleanor's body for any injuries. "Are you fine?" asked Mia worriedly. "Who was the one that hurt you?"
"What are you talking about?" answered Eleanor with a deep frown. "Mia, I'm fine. Nothing has happened today."
"Hello!" said Daisy and waved for Mia. "Are you here to come and play with us? We are going to the carnival."
I glared at Chase who was grinning like a fool. "You dumbass." I mouthed for him.
Mia looked at Eleanor with squinted eyes, digesting what Eleanor just said. Her eyes slowly widened and she turned to chase with furious eyes. Her glare was murderous.
"Babe, look at its bright side." said Chase as he took a step backward and raised his hands trying to look innocent. "You now can spend time with your bestie and your beloved crush that is yours truly. Isn't it nice?"
"You fucking asshole." seethed Mia and took a menacing step toward Chase.
"Mia!" Eleanor and I screamed together and I tried to cover Daisy's ears and eyes. Surely, hell was about to break loose.
"You told me that she is hurt, that someone has beat her up." shrank Mia angrily and jabbed Chase's chest with her finger. "I was worried sick. My heart was jumping out of my rib cage. I was this close to having a heart attack!"
Chase didn't back away anymore. He had a smirk on his face and he was obviously enjoying this. "Come on, Mia." he said and grabbed both of mia's wrists. "You were just reading a book on this fine night. Don't you want to have some fun?"
Mia released her hands away, sighed, and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm going home." she announced and tried to walk away but Chase quickly grabbed her arm and stopped her.
"Can you not be stubborn for one fucking time?" he snapped angrily. "What should I do so you give me one chance? Should I kneel and beg? Will you be satisfied then?"
Honestly, I was shocked as well. Chase was deadly serious but at the same time, his tone and his eyes held a pleading tone. Mia was shocked as well. She just stood there and looked up into Chase's eyes.
"Please can we go?" whined Daisy and tugged on my hand.
"Just this one time." said Mia and yanked her arm out of Chase's hold. "And you will pay for everything."
She then turned on her heels and walked to Eleanor. With one hand she grabbed Eleanor's hand and with another, she grabbed Daisy's. "Let's empty their pockets girls." she said and then dragged a shrinking Daisy and a giggling Eleanor through the fair's gates.
Eleanor turned her head and looked at me from above her shoulder. I grinned and shrugged my shoulders. I then looked at my side as Chase stood beside me. His face was still hard, but I could see the light of hope shining in his eyes as they followed Mia.
"I think your plan worked at least." I said and nudged his arm.
"She is one hell of a stubborn girl." grumbled Chase as we followed the girls inside. "But now that my best pal is with her best friend, I think It's my best chance with her as well. I will make her like me, you will see."
We both smirked and did our short bro handshake before we focused on our girls. The night was amazing. Soon all of us were laughing and enjoying ourselves. Even Mia warmed up to Chase and I could see how he was grinning at her when she would talk to him with a smile on her face.
And he was calling me whipped!!
Though most of my focus was on Eleanor and Daisy. Eleanor looked like a goddess. Her laughter was the most melodic sound that I have ever heard and her face was so angelic and beautiful. Her eyes were shining brightly as we tested several rides and played different games, like shooting.
I won one big unicorn for Daisy which she was about to swoon over it. Eleanor also won the shooting, but she chose a football ball out of everything.
"Why the football ball?" I asked with a smirk on my face and wiggled my eyebrows. "Do you want to have it in your room so you will remember me all the time?"
"Don't flatter yourself, Chris." she rolled her eyes but then looked down at the ball happily. "This is for Liam. He wanted one for a while."
For sure she had a heart of gold. She was too kind for her own good. Too good for this world altogether. She was the type of girl to sacrifice her own happiness for others. But I wasn't going to complain. I liked her the way she was. And I was going to make sure she was alright always.
I couldn't help it. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. "You are the greatest sister ever, angel." I said and she looked up at me and gave me a bright smile, making me kiss her forehead.
God! Only you know how much I want to kiss her lips right now!
"Ellie." Daisy's voice brought me out of my trance.
"yes, sweetie?" asked Eleanor as she ran a hand through Daisy's hair, trying to tame her curls a bit. She looked so sweet with her face painted like a bee. "I'm hungry."
"Oh!" said Eleanor. "So I think we should go home now. That was enough for one night."
"Home?" scoffed Chase as he and Mia stood beside us. Surprisingly, his arm was around Mia's shoulders and she seemed okay with it. "No one goes home after a carnival. We will go to McDonald's. Everyone is my guest."
"Yeah!!" shrank Daisy and jumped up and down happily. She then ran and hugged Chase around his knees. "I love you Chaseie."
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