《Consequences Of Actions》Chapter 16: Standing for herself!
I was walking in the corridors of the school the next morning, trying to stay as invisible as possible. But of course, my efforts were in vain. My last day's exit from school with Chris had not gone unnoticed by students and their rumors about me and Chris had intensified.
Although, my mind was so occupied with thoughts about Chris and the Kind soul's charity. Ethan had called me the last night when I was eating dinner and had told me about the documents I needed to hand over to the NGO. He was so positive that I could get the money in a month, making me positive also.
But the biggest part of my mind was occupied with Chris and his actions. How was I supposed to hate him and keep my distance when he was this perfect toward me? He was stirring some odd feelings in my heart that I had not felt before.
I reached my locker and began to take out my stuff, drowned in my thoughts. Suddenly, my shoulder was grabbed harshly. My locker was slammed shut and the person turned me around and shoved me hard into the lockers behind me.
I cried in pain as my right shoulder blade was almost impaled by the key that was still in the lock of my locker. I closed my eyes tightly to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.
"You bitch!"
I forced my eyes open and stared into the furious eyes of Lara standing in front of me, giving me the dirtiest and most poisonous look someone could conjure. Her minions were standing behind her, glaring at me like idiots with crossed arms.
"Did you really think you can stand between me and my boyfriend?" screeched Lara, gathering the attention of everyone around us. She shoved me to the lockers again, making me hiss in pain as my shoulder blade once again was impaled with the key.
"Look at you." scoffed Lara, mockery dripping from her voice while she looked at me up and down with disgust. "What does he see in you? You are the most disgusting girl I have ever seen. Look at you, cowering back like a dirty rat you are when your precious friends are not here to protect your ass."
"Ella!" Mia's voice came and everyone turned and saw her rushing toward us.
"Guardian number one is here." scoffed Lara and turned to me again.
She then raised a threatening finger in my face. "Stay away from Chris." she spat. "You don't deserve to be even near him, you whore."
I watched her pull back and turned to leave after throwing the last dirty glance my way. I stood there and held my shoulder with my left hand, trying to relieve some pain that was surging through my body.
"Ella! Are you fine?" asked Mia worriedly who was now by my side and put a hand on my shoulder. But my eyes were on Lara and I could only hear one voice in my head.
Promise you will not let others abuse your kindness and you will fight back if they tried to hurt you.
Chris's words repeated in my mind. I was furious. I had enough of this imbecile talking low of me. Who did she think she is to order me what to do? Just because she was rich didn't mean she had any superiority over me.
"I will do what I want." I said, thanking my voice to stay strong and loud.
Everyone gasped and Lara halted and turned to me with a shocked yet disgusted face. She studied my face for a second before letting out a bitchy laugh and stepping in front of me again.
"My, my." she sneered and crossed her arms. "The mouse has a voice after all. What did you say, dear?"
"I feel so sorry for you, Samuels." I said coldly as I stared into Lara's eyes seeing them widening a bit. Everyone, even Mia was shocked to see me talk back and defend myself for the first time.
"You are such a pathetic and pitiful girl." I continued, feeling more confident as the words I wanted to say for the last two years finally was flowing out of my mouth. "I'm only Chris's friend. But I now understand why he broke up with you. You are such an ignorant girl who is nothing if someone gets your money from you."
"You poor slut! How can you ..." Lara began to say angrily, obviously seething in fury, but I didn't let her continue.
"I pity you." I said. "You even haven't learned to not judge people based on their clothes. You can't even see beyond the end of your nose. Always taking from people and not giving them anything in return, only caring for yourself. It's only a matter of time before you feel how truly you are alone."
"You think so bravely now, huh?" seethed Lara and fisted the collar of my shirt in her hand.
"Hey, let her go, you bitch." Mia yelled angrily but as she tried to shove and pry Lara from me, two of Lara's minions grabbed her arms and pulled her back.
I didn't give Lara the satisfaction of cowering back. I was feeling so brave to finally stand up for myself. "I suggest you let go." I warned although I knew it was only an empty threat. She was able to crush me under her heels with ease. I was not one for catfights.
"Yeah, you feel so brave indeed." scoffed Lara while staring into my eyes with eyes that were wide from hatred and anger. "You think so brave now that Chris is by your side, don't you? Do you think he will protect you?"
"I will."
Boomed a deep angry voice and everyone turned to see Chris pushing his way toward us looking like an angry manic. He was a head and above most students and the fury in his eyes made me shiver and want to cower back, although it was not directed to me.
Chase was right behind him and he looked on the verge of exploding as his murderous eyes were glued to the two girls who had held Mia tightly.
"And I suggest you drop your fucking hand." seethed Chris as he finally stepped into the circle that had been created around us. Lara and her minions quickly let go of us and stepped back, looking scared.
Chris took a menacing step toward Lara. His fists were so tight that his knuckles had turned white and his jaw was clenched, making him look more furious. His nostrils were flaring and he looked feral.
"Don't test my fucking patience, Lara." he practically growled. "If I ever again see you even around Eleanor, or get to know you have hurt her, so help me God, I will make your life a living hell and make sure you and your family will live the rest of your fucking lives in misery. You know better to not take this threat lightly."
Lara just stood there and stared frightened at Chris as her minions ran away, leaving her alone. Chris took a step closer to her. "Do you understand?" He growled again making her nod profusely. "Good, now get lost."
Lara didn't need to be told twice. She whipped around and ran away like the devil himself was after her.
"What are you fuckers staring at?" yelled Chase as he stood protectively beside Mia, looking scarily angry. "Get lost."
Everyone quickly scrambled away. Chris quickly turned to me and his eyes softened immediately as they fell on me.
"God! Eleanor." he said worriedly as he rushed to me and gently held me by arms, looking up and down my body, searching for any sign of injury. "Are you fine? You look pale. Are you feeling pain anywhere?"
"I'm fine, Chris." I said but as I moved my right arm a bit, pain shot from my shoulder blade and I hissed in pain and reached for my shoulder with the other arm.
"No you are not." stated Chris sternly.
"The bitch should have shoved you to the locker's key." said Mia angrily and looked at me. "Am I right?"
"It's really nothing." I said although the pain was too much. "It will be fine. I'm sure nothing is broken."
"Yet you should let the nurse check it up, butter cake." said Chase, for the first time talking to me.
I was a bit surprised to see concern in his black eyes. Between Chris and Chase, Chase was a lot more aggressive. Both had been caught during countless fights, but Chase was more violent than Chris and I was always afraid of him.
Yet he was standing there, behind Mia, looking at me with his brows furrowed and concern in his eyes.
"Come." said Chris with a finality in his voice and he gently began to guide me toward the nurse's office. One of his arms around my shoulders and the other on my arm, somehow side hugging me. The other two followed behind us silently.
I didn't protest. It was best that the nurse take a look at my shoulder blade. The pain was too much. Maybe the injury was serious. I glanced at Chris and felt guilty at seeing his deep frown and clenched jaw.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled and dropped my head. All of that confidence and adrenaline now gone from my body, leaving me tired and a bit trembling.
"For what?" asked Chris and looked down at me confused.
"For making another problem for you." I answered. "Again."
"Shut up, okay?" he said and smirked at me. "I'm so fucking proud right now. You did as you promised. I heard your last words, putting that bitch in her place. At first, I couldn't believe my fucking ears. That was great."
"Thank you for having my back." I smiled back at him, feeling a bit proud of myself.
"I told you that I will be with you." he responded with a smile. "Always."
I blushed a bit at hearing his words and felt warmth spread inside of me. It felt so good to have him by my side. I couldn't help but feel safe and protected.
We reached the nurse's office and Chris knocked before opening the door and guiding me inside.
"Uh, you two again." groaned the old lady who was our nurse and glared at Chase and Chris. They had the honor of being there with split lips and knuckles or sending boys with at least a broken nose after a fight.
"It's not the two of us today, nurse Mary." answered Chris and pointed his head to me. "It's her."
Nurse Mary's eyes immediately softened as they fell on my probably pale face. "Oh dear, what has happened to you?" she asked as she guided us to a bed in a corner.
"Someone has shoved her into her locker and her key has impaled her back." explained Mia hurridly as Chris helped me to sit on the bed.
"It's better not be one of you two." scolded the nurse and glared at the boys again.
Chase raised his hands in defense so did Chris. "Our hands are clear this time." answered Chase. "We have some manners. We don't hit girls. It was some delusional bitch."
The nurse rolled her eyes and looked at me again. She began to put pressure on my shoulder blade. I hissed as she pressed on the exact place and I shut my eyes tightly, biting my bottom lip hard to stop myself from screaming.
"Hey!" snapped Chris angrily and grabbed my hand quickly while glaring at the nurse. "You are hurting her."
"Chris!" I gasped both from pain and his rude remark.
"I know what I'm doing, boy." answered the nurse sternly. She pointed to both boys. "Now you two go and wait outside."
"He will shut it up." reasoned Chase. "We will stay."
"No you won't." said nurse Mary as she shooed them outside. "I should examine her injury closely and she needs to take off her blouse."
To Mia's and my surprise boys mumbled a few curses under their breaths and walked out with their ears turning red.
"God! I never thought I will see this day." chuckled Mia while she came and stood beside me. "They blushed."
We chuckled until the nurse returned. "Okay, dear." she said. "Now let us take off your blouse so I can see what's wrong."
A few minutes later, after a few more agonizing pokings, the nurse finally let me put back my clothes and called the boys inside. Not surprisingly, Ethan was with them. His face was full of worry as he rushed inside.
"Ella!" he called making me smile at him. "Hey, how are you? Sorry that I was not there with you."
"I'm fine, Ethan." I said reassuringly and put a hand on his arm. "Don't worry yourself."
"Your shoulder blade is fine." explained the nurse. "But your muscle has been hurt bad. It's bruised and swollen where the key has been pushed in. It will be sore and painful for the next few days. I will give you an ointment to soothe the pain. Wait for a few minutes here."
"Thank you." I said as I watched her disappear into a storage room. I then glanced back at the four in front of me. They were all looking at me expectantly. "Seriously, guys. I'm fine. It won't kill me."
"It shouldn't have happened." argued Ethan. "I should have come earlier. I slept in. I will come and pick you up from tomorrow on."
"Don't bother your pretty sleep," said Chris, looking a bit pissed, challenging Ethan into another glaring contest. "I will pick her myself."
"You have already cost her enough pain." snapped Ethan. "Can't you see? This is all because of you."
I felt a tug in my heart when I see Chris's face fell and guilt filled his beautiful eyes. No! I didn't want to see him sad like that.
"Ethan!" I said angrily. Everyone was shocked to detect anger in my voice. "Don't say things like that. It was not Chris's fault. It's no one's mistake other than Lara's. Please stop this bickering."
Chris was looking at me with an unreadable emotion in his eyes. At least he didn't seem guilty anymore. His gaze was too intense like he wanted to see deep into my soul. Not being able to hold his gaze anymore, I looked away.
Where was nurse Mary???
"And I don't need anyone to pick me up for school in the mornings." I said quietly while fidgeting. "I don't think Lara will try to do anything again after what Chris told her. And if she does, I won't stand and watch."
"Jesus!" smirked Chase and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Chris's attitude must have rubbed on you so bad. You have become bolder, baby."
"Don't call her that."
The three others in the room yelled at Chase, each for different reasons. Though Chase's eyes were only fixed on Mia and his smirk grew wider as he stepped closer to her so they were only a few inches away.
"Ah, sorry, babe." he said smugly while staring down at her feisty face. "Didn't know you would get jealous. My baby girl is only you. That's for sure."
"Get away from her." seethed Ethan and shoved Chase away from now flushed Mia, standing in front of her protectively.
Chase only let out a throaty laugh and stared at Mia who looked away and crossed her arms. Chase then looked at me and his smirk slowly vanished.
"By the way, Eleanor." he said and stepped closer to me.
Unknowingly, I grabbed Chris's hand that was beside me on the bed, trying to comfort myself. sensing my discomfort, Chris squeezed my hand and send a warning glare at Chase, making him stop in his steps.
Chase gulped and his eyes filled with guilt. He scratched the back of his head and looked at me, a side of his face scrunched up from embarrassment and how awkward he was feeling. "I wanted to apologize for all the bad things I have done to you. I know it's not enough, but I wish you can forgive me. I hope at least you try to do it. I'm sorry."
I stared into his eyes shocked. That was so unheard of, Chase Smith apologizing. But he looked sincere. If my forgiveness would cause him to leave his bad ways or at least leave me at ease, then I would forgive.
"I will try." I smiled at him and saw his eyes lit up.
"Thank you, buttercup." he said and then glanced at Mia whose jaw was practically on the ground along with Ethan, and smirked. "You may want to close your mouth, babe. I don't want any flies to go into the mouth that I will kiss."
Mia quickly composed herself as I tried to stifle my chuckles. "Only in your dreams, Smith." she scoffed. "Only in your dreams."
"My dreams are much dirtier, darling." responded Chase, making Mia blush harder.
"You pig!" grunted Mia but just as she was marching toward Chase, nurse Mary came out of the storage room holding a tube.
"Here you go dear." she said and handed me the tube of ointment. "I have already applied some for you. Just reapply it every four or five hours and before sleep. You will be good as new soon."
"Thank you." I answered and jumped down the bed with Chris's help and we all headed out of the room after she gave us our slips.
The corridors were all empty, filling me with guilt. Mia and Chase were walking in front, bickering among themselves and I was behind them with Chris and Ethan on each side of me.
"I'm making all of you miss your classes one after the other." I groaned and rubbed my face. "I'm so sorry."
"Well, I don't give a shit." answered Chris nonchalantly and wrapped an arm around my middle waist gently.
"Don't worry, Ella." smiled Ethan warmly. "No one will die by missing a few minutes of history."
"I think so." I giggled feeling better.
"Hey," said Ethan quietly and nudge my arm lightly. I glanced up at him. "Did you bring the things I told you?"
"Yes, everything." I whispered. "All are in my locker now. Can we go after school?"
"Of course." answered Ethan still in a low voice. "I will drop you at work after. The woman there assured me that it won't take longer than half an hour to fill the form."
"What are you talking about?" asked Chris suspiciously.
I turned and saw him looking at me with a deep frown on his face. For some unknown reason, he didn't like me talking with Ethan or having some talks with him that Chris had no idea about. But I was not ready to tell him about the NGO. It was kind of uneasy for me. I was a teenager after all. It was hard to talk about taking money from a charity in front of a rich handsome boy that I may have a crush on.
"Um, nothing." I answered nervously, making his frown deepen. "It's nothing. I will tell you later. We reached my class."
Ethan and I stood in front of the class.
"Bye, guys." said Mia and waved at us before walking toward her own class. "See you at lunch."
"Hey!" yelled Chase. "You could have at least waved me goodbye too."
Mia only flipped him off, making him chuckle.
I turned my head when I felt Chris's arms around me. He kissed my forehead and pulled away. I felt bad when I saw his frown still in place. "See you soon, beautiful." he said and walked away with Chase.
I was sitting in the class with Ethan when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and was surprised to see a message from Chris.
I will pick you up after school. Wait for me by your locker.
I bit my lip before replying back.
Sorry. I have to go somewhere with Ethan. He will drop me off at work.
His reply came back almost instantly.
Where are you going with him???
I told you. I will explain later. Please trust me.
His next message came a few minutes later. I was nervous. I was feeling so bad about not telling him. Part of me was feeling like a traitor although he had turned from my bully to my friend for three days now.
I will pick you up tonight.
his short reply bothered me a lot. After almost peeling my bottom lip by nibbling on it for some minutes, finally I made up my mind and send him the next message.
I will tell you everything tonight. I promise.
Just be careful, beautiful. That's all that matters.
I took a deep breath and smiled at my phone. God! This boy was awakening some feelings in me that I was not familiar with, but I liked it so much.
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