《Consequences Of Actions》Chapter 11: New emotions
I woke up that morning before my alarm can go off. It was five in the morning, but I couldn't sleep from excitement. I was going back to school. I even didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing. Maybe I should have stayed out of school and continued working in the mornings too.
But then again, I would be so tired for the night shift and I couldn't afford any mistakes in an expensive restaurant like Harrington's hotel. They were paying me just like the combination of the supermarket and the club. So maybe it was best I would give myself a week of rest and go to school before deciding whether to quit school again or not. I wouldn't admit it in front of anyone. But I was really, like really tired.
I showered and changed into light blue skinny jeans and a floral blouse that belonged to my mother. I then walked to Liam's room and turned off his alarm clock. The poor boy could sleep more today.
He was awake when I came back home last night and was quick to interrogate me when he see my happy face. I told him everything, of course except the part that Chris was my bully before and our argument in front of the club.
Liam may be younger than me, but he could sure as hell act like a protective big brother. the muscles he had gained from being on the football team for two years and the fact that he was as tall as me, were helping him extra.
He was happier than something I was, and was calling the event a miracle. And indeed it was a miracle.
For an hour I walked around the house and tidy up everything and did a bit of laundry before going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast before waking up my siblings. All the time, my mind was focused on certain someone.
I couldn't help the flutter I would feel in my heart whenever I was thinking about the last day. Harrington, or Chris, as he asked me to call him, had turned from the demon responsible to ruin me to my guardian angel in a matter of half a day.
I couldn't help the heat that would creep up from my neck to my face whenever I would remember the way he would hold my hands or give me his dazzling smile or when his jade eyes would sparkle happily at seeing my own smile.
I couldn't help the butterflies that would party in my stomach, or the warmth and the feeling of safety that would surge through my heart whenever he was holding my hand. I just couldn't help it. I liked this new feeling even if it was from my former tormentor.
"Why did you turn off my alarm?"
Liam's raspy morning voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I jumped and whipped around and sighed once I saw him standing there still in his pajamas.
"Sorry!" he said and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Didn't want to startle you. Good morning."
"It's okay and good morning to you too." I smiled and turned off the oven and put the last pancake into the pile I have created in a dish. "I woke up early and thought you may need your beauty sleep. You seemed tired last night."
"Yeah, thank you." he said as he took a pancake and hopped on top of a counter. "I had football practice yesterday and then I had to trim grass for three houses."
"Liam," I sighed. "As much as I appreciate your responsibility, you don't have to work hard. At least not on the days you have football practice. I don't want you to tire yourself and become sick."
"Don't worry for me." he said and rolled his eyes and flexed his bicep muscles, making me chuckle. "Girl, I'm pure muscles. A bit of work won't kill me. It's you I'm worried about. Thanks to heaven you won't have to work two shifts anymore. You looked like a zombie."
"Now, you don't need to be worried for me." I said. "Finish your breakfast. I'm going to wake Daisy up and help her get ready."
Around 7, I was ready to leave and even had my jacked on. I had stood next to the living room's window that had a view of the front yard. I was nervously picking on my nails. Would Chris really come or have I dreamt of yesterday? What if his yesterday behavior was the after-effect of his accident and he suddenly would come back to his senses and return to his old self?
"Who are you waiting for?"
I squealed and jumped out of my wits at hearing Liam's voice right behind me. The idiot was practically breathing down my neck while trying to look outside with a frown on his face. I groaned and shoved him back.
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack today?" I snapped.
"Whatever." he rolled his eyes and folded his arms in front of his chest. "Who are you waiting for again?"
"Someone." I answered vaguely and looked outside again. My heart sank when I saw Chris's car pulling over in front of my house. I smiled widely as a sudden relief washed over me. He was here.
"Is he your boyfriend?" asked Liam a bit loudly, making me frown and shove him out of my way again.
I looked away and quickly grabbed my backpack, hoping Liam don't see the blush that crept into my face at hearing his words.
"So he is." cried Liam and threw his arm around aggressively. "You are blushing! damn it! I should have known it!"
He rolled up his sleeves and marched toward the front door, only to be stopped by me. "Ah, Ah, Ah." I said and glared at him. "You won't come out and embarrass me, young man."
Liam opened his mouth to say something but I beat him up to it. "He is not my boyfriend." I said quickly. "He is just a boy from my school who helped me yesterday. So don't act like a protective brother. Besides, you are younger than me."
"Say hello to your boyfriend for me." chirped Daisy as she come to me jumping on her feet like a kangaroo. "Should we tell mommy that you have a boyfriend when we saw her today?"
Just then, we heard a honking. I quickly kissed Daisy's head and stared sternly into her eyes. "He is not my boyfriend, buttercup." I said. "And don't tell mommy about this at all. We don't want to make her worried now, do we?"
I kissed her head again when she shook her head and then rushed to the front door. "Don't forget your lunch boxes and be careful. See you." I said and quickly went out and closed the door behind me, not giving time to a not too satisfied Liam to protest.
Taking a deep breath I walked toward Chris's beautiful car. I remember when he came to school with it for the first time. I still remember his proud face as he had stood beside it and was talking to the enthusiastic girls who had huddled around himand others' envious stares at the car. Even I fancied getting into that car.
And now there I was, opening the door of the same exact car and getting inside, living the dream life that most of the girls in school wanted. Having the great Chris Harrington picking them up for school.
He looked as handsome as ever, wearing another black hoddie with some writings on it and black jeans with black vans. His hair was tousled, just making him appear more handsome.
"Hello," I greeted him while smiling and butterflies again started their crazy dancing as I stared into his sparkling jade eyes and saw his dazzling smile once again forming on his lips.
There she was. The girl who had suddenly made herself the center of my life. Even my fucking dreams were about her last night and surprisingly I had had the best sleep in the past years all because I was feeling oddly content, satisfied, and calm around her, even in my dreams.
My poor mother had practically a heart attack when I walked into the kitchen, ready to leave for school at half past six. She was insisting that my accident had something to do with my sudden odd behavior and although she was happy with the change, still she wanted me to go to the hospital to check my brain again.
And there was the fucking huge grin that I had found myself capable of since yesterday. I felt my heart beating faster than usual as I stared at her beside me. She didn't have any makeup on and had dark bags under her eyes. She was in a simple floral blouse and skinny jeans with a jacket on top of it. She looked simple and tired, yet she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
"Hello, beautiful." I answered and watched satisfied as her cheeks took a shade of pink at hearing my new pet name for her. The poor girl didn't know I was simply stating the truth.
"How are you feeling?" she asked worriedly while buckling her seatbelt. "Are you better?"
"Yeah, very much." I answered while I drove again, still glancing at her from time to time. "There should be something more drastic than a mere accident to knock out the great Harrington."
"That's good." she answered with a soft smile playing on her pink lips. "I hope no drastic event happens for you ever."
"Thank you, beautiful." I responded and she blushed again. Okay, that will be my pet name for her from now on. I cleared my throat and focused on my driving. "Okay, where is this supermarket we should go to?"
An hour later we walked out of the supermarket. I had gone inside with Eleanor to knock some sense into the manager if he decided to not let her resign. But thankfully her contract was experimental and the manager was a good person and give her her paycheck soon.
The club manager was also a good man it seemed. She had called him last night and he had no problem letting her resign. She only had to go there and take her paycheck too.
Yet the waiting in the manager's office had made me frustrated a bit. While walking to the car, I took out my cigarette packet and pulled out one stick from inside, putting it between my lips. While putting the packet back and searching for my lighter, I glanced at Eleanor and found her glaring at me, or better to say, at the cigarette between my lips.
Her face was so adorable with that frown on her face and I fucking wanted to awe her. I stopped walking and took the stick out from between my lips. "Do you mind if I smoke for a minute?" I asked.
"You shouldn't smoke." she stated firmly instead of answering me. "That is not healthy for a young man like you. Aren't you a football player? Is this not forbidden for you?"
I was stunned. I just stared down at her with wide eyes. She was still the shy girl. Her voice was a bit louder than usual, but still, the girl who was criticizing me was bolder than before. And more sexy with that beautiful pout adoring her kissable lips.
Shit! Snap out of it, Chris!
"Look, I don't want to act like your mother." she sighed and then looked into my eyes with her soft worried eyes. "But smoking is not healthy."
"I know," I answered and shrugged. "But I need something to calm me down. I don't mind a bit of poison if it means calming down. Plus a few fewer years won't matter to me at all."
"It doesn't matter to you, but surely it does to those who love you." she snapped suddenly, her eyes hard and daring, once again shocking me to the core. "Don't you dare to talk about your life like it's the most unworthy thing in the world. You are so important to your family and friends."
Well, sure I was important to my family, but friends, well I don't think any of them would shed a tear if I die. All except Chase. I have told the same words, even worth in front of Lara, my supposed girlfriend, and all she had done was call me whiny or ignore me.
But there she was. This petite girl who was not reaching my shoulders was glaring at me because I told her that a few years didn't matter. What would she say if she had heard my words about killing myself?
"Your life is so valuable, Chris." she smiled softly and put a delicate on my arm. "You are a good boy. I'm sure you have helped and will help so many people in your life, like me. Please, take care of yourself. You are an important person."
While I was busy staring speechless down at her, she slowly grabbed the cigarette from my hand and tossed it into the bin that was near us. She smiled brightly up at me. "Instead of smoking, let's do something else that will make you feel better." she offered. "What is it?"
Well, thankfully I didn't say the first thing that came to my mind. She would have run for the hills if I had stated that perverted thought. Instead, I thought more and came up with something funny.
"Let's sing a song while driving to school." I smirked slowly. "Loudly! and you should sing with me."
"Deal!" she beamed happily.
Okay, I didn't expect this. We almost had an accident four times while driving the short distance to school. I was mesmerized. I had fallen silent after the first song, just listening to the angel beside me who was singing enthusiastically.
I was enchanted by her beautiful voice. Turned out she knew the lyric of the songs I played by heart. Her eyes were closed and her face was free of every bad feeling, making her look even more gorgeous. Her head was bobbing a bit with the beat of the song, making her silky curls bounce a bit as well.
I fucking used her distraction and drove a bit longer around the school, just to hear her voice more. I was kinda feeling cursed when I pulled into the school's parking lot and stopped the car, making her stop as well and open her eyes.
"Oh, we arrived." she murmured and then looked at me, biting her lip nervously and blushing again. "Sorry if I disturbed you with my voice. I kinda lost myself."
"That was incredible." I stated honestly while staring at her with admiration. This girl was a goddess for sure. "You have a beautiful voice. You sing better than the fucking singers of the songs."
"Thank you." she mumbled again but smiled nonetheless, liking the compliment for sure. "let's go. The second period should have started by now."
I nodded and we both got out of the car and went into the school. The principal was ecstatic to have Eleanor back to school and for the first time was looking at me proudly for bringing back Eleanor. Sarah wouldn't stop smirking at me knowingly. I was relieved when we finally were released and were walking toward the class that we thankfully were sharing.
But Eleanor stopped a few steps away from the class's door and gazed down at her feet nervously. I stopped as well and stared at her confused.
"You can go first, Chris." she said quietly. "I will come in five minutes later."
Okay, that hurt bad. What the fuck did she mean? "Don't you want to be seen with me?" I asked and couldn't help the hurt that was laced with my tone.
She looked up into my eyes and this time it was her time to look confused. "Do you want to be seen with me?" she asked instead of answering and now I knew the reason behind her hesitance.
"I don't think you want to ruin your reputation at school." she explained softly and looked at her hands that were fidgeting with the hem of her blouse. "I know how much it's important for you. It's alright. You don't need to be around me or acknowledge me at school. I understand."
I took a deep breath and stood right in front of her, leaving only a few inches of space between us. I put a finger under her chin and raised her face so I could be able to stare into her addicting mesmerizing eyes.
"Don't you dare ever repeat what you said a moment ago." I said softly and put both of my hands on her shoulders, watching hope and relief fill her eyes. "If I don't want to be seen with an amazing girl like you, then who I should be seen with around? It will be my honor, of course, if you would like it as well. I don't want to force you."
"Your girlfriend won't like it for sure." she mumbled shyly and dropped her head again, but I was able to detect worry laced with her tone. She was afraid of Lara. Who wouldn't be? Lara was a bitch who wouldn't mind hurting others to have what she wanted.
"Believe me, our relationship is nothing more than a name." I said firmly. "And don't worry. I won't let Lara hurt you if that's the problem."
"I don't want to be the reason for your break up." she looked up and spoke hurriedly, this time with guilt swirling in her eyes.
I groaned and dropped my head a bit. "Eleanor, stop thinking so much." I grumbled. "There is nothing to break. You can be sure of that. Lara and I were having problems even without you around. Don't panic and don't feel scared or guilty, okay?"
She bit her lip and stared desperately into my eyes like she was searching for some sort of comfort or reassurance. I couldn't help my next action. I gently released her lip from the cage of her teeth, making her gasp a bit as my thumb touched her warm lips, sending shivers down both of our spines.
I hardly controlled myself and looked back up into her eyes and repeat myself. "Okay?" I asked and this time she nodded slowly.
"Good," I smiled down at her, making her smile as well, although her cheeks were bright red. "Now let's go in. I'm sure you don't want to lose any more of the class."
She nodded and walked ahead of me. Once in front of the class, I stood close behind her and let her take a deep breath and then I knocked on the door, before turning the handle and opening the door, and putting my other hand on her back, pushing her in gently.
Immediately gasps filled the air and 25 shocked pairs of eyes fell on us and I felt Eleanor tense under my palm.
Okay, let's the hell begin...
A/N: Hello, dears. please vote if you liked the chapter and tell me what you think by leaving a comment.
Thank you all
Ela :)))))
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