《The ThickGirl and The Badboy》Chapter 2:Work For It


"You did what? Exactly?!"

"I stood up to him, he can't just disrespect me like that. It's total bull."

"Well...that's true, but girl, you just got yourself in another problem. Sean always gets what he wants, so he'll most likely do something to get back at you for embarrassing him in front of his friends."

Sean was a jerk, he deserved it.

But Crystal had a point, Sean never lets anything go. I sighed, taking a break.

Crystal and I, were at the gym, we always went together when we clearly got something to say, or just to get everything out. It was finally Friday, and we were lifting weights.

"Wanna go home now?" Crystal said chugging some water.

"Nah, lets just tone our legs."

She complained.

"Ughh, I swear all you ever wanna do is leg workout, like I want arms not legs." Easy for her to say, she already had beautiful toned long legs.

I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon you big baby get fit."

"This isn't about getting your thighs skinny is it?" I sighed, she knew.

"Leeny, you're already perfect, I mean look at you! What guy wouldn't resist grabbing that ass, and legs."

"I bumped into someone after the whole Sean incident." I mentioned to her to change the subject.

"Really, who?" I lifted the bar, and placed it on my shoulders, squatting. I could feel my whole legs burning from the previous workouts. I loved it! While Crystal did the same only with no weight at all. After we both got done, I explained everything.

From bumping into the squishy wall, to seeing a handsome guy, and scaring the shit out of me. But I didn't tell her the after school incident.

"Oh my gosh!" Crystal squealed, how can she still scream? "I think you bumped into Bryson Anderson!"

"Who?" I ask confused.

"The bad boy I was talking about this morning! He's so hot! And-"

"You never even told me his story."

She rolled her eyes, "I mean it's not like you even care." She crosses her arms pretending to be mad.

"True." I smile at her. "C'mon, let's go home now."

"Finally! I thought you were gonna make us do abs next."

"Well, I mean I would, but I figured you'd want food instead."

"I do! I do!" She jumped up and down like a little kid.

I laughed.

"Then lets get going! Protein Baby, I'm coming!"

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

'If you had a twin, I would still choose you

I don't wanna rush into it, if it's too soon

But I know you need to get done, done...'

Crystal and I were currently driving ourselves to my house, listening to Rihanna's song Work. We came to a red light, and kept singing, a car pulling up next to us.

"Ooh don't look now, but right next to us are some ideal hotties," Crystal whispered, which made us both stop our crazy dance and act normal for once.

"How do you know they're hot? It's like dark right now."


"Uh, because they're in a convertible and hey, I have good eyes for cute guys." She winked. I rolled my eyes smiling, accidentaly making eye contact with one of the guys. He winked, my cheeks flushed.

I looked towards my steering wheel instead, and realized I needed gas.

"Shit! We need gas, where's the nearest gas station?"

"Uh...up to the left."

Once the light turned green, I may have speeded my way to the gas station with luck that no cop stopped me.

I came out of the gas station, where right next to us were the hot guys. Crystal flirting with one of them.

Oh brother, I rolled my eyes.

The one she was currently flirting with, had mocha skin, and clear blue eyes. He was gorgeus that could be a model if he wasn't one already.

Whilst the other had chocolate brown hair styled straight down messily,and a strong jaw followed by green eyes and tanned skin.

I could see both of their muscles peeking through their tight shirts.

I made my way to the gas pump alittle nervous, while Crystal still happily flirted with the guy, and the other also pumping gas.

"Koleen," Crystal said just noticing me."This is Mason, and that cutie pie over there, is Jaxon." She said wiggling her eyebrows. I looked at them with alerting eyes, feeling the awkwardness rising up.

"Koleen, dont be rude." Cryst murmured to me.

Both guys laughed.

"Uh..hi..I guess.." They all laughed, my cheeks heating up like a red rose.

Why am I not confident right know?

Oh wait, probably because I'm in leggings and a sport bra right now, my figure very visible.

"So how old are ya'll?" The guy, well Jaxon, spoke in a husky voice startling me.

"We're both seniors." Crystal answered for the both of us.

"Cool, we both graduated from high school last year." He flashed me a smile. Damn that jaw.

"Yeah, ok um. We need to go-"

"Why dont we take y'all to dinner? Looks like you both just got out of the gym, and I'm sure you're both starving." Mason stated.

My arms instinctively covered my body, my cheecks burning in agony.

I was sweaty and gross.

Crystal laughed flirtily and yelled, "Yes! We'd love to! 'C'mon Koleen im starving!" She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Cryst. I dont have a shirt, I forgot to pack one, I cant just go out in a public area, and have people seeing me like this."

"Why can't they? I know I'm loving the sight," Jaxon winked.

"Dont worry, I have a shirt with me in my gym bag. Here, I'll go get it in the back." She went to the back, Mason tagging along. Oh gosh.

"So baby, tell me about yourself? ."

'I did not want to interact with him!' I thought to myself.

"I've never seen you around school last year." I try to make conversation.

"And I've never seen you, but here we are."

"Right..." I stared at the gas pump waiting for it to hurry through.


"You know you're cute when you blush? It's like your cheecks match your outfit." His eyes raked my body, making me feel self concious.

"Stop looking at me like that..."

"Well I can't help myself," He said smirking.

I laughed nervously.

Crystal then luckily came back with one of her Nike shirts.

After finishing with gas, I quickly threw on the shirt, grateful for it to cover me.

"Where to?" She asks the boys.

"How bout IHOP," Mason said.

I cringed, I didn't exactly want pancakes after a workout, but if Crystal wanted to, I'll be a good friend and just eat it.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

"So we jumped off the car, and got scrapes all over our body." Crystal told the boys one of our funny stories laughing.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom." I whispered to Crystal leaving.

She nodded in an 'ok' response.

As I was about to pry open the door to the bathroom, I felt someone close behind.

"We've got to stop meeting like this, ThunderThighs." A deep husky voice whispered in my ear, making my heart beat rapidly.

I turned around pushing whoever it was away from me.

"What the fuck, you fucking scared me!"

"Did I ?" He says starring at me.

"That's not my name by the way! It's Koleen, it's not that hard to say so I'm sure your small brain could handle it."

"Ouch. I much prefer ThunderThighs for a reason. Why'd you go to IHOP after a workout?" He questions staring at me.

I looked at my outfit which consisted of Nikes, pink leggings, and the white Nike T-shirt from Cryst.

I sighed, "Not my idea, it was a friend's."

"So your friends a fatty?"

"Stop!" I couldn't help but laugh a-little.

"You think it's funny." He smiles.

"Shut up."

It was oddly weird that he was intimidating before, and now I was laughing at him.

"Oh." A voice interrupted, "Um, well I was just gonna look for you since you took too long, but uh , I see y'all are busy..." Crystal faltered.

Was that a smirk I see?

"It's nothing. I was just leaving." I said walking away.

He didn't say anything, and just went inside the men's bathroom.

Well isn't that rude.

As we made our way back, I couldn't help but notice the way Crystal was looking at me.

"What?" I asked, but she only smirked at me."Shut up." I shoved her playfully.

"Damn. I was starting to think you two bailed on us after the impression we put. So where'd y'all ran off to?" Mason asked, his face dazzling.

We both gave nervous laughs.

"We um..bumped into someone." They both gave us weird looks, but didn't ask.

"So...I guess this is goodbye?" I said awkwardly.

"Baby, not after our one night stand." Jaxon said.

I rolled my eyes, I knew it was sarcasm but it was so cliche.

"I'm kidding. Gosh, when are you gonna get used to my jokes princess?"

"It's hard to take jokes like that serious."

"Don't get mad."

I didn't know if something would happen with him, you don't meet a hot guy everyday...

"Can we exchange numbers ?" Mason asks looking at Crystal.

I looked towards Jaxon who was already smiling with his phone ready in his hand.

I usually don't give out my number, but if it didn't work out, I'd just have to block him.

After exchanging numbers, we said our goodbyes.

Crystal burst out in the car ,"Omg , we just scored two hot guy's numbers!"

"I know. How did that even happen?"

"Our charm and good looks, that's how."

"What charm, we look like shit right now." I laughed.

"True true." Crystal laughed with me.

Our laughter died a couple minutes later, and we were greeted with a comfortable silence. And that's when my mind started racing:

'that guy was hot' my conscious told me.

He was not that hot.

'C'mon with those lips and arms. You would have a one night stand.'

And loose my virginity to that loser? no way.



My stomach was growling like crazy the next morning, and I was too tired to get out bed.

So I debated which one sounded better, sleep? Or Food?

Of course I went with food.

"Oh, hey dad." I greeted him walking into the kitchen.

"Hey princess, how was Friday?"

My dad thinks that by asking me how my day was will give us some sort of bonding, but what he doesn't know is that our relationship is perfectly fine. I had a better relationship with him than I did with my mom.

"It was fine dad, actually, I bumped into this weird guy.." I told him toasting ny oat bread.

"Oh really, what happened?" He asked curiously peering at me from the book he was reading.

I sat down, poured myself some almond milk, and explained.

" He looked at me with so much hatred dad,

like it offended me."

"I'm sure he's just going through stuff."

"I guess..." I never thought about it, but then again he was the bad boy. All bad boys have problems.

At least that's what I read in romance books.

"No plans today? no..dates?boyfriends?"

"Daadd..." I rolled my eyes."I told you I hate all the guys at my school."

"Then how are you gonna get married & find the one you truly love?"

"I'll wait till college, because all the guys at school are immature, plus they all bully me!"

"Oh pumpkin, I'm sure they all just have a little crush on you.." He winked.

I sighed.

"No. I hate them."

"Whatever helps you sleep." He replied going back to his reading.

I shook my head at him annoyed and started making my breakfast.

He just doesnt understand that the boys bully me..not in a cute 'Hey, I like you, but I don't want to tell you so I'll bully you' way. But in a sorta 'let me try to get in your pants & treat you like shit before & after' sorta way.

But if I told him that then he'd think I'm exaggerating.


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