《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The New Tail
(Y/N)'s P.O.V
"And... That goes there," I mumble, looking over the sketch Hiccup drew for Toothless' new tail.
"Right," Hiccup nods, using his magnifying glass to get a closer look as he adjusts the screw.
Astrid walks over, making me grin in greeting before I start mixing more of Toothless' scales in the bowl.
"Hmm. I'm guessing you two haven't slept," Astrid speaks, looking over the blueprints with her hands on her hips.
"Yeah, well... The Sonic Angel seems fine with us because (Y/N) freed her, but that Light Fury won't let us within a mile of her," Hiccup replies, continuing to adjust the tail.
(D/N) shakes his wings out, some feathers shedding from them. I walk over, scooping them up and adding them to the scale 'paint'.
Toothless scratches behind his ear, shedding more scales. Astrid picks them up, walking over to the table.
"And none of us will be getting any sleep or get to finding the Hidden World until Toothless takes over." Hiccup finishes, Toothless eagerly rushing over and shoving him to look over the tail. "Hey!"
"You like it?" I question with a grin, Toothless happily snorting and huffing.
"Yeah," Hiccup laughs, shoving his face away with a grunt.
"You guys tried this once before," Astrid comments, watching (D/N) sniff at the tail-fin. "He didn't want it."
She tosses the scales she picked up into the bowl as I crush them, handing it to Hiccup.
"Well, until now he didn't have a reason to. Right, bud?" Hiccup's voice wavers slightly, making me look over in concern.
He grins back, Toothless spitting inside the bowl as Hiccup continues mixing it while wiping left over spit off his hand.
Astrid lets out a small laugh, quickly stopping herself.
"What?" I question, dusting off the tail-fin.
"Nothing! I'm... I'm impressed," she replies, gesturing to the tail-fin. "I mean, look at you two! Embracing change. I am proud of you."
"I want them to be happy," I sigh, looking over at him as he lays in the grass, watching the sky. "Without Toothless, (D/N) won't be able to be with the Sonic Angel. And Toothless can't be with him with Hiccup flying him, so... This is the only way."
"They're our best buds," Hiccup agrees with a light shrug, grinding the scales and feathers and handing it to me. "And like (Y/N) said, we just want them to be happy."
I smile with a nod, picking up a paint brush and painting the scale-feather-saliva mix on the tail-fin.
"... Besides, it's only until Toothless brings the Light Fury back. Then the Sonic Angel and (D/N) can be together too," Hiccup finishes nonchalantly, shrugging as he leans over and kisses my temple.
He picks up the finished tail-fin, walking to Toothless as Astrid and I share a concerned look.
"All right," Hiccup grins, opening the tail-fin in front of Gobber.
"Uh, Hiccup--"
"Fire when ready!"
Toothless and (D/N) each fire a shot as Gobber screams. Hiccup closes the tail-fin with a cringe when he sees a charred Gobber.
"Well," Gobber turns around, his moustache on fire. "I guess you know the tail is fireproof."
He licks his fingers, putting the small fire out.
"Sorry, Gob!" I call as he walks away, Hiccup looking at me with a guilty face before snickering.
"Okay, Toothless!"
(D/N) grunts with a roar of protest as Toothless tramples him, rushing to Hiccup.
"Okay, okay, yes! I know, I know!" Hiccup laughs as Toothless races around the two of us in excitement, smacking Gobber with his tail.
(D/N) trots over, sitting besides me with a small rumble as he watches the two.
Hiccup shushes Toothless while chuckling, "I know!" He coos, sitting on the back of his tail as Toothless purrs.
His tail wags, making Hiccup grunt as he tries to put the tail-fin on. (D/N) walks over, sniffing at the tail and nudging Hiccup to hurry up.
"Please, this is not helping."
"Well, well, well! Someone's excited," Eret laughs, walking nearby carrying two logs of lumber.
"They're both fresh off their first dates!" Hiccup replies, adjusting the tail-fin as I walk over with a nod. "Now they're love crazed. Just like I am every day with you, (Y/N)." He winks up at me before focusing on the tail as I lightly laugh.
"We're the ones going crazy," Gobber grumbles, hammering the finishing touch on his new hook. "The sooner they bring back that Light Fury and Sonic Angel, the better."
"Yeah, but to do that he'll need to fly without me." Hiccup sits up, looking over the tail with a nod. "So, time to give this new and improved baby a shot."
He grunts as he rises, Toothless sniffing at the tail with a purr. (D/N) looks it over with a happy rumble, admiring it.
"What do ya think, (D/N)? He's looking sharp, huh?"
"It's like it was never gone," I admire, smiling as Toothless gummily grins back with a chitter.
He fans his tail fins together, in full control of both.
"What do you think, bud?" Hiccup smiles, watching Toothless sway his tail around as he looks at the tail-fin. "Bring her home." He imitates Stoick, "
Toothless purrs, nuzzling into Hiccup and licking his cheek as Hiccup groans.
"No! Save it for your girlfriend!" He laughs, shoving him away as Toothless hugs him. "Go on! Get out of here."
(D/N) coos, rubbing his cheek against Hiccup's in thanks before padding over to me. He leans his forehead against mine with a soft purr, looking towards Toothless as he calls for him.
"Go on," I smile, rubbing his forehead as he softly snorts and rushes after him.
Both skid to a stop, looking back at us as I join Hiccup's side. He wraps his arm around my waist as I lean my head against his shoulder.
Toothless groans meekly, (D/N)'s ears flickering back as he reluctantly takes another step in the woods before facing us with a sad roar.
"It's okay," Hiccup says after a moment, nodding.
"Go get her!" I encourage, (D/N) smiling with perked ears.
Toothless grunts in excitement, and the two roar at each other. They start running off, occasionally bumping the other playfully before Toothless takes off flying.
(D/N) roars as he rises on his back legs, taking off and quickly following while admiring the tail.
Toothless smiles down at us one last time, flying up into the blue sky. (D/N) does the same, his roar becoming distant as the two disapear behind the clouds.
My smile fell after a moment, and I felt eyes on me. I turn around, gasping when I see Gobber, Eret, and some others watching us in concern.
They quickly go back to what they were doing when Hiccup also turned, a small sigh escaping him.
"So... How about we... Go find some herbs? I saw a hill with some rare flowers earlier," I offer, making Hiccup perk up with a grin.
Valka and (M/N) fly through the dark fog, Malin nervously squawking as Cloudjumper rumbles soothingly to her.
"Val... Something's not right," (M/N) calls as she raises her mask, Valka doing the same with soft pants.
"Look out!" Valka gasps, Malin just managing to avoid the top of a ship with Cloudjumper.
"Gods help us," (M/N) breathes out with wide eyes, looking at the dozens of trapper ships.
Valka looks around with wide eyes, her gaze landing on Grimmel's flying contraption.
"Malin!" (M/N) shouts, Cloudjumper roaring as a Deathgripper tackles her.
"(M/N)!" Valka yells, Cloudjumper diving to the two.
(M/N) grunts as she struggles to hang on, Malin screeching and fighting the Deathgripper off. Cloudjumper grabs his back, hurling him from her with a roar.
"Watch out!" Valka warns, another Deathgripper swooping to them and ramming into Cloudjumper.
Malin roars, firing a plasma ball and stunning him. Cloudjumper uses this distraction to throw him into the other Deathgripper, panting heavily.
"We gotta get out of here!" (M/N) orders, Valka nodding.
"Let's go!"
Malin and Cloudjumper swiftly fly away, the Deathgrippers pursuing before coming to a halt as a whistle rings out.
Grimmel looks at them with a glare, smirking.
With Toothless and (D/N)...
(D/N) looks around with perked ears, scanning the clouds with a small chitter. Toothless lets out a roar, startling (D/N) for a moment before he relaxes with a huff.
The sun peeked through the cotton-candy like clouds, the golden rays reflecting off (D/N)'s wings as the two soar through the air.
Toothless roars once more, sighing with a sad rumble and a disappointed expression.
He perks up when he sees his shadow, mistaking it for the Light Fury. (D/N) flies through it, making Toothless deflate with a whine.
(D/N)'s head jerks to the right when he hears an explosion in the distance, whooshing sounding through the air. He calls over to Toothless, who perks up with a roar as he quickly follows after his friend.
Toothless slows down with a small rumble when he sees the Sonic Angel fly over some clouds, gracefully swooping down towards (D/N).
The Sonic Angel happily coos in greeting, (D/N) smiling and coming to a stop.
He flies closer to her, pressing his forehead against hers with a small purr as she chitters, nuzzling into him.
Toothless tilts his head, looking around before slowly flying towards them. He sniffs the air, slowly before grunting happily when he notices the Light Fury flying up to meet him through the clouds.
They fly past (D/N) and the Sonic Angel, circling around as Toothless admires the Light Fury in a daze.
She looks at his tail, making him twirl before showing off his new tail-fin. The Light Fury coos, twirling over him and flying off as he quickly follows.
The Sonic Angel pulls away with a small chitter, smiling before flying around (D/N) quickly and disappearing into the clouds.
He tilts his head, calling after her and following.
Toothless follows the Light Fury into a rainless storm, thunder bellowing and lightning flashing.
The Light Fury coos, firing a blast and flying through it, vanishing.
The Sonic Angel peeks out of the clouds with a soft giggle, watching (D/N) look around for her.
His ear flickers, making her gasp and duck as he quickly looks her way. He smirks with narrowed eyes, camoflauging.
The Sonic Angel peeks back over with a small chitter, tilting her head when she doesn't see (D/N).
(D/N) appears behind her, making her stiffen before slowly turning with a startled roar.
He rumbles a laugh, the Sonic Angel playfully glaring at him and lightly smacking his face with her paw.
She nuzzles into his cheek for a moment before closing her wings around her, diving down as he follows.
The Light Fury appears, calling over to Toothless.
He smiles, firing a blast and flying into it while scrunching up his face. He looks around in confusion when he doesn't teleport, huffing.
He tries it again, groaning when he fails.
The Sonic Angel leads (D/N) into the same storm cloud, circling around and flying at his side with a happy grunt.
He lightly leans his cheek into hers for a moment, rumbling before noticing Toothless.
The Light Fury watches Toothless, making him glance at her before grunting in determination.
(D/N) watches with wide eyes as Toothless snarls, electricity crackling and surrounding him as his back-fins light up. He shrieks, lightning flashing as he vanishes.
(D/N) gasps, flying ahead a few feet with startled grunts as he searches for Toothless. The Sonic Angel soothingly purrs, joining his side and gaining his attention.
He looks where she was watching, sighing in relief as Toothless reappears.
Toothless burps a fireball, groaning as he starts to fall from the sky. The Light Fury whinnies, stabling him as he shakes himself from his daze.
The two fly upward and out of the storm, circling around one another in front of the moon.
(D/N) smiles up at them, looking down at the Sonic Angel and rumbling for her to follow him as he leads her out of the clouds.
Aurora lights dance through the night sky, lighting up both dragon's wings.
The Sonic Angel purrs softly, looking up at them in awe before leaning her head against (D/N)'s neck. He rumbles, gently licking her forehead before looking at the sky.
Toothless licks the Light Fury's forehead, startling her for a moment. Both fall backwards, spiralling around one another before the Light Fury notices her friend.
She calls over to her, making the Sonic Angel look back before perking up with an affirmative grunt.
(D/N) narrows his eyes, tilting his head in confusion as the Sonic Angel urges him to follow her as she flies after the Light Fury and Toothless.
The Light Fury and Toothless look at one another as she flies closer, the two touching wings as they sore across the ocean. Toothless coos happily, gummily smiling.
(D/N) sniffs at the air, his ears perked as he snorts softly. He looks towards the wall of mist, squinting to see as the Sonic Angel rumbles encouragingly.
Water rumbles, the faint sound of a waterfall becoming louder as the four fly closer to it.
The entrance to the Hidden World.
Toothless questionably roars, the Light Fury purring back before swooping under him, grabbing his paws and diving down with him.
(D/N) roars after him, hovering over the entrance as the Sonic Angel chitters at him.
He unsurely calls back, looking back in the direction of New Berk for a moment.
The Sonic Angel flies over to him with a understanding, but sad, coo. She forces a smile, her ears drooping as she starts flying down the entrance.
(D/N) watches her, confliction in his eyes as he looks between her and the direction of New Berk. He grunts, shaking his head before quickly following after her.
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