《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The Flirting Game
Third Person
"All right! Looks like we're camping here for tonight," Hiccup calls to the others as they land.
(Y/N) slips off the side of (D/N), landing on her feet with a sigh of relief as she crack her back.
"Well, thank Thor for that!" Gobber replies, Grump already asleep.
"Yes! My own place," Tuffnut grins, standing ontop a rock as Ruffnut joins him. "I plan to build a hut. Only for the bearded!" He notices his sister, "Ruffnut, you gotta stay out. Chin whiskers don't count."
Snotlout uses his fingers, framing a reference point with a nod, "I see a tower of manliness in the shape of me."
Eret walks in front of him, plopping some supplies.
"It's gonna be taller than Eret with bigger muscles," Snotlout continues, lowering his gaze to glare at the man as he looks back with a raised brow.
"Wait, what?"
"Get out of my house!" Snotlout yells, waving his arms and stomping towards him.
"Hey, is there a problem here?" Eret demands, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Yeah! There's a problem," Snotlout snaps back, scooting a small crate and stepping on it. "Ever since you showed up you've been trying to upstage me!"
He rants, climbing on a barrel besides the crate.
"You're just so jealous. It's delusional!"
Eret looks up at Snotlout, "yeah. Delusion's a good word for it."
"Listen, son of Eret," Snotlout mocks, making Eret pause with a sigh. "When Hiccup blows it as Chief, I'm next in line. Number two!" He holds up three fingers. "Cause I'm clearly Valka and (M/N)'s favorite. I'll get (Y/N) and the title Chief."
Eret scoffs, rolling his eyes in disbelief as he focuses on moving more crates.
"So you better start showing me some respect!"
Snotlout nearly falls off the barrel as Eret walks away, shaking his head.
"Strange little man." He mumbles to himself, a barrel resting on his shoulder.
"Ah, don't mind him." Gobber replies, waving his hand. "It's not your fault you've the body of a Norse God. I myself have the same problem."
"... Of course you do," (M/N) sarcastically says after a moment, smiling in thanks as Eret takes the sack of potatoes from her.
Gobber glares at her, attempting to flex to prove her wrong before shrieking in pain as his back cracks.
(M/N) screams with laughter, wiping away tears as she walks off to find Valka.
Gobber grumbles after her, grabbing his welding tool and sticking it in the ground, "Blacksmith's stall goes right here."
He gasps, his eyes wide when he sees more Hobgobblers.
"One, two, three four five! Where's..." He whimpers in fear, backing away.
"Hold on, gang!" Hiccup calls to the crowd, making them pause as Gobber quickly joins, running into a man. "I said make camp."
"Did you see them?" Gobber frantically whispers, the man raising a brow before facing Hiccup.
"Not... Build a new village."
"Who died and made you Chief?" Snotlout stupidly questions.
(Y/N) gasps, the crowd cringing with groans. Valka holds (M/N) back as she tries to lunge at Snotlout, only stopping as Gothi lowers herself down and smacks the side of his head with her staff.
(Y/N) watches in disbelief before shaking her head, "this place is really nice, but we have to get moving by tomorrow. Grimmel could still be after us."
"It is nice," Hiccup agrees before facing the crowd. "But (Y/N)'s right. Grimmel is still out there, and this is not the Hidden World."
"We don't even know if this Hidden World exists!" A man replies, firmly setting his hands on his hips.
"Yeah," his friend agrees. "This place is real."
Valka walks forward with (M/N), the crowd murmuring in agreement.
"There's nothing more stubborn than a mob of tired, hungry Vikings," Valka softly speaks.
"I'm sure we could all use a day or so to rest up. The dragons as well. They have been carrying our supplies for a long time," (M/N) adds, Hiccup nodding.
"Well, I guess this can work as a base in the meantime." He mutters to himself, glancing around. "It's defensible, hidden."
(Y/N) looks around, squinting as the setting sun's rays peek through the tall pine trees.
"All right, you can stay," Hiccup says after a moment.
"Say hello to New Berk!" Gobber shouts, the crowd cheering with excitement. "Let's get building, lads!"
"Until!" Hiccup stops their cheering, holding his arms out to calm them. "Toothless, (D/N), (Y/N) and I find the Hidden World."
The crowd groans, booing and walking off to start building their homes.
(Y/N) sighs softly, dusting off her hands as she walks off to help Astrid unload some materials. Hiccup grins her way, approaching her before grunting as Tuffnut forcefully leads him away.
"Now, about that voice. Can we lose the whole honking goose thing?"
Hiccup rolls his eyes as Tuffnut continues.
"It's hard to imagine wedded bliss with that going off every minute."
Tuffnut cackles, walking away as Hiccup remains in his spot.
"If you two are going to continue West, we should head back to make sure we weren't followed," Valka gains his attention, (M/N) nodding in agreement.
"Great idea!" Snotlout appears, grinning. "I'll go with you for protection."
"No!" (M/N) frantically yells, startling Hiccup.
"... Because... You're far too important here," Valka quickly recovers for (M/N).
Snotlout nods, smirking as he walks off. "Yeah."
"Thank the gods," (M/N) sighs in relief, Valka chuckling.
(Y/N) walks over with (M/N)'s bedroll, pausing when she sees her and Valka geared up.
"You're leaving?" She calls, rushing over.
"Only for a bit, my dear," (M/N) responds, smiling and gently hugging her. "What you said made us a bit nervous, so we're checking to see if we were followed."
"Oh. Well... Please be careful," (Y/N) replies as she pulls away, Hiccup nodding.
"Yeah. And come back if there's any sign of danger," he adds, Valka sharing a look with (M/N).
She goes to speak, stopping herself with a small sigh as others admire the island nearby.
"What?" Hiccup questions, (Y/N) adjusting the bedroll in her arms as she tilts her head.
"This plan of yours... To hide us from the rest of the world," Valka starts, wording her sentence carefully. "Though... Though I wish it were possible, I fear it can't last, you two."
"We tried to for years, remember? But time and time again we had to move," (M/N) sighs, shaking her head and folding her arms.
Hiccup looks to the ground, (Y/N) frowning and looking between the two.
"Greedy humans always find a way." Valka nods, "I only ask that you think about it."
She pats his shoulder, smiling sadly before she and (M/N) walk away to their dragons.
(Y/N) watches them fly off, sighing as she walks towards Astrid and hands her the bedroll.
"Do you think we're crazy?" Hiccup questions, approaching the two.
Stormfly chitters softly, Astrid humming in thought as she moves a bucket of fish for her.
"Let's just say... This whole idea is very you two."
(Y/N) laughs softly, shaking her head. "Thanks for supporting us last night. When everyone else was at our throats you stood by us."
"Don't thank me yet," Astrid replies with a soft sigh, "I just hope you guys are right about this."
She hands (Y/N) Stoick's book, walking away to help the others. (Y/N) looks down at the cover, confliction in her eyes as she hands it to Hiccup.
He looks between her and the book, running his fingers along the leather with a sigh.
(D/N) slept peacefully on the floor curled in a ball, Toothless snoring and lounging against his side, rising and lowering with every breath (D/N) took.
Hiccup snored softly, his arm curled protectively around (Y/N)'s back as she slept on her stomach, her face tucked into his chest and his leg intertwined with hers.
(D/N)'s ear flickers, his eyes lazily opening as he blinks slowly. He raises his head, sniffing around before instantly waking up with a quiet rumble.
Toothless jolts up, grunting before rumbling when he senses her.
(D/N) nervously pokes at (Y/N), huffing softly and yanking the blanket off the two with a rumble.
"(D/N)! No, it's too early." Hiccup groans, snuggling more into (Y/N) as she starts to wake up.
Toothless sniffs at the air, perking up with a rumble as he peeks out of the tent.
The Light Fury walks besides the Sonic Angel, both camoflauged to blend in with the surroundings. The Sonic Angel pauses, sniffing at the air before facing the tent with a chitter.
(D/N) huffs, roughly smacking at Hiccup with his paw as he yelps.
"Why?" He whines, (D/N) growling in annoyance as he backs away and faces the exit of the tent.
"(D/N)?" (Y/N) questions, yawning as she sits up, Hiccup sighing heavily.
"And... you're up." He groans, (Y/N) stretching.
Toothless exits the tent, looking around and rumbling as (D/N) slowly follows, his ears standing attention.
He rumbles, turning right as Toothless does the same. The Light Fury appears, making Toothless roar quietly and race around while purring happily.
(D/N) watches him with a small amused snort, jumping as the Sonic Angel appears at his side with a happy coo. His ears flicker back as he takes a step back, awkwardly roaring a greeting as she rumbles a laugh.
The Light Fury yowls for them all to be quiet, making Toothless pause and (D/N) face her as the Sonic Angel looks at her with a blank expression.
The Light Fury moves her head, pointing to the tent with a hiss as the Sonic Angel rolls her eyes with a groan, the other dragon turning and stalking off.
She huffs, rising and trotting after her friend before pausing, jerking her head for them to follow before vanishing.
Toothless tilts his head, walking after them as (D/N) remains in his spot. He looks between the tent and Toothless, sighing and reluctantly following.
The two males look around, Toothless grunting when he spots the Light Fury turning a corner. He races after her, (D/N) slowly following.
A soft purr makes him pause, the Sonic Angel appearing from behind a tent and cooing at him with a small smile.
He nervously grins back, quickly rushing after Toothless as she watches with a head tilt of confusion.
The Light Fury and Toothless make eye contact through the carts, both purring softly.
Toothless rumbles, mesmerized by her baby blue eyes and ramming into a barrel with a groan of pain.
(D/N) pants lightly, skidding to a stop and raising a brow at Toothless as he shakes his head out.
Toothless peeks under a cart, the Light Fury doing the same on the other side. She coos softly, him rumbling.
The Sonic Angel joins the Light Fury, perking up when she sees (D/N). The two stare into each other's eyes for a moment before she squeaks, nervously hiding behind her wing with a light rumbling giggle.
(D/N) tilts his head as he looks to Toothless for an answer. Toothless shakes his head in confusion before facing the two.
The Light Fury nudges the Sonic Angel, looking back at Toothless before the two race off into the woods.
"Come on!" (Y/N) urges, yanking her boot on as she staggers out of the tent.
"Okay, okay," Hiccup yawns, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I'm up, beautiful." He mumbles, adjusting his armor as he steps out of the tent.
(D/N) races after Toothless, who was way ahead as he raced after the flying Light Fury.
The Sonic Angel calls over to the Light Fury, who peers back at (D/N) before nodding with an encouraging rumble.
She continues to fly away to find a proper spot as the Sonic Angel flies down to the clearing, the moonlight lighting up the white flowers littering the area.
(D/N) slows to a walk when he sees her, his ears perked as he comes to a stop. Toothless rushes past him and the Sonic Angel, running after the Light Fury.
The Sonic Angel watches after him for a moment before facing (D/N), cooing as she stretches out her wings to show off.
(Y/N) rushes through the woods with Hiccup, following after the tracks left behind by the dragons.
She pauses, losing the trail for a moment before finding it once more, rushing after it.
Hiccup grabs her arm, stopping her as she grunts from the unexpected motion.
"What's wrong--"
"Look!" He quickly whispers, pulling her and ducking behind a tree as he points to the clearing.
(Y/N) looks over before gasping softly, watching in awe as the Sonic Angel gracefully moves her wings in the moonlight.
The Sonic Angel slowly spins, lightly trotting in a circle as she swishes her tail around gently.
(D/N) watches her movements, swallowing nervously as she elegantly moves over to him, walking around him.
He moves his head to follow her, the two maintaining eye contact as she fully circles him before nuzzling into his side.
She chitters, leaping a few feet away before sitting down, looking at him with a small smile.
(D/N) blinks rapidly, glancing around with unsure eyes before pausing when he notices (Y/N) and Hiccup.
(Y/N) points to the Sonic Angel, motioning for him to do something.
His ears flicker back as he slowly starts to walk, raising his wings with uncertainty.
The Sonic Angel perks up, admiring his wings with a soft encouraging rumble. He seems to gain some confidence from it, moving a little faster as he flexes his wings and moves in a circle.
"There we go," (Y/N) nods, Hiccup grinning widely. "Now... Jump!"
(D/N) notices (Y/N), following her and leaping into the air while spreading his wings out.
The Sonic Angel tilts her head with a purr, watching as he gracefully lands, his tail swishing lightly.
He then wraps his wings around himself, twirling one more time before he ends with a bow.
His wings were still opened as he nervously waited, slowly raising his head and not knowing what to do next. The Sonic Angel grunts softly as she rises, approaching him with her own wings opened.
The two start to circle one another, his (E/C) eyes staring into her baby blue ones as they come to a stop, both purring at each other.
(D/N) leans his forehead down against hers with a rumble, their gemstones lighting up as they touch.
"Aww!" (Y/N) coos, a little too loudly.
Hiccup frantically tries to shush her, the two ducking down at the dragons look over at them.
The Sonic Angel giggles, her and (D/N) both looking at each other with a grin.
"Think they saw us?" Hiccup questions, (Y/N) peeking over with a gasp.
"Hey! Where'd they--"
(D/N) appears behind Hiccup, the Sonic Angel behind (Y/N), who both let out a startled yell.
(D/N) rumbles a laugh, shaking his head as the Sonic Angel chitters while nuzzling into his neck.
(Y/N) smiles widely, rising from her spot. "You two are so cute! I'm so happy for the both of you."
The Sonic Angel happily rubs her cheek in (Y/N)'s hand, pulling away with a purr as she does the same to Hiccup.
"You're much friendlier than your friend," Hiccup laughs softly before pausing. "Friend... Wait! Where's Toothless?"
Toothless continues chasing the Light Fury through the foggy woods, her calling to him overhead.
He screeches while skidding to a stop, nearly tumbling down a cliff. The Light Fury swoops down, landing on the sandy shore and looking back.
Toothless notices, sitting tall as he peeks to make sure she was watching. He takes a step forward, attempting to gracefully walk down to her when the sand causes him to slip.
He gasps, grunting as he staggers down the hill and rolls a few times, the Light Fury watching with a head tilt as he lands on his feet.
Toothless faces her, gummily smiling at her as she sits down while facing him.
(D/N) sniffs at the ground, skidding to a stop as Hiccup grunts from the force. The Sonic Angel slows to a stop besides him, lowering herself to let (Y/N) off.
"Are they near?" She quietly questions, (D/N) nodding and lowering himself to not be seen.
Hiccup jumps down from him, panting and crawling forward under some tree roots with (Y/N).
The dragons peek over them, the four all watching.
Toothless gulps nervously, the Light Fury perking up and leading.
She spreads her wings, rising and trotting in a circle as she flaps her wings slowly. She then lowers herself on the floor, tucking her legs in and waiting for him with an encouraging grunt.
Toothless blinks rapidly, his gaze moving up and noticing the four.
Hiccup rises, moving his arms up and down quickly.
Toothless copies him, flapping his wings for a moment and stopping. The Light Fury boredly grooms herself, rumbling.
(Y/N) motions for Toothless to do it longer as Hiccup flaps his arms more, rising and stepping on a twig.
(D/N) swiftly grabs the back of his armor, throwing him to the ground and ducking with the others.
The Light Fury looks over questionably with a growl, pausing with a purr when she sees the Sonic Angel.
The Sonic Angel nervously smiles, jerking her head to Toothless.
The Light Fury looks over at him, Toothless grinning awkwardly before flapping his wings once more.
He does it a little too quickly, grunting as sand starts to swirl around. Toothless struggles to keep his balance, his wings carrying him and spinning him around.
The Light Fury gasps, using her wings to block herself from the sand as Toothless comes to a stop in front of her.
(D/N) groans, shaking his head with a heavy sigh.
The Light Fury moves her wings, her nose twitching as she sneezes the sand off her face. Toothless cringes at himself, glancing up at the others.
Hiccup was cringing, quickly smiling and shooting him a thumbs up.
(Y/N) face palms, the Sonic Angel smiling sympathetically. The Sonic Angel points to the Light Fury with her wing, motioning for Toothless to spin slowly.
Toothless perks up, rising and mimicking the dragon as the Light Fury chitters with a head tilt.
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Hood shit 3
Book 3 of hood shit .. enjoy because this have been wanted for the longest💕( definitely hate this book but enjoy ig)
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