《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The Journey Across the Ocean


Third Person P.O.V

Toothless and (D/N) lead the entire popularity of Berk, some larger dragons carrying boats of supplies and food.

The ocean seemed to go on forever, the air thick with humidity but the breeze balancing it out.

A sheep wearing a dragon disguise happily bleats as he peeks over the edge, his tongue hanging out. He pauses, his eyes wide when he notices a dragon lowly hissing at him. He quickly ducks back down, nervously peeking over at the dragon.


"Excuse me! Coming through!" Fishlegs whimpers, people swerving to avoid him as he attempts to steady Fishmeat. "Fishmeat! Look! Eat your rocks, eat your rocks!"

Fishmeat pauses ontop of his head, eagerly biting at the rock offered as Fishlegs lowers him back in his pack.

"Gods! People who fly with babies are the worst," Snotlout growls in annoyance, rolling his eyes.

Fishmeat belches, a fireball blasting and striking Snotlout's shield behind him as he ducks with an annoyed groan.


"I feel like I'm always asking you two this question, but..." Gobber screams as Grump falls asleep mid-air. "Wake up, Grump! Wake up!"

He pops back up behind Hiccup and (Y/N), Hiccup looking over the horizen with a scope.

"Is there an actual plan, or...?"

"Just keep flying until we reach the end of the world," Hiccup replies, a grin on his face.

"Ah. Seems sensible," Gobber sarcastically responds, "now, (Y/N), I hope you have a better plan?"

(Y/N) hums in thought for a moment, "well, we can always find an island to rest on for a bit if the dragons get too tired before we reach the end of the world."

"Ah! I like that plan," Gobber nods, flying lower as Grump once again falls asleep.


Berk was empty, clouds in the sky causing a dull color to cast down on the island.

"Where are they?" Chaghatai Khan demands, walking up the steps to Grimmel.

"Gone, obviously." Grimmel responds, biting into an apple.

"The Night Fury and Echo Angel escaped you? Again?"

Grimmel snickers, shrugging. "I encouraged it. They've abandoned their only defensible position."


(D/N) looks around with perked ears, shaking his head as he continues flying at Toothless' side.

Snotlout groans, joining (Y/N) side for a moment as Hiccup glances up from his spyglass at him.

"It just keeps going!"

"That's 'cause the world is actually round!" Tuffnut replies, lounging on Belch.

Hiccup rolls his eyes with a grin, looking through the spyglass as (Y/N) raises a brow at Tuff. Astrid chuckles, Valka smiling in amusement and (M/N) shaking her head with a laugh.


"The sun's round. The moon's round. Stars are round," Tuffnut continues. "Even though they're small and stupid."

Toothless perks up with wide eyes, a small rumble escaping him as he looks around.

Ruffnut cackles, Tuffnut snickering.

"Right? Stars."


"Don't fret," Grimmel continues, rising. "They won't get far. The Night Fury and Echo Angel are distracted."

He stabs the apple on the tusk of a Deathgripper, making him struggle to eat it.

"I introduced them to your females."


(D/N) suddenly swerves to the left with a startled roar, (Y/N) yelping and nearly slipping off.

"The males tend to be more... Shy, if you will."

A higher pitched laughing rumble catches their attention, the Sonic Angel appearing to his right.

(Y/N) gasps softly, the Sonic Angel chittering and smiling at the girl.

"Oh, my goodness!" Valka gasps, admiring the beautiful dragon as she peeks back at the others.

Malin chirps, (M/N) gaping as she looks over the Sonic Angel's golden wings.

(D/N) rumbles, smiling nervously at the dragon as she purrs, lightly bumping his side playfully before flying up and over him.

"Hiccup!" She calls, Toothless snorting and sniffing around before jumping as the Sonic Angel dashes in front of him, flying to the right.

Toothless' eyes widen as he grunts happily, the Light Fury coming into view and joining the Sonic Angel's side.

"They're both here!" Astrid gasps, Valka rising on the back of Cloudjumper and (M/N) quickly looking over.

"They're following us!"

"Yes!" Hiccup cheers, laughing happily at the two dragons.

The Sonic Angel looks over, chittering at the Light Fury. She snorts, shaking her head before squawking and vanishing in a blast she fired.

The Sonic Angel sighs, shaking her head and flying after her.

"Would ya look at that?!" Gobber breathes out.

"Where'd she go? Is she made of sky?" Tuffnut questions.

Toothless swiftly flies after the Sonic Angel, (D/N) on his tail and barking at him.

"Whoa! Hold up, Toothless!"

"Where'd they go?" (Y/N) questions, setting her hand on (D/N)'s head. "Can you sense them?"

He looks around for a moment, flying in a circle before groaning in confusion, shaking his head.

"(D/N) can't find them," (Y/N) calls over to Hiccup.

He looks back, gasping as (Y/N) was suddenly lifted off her saddle as the Sonic Angel appears from thin air.

"Whoa!" She screams, (D/N) roaring after them and following.

The Sonic Angel purrs, peering down at the girl with a head tilt and tossing her in the air. (Y/N) lets out another yell, gasping and grunting when she lands on something.


"(D/N)!" She breathes out in relief before pausing, noticing (D/N) a few feet away watching with wide eyes.

She slowly looks down, the white scales shining under her hands as she gasps.

(Y/N) was on the back of the Sonic Angel.

"Oh, gods," she breathes out, carefully holding onto the Sonic Angel's neck.

Hiccup laughs, Toothless rumbling as he flies over to the Sonic Angel. She chitters, looking up and cooing softly as she slowly flies around.

(D/N) flies at her side, watching (Y/N) in concern before flinching as the Sonic Angel leans over and lightly licks his cheek.

He blinks rapidly, swaying before quickly shaking himself from his daze.

From above, the Light Fury watches with narrowed eyes, glaring at Hiccup on the back of Toothless.

Hiccup looks around, noticing her with a soft gasp.

"Well, look who it is! Come to join your friend?"

The Light Fury swoops down with a shriek, making the Sonic Angel quickly look over with a roar as she shakes her head.

"Hiccup!" (Y/N) yells as he was grabbed by the Light Fury, him screaming as she flies a few feet in the air.

He struggles to hold on to her paws holding him, "oh, hey! It's really nice to finally--"

She tosses him, making him scream once more as he starts falling towards the ocean. The Light Fury purrs, looking back at the others.

(D/N) looks down at Hiccup with wide eyes, (Y/N) staring at his falling form with her mouth dropped.

The Light Fury notices the girl, hissing and yowling. (Y/N) quickly scoots to the side of the Sonic Angel, pushing herself off and landing on (D/N) with a grunt as she pulls herself onto him.

Toothless looks down at Hiccup, nervously looking up at the Light Fury with a small gummy smile and flat ears. He dives after Hiccup, making the Light Fury tilt her head in confusion.

"Come on!"

(D/N) swiftly follows, the Sonic Angel calling after him before sadly rumbling, glaring up at the Light Fury with a scolding head shake.


Hiccup screams as he falls past the crowd, laughter ringing out as Toothless dives past them, (D/N) halting in front of the herd.

"That was perfect. So great!" Snotlout wheezes, Toothless flying back up at (D/N)'s side.

"Not a word," Hiccup growls back, his expression neutral.

"You okay, Hiccup?" (Y/N) softly questions, making him sigh dramatically and grin at her.

"I'm fine, beautiful."

Toothless peers back up at the sky with a low purr, his expression falling when he sees the Light Fury was gone.

(D/N) does the same, spotting the Sonic Angel as she peeks over some clouds. She chitters softly, her ears drooping as she turns and flies after her friend, (D/N) frowning.


"Yes, yes! But where did they go?" Ragnar demands, Grimmel sighing in annoyance as he looks over the map in front of him.

"I have to explain this." He mumbles in disbelief, setting himself down on a low seat. "Night Furies can't survive in the cold, so they haven't gone North," he crosses out that area.


(D/N) looks back with perked ears, scanning the area before nodding to himself.


Grimmel crosses out the East and South, continuing.


"Hiccup," (Y/N) calls, making him look back before lowering his spyglass.

He gasps softly when he sees the large island in the distance, the sun above peeking through clouds and shining down on it.


Grimmel points to the small islands on the map, "their flight path must include stops."

He says as he taps along the islands.


"Potty break!" Fishlegs yells up at the two, Fishmeat cooing.

The dragons seperate as they fly above the island, waterfalls falling down the side and greenery everywhere.

"Therefore, they've gone..."

They continue flying to the center of the island, past trees and above cliffs.

"They can only have gone...does anyone want to take a guess?"


Grimmel looks between them with a look of annoyance, "anyone?"

He stutters mockingly, waving his pencil for someone to speak.

Ragnar gasps, his face lighting up as he sets a small ship down, "east!"

"West!" Grimmel snaps back, forcing a smile as he raises his brows, "hmm? Simple, you see?" He laughs, "oh, isn't this fun? Yes?" His face falls, "no?"

The woman groans in irritation, shoving past her comrades.

"Yes! Yes!" Grimmel emphasises as they follow after her. "Where is your love of the hunt?" He questions as he rises. "I thought you were conquerors. You'll have your prizes in time."

Grimmel smirks, walking a few steps and standing by Stoick's statue. "Just allow me a few more days to enjoy this... I have dearly missed it."


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