《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The Meeting


Third Person P.O.V

Vikings clamor as they enter the Great Hall, a gentle rain overhead dousing out the fires Grimmel caused. Thunder bellows across the sky, lightning clashing with it in an angry serpent motion.

"Everyone inside!"

Snotlout's father motions for people to get inside quickly, many complaining.

"It's the middle of the night!"

"What are we doing here?!"

"All right! All right," Hiccup yells over the crowd, his seat besides (Y/N)'s at the front of the room. "Everybody, settle down, please."

"How you holding up, Fishlegs?" (Y/N) questions, looking to her left at the man.

He groans weakly, loopily glancing at her and slamming his face on the table.

"Fishlegs, buddy, buddy!" Hiccup snaps his fingers, waking him from his daze. "Have you ever seen that species of dragon before?"

Fishlegs pushes himself up, letting out a high-pitched whimper before collapsing backwards.

"I have," (M/N) gains Hiccup's attention from her seat besides Valka and Astrid. "Deathgrippers. The venom in their tail is potent and deadly, the acid they spray the same."

Fishlegs groans in agreement, raising his hand and shakily pointing to (M/N) in agreement before allowing his hand to fall.

"Let me at him!" An angry man shouts in the crowd, others yelling in agreement.

"I'll give him a piece of my mind!" A man agrees, "and by 'mind', I mean 'fists'!"

He swings around, punching a man in the face as he grunts in pain, falling backwards.

"Did you miss the part where we almost died?" Hiccup demands, silencing the crowd as he stammers. "H-Have you seen me and (Y/N)'s house?!"

"Grimmel is not to be taken lightly," (Y/N) speaks up, shaking her head and leaning forward on her elbows.


"This is a new kind of enemy," Hiccup taps the table for emphasis, looking over the people. "I didn't listen to (Y/N), and I underestimated him. Now, that's on me." He shakes his head before raising his hand, gesturing firmly, "but I will not do that again."

"Grimmel may be gathering his forces to return as we speak," (Y/N) sighs heavily, (D/N) rumbling softly as he and Toothless glance at one another.

Snotlout grunts as he rises, banging his fists on the table. "We're Vikings! We don't run from a fight. At least I don't."

He pauses, glaring at Eret.

"You might."

"I agree with Hiccup and (Y/N)," Eret ignores Snotlout, pushing past him and walking around the table as Snotlout continues to aggressively point at him. "We haven't seen the last of Grimmel. He's a predator. Single-minded and patient."

Eret sighs, now at (Y/N) side and he looks back at the two dragons.

"He won't stop until he gets what he wants."

"I'm with Eret," Valka rises, gesturing to the man as (M/N) nods and rises. "We have to take this threat seriously."

Snotlout swiftly stands from his seat, looking between the two in disbelief.

"I agree as well. Grimmel is bigger than Drago ever was." (M/N) speaks, Hiccup nodding his head.

"Grimmel is just a sign of the times. Our enemies are getting smarter, more determined," he pauses, waving his arms away from one another. "We're not just overcrowded. We are exposed and vulnerable. Short of full-blown war and risking everyone we love, I don't..."

(Y/N) side eyes Hiccup as he trails off, her raising her head slightly as he looks back at her with a stiff nod.

"I don't see a way of staying here any longer."


The crowd instantly reacts, all shouting in disagreement and disdain.

"What would Stoick think of this?!"

"Hey!" (Y/N) shouts, rising from her seat in a fluid motion and silencing the crowd. "Listen to what he has to say."

"Yeah!" Astrid agrees, glaring at the people for a moment. "At least hear him out."

Hiccup looks back to (Y/N), making her smile encouragingly and gesture with her head to the crowd. He nods with a grateful expression, taking in a deep breath before speaking.

"If we want to live in peace with our dragons, we need a better plan."

"So... What are you saying, Chief?" Gobber slowly questions, raising a brow.

"He's saying we need to vanish," (Y/N) replies, running her hand along Stoick's book she saved.

"Completely off the map!" Hiccup firmly nods, "take the dragons to a place where no one will find them."

"And where might that be?" A man asks, suspicious.

"Hiccup's talking about the Hidden World," (Y/N) answers, Astrid raising a brow at her before nodding.

"The hidden what?" A woman demands.

"Out to lunch," Ruffnut says in a bored tone, lounging on a dining table seat with Tuffnut.

"Yeah," he cackles, leaning back.

"My father was obsessed with it when I was a boy," Hiccup explains, his voice echoing as he speaks.

(Y/N) hands him the book, grabbing the map journal and unfolding it for him as he continues.

"He made notes and maps in search of the ancestral home of all dragons," Hiccup shows off the book, gesturing to the map a moment later. "Tucked away somewhere beyond the edge of the world. It may be the solution we need. We're dragon people! It's where we belong."

The crowd grumbles, still unsure.

"Hiccup knows more than anyone that this is our home," (Y/N) quiets them, shaking her head.

"My father left me to protect it!" Hiccup agrees, the crowd relaxing slightly and looking at one another. "But Berk is more than this place."

"We are Berk!" (Y/N) loudly emphasised, smacking her hand on the table to get the point across.

"The people, the dragons!" Hiccup nods, firmly pointing to the Vikings. "We say Berk is wherever we go."

The crowd remains silent, Ruffnut picking at her fingernails and Tuffnut staring ahead with a blank expression.

He suddenly leaps in the air in excitement, "I'm with them! Who else?!"


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