《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The Attack on Berk


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Hiccup sets down the two darts he found on a table as we enter the workshop. We had found the other dart by the other trap, hidden in some bushes.

"Don't mess with those," I firmly say to Tuffnut, making him scoff with a pout as he folds his arms.

"Someone's here."

"Huh?" Gobber questions, turning back and raising a brow.

"There were two traps layed out in the woods," I reply, shaking my head. "I almost got caught in one. If Hiccup hadn't of pulled me out of the way..."

Astrid's eyes narrow, Eret walking by us carrying a box of supplies with a worried expression.

"He somehow managed to slip past our scouts and lay two traps." Hiccup mumbles, his face showing confusion as he speaks.

"It ruined boy talk!" Tuffnut growls in annoyance, making me look over before gasping as he loses his grip on one of the darts.

It strikes the box Eret was carrying, who gasps and halts with wide eyes as he stares at the dart.

"Are you okay?" Astrid questions in concern, joining my side as I nod.

"Yeah. Just... Spooked me a little is all."

"Let me at him! I'll show him what happens when he messes with the lass--"

"Slow down, Gobber!" Hiccup stops him, a small chuckle escaping me.

"We have to find this guy. We should get a search team on the ground," I suggest, Hiccup nodding in agreement.

"And get some scouts in the air. (Y/N) and I will fly coastline and see if (D/N) senses anything."

"Yeah..." Eret gains our attention as he walks over to the table, picking up the other dart and inspecting it. "I wouldn't advise taking Toothless and (D/N) anywhere, Chief."

"What? Why not?" I ask, approaching him as he hands me a dart.

"I know this handiwork," he explains, looking over the dart. "Grimmel the Grisly. Famous back where I'm from. The smartest dragon hunter I've ever met. Well, next to me, of course." He boasts with a smirk, making me roll my eyes with a grin as he snickers.

Hiccup scoffs, "he can't be that smart. He left his trap unmanned."

Eret lets out a chuckle, handing me the other dart as he starts to walk away. "Nothing's an accident when it comes to old Grimmel."

He stops near Toothless and (D/N), setting his hands on his hips as he looks between them. "He lives for the hunt. To get inside the mind of his prey."

(D/N) looks around at the sky with perked ears, sighing as he lays down besides Toothless, who was also looking around.

"To control its every choice. It's all a game to him."

"Well, he doesn't know who he's playing with," Astrid replies, making Hiccup nod.

"Yeah, (Y/N) and I have dealt with his kind before."

"But to sneak past our scouts and avoid (D/N)'s echolocation?" I disagree, turning to face them. "Something doesn't seem right. Those traps were too poorly planned to be his last attempt."

"Don't underestimate him, Hiccup. Listen to (Y/N). He'll be back," Eret nods, joining my side.

"Then we'll be waiting for him." Hiccup grins, making me look back at Eret. "We'll stop him before he gets anywhere near (D/N) and Toothless."


Eret and I share a look of concern, and I knew it wouldn't be so easy.


A lone candle lights the room along with the firepit, Hiccup pulling out a book from his bookshelf. He blows the dust off, wiping some of it away as he turns.

He walks down closer to the firepit, kneeling at his map as he flips through some pages.

"All right, all right, come on..." He mumbles to himself, his eyes flickering between the pages. "Give me a clue here. Give me a clue, dad."

Hiccup stops on a page, the sound of wood creaking softly sounding above him.

Toothless and (D/N) snooze in the corner of the room, Toothless snoring softly and (D/N) remaining silent.

(D/N) lowly growls for a moment, gaining Hiccup's attention. He raises his head and looks around, stretching before picking up the blanket with his teeth and adjusting it over Toothless before laying back down.

Hiccup narrows his eyes, gasping softly and turning around when he hears a light tapping.

There Grimmel stood, pouring himself a cup of (F/D) with a pitcher.

Hiccup quickly rises, glaring at the man as Grimmel speaks.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind if I help myself?" He speaks lowly, taking a sip of the drink. "This is," he takes another drink, "mmm. Quite good."

Hiccup draws his sword, the flames lighting up the room as Grimmel nods with a hum.

"That is impressive," he says in amusement, swishing the liquid around in the cup. "But let me finish my drink."

"Hiccup, I think I--" (Y/N) halts from ontop the stairs, gasping softly.

Hiccup's eyes flicker between her and Grimmel, his expression serious as he slowly moves closer to her.

"Oh, don't mind me, dear. Can I assume you made this?" Grimmel questions, closely watching as she moves down the stairs.

She draws her sword, glaring at the man as she moves carefully towards Hiccup.

"Lovely blade, but as I said to your companion, allow me to finish my drink."

Hiccup looks back at the dragons, making Grimmel swiftly pull out his crossbow and fire two shots.

It strikes through the blanket Toothless was under, who grunts for a moment. (D/N)'s head snaps up, the dart striking his neck, and he passes out with a rumble.


"(D/N)!" (Y/N) gasps, Hiccup racing over to them as she backs away with her sword ready.

Grimmel finishes his drink, looking at the empty cup in appreciation as he sighs and walks forward.

"What did you do to them?" Hiccup demands, facing Grimmel with a glare.

"Eh, nothing that they won't sleep off."

Grimmel replies, shrugging and approaching Stoick's chair. He chuckles as he sits down, (Y/N)'s blood boiling as her grip tightens on the sword.

"May I? Chief Hiccup, hmm..." Grimmel hums, snickering. "Do I say Chief--" he hiccups mockingly, "or do I call you Hiccup? What do you prefer?"

"Get out of Stoick's chair. Now." (Y/N) says in a low, dangerous voice, her eyes glaring daggers at the man.

Grimmel blinks a few times, a small smirk spreading on his face as he slowly stands.

"Well, it would be rude if I didn't listen to the lady of the house. Right... (Y/N), was it?" He questions, stalking around the fire. "However, in the future... I'd refrain from taking that voice with me."


"Oh, should I?" She questions in a bitter, amused tone. "And why is that?"

Grimmel was silent for a moment, "you have no idea who I am, do you?"

(Y/N) goes to say something, only to be cut off by Grimmel letting out a short laugh.

"Well, your fathers knew of me. Ah, Chief Stoick. Now, there was a Chief!" Grimmel nods, "two of the greatest dragon hunters to have ever lived. I wonder... What would they think of you?"

Hiccup remains silent as he watches Grimmel, (Y/N) glancing around subtly for a moment before focusing on the man.

"He had it right, you know. Making it his mission to destroy the beasts so that you could grow up in a better world." Grimmel pauses, "and (F/N) lost his life trying to make that a reality for Stoick."

(Y/N)'s face falls as she looks at her sword, her pained reflection looking back at her.

"He changed his mind," Hiccup replies in a low voice, his flaming sword dripping magma every so often as he moves it around.

"And look where that got him." Grimmel fires back with a smirk, Hiccup's eyes widening as he softly gasps.

"So, let's get to the point." Grimmel dusts off his coat, sighing softly and facing the two. "I am the Night Fury and Echo Angel killer. I've hunted every last one but yours."

Hiccup's eyes widen, (Y/N) looking over at the two dragons before looking back at Grimmel.

"And you two are going to give me those dragons, or I will--"

"We will never give them up!" Hiccup interrupts, (Y/N) nodding in agreement with a scowl.

Grimmel lets out a laugh, passing Hiccup and shoving his flaming sword away as he walks by.

"You wish dragons to live free among us like equals?"

Hiccup breathes heavily in anger as he follows Grimmel with his eyes, (Y/N) remaining at his back as she turns her neck to watch him.

"A toxic notion, my boy. History has shown that we are the superior species," Grimmel continues, walking around the house. "What if word of your misguided ideas were to spread? It would be the undoing of civilization as we know it."

His gaze flickers down to Toothless' tail, making him double take.


(Y/N) nervously glances at Hiccup, who nods firmly.

Grimmel kicks the tail, making Fishlegs loopily sit up as he speaks, "did we... Get him?"

He collapses, the false head of Toothless falling off as Hiccup uses his sword to swipe away Grimmel's crossbow.


(D/N) swiftly sits up with a snarl, shaking out his neck and revealing a layer of his shedded scales protecting his real ones. Astrid reveals herself from above on the beams, Valka and (M/N) bursting through the front door as Gobber appears from the side door.

"Sorry to barge in!"

Hiccup raises his sword to the man, fury on his face as he speaks with anger. "You think you can come into our home, sit in my father's chair, and threaten our dragons?"

"This is Berk," (Y/N) speaks up, remaining at Hiccup's side and glaring up at the man. "We're strong, we're crazy, and we love our dragons."

"And we have defended our way of life from far worse than you." Hiccup finishes, Grimmel looking between the two with a laugh.

"Ooh. Two fighting spirits!" He chuckles again, "I love it. Only... I'm afraid you're mistaken. You've never seen anything like me."

He whistles, (D/N)'s ears perking as he looks up with a roar. Astrid looks back with a gasp, leaping down and landing roughly as the roof caves in from being burned.

She shakes out her head, gasping and crawling backwards as a Deathgripper leap down with a snarl.

"Astrid!" (Y/N) yells, (D/N) snorting and charging through the flames and leaping over the debris.

The Deathgripper hisses, raising his tail before swinging it down towards (D/N). He dodges it, ramming his head into the chest of the Deathgripper and knocking him back.

Grimmel whistles again, another Deathgripper appearing above and attempting to strike Valka with his tail.

"Son, get clear!" Valka yells, (M/N) swinging her spear down and stabbing through the dragon's tail as he strikes.

Astrid scrambles out of the way of the two fighting dragons, (D/N) roaring as he was slammed into the wall. The Deathgripper prepares his acid before shrieking in pain as (Y/N) stabs his leg with her sword.

(D/N) kicks him across the room, shaking out his head with a snort as (Y/N) looks around at the fire frantically.

"We have to get out of here!"

Gobber races along with Astrid, Fishlegs on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes as he groans weakly. The Deathgripper roars at them, turning and facing (M/N) and Valka.

He sprays his acid, Valka using her shield to protect her and (M/N). It melts just as he finishes, Hiccup joining the two while looking around.

"Have both dragons ready when I return!" Grimmel growls, appearing from the smoke before smirking as he looks over at (Y/N). "Or I will destroy everything you love."

A beam collapses behind Hiccup, distracting the three as Grimmel quickly flees.

(Y/N) races through the house, (D/N) using his wings to protect her as he runs behind her, and they join the others.

(Y/N) staggers, coughing violently from the smoke inhalation as Hiccup rushes to her side, helping her stand as they all rush out of the house.

"Oh no," she gasps, her eyes wide when she sees the destruction on Berk.

A large cloud of smoke covered Berk, people screaming and clamoring in the distance. Houses were swallowed by flames, and dragons flew around the island in a panic.

(D/N) looks around with a low growl, anger growing within him as he takes off flying to try to calm the other dragons and join Toothless.

Hiccup's eyes widened as his brows furrow in horror, (M/N) and Valka looking at one another in sadness as (Y/N) holds Hiccup's hand in fear, her other handing clutched at her chest.

Berk hadn't looked like this since dragons used to attack.


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