《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The Guy Talk in the Forest


Third Person

"That's incredible!" Astrid excitedly says, a wide grin on her face as (Y/N) nods.

"But what do you mean, gone?" Snotlout questions, raising a brow.

"They both vanished into thin air," Hiccup replies, continuing to look over the Gronckle.

"Like (D/N)'s ability?"

"No," (Y/N) disagrees, kneeling besides the Gronckle and rubbing his neck. "This was different than his camoflauging, though the Sonic Angel did do this."

"It was more like a..." Hiccup imitates the sound of something whooshing, and mimics a boom. "... Type of vanishing."

"What do you think?" Fishlegs questions in excitement, shoving the two drawings in (Y/N)'s face as Hiccup rises and walks over.

"Ah... Not exactly. The Sonic Angel had feathers on the back of her arms instead of spikes, and shorter ears," (Y/N) notes, pointing to the places he needs to fix.

"And she needs stubbier ears, no dorsal plates," Hiccup observes, tapping the Light Fury.

"Okay, got it."

Eret lets out a chuckle, making the two glance up to him as he walks behind Hiccup carrying materials.

"What a night."

"No kidding. I mean... Just the chances of finding the same species of both of our rare dragons..." (Y/N) trails off, pausing with furrowed brows.

They were in the same area... This is weird. That can't be a coincidence. But how would--

Her thoughts were interrupted by (D/N) lightly nudging her, rumbling softly. Toothless barrels in a moment later, eagerly shoving at Hiccup.

"Bud, what's gotten into you?" Hiccup laughs, Toothless drooling everywhere.

"That's... Lovely," (Y/N) comments, raising a brow and rising.

(D/N) rumbles a laugh, shaking his head before he looks off in the distance. He sits down, tail swishing slightly as he sighs heavily.

"What's all this slobbering and panting?"

"(D/N)? You okay?"

"Isn't it obvious, (Y/N)? He misses her!" Astrid answers with a wide grin, picking up a bucket. "Both are totally in love~"

"Oh," (Y/N) nods, looking over at (D/N) and slowly approaching. "Well, she was really sweet and beautiful. And you and Toothless deserve happiness and a partner."

(D/N) looks down at her with a head tilt, purring and looking back to the horizen.


Hiccup looks over at (Y/N), whispering to Toothless. "Trust me, it'll be worth it. But you gotta wait for an opportunity, like I did."

"Oh, please." Astrid scoffs, smacking Hiccup's shoulder as she passes him. "(Y/N) kissed you first, dork. If Toothless waited like you did, he wouldn't have a girlfriend for a thousand years."

Hiccup stammers in disbelief, bitterly laughing, "oh! Uh-huh. Better be careful, bud. She might turn out to be like you-know-who."

Astrid tosses her bucket back, hitting Hiccup's head as he yelps, Toothless jumping with a snort. (Y/N) looks over with a raised brow as Hiccup groans in pain, rubbing the back of his head.

"See, bud? Gotta be careful!" Hiccup huffs. "Besides, aren't me and (Y/N) enough? (D/N)?"


(D/N) spins around, startling (Y/N) as he trots past Hiccup, Toothless swiftly following.

"I think that's a no," Tuffnut replies, leaning on Belch' head as he sharpens a dagger, Ruffnut cleaning Barf's teeth.


(D/N) stops, observing Nadders performing a mating dance. Toothless halts, nearly running into (D/N) and peering around him as he watches the two.

They spread their wings, showing off to the other before twirling. The female raises her head, allowing the male to nuzzle into her neck before she rubs her head against his.

(D/N)'s ears droop as he sighs, shaking his head and stalking off as Toothless watches the two, rumbling.


"Something like this?" Fishlegs questions, offering the two drawings to Hiccup.

"You know... Maybe (Y/N) and I could--"

"No! I want to," Fishlegs interrupts, making (Y/N) peek over Hiccup's shoulder.

"Hmm... How about just tracing Toothless' card? And for the Sonic Angel do the same for (D/N)'s but with feathers on her arms," (Y/N) suggests, making Fishlegs sigh heavily.

"You could have told me that before," he groans, snatching the drawings.

"Can you believe it?" Astrid continues gushing over the new dragons. "Toothless and (D/N) have girlfriends."

"I never took you for a romantic," Hiccup snickers, looking at (Y/N) as she shakes her head with an amused smile. "Like, ever."

"It's just so sweet," Astrid replies, grabbing a basket near some apples. "I mean, look."

(Y/N) looks behind her, raising a brow as Toothless uses his shadow to practice a Nadder mating dance. He then nuzzles into the shadow, purring.

"And look at (D/N)! I haven't see him this mopey in forever." Astrid continues, (D/N) laying down near Toothless with a blank expression.

"Okay, that's just sad," Tuffnut observes, looking between him and Toothless. "And Toothless is... Weird."

"Yeah, you better do something," Ruffnut agrees in monotone.

"Seriously? I'd rather shovel poop all day than watch them," Snotlout scoffs, (Y/N) rolling her eyes.

"You won't have to worry about seeing soon," she mumbles, Hiccup chuckling before rising.

"All right. Let's head back to the woods and see if we can find them," he says, Toothless pausing from licking his shadow and turning to the two.

He roars happily, racing over to them as (D/N) stands, trying not to look too eager as he trots over to (Y/N).

"Ah! Good idea." Tuffnut nods before wrapping an arm around Hiccup, (Y/N) looking between the two. "A little privacy," Tuff continues with a nervous chuckle, leading Hiccup away.


"Shh," Tuffnut shushes, Hiccup looking back at (Y/N) as Astrid joins her.

"But... (D/N) has to come too," Hiccup slowly says, making Tuffnut sigh in exasperation.

"Fine. (Y/N)! You can come," he reluctantly mumbles, (Y/N) walking over with (D/N) at her side.

"I'm so pleased to have your approval," (Y/N) sarcastically replies, looking back at Astrid, who shrugs in response.


"But! You have to stay a few feet ahead as to not hear our guy talk."

"... Not a problem, Tuff."


(Y/N) walks a few feet ahead of Tuffnut and Hiccup, Toothless on her left side and (D/N) on her right, listening and scanning the area.

"So... You wanna get married."

"Uh," Hiccup drags the word out, looking over at (Y/N). "Yes, I do. But she wants to wait--"

"Good news!" Tuffnut interrupts. "I've been to two weddings, I crashed both, but none as high profile as this one."

Tuffnut smacks around at the green plants with a stick, Hiccup boredly looking around as (Y/N) looks back. She laughs at his expression, making him smile before it falls at Tuff continues speaking.

"Lots of pressure, judgment, and not just by me."

"Look, we talked about it!" Hiccup huffs, stopping Tuffnut. "We're not getting married until we fix--"

"Cold feet. I've seen it before," Tuffnut taps Hiccup's chest with the stick, grabbing his shoulders. "Don't worry, little Hiccy, I'm here."

Tuffnut walks away, leaving Hiccup in confusion.


"Now, I've seen the way (Y/N) looks at you," Tuff continues, looking around. "Everyone has. She's obviously in love with you, has complete faith in you, knows what you're capable of. But you need to focus on being worthy."

"What do you mean?" Hiccup slowly asks, blocking the sun peeking through the trees.

"I mean, (Y/N)'s a warrior Queen, for Thor's sake!" Tuffnut exclaims, a little too loudly.

(Y/N) looks back, looking between the two as Hiccup awkwardly waves, Tuffnut jerking his head up in greeting. She slowly turns away, continuing walking.

"Astrid has told me she has had some doubts about you, thinking you could be more," Tuffnut says after a moment, smacking another bush with his stick. "But with me as your best man, your... Spirit guide, if you will, you'll learn to embrace your inner Viking."

Hiccup's face showed an uncomfortableness, cringing as he looks around.

"Show these naysayers, of which there are many, that you're more than just a malnourished runt with bad hair, strange teeth, and a twig for a neck."

"Okay, that's... Thank you, Tuffnut," (Y/N) calls back, making him yelp as Hiccup looks up.

"But Hiccup doesn't need to prove anything to anyone," she continues, turning around with folded arms. "And his hair is much better than yours. And teeth. And... Yeah his neck is a little thinner, but it's perfect. He's perfect, okay? He doesn't need your help."

Hiccup felt a wide grin spread on his face, Tuffnut remaining silent before poorly whispering.

"Dude, how did she hear me?" He questions before fake laughing loudly. "I have no idea what you're talking about, (Y/N)!"

"Hmm," (Y/N) sarcastically hums, rolling her eyes before facing forward. "You're very bad at pep talks, Tuff."

Tuffnut watches as she walks away before he quickly continues. "As I was saying, everyone's watching you. I mean it. Everyone. You need to man up. Do as I do!"

(Y/N) walks forward a few steps, her arms folded as she shakes her head and walks with Toothless.

"It'll be hard, but you have my word. And until I break that word I won't give up."

Toothless halts, looking around the familiar clearing where the Light Fury once was. (D/N) ears flicker as he sniffs the ground, his scales spiking as he snorts. Hiccup narrows his eyes as he looks ahead, Toothless walking around the clearing.

"Hey? What, am I just wasting my time, here? You see some shiny thing in the woods--"

Hiccup kneels, picking up an odd dart and holding it up.

"Ooh, what is that?"

Hiccup rises with the dart in his hand, looking up and around before slowly looking down at (Y/N), gasping as she walks into the clearing.


Hiccup shouts the same time (D/N) roars in warning when he senses the trap.

(Y/N) jumps, her eyes wide as she turns back. Toothless flinches as well, leaping in the air and panting lightly as he looks at the girl, Hiccup behind her.

"What?! You almost gave me a heart attack--" she pants out, raising her leg to walk forward.

"Don't move a muscle!" Hiccup instructs, looking down and slowly scooting towards her.

She freezes, tilting her head before looking around. She gasps, noticing her foot pressing against a pressure plate.


"It's okay! It's okay," he calmly says, gently waving his hands as he continues walking to her.

(D/N) barks, making Hiccup pause and adjust his footing, looking to (D/N). He nods, making Hiccup set his foot down as he offers his hand to (Y/N).

"If I move whatever this is will go off," (Y/N) warns in a shakey tone, carefully adjusting her other foot as she looks up at Hiccup.

"Come on, it's alright," Hiccup softly says, (Y/N) slowly leaning forward with her hand outstretched. "I won't let anything happen to you."

She sets her hand in his, Hiccup grunting as he pulls her swiftly to his chest. He makes them fall back purposely, out of the way as the trap sets off.

Two large metal nets clamp together where (Y/N) nearly stood, Toothless snarling at the traps and (D/N) lowly hissing as he rushes over to the two.

Another trap a few meters away clamps shut, larger than the one in front of Toothless. (D/N) looks over with a low growl, his ears flat against his head as he looks between the two traps.

(Y/N) looks back with a soft gasp, Hiccup sitting up as he pants lightly. Tuffnut looks between the traps with wide eyes, his mouth opened in disbelief.

Hiccup pulls her in a hug, sighing in relief before glaring at the trap behind her.


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