《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The Dragons
Third Person P.O.V
Hiccup looks out to the dragons flying around Berk, sighing softly as he listens to their roars and the waves in the distance.
Toothless rumbles, nudging Hiccup with a grin.
"What?" Hiccup questions with a raised brow, a small smile on his face.
Toothless looks down at his prosthetic with another pleading rumble, looking up at Hiccup with big eyes.
"Oh, all right." Hiccup sighs, bouncing on one leg to get his prosthetic off. "You do know it's not a chew toy, don't you?" He questions before his voice turns playful. "Is this what you want? Oh, do you want this leg?"
Toothless happily wags his tail, bowing and staring at the metal foot with rumbles.
"Do you want my leg?" Hiccup grins, grunting as he throws it. "Go get it!"
Toothless quickly dives after it, leaving Hiccup alone. He sits down with a sigh, dangling his legs over the edge as he takes his old journal out.
He looks over the drawing of (Y/N) he did all those years ago, smiling softly as he brushes his fingers against it.
Hiccup closes the journal, tucking it away and grabbing his map journal, pushing himself from the edge and setting it up as his foot falls from the sky.
Toothless rumbles from above, making Hiccup look up with a grin as Toothless glides on the wind.
"Getting pretty good at gliding on your own, bud," Hiccup compliments, focusing on his map as Toothless lands, panting and nudging the prosthetic to Hiccup.
Hiccup remains silent, trailing his fingers across the map before getting to an empty spot, tapping it.
He jumps as (D/N) roars softly, gaining their attention as he glides up to them with (Y/N) on his back.
"(Y/N)! Uh, hey, hi! Where... Where have you been?" Hiccup stammers, watching them land as she nervously laughs.
"Well, I was hiding for a little at the old clearing," (Y/N) replies, sliding off (D/N) and rubbing his neck. "And then I was looking for you, and figured I'd find you where we always hide from Gobber."
"Ah," Hiccup laughs, nodding as he looks back at his map.
Toothless eagerly shoves the prosthetic foot to (Y/N), making her cringe at the saliva dripping from it.
"Toothless... Okay, go get it!" She groans in disgust, tossing it away as Toothless quickly races after it.
(D/N) watches with a small smile before sitting, looking towards the sunset.
"I came back because I figured he was right, you know?" (Y/N) continues, wiping her hands on her armor and shaking them out.
Hiccup perks up, looking over at her with wide eyes and a light blush.
"R-Really?" He stammers out, a small smile forming on his face. "You think you and I should..."
"--Figure out how we're going to solve the problems here on Berk," (Y/N) nods, placing her hands on her hips as she looks over Berk.
Hiccup deflates, blinking rapidly as he looks up at her. "Oh. Y-Yeah that's what I was thinking."
"I just can't believe he even brought up marriage like that! That was just so..." (Y/N) groans in embarrassment, shaking her head and slapping her hand against her forehead.
"Yeah, I know... That was crazy..." Hiccup mumbles in a monotone, pouting slightly as he looks away.
"I mean the idea of it... Isn't crazy," (Y/N) says after a moment, nervously glancing to Hiccup as he looks over at her. "But, erm... We should focus on the problems at hand before... All that. More and more trappers threaten us every day."
She sighs heavily, setting herself down besides Hiccup and looking over his map. He smiles, pressing a kiss to her temple before wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"It does seems like the whole world knows about us now." He agrees in a concerned voice.
"And with more and more dragons we bring back here..."
"... The more trappers will try to come and take them," Hiccup finishes, sighing and looking back down at his map.
"Gross!" (Y/N) groans as Toothless drops the prosthetic in her lap, making her grab it and quickly throw it to (D/N).
(D/N) jumps up in alarm, his scales spiked as he sniffs at the foot with a raised brow. Toothless barrels in a moment later, tackling (D/N) as the two start to playfully fight.
"If only we could find somewhere else to go, or find a way to make them leave us alone," (Y/N) continues, shaking her head before leaning her cheek on his shoulder.
"There... Might be somewhere," Hiccup says, making her remove her cheek to look up at the side of his face.
"Remember how my dad used to talk about the old mariners' myth? The secret land at the edge of the world?" Hiccup questions, making her gasp.
"That's right! You told me about it. Dragons lived there, totally out of reach," she nods, looking down at the map before pausing. "But what if it was just some sailors' tall tale?"
"But what if it's real?" Hiccup softly asks, leaning forward and setting his hand over hers on the map. "It could be the answer to all of our problems!"
"So we move the dragons there?" (Y/N) tilts her head, Hiccup grinning and shaking his head.
"All of us."
(Y/N) smiles for a moment before looking down at Berk, her eyes lingering on the statue of Stoick.
"But what about Berk? This has been our home for seven generations. And Stoick left it to you to protect," (Y/N) looks back at Hiccup in concern. "I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but... Are you sure?"
"Uh..." Hiccup trails off before sighing. "I don't know."
"Hmm," (Y/N) hums softly, looking back at the two wrestling dragons. "Well, until you know for sure, we can just stay here."
(D/N) playfully whacks Toothless' nose, kicking him off and snatching the prosthetic foot and bowing to Toothless.
Toothless huffs, growling as he starts chasing (D/N) for the foot.
"Well, we could just take Gobber's advice and tie the knot," Hiccup not-so-subtly hints. "I-I mean, we are perfect for each other. But, hey! If you're having any doubts about yours truly, I'm pretty sure Snotlout's available."
"Oh, don't even joke about that!" (Y/N) laughs, pretending to gag as she lightly shoves his shoulder. "And you know he only has eyes for our moms. Though, I'm pretty sure my mom is close to ripping them out, so..."
Hiccup lets out a hearty laugh, (Y/N) giggling and shaking her head as she continues to joke.
"So, hey! Maybe before our wedding, we'll be going to theirs!"
"Oh? So we are going to have a wedding?" Hiccup smirks, making her laugh as he pulls her in his lap while lightly tickling her.
"Hiccup! Let me go!"
"Nu-uh! You totally had me worried you would never want to marry me!" Hiccup laughs, (Y/N) attempting to squirm away.
"Mercy!" She yells, laughing as he adjusts his grip.
"Nope! You're not getting out of this! This is payback for scaring me!"
(Y/N) laughs with squeals as he continues to tickle her, planting rapid-fire kisses on her face.
"(D/N)! Help!"
(D/N) perks up, swiftly looking over and dropping the prosthetic as he rumbles in warning to Hiccup. Toothless eagerly snatches the foot, rushing away as (D/N) crouches, wiggling slightly as he prepares to leap at the two.
"(D/N)! Buddy, come on," Hiccup nervously laughs, stammering as (D/N) seems to smirk, stepping forward. "Okay! Okay! You win, you win! You always win!"
(Y/N) laughs as he releases her, (D/N) nodding as he rises and trots over to (Y/N)'s side. Toothless joins Hiccup, dropping the prosthetic and nudging it to him.
Hiccup chuckles, smiling as (Y/N) leans her head on his shoulder.
"I love you, Hiccup."
"Uh-huh, sure, she says this after siccing her dragon on me," Hiccup teases, making her laugh as he presses a kiss to her forehead. "I love you, too."
A loud dragon's roar catches their attention, (D/N) swiftly rising to his feet as his ears swerve facing forward. A higher pitched roar follows, making Toothless instantly race forward and skid to a stop.
"That dragon sounds like it needs help!" (Y/N) gasps, (D/N) snorting with a nod.
Toothless swiftly leaps from the rocks, leaving behind the others as (D/N) roars after him.
"Uh, bud?" Hiccup calls, fixing his foot and rushing after him.
Toothless leaps from rock to rock, leaving them behind as he glides away.
"Yeah, sure. Don't bother to wait for us," Hiccup scoffs, shaking his head as (D/N) joins his side, (Y/N) already on him.
Toothless sniffs around the area, jumping and rumbling as (D/N) joins his side with a scolding growl.
He rumbles apologetically as Hiccup slides off (D/N), sighing.
"What's going on, guys?"
(D/N)'s ears perk as he hears a roar, making him bolt in that direction as (Y/N) yelps, struggling to hang on as Hiccup calls after them.
"Come on, bud!"
Toothless snorts, following quickly after Hiccup.
(D/N) sniffs the ground, raising his head and scanning the area as his ears flicker. He rushes forward as a whine could be heard, (Y/N) gasping and grunting as she slips off the saddle.
"Thanks, (D/N), love you too!" She groans, rising and dusting herself off before jogging after him.
(D/N) skids to a stop, looking around before jumping as a dragon frantically tries to fly off, only to fall, wrapped in old chain netting.
The Sonic Angel roars, biting at the chains and thrashing against it before releasing a plasma ball.
(Y/N) pants lightly, stopping behind (D/N) and slowly moving around him before gasping at the sight of the white and gold dragon ahead.
"Great Odin's ghost..." She breathes out with wide eyes, the Sonic Angel biting at the chains wrapped around her wings and torso.
(D/N) tilts his head, blinking rapidly as the Sonic Angel slowly looks over at him, making eye contact with his (E/C) eyes.
She perks up, tilting her head the same way with a soft chitter. (D/N) rumbles back, slowly taking a few steps forward and sniffing the ground.
(Y/N) takes a few steps forward, making the Sonic Angel jolt and face her with a snarl as she attempts to stand.
"Easy, easy, I'm not going to hurt you," (Y/N) softly says, taking another careful step forward.
Hiccup pants heavily, Toothless rumbling a laugh as they come to a stop.
"Finally... Caught up... To them!" Hiccup sighs in relief, pushing past the plants and gasping at the sight.
"(Y/N)!" Hiccup poorly whispers, making her wave her hand back and dismiss him as he and Toothless watch.
(Y/N) moved closer to the Sonic Angel, her hands up in surrender as the dragon growls lightly.
(D/N) shakes his head, gently nudging his head into (Y/N)'s arm to show she wasn't a threat.
The Sonic Angel's eyes narrow in confusion, a chitter coming from her throat as she looks at the human a few paces from her.
(Y/N) softly exhales, slowly grabbing one of the chains as the Sonic Angel jumps lightly, baring her teeth before realizing she was being set free.
(Y/N) mutters to herself as she untangles the chains, "I knew there were a few chains left after the last trapper attack. I should have double checked."
(D/N) keeps his eyes on the Sonic Angel, who stares back at him with a tilted head and a purr.
The chains come undone, (Y/N) slowly pulling the rusted chains off the dragon as she rises, backing away and now free.
She shakes herself out, stretching her golden wings and looking between the two with curiosity.
"There you go," (Y/N) smiles, the dragon eyeballing the chains as she tosses them to the side, dusting off her hands. "I'm sorry this happened. But, now you're free, so..."
The Sonic Angel looks at (D/N), rumbling lightly as she carefully approaches him. He looks down at her with a raised brow, jumping as she boops her nose against his with a rumbling laugh.
(D/N) blinks rapidly, backing away a few steps as (Y/N) laughs.
"Aww, what's got you all shy all of a sudden?"
She jumps as something nudges her arm, the Sonic Angel chittering at her with a small smile.
"Hey there," (Y/N) greets, chuckling as the Sonic Angel sniffs at her hands before nuzzling into them with a purr.
Hiccup chuckles in disbelief from his spot, Toothless looking over at (D/N) with a raised brow and a quiet roar.
(D/N) looks back with wide eyes, Toothless motioning for him to walk over to the Sonic Angel.
(D/N) looks at her before turning back to Toothless, shaking his head. (Y/N) scratches behind the dragon's ear as she rises, looking around with narrowed eyes.
She sniffs at the ground, frowning and hissing lightly as she faces Toothless and Hiccup's direction. She starts to gather a plasma ball in her mouth, making (Y/N) gasp.
"Uh-oh," Hiccup nervously laughs, Toothless rising as (D/N) quickly rushes in front of them, shaking his head as he roars to the Sonic Angel.
She pauses, making a curious sound as Toothless shoves Hiccup in the clearing.
"Hi there!" Hiccup greets, the Sonic Angel still glaring at him. "Duh, uh, my name is Hiccup, and this is (D/N) and (Y/N). And this is Toothless. Come on out, bud."
The Sonic Angel spots Toothless entering the clearing, gasping before frantically looking around with a startled roar.
(D/N) tilts his head, watching before whinning as she takes off flying. She roars over at him before becoming invisible, the sound of her flying away becoming distant.
"I wonder why she left..." (Y/N) mumbles, (D/N)'s ears drooping slightly as he looks at the sky.
He grunts, narrowing his eyes before scanning the area. (D/N) barks over to Toothless, making him look at him before sniffing the air.
His eyes widen as he starts to take off once again.
"Oh, great," Hiccup sarcastically says with a sigh as they start pursuing.
Toothless looks around the foggy area, sniffing at the ground and following the unfamiliar scent.
A soft whine catches his attention, making him quickly rush into view as he walks through the tall grass.
He walks a few more paces, pushing through the grass and spotting a white dragon across a clearing. Toothless looks around, slowly and carefully exiting the grass while walking towards the dragon.
The Light Fury whines softly, hiding herself in her wings as she curls into a ball. Her ear flickers when she hears Toothless approaching, slowly turning.
Toothless rumbles, his eyes wide as he spots her baby blue ones. He shakes himself from his daze, continuing to walk forward.
She stares at him before gasping, roaring and jumping up in warning. Toothless leaps back in surprise, watching as she hisses at the ground in front of her.
Toothless sniffs at the ground, perking when he smells the trap. He walks around, the Light Fury staggering lightly and shaking her head as she looks at Toothless.
She shyly looks away, softly purring as he rumbles back. The two continue staring at each other when a twig snaps, making her snarl as she leaps up.
A loud boom echoes through the air as the Sonic Angel dives down, deflecting the blast the Light Fury fired with her wings. The plasma ball crashes against another tree, the Light Fury gasping when she sees her friend.
She roars over to her, the Sonic Angel looking back in concern before gently rumbling.
Hiccup slowly peeks out of his hiding spot, (D/N) doing the same and removing his wing from (Y/N).
"What... Was that?" She questions with wide eyes, her ears still ringing.
"Oh, my gods!" Hiccup gasps, staggering out as he stares at the Light Fury. "(Y/N)!"
The Light Fury yowls, making (Y/N) gasp as she looks between her and Hiccup.
"Hiccup!" She yells, quickly tackling him as another blast was fired, (D/N) roaring and racing into the clearing besides Toothless.
Toothless quickly shakes his head, growling lightly as the Light Fury squawks. The Sonic Angel looks over at (D/N) before flying down to the Light Fury, cooing at her.
"We're not going to hurt you!" (Y/N) tries, rising and helping Hiccup up.
"Yeah, yeah! We're friends! No need to kill us!"
The Light Fury shakes her head, snarling softly as she takes off flying. The Sonic Angel sighs, looking back at (D/N) before quickly following.
(D/N) calls after her, his ears flattening as he sighs. Toothless roars, pursuing the two by climbing up the tree. (D/N) shakes his head, flying after his friend.
Toothless goes to the very top, watching as the Light Fury fires a blast and disappears, the Sonic Angel quickly following.
(D/N) lands besides Toothless, who whines softly. (D/N) rumbles back, looking up at the sky.
"Wow!" Hiccup breathlessly laughs, looking up at the two. "What are the chances? Another Night Fury and Echo Angel!"
"Not exactly," (Y/N) shakes her head, humming in thought. "They were both different in their own ways... The 'Night' Fury was white..."
"Bright Fury..."
"Light Fury!"
"... Yeah, uh, yours is better probably," Hiccup nods, grinning. "And the other, she doesn't have Echolocation because she would have sensed us way before."
"What was that loud explosion? I mean, it wasn't a fiery one, but... A sonic boom?"
"Sonic Angel!" Hiccup gasps in excitement, (Y/N) nodding with a grin.
"Nice names."
Toothless continues to whine softly, (D/N) remaining silent as he looks away, jumping back down to (Y/N).
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The Trespasser
Synopsis Following his di—instincts, David finds himself in a weird situation; the next thing he knows, he's in a different world, dying, and manhandled by a big-ass alien. When the Source comes to his aid, granting him the access that—like every other sapient—he's due, David barely manages to get out of the fight with his life intact, but is that enough? Of course it isn't. The very Source giving him powers is also poisoning him to death. Oh, there she is, the petite female alien. Will that be enough to save him? Of course it won't. If he wants to be saved, he has first to save himself. The only way to do so is by getting to know the world around him, but even before that... Why the bloody hell did I have to be called Deviant!? *** Blurb? Blurb. The Trespasser starts slowly, I believe I've written a decent world, and I want you to find out what it's all about, won't just throw it in your face because of *levels*. I do not like stories that don't make sense. David is not a murderhobo, he respects life and answers to the world and the weird situations thrown at him with irony and sarcasm; so you are looking for easy killing streaks, you will not find them here. So, a man finds himself into the wild? It's a different world, and yet he can breathe its air? Finds himself in a lucky-low-level zone? Oh, look at that, people speak English—how likely is that? So, nope, not for me, gentleman. You won't find anything of the likes here. Again, a man finds himself in a new world but only thinks about the system? Yeah, that's not exactly how it works. David will try to find out what it's really all about, what the aliens want, how they work, why is that Fay really helping him? You can kill somebody to get levels, and yet there is not even a form of police? Not gonna happen here. Man becomes suddenly overpowered in a world where people can live for thousands of years by having enough luck to face only lower-level people? Hahaha—nope. Lastly...Spaceships and fantasy with LitRPG... say what!? Well, what's wrong with that? Let's make it happen, shall we? *** You want even more info? Really? Alright... David will start from the very bottom of the food chain, so there will be a settling arc—it's inevitable. David will find true companions, with personalities and backstories, and they will have a life of their own. There will be enemies, and those enemies will have a life of their own, too; there will be no evil just because. The world-building will have true depth; it will not exist just because the protagonist visits it. There will be both Fantasy and (Soft) Sci-fi—yeah, you heard that right. There will be rationality to every action taken, as long as the characters are aware of what is going on. There will be a godly system. You will come to read because of the world-building, but you will stay for the characters. The dead stay dead, and you will weep for them. There will be no action without a reaction. Lastly, there will be laughs. Are you still up for it? Then get in but fasten your seatbelts because it's going to be a wild ride. *** Release Days: Twice a week Release Time: ~09:00 PM UTC Words per chapter: ~3000 This web novel is also available on other platforms.
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