《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The Domain of Grimmel
"To the Chief and his warrior-ess!" Gobber shouts over the crowd, making them cheer back.
Everyone was in high spirits, some houses already nearly done and a large feast taking place in honor of New Berk.
"To the Chief and his warrior-ess!" They all shout, clinking their mugs together.
Men cheer as they toss Hiccup in the air, (Y/N) watching with an amused smile.
"Okay, guys! Now I'm just getting sick!" Hiccup groans, swaying as they set him down.
(Y/N) chuckles, stabling him by wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
Hiccup smiles in thanks, turning away as he retches.
"Gotta say, I thought you two were off your rockers." Gobber comments, approaching them and taking a sip of his drink. "But this spot ain't half bad."
"This was supposed to be a temporary solution," Hiccup sighs, removing his arm from (Y/N).
"Grimmel is still a large threat," she agrees.
"It's unanimous!" Eret gains their attention, raising his mug. "Everyone agrees we've definitely traded up. I'd say old Grimmel won't be able to find us here." He punches Hiccup's arm, "well done, you two!"
Hiccup forces a chuckle, nervously looking around before frantically whispering, "what if the tail broke?"
"I'm sure it's fine, love," (Y/N) replies as he bites his nails anxiously.
"What if Grimmel found them? What if they need us?"
"They're probably having the time of their lives!" Gobber responds nonchalantly.
"How would I know?!" Hiccup demands, walking backwards. "That Light Fury never comes around! And when she does, she's always rushing off."
"Hiccup," (Y/N) calls, raising her brows as he raises his hands in defeat.
"I'm just saying, how... How do we know they're right for us?"
"Us?" Gobber and (Y/N) say at the same time.
"You know what I mean, (Y/N). I-I mean the Sonic Angel seems all well and good, but that doesn't matter if her friend continues being so wild and skittish!"
"... I think he's lost it," Gobber whispers, (Y/N) nodding in agreement before quickly shaking her head.
"I mean, we can slowly gain her trust--"
"I'm just gonna say it, I don't trust that Light Fury." He grumbles, Gobber heartily laughing.
"You can't tame 'em all, Hiccup." Gobber sighs, "one day you'll both have to snip those apron strings and let Toothless and (D/N) stetch their wings."
"Hmm," (Y/N) mumbles softly, rubbing her neck with a small sigh.
"Reminds me of a talk I had with Stoick about you-- gah!" Gobber shrieks, tons of Hobgobblers watching him. "Where do they keep coming from?!"
"What?" (Y/N) questions, turning around as he frantically looks between her and the dragons.
"Those bloody Hobgobblers! I swear they're popping up faster than rabbits." Gobber says as he hides. "I think they want to eat me. Evidence would suggest I'm tasty."
"Uh-huh," (Y/N) slowly says, gasping as Tuffnut appears from nowhere.
"Hiccy! A moment?"
"Hiccy?" (Y/N) repeats, Hiccup groaning in embarrassment before following Tuffnut.
"Listen, I've been watching you walk," Tuffnut starts, sighing. "Lose the limp. No one's gonna marry that."
"I have a prosthetic leg!"
"So have I!" Gobber agrees.
"And (Y/N) has a cool scar on her arm, but you don't see her flaunting it," Tuffnut replies before grunting. "I have a parasitic twin, but you don't see me limping around about it."
"Unbelievable," (Y/N) sighs, shaking her head as she starts walking towards the bonfire.
Hiccup follows, Tuffnut rushing after him and lightly smacking under his chin.
"Come on, chin up, Hiccy. Puff of that chest!" Hiccup smacks him away, yelping when Tuffnut smacks his rear. "Move that butt to the left a little bit."
Gobber walks after them, pausing and turning with a gasp of fear at the dozens of Hobgobblers eyes looking down at him.
Cloudjumper lets out a pained roar, Malin squawking after him as he crash lands.
"Let me see him!" (M/N) shouts, jumping from Malin and rushing to him as Valka watches in concern.
"Mom! Are you guys hurt?" Hiccup yells, racing to meet them with (Y/N).
"What happened?" (Y/N) questions, Malin chirping and nudging the girl's back in greeting.
"I don't know how, but Grimmel is tracking us." Valka replies while removing her mask as (M/N) continues inspecting Cloudjumper.
She grunts as she removes the tip of a Deathgrippers tusk from his neck, making him rumble in relief.
"Ahh! This is all because of the Hobgobblers!" Gobber yells, Astrid walking past him and staring at him for a moment before rushing to the four.
"There were at least a hundred ships," (M/N) sighs, wiping some sweat from her brow as she rises.
"Maybe more," Valka shakes her head. "With enough cages for all of our dragons."
"That's what I was afraid of," (Y/N) sighs, Hiccup exhaling heavily.
"If Grimmel is leading them here, we have to take him out of the mix."
"What? You don't mean--"
"And how would we do that?" Tuffnut interrupts (Y/N).
"By going there to capture him." Hiccup firmly replies.
"Capture... Him?" Gobber repeats in disbelief.
"I'm with him! Who else?" Tuffnut shouts, raising his arms in the air.
Grimmel's domain...
Grimmel softly hums as the venom from the Deathgripper's tail drips into a glass container.
He lets the tail go, the dragon taking it back with a small growl and hiss.
Grimmel pours the venom into a vile, sealing it and attaching a syringe.
(Y/N) rides on the back of Malin, Hiccup behind her holding onto her waist. (M/N) stayed at New Berk to watch after the people, and let them borrow her dragon.
The group fly together in the dark fog, looking over the dozens of ships.
Hiccup pats (Y/N)'s shoulder before leaping off, using his wing-suit to check the place out as (Y/N) follows above, still on Malin.
Hiccup lands with a small grunt, folding his wings away and waiting for (Y/N). She lands, gently petting Malin's cheek before adjusting her mask and joining Hiccup's side.
The Deathgrippers perk up with snarls, Grimmel snapping his fingers and continuing to work at his desk.
The Deathgrippers hiss, a small clicking sound coming from them as they look around the dark area.
The group peek up over the some rocks after one walks by, Snotlout whispering.
"Okay, split up. We'll be harder to catch."
"I was thinking we should split up," Eret whispers, shrugging. "Just because."
"I like your instincts," Valka nods, Snotlout stammering in disbelief.
"What is this?"
Astrid looks across the room to (Y/N) and Hiccup, pointing up silently.
(Y/N) nods, picking up a rock and hurling it as a Deathgripper moves closer to Astrid. The dragon snarls, rushing after the noise as Astrid sighs in relief.
Eret tuck and rolls, Valka swiftly following as they rush past one of the Deathgrippers.
Ruffnut stupidly waves her arms to one of the dragons, making Tuffnut yank her down as the dragon looks over at her with a snarl, not seeing anything.
(Y/N) slowly draws her sword as she takes the front, Hiccup guarding her back as they stealthily walk up the stairs.
Hiccup draws his own sword, lighting up the area and shining it around before pausing when he sees the room was empty.
Grimmel yanks a lever, causing a chain netting to wrap across the roof and the sides, trapping them inside.
Astrid gasps, Valka looking around swiftly as the others search for Grimmel.
Fishmeat whines, making Fishlegs gently shush him.
"Where are your dragons when you need them?" Grimmel muses from above as Hiccup rushes down the stairs. "Hmm, Chief?"
(Y/N) looks around for an escape, her eyes lingering on the netting above before nodding.
"They must have forgotten all about you two." Grimmel continues, Hiccup glaring past the chains at him as he sets his lantern down. "First rule of the hunt, seperate the prey from its pack. You've just removed yourselves from the equation."
"Why are you doing this?" Hiccup demands.
"Really? I didn't think you cared!" Grimmel fakes sadness, snickering. "Well, unlike you, when I was a boy and I came upon a Night Fury, I killed it where it slept!" He snaps, shaking his head. "And when its little Echo Angel friend came by to check on it, I killed it while it mourned!"
(Y/N) walks down the steps, joining Hiccup's side as she watches Grimmel.
"That simple act of courage made me a hero in my village."
"Our best bet is up," (Y/N) quietly speaks, making Hiccup subtly glance up at the chain netting.
"So, I decided to kill every last one of both species, bringing real peace to the people of this world." Grimmel continues, turning around and glaring at the two. "Until you two came along, preaching that dragons are something other than theives and murderers."
Hiccup sheathes his sword, glancing down to determine where the others were.
Grimmel scoffs, waving his arms. "That nonsense dies now. Starting... With you."
"But you have dragons of your own!" Hiccup yells back, firmly looking down at Grimmel as he laughs.
"These?" He questions, a Deathgripper approaching and chittering at him. "They're dragon killers. Drugged into obedience with their own venom."
The dragon mindlessly nudges into him as Grimmel holds his tusk.
"Not even your Alpha and Beta could control them." Grimmel muses, raising the venom-filled syringe to the dragon's helmet. "They serve me and only me."
He sticks the syringe in its place, the dragon's eye shrinking as he hisses.
"Allow me to demonstrate. Get her." Grimmel grins, whistling.
"Take cover!" Hiccup bellows, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand and rushing out of the way as a Deathgripper sprays venom her way.
The venom ignites below, a large fire starting up.
(Y/N) follows after Hiccup, gasp as the metal platform beneath her collapses.
Hiccup skids to a stop, yelling her name as she falls.
(Y/N screams and lands roughly on her back with a grunt of pain, the wind knocked out of her.
Another Deathgripper roars, spraying more venom as the group rushes to safety.
"Split up!" Astrid yells, the group using the netting on the side to climb away from the flames.
Astrid pants as she rushes from a Deathgripper, helping (Y/N) to her feet as she dizzily sways.
"Run!" Astrid screams, pushing her onto a platform above and scrambling after her.
Hiccup closely watches (Y/N) as he races up the stairs, a Deathgripper roaring and pursuing him.
He sprays acid, melting the staircase as Hiccup leaps and grabs hanging chains. Hiccup yells as he manages to grab onto a ledge, pulling himself up as the dragon spews fire at him.
Valka gasps, quickly rolling as a Deathgripper bursts through the beams she was on. The other Deathgrippers joined him, roaring.
Valka leaps, using her staff to pull herself higher. She raises her staff through the chain netting, spiraling it around.
"Up here!" She shouts to Hiccup, holding out her hand.
Astrid jumps, grunting and climbing up the wall and looking back at (Y/N).
(Y/N) follows, panting heavily before gasping with a yell as a Deathgripper strikes his tail at her. She dodges it, Astrid dropping herself onto the Deathgripper's tail and swinging her body, kicking its face.
She grabs (Y/N)'s hand as she jumps from the falling dragon, sighing in relief as (Y/N) pulls her up.
Cloudjumper roars as he grabs the netting, Malin screeching and grabbing the other side. The two pull at the netting, flapping their wings with all their might.
"Hurry!" Valka yells, helping Astrid up as the others rush to their dragons.
"Go, go!"
(Y/N) yelps as the cobblestone she was using to hold herself up crumbles. Valka reaches after her as (Y/N) screams, grunting and managing to hold onto a beam going across the middle.
"(Y/N)!" Hiccup gasps, panting as he looks down at the smoke.
He looks back up at (Y/N), backing up a few feet before racing forward as (Y/N) slips from the beam. He leaps just as a Deathgripper roars, biting and missing him.
(Y/N) yells, gasping as Hiccup collides with her and grabs onto Valka's staff.
"Gotcha!" Valka sighs in relief, pulling them up on Cloudjumper's lowered wing. "Go, Cloudjumper!"
Cloudjumper swiftly pulls his wing back, Malin letting go of the netting just as the Deathgrippers tried to pursue.
They screech and roar, struggling to try to break through the netting as the group gets away.
"Our hero!" Fishlegs shouts as the Crimson Goregutter swoops down, roaring as he collides with Grimmel's hideout.
The Deathgrippers shriek, the structure collapsing.
Valka stands at the front of Cloudjumper, Malin flying at his side. (Y/N) was sitting on Cloudjumper's back, Hiccup struggling to walk across the dragon as he rushes to her.
"Are you alright?!" Hiccup frantically questions, grabbing the sides of (Y/N)'s face and looking her over.
"I'm alright," (Y/N) confirms with a small exhale, nodding slightly as he sighs in relief. "My back is just a little sore."
"Thank the gods," he softly says, pressing a lingering kiss on her forehead.
Grimmel growls angrily as he exits his hideout, watching the retreating group with a glare.
"Ugh. He takes that stupid baby everywhere." Ruffnut sighs, joining his side.
Grimmel pauses, his eyes widening in confusion as he slowly turns and looks down at her.
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