《Million pieces》19


Meredith woke up in the middle of the night and felt the urge to use the restroom. She hated waking Derek for these things

"Der" She whispered "Derek" She repeated a bit louder

"Are you okay?" She asked as he checked the clock

"Can you help me, please? I need to use the bathroom" Meredith asked, not looking into Derek's eyes

"Of course" He gave her a soft smile and gently scooped her up, let her do her business and tucked her back into the covers

"Thank you" She whispered as she finally looked into Derek's eyes

"I would do anything for you" Derek smiled back and kissed her forehead before wrapping his arms around her and holding her close

"Can we do something with the kids tomorrow?" Meredith asked

"You feel up to it? Sure! Any suggestions?" Derek asked

"Well.. they've been inside for a while, maybe we can go to the pond with your car and have a fishing day

"But you can't enter the water. Your wound needs to heal first" Derek rubbed her side

"I know and i wasn't gonna enter the water anyway" She sighed

"I'm gonna call Callie in the morning and ask her if there's anything we have to look out for" Derek kissed Meredith's lips


"Mer, are you ready?" Derek asked

"Almost" She replied as she wheeled herself to the table and grabbed her purse "Now I am" She smiled a bit

"Daddy! I forgot my floaties" Ellis yelled

"I packed them" Meredith smiled "Dad got them out of the closet and I packed them in the purple bag"

"Now let's go" Derek announced and helped Meredith into the car

They drove the unofficial road to their pond before he stopped the car and got out. He opened Meredith's door but started to place blankets and pillows on the ground first


"Now let's go" Derek lifted Meredith and placed her on the soft blanket, adjusting the one she was covering herself with

"Dad, can we fish?" Bailey asked

"Will you go set everything up?" Derek asked him

Bailey nodded and ran off

Ellis cuddled into Meredith's arms. The little girl was careful, even a bit scared but needed her mother around after everything that had happened

"Zozo, do you wanna join us?" Meredith asked with a soft smile

Zola nodded and took a seat, smiled at her mom and started reading her book

"Does it hurt?" Zola asked out of the blue

Meredith looked down at Ellis who didn't seem to pay attention as she was playing with her dolls

"Sometimes yes" Meredith gave an honest answer "But it's bearable. This is the only right decision, this is the only way I could run with you again even if it will take a while now for me to adjust" Meredith said and grabbed Zola's hand and gave it a small squeeze "I'm still the same person, Zozo. I'm still your mother who loves you to the moon and back. Who would do anything for you, that didn't change" Meredith smiled at her oldest daughter

"I know mommy. I love you" Zola said before hugging Meredith

"Mom! Come look at the trick dad taught me!" Bailey yelled

"I- I'm sorry Bails. I- I can't" Meredith smiled a bit sad

"Oh we can change that" Derek ran towards her and scooped her up, bridal style. He carried her to Bailey and she sat down on the box where Derek was sitting 5 minutes before

"Wow Bails!" Meredith gasped, seeing her son handling the fishing pole "Zo, Ellie, come take a look" Meredith was so proud and for a minute she seemed to forget everything except her little family


"Cool!" Ellis yelled "Go Bails!" She cheered

"That's cool Bailey!" Zola told him as she hugged her mom again

"I got one!" Bailey yelled

"Okay bud, show us what i learned you" Derek cheered

Bailey did it almost flawless before showing of his fish and throwing it back in the water

"I'm so proud Bailey!" Meredith smiled

"Thanks mom" Bailey hugged Meredith

"You did great!" Derek said and gave Bailey a high five

"Daddy, show us too?" Ellis asked

"Now my ladies. Let's watch and learn" Derek winked at Meredith


Hours passed and they were back on their way to the house. Meredith was asleep in the car, pain meds still making her tired

"I'm gonna carry mommy to the couch" Derek announced after helping the kids out

"Can we play?" Ellis asked

"First cleaning you up. Bails, Zo, can you take a shower? I'll help Ellie" Derek said as he scooped up Meredith and carried her to the couch before tucking her in

"Daddy! I want my bubble shampoo with -vender" Ellis smiled

"Lavender?" Derek guessed with a laugh

Ellis nodded and Derek helped her with washing her hair and running the tub before they all returned downstairs and watched a movie before having dinner

It all felt normal again. Having Meredith home, spending the day as a family, even if they have to avoid busy places. Everything would be okay

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