《Million pieces》20


"Bailey, please clean up your stuff" Derek yelled as he helped Meredith to the couch "Ready for your fitting today?" He asked her as he rubbed her thigh

"Finally" She sighed

"I'm gonna get the kids ready" Derek said and stood up

Meredith turned on the tv for a bit when she heard Derek yelling again "Bailey, clean up your stuff!"

Meredith was doubting if she should go and see what's happening

"Zola, can you get yourself ready? You can read that book later!"

Meredith sat on the edge of the couch and tried to look what's happening

"Ellie, come one, please" She heard him practically begging

"Derek, bring Ellie downstairs, I'll get her ready!" Meredith yelled and after a bit she saw Derek walking towards her with a stubborn Ellis following him

"Come here baby. I'll do your hair and help you in that pretty dress" Meredith smiled

"I want a braid! A French braid!" She smiled

"Let's make a braid then" Meredith smiled and started


"Okay Meredith. I'm gonna cast your stump so we can see the right size for your temporal prosthetic" Lily said

Meredith nodded. It felt weird to feel someone else except for Derek and Callie's hands on her stump

"Any phantom pain?" Lily asked

"Not really. Sometimes just as if my foot is itchy" Meredith replied

"It can get worse with the prosthetic. The leg can also cause wounds, if that's the case you need to stop using it and let it heal, then we'll find a solution" Lily said

"I'm gonna start now" lily said as he grabbed all the stuff he needed to make the mold

Meredith sat there and felt kinda numb. Derek was sitting with her for support but she felt numb and was lost in thoughts until Lily spoke up again "Nothing's pinching you, right?"


"No, it's good" Meredith smiled a bit

"Okay, it needs to dry for now. I'll be back in a bit so we can get started"

Meredith nodded and Derek walked towards her as Lily left

"Are you okay?" Derek asked her

"I am" She smiled a bit "This will give me back the ability to walk" She whispered

"I love your spirit, Meredith Grey" He smiled wide and kissed her lips

"I wanna walk again" She sighed "I don't wanna it around all day"

"I know you do. Just a bit longer. In a couple of days your prosthetic will be ready" Derek squeezed her hand

"The robot leg" Meredith giggled

"Bailey's imagination is crazy" Derek laughed

"I'm happy Zo's getting more comfortable" Meredith whispered

"She told me that her talk with Sophie and Arizona really helped her" Derek kissed Meredith's temples

"I didn't know but it's good. I'm happy for her" Meredith held Derek's hand as they kept chatting until Lily returned

"Okay, I'm gonna take the mold off now and I'm gonna get started on making the perfect prosthetic for you" Lily smiled and finished the casting procedure and cleaned Meredith up

"Thank you Meredith. I'll give you a call when I'm ready" Lily smiled

"Thanks to you" Derek smiled back

"Can we go home now?" Meredith asked with no patience

"Should we go pick up the kids first?" Derek asked

"Maybe wait? We haven't been alone in a long time" Meredith smiled

"Are you up for it?" Derek asked concerned

"We can try. Even cuddling would be a nice way to spend our day

"I feel like therapy really helped. I'm not that flinchy anymore around unknown people" Meredith whispered

"I'm so proud of you" Derek rubbed her arm as he helped her into the wheelchair and adjusted the blanket covering her leg and stump

Derek pushed her through the hallways and she indeed did a lot better than before. She only flinched if someone started yelling out of the blue, which is very likely in a hospital but on the ferry home she feels safe as long as she's with Derek

"I wanna cuddle" Meredith said as they entered their house

"I'm gonna carry you upstairs" Derek smiled and did so

He gently placed her on the bed and joined her. They stayed in each other's arms the whole afternoon until the kids arrived home

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