《I Demand It | TAEKOOK✔》Aftertaste


"Don't look for anything in me Park, you won't find it."

The piercing words directed toward

Jimin by the older. He had gone to far with his thoughts and may have suggested things he would rather not come out. But of course, Taehyung heard. He sits alone and remembers everything that happened so vividly. The pictures flash across his sight like an old movie, and it's painful to watch.

"I feel like I should stick close to you. Whenever your blood flows through me it's like...It's like I'm complete."

"Do not think so greatly of me young one."

"How can I not? My entire being is centered around you. Don't you get that my life... my new life revolves around you. I feel like I lov-"

"You don't. So it's pointless to say."

He's so obsessed. He can't help it, it's the taste stuck on his tongue of Taehyung. The way he dressed, his whole demeanor dominated Jimins entire being. He carved the olders name onto his arm and let the blood flow until the wound healed itself.

The younger vampire snuggles into himself in bed. He hadn't gone to see Jungkook yet after the incident nor Taehyung. Jimin couldn't find the confidence to face either of them. He's pained by his desperate attempts toward the older vampire for something that he knew would be inevitably nothing. But upon all else, he still craves. He can't help but crave. He can't help but want.

Want Taehyung.


On the other end of the hall emerging from the darkness was the older vampire. He's headed toward where Jungkook settled into bed. While the king walked off into his quarters Taehyung stayed with Jimin to keep him company, which wasn't a good choice. He only did this out of courtesy since the younger vamp almost was raped, had been used and beaten. His kindness had only been mistaken, he would not make the same mistake again.

When he arrived in the room Jungkook awaited him. He was not in bed. His frame hunched over and bags clearly forming around his eyes. Had he have been crying?


The vampire decided to announce his arrival. Jungkooks appearances seems to brighten immediately.

"Taehyung? You're back." His voice wavering with low rasp. The boy had definitely cried. "Where's Jimin? I'll go check on him." He hops of the bed stumbling over his feet a few times before taking quick strides forward.


"You can't, he's resting."


Taehyung gives him a stern look.

"O-okay.." He's giving up easily alot more often. It's weird to not see the feisty king anymore, but it does help when the younger isn't always trying to test his patience. Taehyung missed it though. "I missed you."

"I was gone for like 5 hours." The vampire laughs.

"Yes I know. But it felt like forever. You're usually right beside me, how I like it." The younger is smiling hard, his teeth reaching both ends of his cheeks. The bunny shows again in such a long while. They both chuckle while grinning from ear to ear at each other and suddenly the room feels lighter.

"My bunny is back."

"He never left." Jungkook teases, but still shys away from the kiss Taehyung leans in to give him.

"He better not." Taehyung growls. Still teasing one another.

They kiss again. Starting from small pecks to deep long lasting make out sessions. The rooms mood shifts again to steaming hot lust. Their clothes are reaching the cold floor in seconds and their bodies touch again. The vampires groans layered over the youngers whimpers. They harmonise into a lovely tune, in Taehyungs opinion.

"I missed you too." The vampire grunts. He's kissing down Jungkooks chest and feathering his tongue back up to each nipple.

"I-i ne-" Jungkook begins.

"Don't speak. Stay quiet."

The vampire flips the youngers body over and pulls his hips upward in a beautiful downward dog. Jungkooks whining and moving his hips back desperately.

"Stop moving and be patient." Taehyung isn't actually being patient himself, as he's trying extremely hard not to lose focus and ravish what's beneath him. The younger is naked and exposed. He's staring at Jungkooks pink tight ring of muscle clenching on nothing but air. "Heaven and hell you're fucking gorgeous." The vampire's murmuring.

Jungkook whined more with fingers entering him and the cold liquid dripping down his leg. His head dropped to the bed as he bottomed out.

"I-i...I..please fuck me."

"Did I not say be patient?" He growls out. He's bending down overlapping himself with Jungkook and caresses the youngers jaw. He clamps his jaw shut with one of his hands. "Did I not say be quiet?"


Jungkook shakes his head quickly and moans again with the stretch of muscle inside his hole. The vampire continues to push his fingers in and out, slow and teasing that dragged across the youngers clenching walls.


The vampire groans at Jungkooks attempt to speak once more. Was the younger trying to test him or something?


Jungkook doesn't find the courage to speak anymore. He looks away from the vampires eyes as much as possible. Which wasn't much since the vampire held his face close making his back form a painfully twisted arch.

I...i prepped myself already...

"Hmm? You touched yourself?" Jungkook nods at this. "Was bunny trying to anger me?" The younger shakes his head 'no' quickly. "No? But I didn't give you permission to touch yourself. Did I?"

"B-but.." Jungkook cries.

"Aww..poor bunny...am I just being too harsh? Bunny just felt empty without me, yes?" Taehyung coos. He's teasing of course, he'll have his fun as well.

Jungkook nods again.

"A pity."

He slides himself into Jungkook without warning causing the boy to gasp. The vampire held him still while he could adjust himself at this angle. He made sure to settle deep into the youngers hole. After hearing Jungkook whine and move his hips Taehyung thrusts forward and pulls himself back and thrusts again with that constant speed, edging the younger.

"Ah..ah..ah..ah..-" Jungkook moans with each thrust of the olders hips, until Taehyung takes both hands and uses them to cover his mouth. He continues to moan aloud in Taehyungs palm, his mouth leaving a collection of drool.

"So loud aren't you? Bad bunny. Not good a following simple rules." Taehyung snarls.

"Mmnnh.." The younger muffled moans slip through the cracks of the olders palm. I-...can I..see you...please..I mis-

Taehyung flips his body before he can even finish his ranting thoughts. He leans down capturing Jungkooks lips kissing him a moment before pushing his hips in again. The vampire stops kissing the other and stares at him a while. He continues thrusting and watching Jungkooks face morph into pleasure. He's thrusting slow while deeply aiming for that perfect spot.

It's when Jungkooks back arches, toes curl and moans pitch that Taehyung knew he reached it. Something aches his heart. The vampire isn't sure what it is, but suddenly he didn't want to bruise the younger any longer. For a few seconds he felt his world shift and all he wanted to do was love Jungkook. Only.

Jungkook scratched as his back and his eyes rolled back into his head. Tears fell from his eyes and his moans escalated. He would reach his high. So Taehyung thruster faster, his fingers digging into Jungkooks waist.

"O-ohh..Taehyung!! I feel..it feels!! Mmhmm.." The younger is unable to speak once more and resorts to sucking on Taehyung skin and leaving deeper scratches down the older back, just to tell him how good he's doing. How great it feels. His face contorted into one that looks like pain far from which he is in. The kings body shakes uncontrollably and his moaning turns into screams of pleasure, gasping and whimpers.

Each thrust reaches deeper than the one before and each scream of Taehyungs name fuels him to thrust harder and faster. They quickly turn into pounding and Jungkook can't stop himself from releasing untouched.

"TAEHYUNG!!" Jungkook gasps and screams as the older reaches deeper than he had ever been. It causes him to shake and clench extremely hard. His body contorts itself into a ball to escape the consistent pleasure that intensifies by the second and his now sensitive hole can't take it.

Taehyung reaches his high shortly after Jungkook with the boys relentless clenching on his dick. He groaned and let's his head fall into Jungkooks shoulder. Then calms and listens to the youngers small whimpers that continue. He must have had such a strong orgasm after so long.

"I love you Taehyung."

And he's asleep soon after.

"I love you too" Taehyung whispers.

Jungkook awakens to an empty bed. He stretches and groans at the sun destroying his sight. Before he can get up he looks over to notice Taehyung standing by his dresser reading something. A letter. The letter. That's bad.

"I can ex-"

"What the fuck is this Jungkook?!"

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